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Chapter 3: 03

- Her phone is off or probably out of range, I already called Hanabi and she told me that Hinata didn't stop by. She is not with her father, nor at the Museum. I have been to all of her favorite cafes, the three libraries she likes to go to, the park where she walks on Saturdays, in her old studio and she is nowhere to be found - Toneri for an instant had completely lost his breath, feeling that tight chest. Supporting his hand on the chair in front of him, dejected. In apparent desperation.

- Are you sure she didn't say anything? Something that was a clue to this disappearance? - Madara Uchiha walked from side to side with her hands on her hips. The rebellious black hair with the purple tie harmonized with the rustic office with a salmon-colored wall behind you - Did you argue?

- Not! - Toneri stepped forward, jumping from his chair and looking at the window and his full view from the outside - We are fine. She was just nervous about a few things, however, I wouldn't say nervous, hm. Perhaps, reflective? It was her job, I don't know.

- Reflective, but how?

- I don't know, father! - Toneri snorted, even though the frustration was not as significant as the words that came out of his mouth - Did she look tense? I thought it should be because of all the things that are happening in your professional life. She seemed to be fine, but now it's just gone. Since yesterday, and this is worrying. In fact, this is visibly alarming! If she doesn't show up, I'll have to contact the police.

Madara's eyes widened and then smiled softly.

- Be patient - and returned to sit comfortably in his reclining chair, putting his feet on the table - Maybe it is a collapse, women have this tendency to sporadic outbreaks.

- Collapse? - Toneri shook his head, pondering - Hinata is the one focused on our relationship, if someone were to have a breakdown, it would be me. It always conveys seriousness.

- Toneri - and turned to his father. The big black eyes looked at him softly - Be patient, I'm sure she'll be back. In fact, women are a mystery. Some can be easily tamed, others ...

- I do not believe you are making this comparison again - Toneri took a deep breath - Spare me.

- Don't judge me, you know how practical I am - Madara softened her features, amused by the expression of the youngest - You don't know how to tame your bride, and you are totally desperate. Maybe she needs time alone. After all, it's your fault.

- Time alone? - Toneri gave an unhappy smile - And how are we? She could trust me ... We always share things ...

- I'm sure she won't be long in giving a sign of life. At the last Christmas dinner, when you got stressed, she did the same thing, and then came back after a few days. In the end, she'll always come back to you - Madara said, getting up from her chair - Don't worry. Relationships are like that. With five years of relationship, I thought you got used to it.

- Dad - he snarled, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to capture a peace that was impossible for him on occasion - You are not the best to give relationship advice.

- Maybe I'm not the best to be your loving guru - he laughed, clearing his throat - But, I'm sure my sex life is more interesting than yours.

Toneri gave an unhappy smile, it was always like that, it was impossible to have a serious conversation with the eldest.

- Toneri, I know - Madara touched her son's shoulder, seeing how dejected he looked - I know, that your mother and I didn't work out, but you and Hinata are different. You love each other and are sweet. I'm sure this will work itself out. Have you ever considered that she needs time to be alone? Marriage is quite a decision. Crises happen, you have been together for a long time, it was normal for this to happen. Incidentally, have the courage to be part of the Ōtsutsuki. It is quite a neura.

Madara laughed quietly, and saw how angry Toneri looked, but trying to contract with a supernatural calm.

- You again with that ...

- Toneri, I say that, because I know you - and smiled seeing how tense his son had been, sitting on the edge of the magnum table, maintaining eye contact with the youngest - You have that irremediable way, almost a prince, almost unbeatable. It's annoying how you can be so straightforward, maybe, she got upset about it. You know that Hinata is insane, in the good sense of the word. You love to be methodical, practical, calculating and rarely take a firm stand on pending situations, unless you are forced to. Be honest, do you really want to get married?

Toneri stopped to think and felt bad for thinking about something that he thought was already more than clear in his mind.

- Yes for sure.

Madara raised an eyebrow, curious.

- You want to get married because you want to get married. Or, do you want to get married for fear of losing it? - A silence deepened and Toneri was annoyed by the question. The thought of not having her around was distressing - Maybe, she freaked out with her calculating, disguised as cuteness. It is a trait of Ōtsutsuki-Uchiha to be like this. It's in your blood.

- This time seems different - Toneri murmured to himself, putting his hands in his pocket - I don't have a good feeling about that. And I rarely use my intuition.

- Do you think she's cheating on you? - Madara smiled, enjoying the idea. Although it wouldn't be bad for your plans for the universe to continue to conspire in that way - are you looking for ways to spice up your relationship? He teased, and saw Toneri breathe irritably.

- Uchiha! She would never betray me, that I can be sure of - Toneri looked shocked at the idea, widening his eyes - No. This is definitely not Hinata. And even if it were, she wouldn't know how to hide. She belongs to me in a way that you can't even imagine - and she looked down, trying to calm her thoughts - Her megalomaniacal theories about me, don't apply in this context. I am not you, father. I don't have a façade relationship, like you and Mom had for a long time.

Madara nodded, skirting the large table, with a mischievous smile. He was enjoying the direction of the conversation. Toneri was more fun when he hugged the Ōtsutsuki-Uchiha side of his blood and stopped playing the right thing.

- You look just like your mother. It is even surprising how elegantly biting you are. He knows how to hit people with words. A natural gift for concealment.

- To hell with that! - and Toneri took a deep breath, trying not to lose his composure - The matter is serious, Uchiha. No jokes.

- Don't worry, it will work - Madara laughed delightfully. He loved to irritate his son - Be a man. Go after what belongs to you. Have no qualms about achieving your goals, I always say that.

- I don't want to think about it, not for now - Toneri pondered, huffing - Let's talk about grumpy subjects related to you, Dad - and smiled wryly, I would like to return the provocation in the same currency - Obito called me, bragging about the new project of you and how everyone will be surprised by the new technology. And that I am being "an asshole" for not taking sides as the company's director.

- Your cousin is proud, you know he loves to brag - Madara said, he couldn't deny that Obito had more of his face than his son, but he had not given up on shaping Toneri. He just needed time - Even more so, he wants his job.

- If that is the concern, I have already said, that I am not a business boy, either, his right arm - Toneri said, slightly tired of all that same conversation - Do not expect me to side with the company. My only interest is with the office. And only.

- Do not undo - Madara pretended to be offended, simulating a false cry - Do not forget that tomorrow's event is a summons.

- I do not want to go. Didn't you just hear me say that Hinata is missing? He snorted, annoyed.

"It will do you good," Madara said quietly. "You are very tense. You need to be distracted. In addition, all our friends and relatives will be present.

- I don't want to know anything about this company, this family or this project. I've said it a million times.

- The project is going great, since you asked, by the way ... - the eldest said victorious, with a relaxed posture - Although I have my suspicions about the people around me - Madara felt that lately, she could only confide her ideas secrets with their most brilliant scientists: Orochimaru and Kabuto and strategize with Obito - You should appreciate yourself! The entrepreneurial blood is in your veins, and you can't change that, the company's actions are yours. And don't just think about yourself, think about your future. Whether you like it or not, you are my only son and the position in this company will end up being yours, or your son's - Madara said, biting her lips, coherently - The future is knocking on our door, but people fear innovation. The genetic recombination that we have been researching in plants, for some time, brought us undeniable fruits like nanotubes that do tissue reconstruction. As we were successful, we started testing animals with a disability, and well, I can't lie that we are doing well, much better than my calculations. Don't be boastful, I know you're fascinated, but, you're too proud to show it.

- Fascinated? - Toneri smiled in reply - Well, maybe, a little impressed. But not too much.

- You lie so much Toneri, it is shameful - Madara laughed, lighting a cigarette and swallowing it slowly - Do you still smoke?

Toneri denied, fiddling with his pants pocket. It was a fact that he had stopped his addiction. Time ago. The smell of nicotine pervading all your senses, in abstinence. Toneri swallowed, trying to focus his thoughts elsewhere.

- You used to smoke three boxes a day, and then you evolved into Cuban cigars - Madara said provokingly, with the cigarette between her deft fingers - It seems that you have converted yourself to the beautiful charms of a life without addictions. What incredible cynicism. I need a Hinata in my life, who knows, to put me on the line.

"Nanogenes, every time I hear this, I remember it," Toneri said, changing the subject completely. Madara took a deep breath, slightly suspicious - Dr. Uzumaki was a genius of biotechnology, tragic whatever happened. But, even today, I think seriously how everything in investigation is in doubt. Uncle Hashirama was very proud of him. May they rest in peace.

- Again with that, Toneri?

- Obvious - the youngest said, running his hands through his gray hair - How does a man who was at his peak, his right arm, precursor of most of the technologies that you have been developing, act in that way? She never seemed to me to be dubious. Besides, he had a family, a wife and a daughter that he was passionate about.

- You speak, as if you had been very close to him.

- Ah, that's a fact - Toneri said, with a chuckle - I never met him in person. But from the way Senju spoke of him, it was as if I knew him. I've always admired his intelligence.

Madara smirked, throwing the cigarette away.

- Dr. Uzumaki was always very discreet and modest, he never liked the spotlight. For Hashirama this was a quality, but deep down, I could sense that it was just a mask. Too bad it was as frivolous as it was. Ambition blinded him.

- Even so, the whole situation is strange. It sounds like a very elaborate conspiracy - Toneri questioned, knowing he was getting into a dark subject - Just like the disappearance of Sasuke Uchiha.

- Things change, don't they? - Cut it dry - Dr. Uzumaki, was a dear friend. Just like Sasuke - Madara snorted, trying to ward off those thoughts, her eyes reflected the glow, of something that should remain hidden - People freak out, Toneri. And you should stop talking about it, before ...

A silence lasted, and Madara stepped forward, cautious, taking advantage of the favorable silence.

- Did Kaguya contact you? - Toneri cleared his throat, not wanting to talk about it - She called me, saying she would spend the next season in Heidelberg, for some charity parade she was working on and that I was supposed to keep an eye on you. He thought he missed you, after that, you cut off contact. She looked distressed on the phone.

- Kaguya has always been capricious, it seems that I am still a child who needs care - Toneri took a deep breath, that stressed him profusely.

- Who was mourning over the missing bride? - Madara joked, seeing the boy's lustful look at him.

- Are in contact, swear? - Toneri smiled weakly, cracking his jaw, changing the subject. I didn't want to get into an argument with the eldest, not at that moment - I didn't know you were interceding for her and you were my nanny by title. Noble on your part. To someone who has betrayed you all your life, you seem like good friends lately.

The boy shook his head in denial. Madara nodded, relaxing her muscles.

- You speak as if I were the perverted villain and Kaguya had been a misunderstood holy virgin. I have already lost count of how many times I saw her in intimate moments with Tobirama in our mansion, but, this is a story for another time - she joked, seeing the boy take an uncomfortable feature. It was obvious that he knew this, and tried at all costs not to let such memories be present in his troubled thoughts - Whether you like it or not, you are our link. If I was able to make concessions, so will you, son. You know your mother. Whims and control are at the heart of it, you shouldn't be bothered. Furthermore, she feels threatened by Hinata. Who wouldn't feel, right?

- What do you mean by that?

- I mean, that there is a banal competition from both women for a space in their life. And you need to decide which one is the most important. Make a decision and deal with it.

- Spare me - Toneri rolled his eyes, ironic.

- Loving her is one of your duties. Despite the mishaps, which vividly occur. She is your mother, after all.

- Ah! Of course. You didn't say that when you spent hours arguing, did you? - Toneri said irritably, although the voice remained controlled - She said horrible things, underestimates me as if it were a toy in her hands and tries to put me against Hinata and God knows what. I got tired, dad. I don't want to see her anytime soon, and I hope she doesn't chase my fiancee. With her crazy and crazy ideas. Kaguya is sick. In fact, you two are! And I am the result of your psychosis!

- Stop. I was not acting like a child, it seems that he does not know his parents - he said firmly, determined in his arguments - Kaguya has always been ambitious and unscrupulous. Like me.

Toneri smirked, hands on hips, trying not to look adamant. He did not like to admit how deregulated the family was, and even though he tried to be calm and outside the family neuras, he could not understand and avoid the resentment, traumas and paranoias for the egocentric and manipulative attitudes in his life.

- You will always be like that, huh? - he penetrated the look in the father, who seemed to avoid in tape him - The status quo, power, influence and reputation, on top of anything? - approached, coming face to face with the father - How long will this lie of the untouchable family continue to endure, huh? You two are my shadow. I carry the shadow of the Ōtsutsuki-Uchiha on me. It's suffocating. I have faith that you can improve, that I can give you a chance to get closer. But not!

- My son - and touched his face, patting anything unfriendly on his face - You know that will never change. Not even in his most beautiful dreams - said authoritarian, easing his features in a somewhat cynical smile, sliding his hand on his shoulder - Toneri, never forget: Gaishū Isshoku. - Defeat someone with a single stroke.

Toneri swallowed, nodding. The whole sensation made him sick, at an absurd level. He shrugged, and left his father's office without even saying a word. Silence would already be all the answer he would have from you. But deep down, he couldn't deny that he was obedient to his wishes and that made him crazy. Leaving more furiously at the door than when I entered.

Toneri decided to put these thoughts out of his mind, he needs to focus his energies on finding Hinata. Or rearrange ideas for what you would do next. I felt like my head was going to explode with the amount of things I had to deal with.

And the lack of Hinata to give light to his thoughts, was what most disturbed him at that moment.


He walked to the cafeteria that had arranged to meet Sai, Ino and Sakura. Arriving at the scene, he saw his worried features ease with his presence. She greeted everyone with a smile and hugged the pink-haired one, for being a very close friend of the couple.

- Toneri, I'm glad you arrived! - Sakura kissed him on the cheek, vividly distressed - I thought it would take. I saw in the newspaper of the rain that fell in Udon, it seems that there was a slowness there.

- I apologize for not having returned the messages - He apologized, watching the waitress leave the coffee cups on the table - Fortunately, I didn't pass by Udon, but I had to see old Madara. I thought you could help me, but it ended up giving me more worries.

Sai swallowed, mentioning Madara Uchiha, remembering the comments that Hinata had already made about his father-in-law, and they seemed to reverberate in his fertile mind at that moment. The truth was, this Madara had a vile energy about him. Hinata always commented on her father-in-law's indecent attacks, covered in jokes and irony, which made her very uncomfortable.

He considered talking about it, but considered whether the matter was relevant for the moment. What if?

- If you don't mind, we've already ordered coffee and some muffins - Ino said, and it was clear that he wanted more concrete answers about the things that were happening. He exchanged complicit looks with Sakura, who seemed lost in an abstract world - Espresso and vanilla muffin with chocolate, I believe everyone likes it, don't they?

Everyone nodded and Ino stepped forward, placing a white paper on the table, with shaking hands.

- I know I shouldn't, but, I ended up touching Hinata's table to see if I could find anything and I ended up finding it - Toneri took the sheet in his hands, analyzing it carefully. Sakura and Sai exchanged anxious looks. It was obvious that they already knew what it was about, they just didn't want to have to talk about it openly, they had promised Hinata that it would stay between them. They just didn't count that Kaguya had been clever enough to get the whole situation over.

Toneri swallowed, reading and rereading the paper a thousand times.

- Here I see a list of the best clinics specializing in fertilization - Toneri said, his head slightly aching - That means…

- Kaguya went to see her this morning - Sai stepped forward, knew very well that Kaguya knew everything and if she found out that the three met to talk to Toneri, she could start chasing them too - Me and Ino we ended up listening to her talking to Hinata.

Sakura rose from shame, but she felt betrayed for not being called to listen too.

- I can't believe you were listening at the door, you gossips!

Sakura snarled and Sai chuckled yellow.

- It's not my fault if Mr. Kaguya speaks loudly. This stirs my desire to collect information.

Toneri took a deep breath, what could his mother have said to Hinata?

- And what did she say to my fiancee?

Ino swallowed, placing a lock behind her ear.

- Well, for the little we can hear - Toneri passed his hand over his face, visibly dejected - Kaguya said he knew about ... Hinata's problems and that she understood how she felt. And that she should focus on the wedding ceremony and not running the museum ... Then, I can't say how nervous I am, say what you heard, Sai.

"Kaguya said the family had expected a ceremony and an heir in the past year, but it didn't. And that Hinata needed to focus his efforts on these issues and not managing the museum, getting lost in artistic trivia. He said that Hinata's duty was to watch over your home and support you in your decisions - Sai took a deep breath, trying to search the woman's words in his mind, he couldn't deny how great the memory was - Ah, and he also said "You are weak , Hinata. And I cannot allow weak people in my family. "

Sakura opened her mouth in shock, offended by the revelations. He knew that Kaguya had a bad temper, however, he could not believe that the woman had come so low to humiliate her friend that way.

- I'm sorry, I know it's your mother, but, how disgusting! - Ino screamed, throwing an angry punch on the table. Toneri took a deep breath, rubbing his face, that situation had already gotten out of hand and he felt like crap for not protecting his lover from such a disgusting attitude on the part of his mother.

- Forgive me, I need to go - Toneri got up quickly, running like crazy towards his car, leaving the three gifts astonished.

"I don't think she could have said that," Sakura said, taking a sip of coffee, in order to synthesize the information in her head, as she watched Sai devour the muffins in an anxious way.

- When I get anxious, I eat, okay? - Sai shouted with his mouth full, taking a deep breath. Ino straightened up on the chair, biting her lip.

- Kaguya is the worst kind of snake I have ever seen - she murmured, still discredited with the whole situation - How can anyone hate Hinata like that?

- Shion ...

And the three looked at each other, as if their minds were having an epiphany.

"Do you think ..." Sai swallowed, feeling his stomach churn from eating the muffins so fast.

- I do not doubt - Sakura stepped forward, clenching her wrists - Everyone knows that Shion didn't get over the breakup with Toneri, that's obvious.

- But, they dated in college, that a long time ago. How does this crazy person feed some kind of approach with Toneri? - Ino said, discredited and Sai grimaced, it was just to mention the blonde that a priceless rage went up her spines.

- This is very obvious - Sai said, putting the pieces together - Both must be doing something. Hinata said that Shion would marry Toneri, a joint that both families wanted to make.

- For sure - Sakura said - Do you think she will appear tomorrow at the Mangekyō Foundation event?

- If she shows up, let's make sure she is plotting with Kaguya - Sai said, disgusted - And besides, I wouldn't miss this event for anything. Nor should you miss it, Ino - Sai smiled wryly - I heard that Gaara will be there - Ino blushed, slapping his friend on the shoulder.

It was a fact that the Mangekyō Foundation was one of the most important biotechnology companies in Asia, gaining a worldwide reputation and all this thanks to the effort of Madara Uchiha with her partner Hashirama Senju. Sai had a feeling he might discover much more plausible information about this Kaguya action with Shion.

- I'm worried about Hinata - Sakura said, depressed. She knew how much pain her friend's heart would be carrying at that moment - I hope she contacts us.

- Hinata is strong and determined - Ino said, hopefully - I'm sure she's fine.


Toneri never thought he would set foot in that mansion anytime soon. The minimalist decor in pastel colors with the contrast of fine gold pieces, gave an imposing look to the house. Large paintings and collectibles were arranged through the great corridors of that place.

He crossed the hall, looking for his mother, heading towards the large garden.

- Kaguya! He shouted, walking over to her. That morning had been born pleasant, although, all the employees of the house seemed boringly unmotivated. The woman looked perplexed, she did not think to see her son so soon and with an unpleasant face like that. He put down the newspaper - he read the economic column with a certain skepticism - next to the cup of green tea well concentrated, watching Toneri punch the papers on the breakfast table, bored in front of his eyes - What did you do?

Kaguya swallowed, lowering his glasses to the tip of his nose. Giving an uncompromising smile.

- Baby, I miss you. Sit down, let's have some tea.

"I don't want to have any fucking tea with you, mom," he said, resting his hands on the table. "I won't repeat it again." What did you do?

Kaguya was cynical, taking a brief sip of tea, inhaling thoughtfully. It was a fact that he hated his son's furious attitude, but he tried to remedy that. So that they could talk again.

Longing was perhaps the driving force for a furious tone on your part.

- Is that any way to talk to your mother? - Kaguya asked, with a disgusted face, feeling his heart ache progressively with that son's anger - Your father didn't talk to you, did he? They are not ways of talking to me, young man.

- Stop beating around the bush. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why did you go to see Hinata yesterday?

Kaguya tossed his hair back and motioned for him to sit. Despite all the anger in the world, he did so. Looking at her with that aggressive intensity. She gave a half smile, even though she was upset, Toneri was willing. And she loved to know that she still had that power over him.

- I can't visit my daughter-in-law? Is it banned now? - And his features were attenuated - I wanted to congratulate you personally on the success of the exhibition. Only that.

- Don't make me laugh, mom - Toneri smiled dangerously at her - You could have texted, called, whatever. Funny a visit on your part, since you can't stand it. And that, mother, are your words. I'm just paraphrasing.

"Well, I did," she said, with a winning smile. "But your fiancee didn't even see my messages or phone calls." So, I had to congratulate myself personally. A show of endless appreciation to you.

- Do not tell me, that you, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, went sweetly to congratulate Hinata, without any malicious and hidden intention?

Toneri found out, and Kaguya made a face of surprise.

- Of course I like her - she tried to be convincing, even, without making any effort to be convincing - So much so that I went to congratulate her and apologize for the little event that time - and turned to her son, seriously - Now, she You must have gossiped about me, right? For you to have appeared so furious, and speaking in that inappropriate way to your own parent.

Toneri knew there was something hidden in his words.

- You insulted her, didn't you?

- If I insulted her? - She snickered, running her tongue over her teeth - I'm not remembering, you know I'm bad at recording phrases.

- Kaguya - Toneri growled, clenching his wrists - You went to see Hinata yesterday, and after you left her office, she disappeared and I have no idea where she went. You've been upsetting her, haven't you?

- Wow, how the news runs! Surely, that daring pink-haired girl was quick to update you on the news - Kaguya exclaimed, in a flash - Your irresponsible bride and without any kind of appreciation for you, vanishes without giving any satisfaction and it's my fault ? - and gave a deep laugh. Toneri was astonished by his posture - Spare me. But, you know what. It was not for lack of warnings, Toneri! It was not!

- How can you be so despicable, mother?

- Despicable? - and his gaze became deep and spiteful - I did you a favor. In fact, I went to help her. Has Hinata already told you that she has trouble getting pregnant? Did she ever tell you that she had miscarriages? Did I tell you that the Hyūga are in serious trouble and that she will have to give up as an heiress to save her father and give her cousin the goods on a tray?

Toneri didn't seem to believe it, it couldn't be true. He took a deep breath, holding on to the chair.

- Kaguya, for all that is sacred to you. Stop bluffing!

"It's not a bluff," he said, looking into her eyes with that vile duality of hers. "You don't seem to know, do you?"

Toneri tried to formulate some phrases, but his throat felt too dry for him to say anything. Kaguya sighed deeply.

- I always have to give the difficult news - and continued - Hinata had two miscarriages. I know that, because I spoke directly to her gynecologist, Dr. Konan. I know, it was a huge lack of ethics, however, I seem the only one concerned with the direction of this family.

He took a more serious stance and a slightly more authoritative voice. Snuggling better in the feather chair.

- Hinata needs a strong female figure. Not a weakness project that was her mother. Kurenai, the housekeeper who helped to care for her, is an unbalanced and liberal woman. Hiashi, a great person, however, has always been very loose and now goes through a difficult time of illness. Hanabi wanting to live a frivolous adventure life with the young Sarutobi, who shames his family with these revolutionary attitudes. The amount of things that this girl has not been going through alone. Hiding and hiding things for yourself and for you. I felt the fervent need to intervene.

- How did you have the courage?

Toneri said in just one thread, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces, imagining how much it was not painful for Hinata, to go through it all alone. He wondered why she hadn't trusted him enough to do so.

- I realized that time, at dinner, how dejected she looked, mentally bewildered. A simple virus does not leave a woman, with excellent health like hers, in that state. I am surprised, as you have not noticed. In fact, I don't stay. My son, you have always had a lack of wisdom in these matters.

- You didn't have the right to get involved, you didn't!

- If it had not involved me, you would still be aimless - he said, with that tone of severity masked by good deeds - As always. She would keep hiding things, and you wouldn't notice. Who knows what more serious issues she could be hiding from you!

Toneri seemed lost, the words did not come out of his mouth. Kaguya touched his hand, in a kind tone. The bluish look looked lifeless.

- Mom...

- Call her and settle. I think they need some time - He smiled kindly, ironically remembering the troubled relationship with Madara - You need to give her time to think.

Toneri looked down, holding back the tears. How could he have been so blind, so impassive to the point of not realizing that situation. And when he realized, tears fell from his eyes, in a mixture of fear and hatred. Kaguya hugged his boy, feeling like this was the perfect chance to rescue his son for himself.

_Hllo _Hllo

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