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Chapter 2: Chapter II

Part I

After that beast attack incident, Zedicus clearly knew that he was not on his own world now.

"This is definitely not Philippines, not even Earth? Hmm." This is what he concluded because of what just happened earlier.

There was no such wolf with horn in the world where he's from, and definitely no magic too. It was those certain things made him think that he was now in another world.

After thinking for some time to sort his thoughts, Zedicus continue walking around to find the river. He already accepted the fact that he is in another world now.

What he's feeling now is excitement and also some uneasiness. It is normal to feel that way when you know nothing on this new and unknown world that you got transported to.

He felt excitement for he can use magic but also felt scared because of the dangers this new world holds. Monstrous Beast is one of them, Zedicus is surely will be going to meet dangerous beast and maybe some unknown monster, even some dangerous powerful people here in this new world.

As he thinks of it, he steeled his resolved and clearly readied himself for what awaits him.

Sometime have passed, while Zedicus continues walking on the forest to find a river, he also browse in his memory to try remembering some memory about magic. He have quite a lot stored in his brain.

He search methods about magic and how to control and gain access of it. He remember a few which he fully remember and is quite easy to understand. That method was from the book he read before.

In that memory, for what he remembered, magic is an art to control mana to create or shape something. That mana is like an energy which you can harness to produce something. Like what he did earlier, the blue light that shots out in the magic circle which is composed of concentrated mana essence.

That every living being is composed with mana as their soul, and when they die their soul will leave their body and then that soul will be dispersed and return to the atmosphere as mana.

So Zedicus conclude to this, magic is the art to control mana, and mana is the energy that magic controls, it is like magic is a power plant which generate electricity, which is the spells, by using primary energy, which is the mana. So all he need to do is to do is to gather mana in the atmosphere and gather it to his soul then convert it when he will use spell.

Zedicus try to remember a technique to gather mana, and he thought of that breathing technique he read from a book. This method is like meditation, well it is meditation. You need to relax your whole body and your mind to feel the mana and draw it in you.

He saw a mountain and climb to it to try the method that he remember. When he's already at the top, he sat down and position himself in a comfortable way, then he relaxed his mind and body.

After a few minutes he began to sense some white faint like energy flowing in the surroundings. He then began to do the breathing method from his memory.

The breathing method he used makes every pores in your body open and absorb mana in the surrounding like breathing air in to your lungs. But instead in the lungs, it goes to your veins and into the mana pool in your soul.

In that book it was called [Soul Energy Breathing Method], it creates a passage way directly to your soul's mana pool and it can be easily draw it out for casting spells.

Zedicus felt the mana entering his body and flowing in to his mana pool. Then a voice said in his mind [[You have obtain a skill called [Mana Sense]]. He decided to see his mana pool as he emerged deep into his soul.

He saw it, a vast ocean in a night sky reaching into the horizon.

"Whoa, is this my mana pool?" he said surprisingly.

He can't seems to understand why he had a vast mana pool. But he had no idea that when he was inside in the Dimension Rift, It was not just a brief time that he spent there.

It was a year he spent inside while being in a state of unconsciousness. The reason was because time in the Dimension rift is a hundred times slower compared to the worlds.

His body was exposed in an atmosphere which were composed of pure and high density of mana and it ended up tempering his body, like a steel on a forge. And that results on an evolution to his body and soul.

When his soul exposed in a high density of mana it absorbed the mana like a thirsty monster who didn't eat or drink for its whole life. Well it is true to be exact, given that the world that he came from lacks of mana essence in its atmosphere. That is why his mana pool can endure and absorb the sudden mana flow in his body.

It's not just for Zedicus, it is for all World Traveller who came to this world, having a vast of mana pool in their soul. That's why every World Traveller is so damn strong and is referred to as hero from where they were at.

After Zedicus saw his vast mana pool and pondered what happened, he came back to his senses and finished his meditation.

Three hours have already passed. And it was already six in the evening.

He heard a voice again saying '[[You have gained the skill [Meditation]. You can now gather mana essence by meditating]].

'That was a great news, it will help me a lot when I ran out of mana' he thought.

Then Zedicus opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

"Ah, what a beautiful sunset" he said.


Part II

In the Great Forest of Amihan,

A small human village can be found. It composed of one of the human native tribes know in the forest and is called the Lakas Tribe. They were the human race called Hagibis.

Their known by their strength and speed. Their legs were a bit longer than their arms to back their agility. With a quick footsteps and strong strike they manage to survive in the Great Forest of Amihan. But that's only for the physical strength, the downside was it was hard for them to control magic higher than the second tier.

They can only use up to second tier magic spells. That is the reason why they hid themselves in the forest, because they can't compete against the other humans who can control magic higher than the second tier.

Lakas Tribe was only one of the few Hagibis tribe in the Great Forest of Amihan. It consist only 300 people on their tribe population and only a hundred of them are hunters and fighters and the rest was tribe members with little of fighting strength. Datu Dakila was one of the Fighters of the tribe. He's the chieftain in the Tribe.

Datu is attached to the name of the chieftain of a tribe, so Datu Dakila's name proves that he is the leader. He is a great man with unshakable Pride and Honour. He is also a great warrior and is the strongest in the Lakas tribe.

Datu Dakila sits on his chair for tribe chieftain and began his announcement.

"A few days ago, there was a magical disturbance near the northwest side of the Great Forest of Amihan, which results for a sudden earthquake" he loudly said with an [Voice of Leadership] Skill for every member of the Tribe to hear. It was only a second tier spell so there were no problem at all. The tribe members respond calmly and understood the cause of the trembling early afternoon.

Then the Chieftain continued "Not only the earthquake is the cause of the magical disturbance earlier, but it also cause the nearby monster to react wildly to that and now running wild near our Tribe perimeter. We are sure of that because just a moment earlier, our warriors patrolling the western side of the tribe territory saw four Shadow Wolf running from the northwest of the Great Forest of Amihan".

The tribe members was shocked of what the tribe chief just said.

They were aware of the danger the Shadow Wolfs brings, it was strong and agile too like this tribe member. But those wolf can control a dark lightning energy that can momentarily paralyse its target then use its sharp claws and fangs to kill it. It can also use shadow steps to hide in the shadows of its pack members.

"What shall we do now Chieftain? How do we hunt now if there were Shadow Wolf running wild out there?" said by one of the tribe member.

"We will form the hunters into a team consisting of five person. Each team will limit their hunting area near the eastern and southern side near our territory only. Each one per team should have a second tier caster that can use the [Heal Wound] so that you will be able to heal your group when needed" he said towards those hunters of their tribe.

"Also, we might not know but may be some other monster fled in that direction. Those dangerous Spirit Bears who mostly lived north of the forest might have fled too, but it's just a small chance and still a danger to consider" said by the Maharlika Warrior Captain Simar.

Captain Simar is a Maharlika, a Warrior Class which can be compared to a Strength of a Class-A Monster.

"We can't fight those head on because Spirit Bears can cast magic spell on a second tier too" said by the one of the Lakas Tribe Hunters called Talim.

"It will surely be dangerous if that happened. That Spirit Bear can cast a spell called [Savage Roar] which can inflict mental damage effect that can make the mind of those affected of it momentarily confusion and hinder the casting of spells and can also interrupt remove debuffs and minor illusion spells up to the same tier of spell they can cast" Talim continued.

The other tribe members has a worried look on their face because of what they heard. Their race weakness is magic because they're not adept on manna and only have a small mana pool. So monster with higher magic tier spell than them will be hard to fight.

"Well that will just be in case, there were no sighting of them yet near our hunting area, also those Spirit Bears will be from north so it is a slim chance for our hunter to encounter them "said by the chieftain Datu Dakila, reassuring the members to not be afraid.

"We must begin hunting on the south which the opposite way so to ensure that no Spirit Bear to encounter" said by Captain Simar. He then assign the groups who will be hunting.

After the captain assigned the groups he speaks to the groups that will be hunting today.

"You guys will be hunting today until before the sun sets" Captain Simar said.

Talim was one of those chosen to hunt today. He is one of those who can use the skill [Heal Wound] that is needed for healing the minor wound I battle. Only few members of the tribe hunters can use [Heal Wound] because it belong to a second tier magic spell and is quite hard to learn given that they have a small amount of mana pool.

"Yes, Captain!" the hunters said in unison. And they prepare their equipment and went to hunt.


Part III

After wandering around for half an hour and killing some beast on his way, Zedicus found a river ahead. There he decided to wash up a little since he's covered in sweat and dirt.

After that he collected some woods that drifted from the riverside to make a camp fire. He tried casting some fire magic because he already know how to sense mana and can now manipulate it.

He tries various things from what he did earlier, like the mana shot from the wolf. He remembered the heat from his palm and tried to do it again.

He concentrated his mana essence and vibrate it fast to create friction from it, then it results a small fire appearing at the woods on the camp fire.

"[[Notice: You have created a skill called [Ignite], you can now enable to cast it as a spell]]"said by the voice.

'Yes! Now I can do fire magic' he said to himself while looking at the ignited camp fire.

Then he went in the water to tries to catch some fish to eat for dinner. Of course he had a hard time catching it at first, but then he tried to manipulate mana and create a string shape and carefully make a net out of it. Now he had obtain a fishing net out of mana.

[[Notice: Obtain skill [Mana String], and also by waving [Mana String] many times you have created the skill [Mana Net] and can be casted as a spell]].

Zedicus was surprise at the voice in his head as it notify him of his new skills.

"So I can make skills by doing something trivial like that?" he said while he thinks of it surprised.

He was simply playing with the mana he control with his imagination and didn't expect to create a skill out of it.

"Well, it's much better if magic can do that. It will be easier for me to hunt food now" he thought as he cook the fish he caught on to the fire.

He took a bite on the fish he cooked and it taste bland. Well it is because he didn't have any salt to put on the fish so it taste plain.

"Tasteless! If only I have salt" he said as he eats the fish to full his empty stomach.

'Better than nothing' he thought comforting his sad appetite.

A moments later, while he's eating away the tasteless fish, he suddenly heard a scream from somewhere near.

"What was that? Is that a voice? A person?" he said while looking from the direction where he heard the scream.

He was quite happy to hear a voice who's not from a beast roaring.

He then go to where the scream heard and a few minutes he heard some roar and shouting nearby. When he got where those sound originated, he saw five person fighting against two beast that look like a wolf who attacked him early afternoon and the other one looked like a bear something with a spike like blade in its shoulder and a pointy ears, the colour of the bear is a dark brown with a dark green on the neck part and its elbows to its claws.

'What a frightening beast' he thought.

As Zedicus gasp in surprise, one of the person looked at his direction and saw him standing there gasping.

"Dear Sir! Are you an Adventurer?" the person looking at him shouts and ask him that.

"Huh? Me?" Zedicus asked back.

"Yes! You! Are you an Adventurer or are you from another tribe?"

"Tribe? Adventurer?" Zedicus thought to himself while still looking confused.

"Please help us, we need help killing those two beast!" that person said to him in a pleading tone. He looks at what's happening now and he sees their situation.

The person who he's talking and asking for help was barely standing and seems heavily wounded. While the other four were seems the same but still managing to fight the two beast.

"It seems they are quite in dire situation" he said to himself.

"I should help then" he said then he walked towards those four fighting the beast.

He prepare the spell he just created earlier by the river and shouts to those four who's currently engaging in battle with the beasts.

"Step aside now!" he said and those four looked at his direction and saw a magic circle forming in his palm. They instantly back off and Zedicus release the spell.

"[Mana Net]!" he release the spell towards those beast and it caught the Spirit Bear but the wolf evaded it.

"You're quick huh, you little dog. Try to dodge this then" He said then cast a spell multiple times.

"[Multiple Mana Shot]"

Then it shoots towards the Shadow wolf and one of the spell hit it to the head and died.

"Nice shot!" he said to himself as he successfully shot the spell to the Shadow Wolf.

The eyes of those five person who watched him easily killed the Shadow Wolf were so wide because of shock.

Then one of them saw Zedicus engaging the Spirit Bear.

"Did you know what the spell he casted earlier at the Spirit Bear?" said by one of them

"It seems like a net made out of mana? Do you know recognise that spell, Talim?" the person looking at the Zedicus walking towards the Spirit Bear.

"It seems similar to the minor spell [Bind] we use to catch rabbits and dear. It also doesn't look like that because [Bind] can't be seen physically like that" the person which is called Talim explained to them and then he cast a spell to heal the wounds they got from fighting those monsters.

"Yeah, it is different. The one that we use surely can't bind a big target like that for a long period of time" the other person said.

While they are talking Zedicus get near to the Spirit Bear and prepare to cast [Ignite] again when the Spirit Bear use its skill [Savage Roar] and seems to interrupt his casting of the spell.

He was quite surprised about it. But it only interrupted his casting, there were no debuff on his mind so he just re-casted again and also increased the mana output on the spell, because he was pissed off on what the bear did earlier. He was surprised on the effect of the spell.

'[Notice: Your acquired a new skill by increasing the mana in the spell [Ignite] creating the skill [Combustion] and now enable to be casted as a spell]]'

The voice in Zedicus said while he cast the spell to the Spirit Bear, burning it to death.

'So the spell gest stronger the more mana you put on it?' he thought.

After he killed those beast, he walked towards those five person which is looking at him with shock in their faces.

"What's wrong? Are you guys okay?" he said when he got near them.

Four of the group assumed a fighting stance and seems is ready to fight anytime.

"Hey stop that, he's not an enemy. I asked him for help earlier" said the remaining one who Zedicus spoke earlier. Then those four stand down but still remain in their guard.

"Thank you Sir, for your help. We are in debt with you" said by the person that he spoke with earlier. Then he bow his head as sign of respect and gratitude, also the other four bowed to and said their thanks too.

"No need to thank me, I ought to help when I see someone needed it" he said politely while waving his hand gesturing they don't need to lower their heads.

"Thank you Sir, by the way. My name is Talim, and this four are tribe member of the same as mine" he pointed those four and they said their respective name to Zedicus. The one in the right called Sipa, the one beside him called Domeng, then those two on the left side of Talim who seems to resemble each other was called Ginto and Pilak.

'They must be brothers' thought by Zedicus.

Then it is his turn to introduce himself.

"You can call me Zedicus, nice to meet you" he said while smiling. Well he meant it because those five where the first person he saw after he got here in the New World.

"Are you an adventurer from one of the kingdoms near the Great Forest of Amihan?" asked by Talim towards him, it is because what he wear was different from any Tribe who is residing in the forest.

"Ah. Well, I came from far away" he shortly answered.

Well, Zedicus doesn't know what to say because he doesn't know anything or anywhere in this New World.

And he isn't lying either because he really is from far away, but much further.

"Is that so, well if you are not in a hurry and it seems you don't have somewhere to stay for the night, why don't you come with us at our tribe to spend the night there instead here on the wild?" Talim said to Zedicus.

Those four also nodded because they know how dangerous it is to stay here at the wild when it is night and dark.

"Well, if that is ok with you guys, I won't refuse. Thank you." Zedicus replied.

After tiding up their things and healed their wounds, they went on their way to the Tribe were Talim and his group resides.

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