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Chapter 4: Learning about vampires

'Here, drink this,' and god knows from where Dave pulled a small phial filled with a greenish gold liquid and made me drink it. It tasted better than it looked and had the flavor of mangoes.

'It's a vitamin pack. To give you energy. The trip had a big impact on your organism.'

Indeed, the solution worked its wonders and within a few minutes I was able to stand on my own feet, though I still needed Dave's support.

We had landed in his bathroom apparently. There was a big marble bathtub with a golden rim in one corner of the large room, which was bigger than my kitchen and living room combined. In the center of the bathroom, there was a shower cubicle which was round in shape, with a big shower head in the center. It was the first time that I had seen such a cubicle. It was meant to attract attention, like for a show. It was a bathroom made for young lovers. There was a big washbasin in front of large windows, which were opaque but allowed the natural light to get in. Next to it, there was a towel rail with one large fluffy white towel and a toothbrush holder, which carried only one toothbrush. I got the time to admire the design of the tiles as well, while waiting for my body to get enough strength to withstand the walk to another room. After making me drink the vitamin mix, Dave had actually transformed my duffel bag in a makeshift pillow onto which to rest my head. Dave came back after a few minutes, dressed in his own clothes this time. He had traded my clothes for a pair of blue jeans and a plain black shirt without any design or logo. I actually preferred him in my own clothes as it made him look less threatening. At that moment he looked to be totally in control, a man who was confident of his own power.

'You said you were a vampire? But there's so much light in here. Does it not bother you?'

He looked down at me sprawling on his floor and he smiled.

'Don't go by what those silly storybooks and movies have shown.'

He had then lifted me in his arms and taken me to another room. On the way we passed in a long hallway and the walls were empty on both sides, not even one picture, just the walls of a deep ivory color. We went in through the first door we reached, it seemed to be a sort of library if it was to be judged by the tall wooden shelves on all three sides of the wall. The smell of the old books neatly arranged on some of the shelves was comforting in a way, reminding me of the school library where I had spent so many years. There were two large leather high-backed armchairs in the middle, separated by a low table that contained one lone book, a familiar red cover greeting me.

'So, it's true, this thing about the different worlds.'

'Why, you had any doubts?' he replied mockingly. 'Read your book, I'll make some arrangements and be back soon.'

'Are you leaving?' It was hard to admit it, but I had started to feel that Dave was the only one I could trust at that moment. Everything had changed so drastically in the past few hours, all the prior knowledge that I had about life had come crumbling down and I needed his help to build a sense of security.

'Don't worry, you're safe here,' he said, feeling the turmoil I was in. He took one step to leave, but came back and ruffled my hair. It was an odd gesture, but one which brought warmth to my heart.

While Dave was gone, I wanted to explore the house in which he had brought me, but I thought against it. I didn't know what to expect of this whole new world. Curling my feet under me, I sat down in the armchair again and moved back to the page I had reached back at home. On the next page, Grandma seemed to have provided some more details about vampires.

****There are two main breeds of vampires. One seeks knowledge while the other seeks power. Those who sought enlightenment found ways to control their blood thirst and with time have become capable of mastering both hunger and thirst. In their quest for eternal truth they can go without eating or drinking for days, months or even years when they are in meditation. They are the ones who live in the upper worlds. They have the faculty to read minds.

The second breed, known as the Vetala, are those who want to gain more strength and power and have chosen the easiest way to attain it, blood. The more blood they drink, the more powerful they become. While most of them have been banished to the lower worlds, there are some who have been able to find refuge on Bhuvar. They remain in hiding, biding their time until their breed would manage to come to power. There are vampires who have also managed to stay on our planet for breeding and reproductive purposes. They are physically stronger than the other vampires and some have allied with the werewolves.

Werewolves are a different species altogether. They are subhuman, subanimal beings who are very aggressive. Traditionally set as the enemy of vampires, some live with the Vetala and share a common interest in acquiring more powers. They have become masters in disguise and many are settled on Earth as well.****

There was plenty of information to digest and in my weakened state I was feeling very vulnerable.

'Where do I come in this equation?' I asked myself. 'Where do I fit?'

'This is what I was also thinking and I went to get some answers,' Dave's voice interrupted my musing.

'So you can read minds?'

'It depends on who's in front of me and their state of mind. When people are troubled, it's difficult to understand. It's like many people are talking at the same time.'

'What about me? Am I easy to read?'

'It depends.'

'So what am I thinking right now?' I asked trying to think of my bedroom and failing miserably, instead coming with the image of him naked in my bedroom with my favorite pillow. I still remembered how soft his skin looked by the pale overhead light.'

'I'll replace your pillow,' were his parting words as he left the room.

Shit, why could I not concentrate on anything serious? I had had near-death experiences on two occasions and all I could think of was his glorious nudity?!

'You're pathetic Ash,' I muttered to myself, unscrambling my legs and rushing to follow him out of the room.

He opened another door and I went in after him so quickly that I bumped into his back.

'Ouch,' I mumbled, rubbing my nose which had borne the brunt of the impact.

'Where are you going?' he asked.

'Tell me more about you please. How do you know Nani?'

'I told you. She was a family friend and a relative.'

'Yes, but you are a vampire, so how could she be related to you?'

He looked at me with pity, as if I was a teen struggling with a basic one digit addition and he finally said, 'You'll find everything in your book. The truth about your grandma.'

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