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Chapter 29: Meeting team 7

[Sure, Yami.] says Alfred as Yami appears back in a familiar place.

'Take me to the Naruto world.' Thought Yami as he begins to teleport and appear in front of an image. When Yami touches it, a familiar screen comes up. The ability screen.

Searching through the choices, Yami decides to firstly pick sage body, so that he can instantly enter sage mode.

'Alfred, tell me what other things can be useful in this world.' Thought Yami

[Well, you technically don't have all Dōjutsu yet. You are missing a few like the Jougan and like the golden Byakugan. Also you don't have the golden Rennegan on your palm, so there's that. You could though unlock them pretty easily. Ill explain it to you later. Next on the list would be some kind of boost to your talent or affinity. So you could get that pretty easily. That makes 3, so you can get one last one.] says Alfred

'Can I save the last one for later? Or do I have to use it now?' Questioned Yami

[Both work.] answer Alfred

'Then save the last one for later.' Says Yami

{*Ding* Complete. Rebirth or Transmigration?}

'Do transmigration this time. Send me to before Jiraiya died. Send me to Konoha and put the age on my body the same as Naruto's. Do it after the time skip but half way through the journey that Jiraiya makes to the hidden rain village. And if possible, try to get me to join team 7. Also change my appearance. I don't want to be accused of looking like Sasuke.' Says Yami

{Affirmative. Get ready host. Enjoy!}

A dizzy feeling suddenly comes over Yami as he falls unconscious. When Yami wakes up, he finds himself in a bed.

'Where am I?' Questioned Yami

[You are in the hospital. To be more specific, in Konoha's hospital. The reason why your were dizzy was because you were transmigrated for the first time. And on top of that, you wanted to go to Konoha, so the system thought it was best to injure you and make a Konoha shinobi help you there. Hence the reason of you being unconscious. In this version of the world, they use Japanese, so would you like to imprint the language into your head?] questioned Alfred

'Yeah, do that.' Thought Yami as a whole new language appeared in his head.

'Also Alfred, before I forget, can you make the life force to points automatic. I don't want to wake up every day and have to do it.' Thought Yami as he starts to get up

[Consider it done] said Alfred

'I guess ill wait here.' Thought Yami as he started to go through his memories

'Ah! Alfred, can you tell me how much energy is needed to activate my Dōjutsu?' Thought Yami

[Ok. Put a 1/100 of your energy into your eyes, and it will automatically activate your Sharingan. Then do 10/100 of your energy to unlock your Mangekyo and Eternal. Then half of your energy to activate the Rennegan and Renne-sharingan, and finally put all of your energy to unlock the Origin Dōjutsu. But before you can unlock your Origin Dōjutsu, you need to do the process again, but for the other eyes. Byakugan is 25/100 of your energy and 90/100 of your energy is Tenseigan. The others is...] continued Alfred until he had covered every Dōjutsu besides the ones on the hands, the Jougan and the Golden variation of the Byakugan.

'What about the others?' Questioned Yami

[Those are a bit special, so ill tell you after you have unlocked everything.] said Alfred as Yami started to unlock all of his Dōjutsu and refill his energy.

'Done. Now what?' Questioned Yami with his sky blue Sharingan eyes.

[Ok, so for the Golden Byakugan, just put coloured contacts.] said Alfred

[Just kidding!! You need to merge the Yin part of your energy, or in this case, Yin, healing and light energy into your Byagukan. Sadly, the Byakugan and hand Rennegan are the only Dōjutsu that can take the Yin energy, and all Dōjutsu cant take Yang, so that's that. All the Golden Byakugan does is the same as the original Byakugan, but lets you also see emotions, and if trained properly, it could see into the future a little bit. It also grants small control of golden rods the size of a staff. Basically its the Truth seeker orbs but golden and weaker. There is also a Tenseigan version of this, but you shouldn't worry about that any time soon.

Next, the Jougan. Also known as the truth eye. It's easy to get, you just need to fuse the Sharingan, Rennegan and Byakugan. After that, add some space energy and also some soul energy, and you will get the Jougan. You can wait on this for a while since it will need cloud control level.

Next, the Red Rennegan on your hand. To get this, you need to take some chakra out of your Renne-sharingan and put it on your hand. Now, you would be able to activate the red Rennegan on your hand. Keep in mind it wont have any tomes.

Moving on, the golden Rennegan on your hand is the same as the Byakugan. Add Yin, healing and light. There is no upgraded version of this. The abilities it grants is all or the Renne-sharingan and Rennegan abilities in that eye, plus you will now be able to absorb all energy's instead of Chakra. Also, you can now absorb nature energy and natural elements, like water and wind not made from any energy.

Also, by using most of the chakra in the eye, it can turn back time on your body, healing any injuries, including if the eye was stabbed. Momoshiki didn't get the time to even use the golden Rennegan, or even activate the Golden Byakugan, so he wasn't able to win against Naruto and Sasuke.

As far the Golden Tenseigan, you will need much more energy reserves to even attempt it. If I were to give an estimate, it would probably be around 100 times your energy capacity.] explains Alfred

'Ok then. Ill get the Red and Golden Rennegan plus the golden Byakugan. Ill get the Jougan next as it seems the easiest, and ill get the golden Tenseigan last since it is the most difficult. By the way, how powerful would the Golden Tenseigan be?' Questioned Yami

[Its imbetween the Origin Dōjutsu and the Golden Rennegan, which is double the power of the Renne-sharingan. So its the 2nd most powerful, with 1st being the Origin Dōjutsu and 3rd being the Golden Rennegan. Jougan being fourth and so on.] answers Alfred

'Ok' thought Yami as he activates his Golden Byagugan and his Red & Gold Rennegan.

'I sense people coming.. But what name should I do..? I guess ill go for Uchiha. I could probably learn some Jutsu while I'm here.' Thought Yami as he got back in bed and pretends that he got up.

The person enters the room and looks shocked.

[Who are you miss?] questioned Yami

[AAHH!! THERES A GHOST!!] screamed the lady as she started to run away.

'Why.. Why did she say I was a ghost?' Questioned Yami

[Well, the injuries would have killed you if not for your immortality. In fact, you died, but your immortality revived you. They just didn't see the part of you reviving and only saw the part of you dying.] says Alfred

'Then how come I'm not in a grave?' Questioned Yami

[You were supposed to be carried by that woman to the grave yard.] says Alfred

'Great. Now I cant simply explain things normally.. ill just say I have a unique bloodline along with the Uchiha.' Thought Yami as he sensed another woman coming.

When the woman came through the door, she looked at the patient bed and was shocked

[How are you alive!?] the woman said. The woman had a good upper and lower body and also had a diamond mark on her forehead. This was Tsunade.

[What do you mean?] questioned Yami

[You died!] said Tsunade as she walked up to Yami and started to examine him

[Not a reanimation... what happened?] whispered Tsunade to herself

[So, are you going to introduce your self?] questioned Yami

[AH! My name is Tsunade Senju. What's your name?] questioned Tsunade

[My names Yami Uchiha.] Says Yami as he avoids a punch coming from Tsunade

[All the Uchiha's are dead. Stop lying.] says Tsunade in a slightly angry voice

[Does this prove it?] questioned Yami as he activates his sharingan.

[How come its blue then?] questioned Tsunade again

[Im a half Uchiha, and the other half of me is something else, that if you knew, you would probably die.] says Yami bullsh**ing.

[Now, what's going to happen?] questioned Yami

[Well, first of all, where did you even come from?] questioned Tsunade back

[Are you going to always question?] said Yami as he goes in for his own punch, much faster, and on par with the punch he was nearly hit with. The punch landed on her face and she was sent into the wall, leaving it cracked.

[Well, ill leave you here for now. Bye.] says Yami as he stands up and heals Tsunade on his way out. Tsunade, seeing this, rushes to him and tries to knock him unconscious. Tsunade lands the punch, but no damage was dealt. Not even a scratch. Feeling this, Yami starts to get angry and activates his Mangekyo while saying :

[I give you an intch and you take a mile. How rude.] says Yami as he uses ultimate Genjutsu to make it seem like she was being tortured for an hour. Not much to Itachi's genjutsu, but it was being held back, thus being 1 hour instead of 3 days.

[Well, time to change some memory.] said Yami as a white stick grows out of his hand. Yami hits it on Tsunade's head and leaves. He changed the memory so that now, he followed her to her office and they talked there. So, he scanned the Hokage office and knocked out the Anbu. He then put Tsunade on her chair and put the Anbu back in position. When he was done, he clapped his hands and they all waked up, as if seeing a nightmare.

[What was I talking about again?] questioned Tsunade

[You told me that I can go to the Uchiha residence to live there. And you agreed to put me in team 7.] said Yami, jogging the false memories that Yami put in her head.

[Ok then. You will meet your sensei and team 7 on training ground 3 tomorrow at 1:00pm. Dismissed.] says Tsunade as Yami starts to walk out of the room. When he is out, Tsunade tells the Anbu to follow him and keep him watched, which they nod to and start to watch him.

'She really doesn't trust me, even after changing her memories.. I should change it later.' Thought Yami as he goes into an alley and teleports of before the Anbu could catch up with him. Yami teleports to the Uchiha residence and starts to scan the place. He finds the libary, the stone tablet, and a hidden room that he cant fully sense.

Heading to the hidden room, he enters and immediately finds an old man hovering over 6 black balls.

[Who are you?] questioned Yami, fully knowing who this person is.

[I am Hagaromo Otsutsuki. The sage of 6 paths. This room is only accessible to the chosen one that has the potential to become stronger than me. Become my chosen one.] says Hagaromo

[No thanks. You are too weak.] says Yami as he starts to walk out

[Wait!] says Hagaromo as he pulls back Yami with his Rennegan. Feeling this, Yami activates his Renne-sharingan and stares at Hagaromo

[Let go.] says Yami as he starts to walk back to Hagaromo until he is face to face with him.

[Do that again, and ill kill your soul.] says Yami in a cold voice, enough to leave shivers in anyone.

[Wh-who are you really? How do you have mothers eyes?] questioned Hagaromo with a little fear in his tone

[I'm Yami Uchiha. That's all you need to know.] says Yami as he reads Hagaromo's memories and leaves

'Who knew that the Uchiha had such a thing.. Alfred, do you know what he was going to give?' Questioned Yami

[Yes, apparently, the chosen one has the heart and power of a right and just person, plus they are an Uchiha, well in this case its the Mangekyo Sharingan. You fit all of these categories, so he was going to live inside of your body like a tailed beast and give you his chakra, meaning you would of have gotten the Rennegan and the sage body.] explains Alfred

'But those are useless to me, since I already have them, right?' Questioned Yami

[Yes and no. Yes, since you already have them, and no because it could have been strengthened. Any Dōjutsu above the Rennegan would have been doubled in strength and the sage body would be able to store sage chakra, so you would be able to have a back up of sage Chakra in case you somehow lose your sage mode.] answers Alfred

'Then I should try and get it?' Questioned Yami

[Your choice I guess.] says Alfred

'Then, ill go back and change his memories.' Thought Yami as he teleports back and quickly changes his memory to him accepting.

[So now what?] questioned Yami to Hagaromo

[Ill give you my Chakra, so you can get the Rennegan and the sage body.] says Hagaromo as he starts to inject chakra into Yami. When Hagaromo was done, Yami teleported away quickly before he could put himself in Yami.

'Now that I feel it, I feel stronger, and more complete. Why do I feel more complete though?' Thought Yami

[Thats because you are getting more complete. If we were to put you in a scale of 0% - 100% on how much you have completed in this realm, then its 60%. There are 3 known realms. The mortal realm, where we are, the God realm, and lastly the Origin Realm.] Explains Alfred

'How much percent did Hagaromo give me?' Questioned Yami

[5%. Also, before you start to ask, he cant just take his chakra back, as he actually merged it with your soul. The only way he can actually get it back is by eating your soul, but that would be impossible as it is roughly the size of the sun. As for the power ranking you are in this world, it would be in 10th place.

3-9 spots are the Otsutsuki clan. The second being a human who was able to merge sage Chakra and normal chakra, then mutate it until he got ki. If we were to put his power level on numbers, it would be 900. Exactly on par with Beerus.

The strongest person is actually another Origin Dragon, except that this time its better than the last Origin Dragon. There's really no use for these Origin dragons, besides their bloodlines, but you already have the Origin Dragon bloodline at its best, so there really isn't much to do with the dragon.

Anyways, lets talk about the future. Naruto and Sasuke would be tied at 6th place, but when together, they can beat the 3rd place person. Boruto is in fifth place in the future, and he is tied with Kawaki in their prime. Together, they could beat the 2nd place person. Sarada would be in seventh while Mitsuki in sixth. Also, the person in number one place would be you.

That about sums it up I guess.] explains Alfred

'Question! What is Mitsuki's sage mode?' Questioned Yami

[Its actually a mixture or the toad, snake, and slime sage mode. The modes aren't actually merged, so that's the reason why the colour is green. But if the modes were merged, you would have a toad sage mode colour under your eyes that is white while your eyes will also be white. It's not like the Huuga though. It's more like a really really light blue and white mixed together. It's more like the modes are co-existing with each other, instead of merging with each other.] says Alfred

'Then what sage mode would my sage body have?' Questioned Yami

[Well, instead of the modes co-existing, it would actually merge, so it would be like the earlier description.] says Alfred

'That makes it easy. Now, what am I going to do?' Thought Yami as he re-enters the Uchiha state and seals off where Hagaromo is. After that, he heads to the library and starts to copy every Jutsu with his sharingan. After he is done with that, he heads to the stone tablet and sees a small chakra on it. It is black Zetsu's chakra. It appears he had modified it, as whenever someone try's to read the tablet, black Zetsu would know their age and what type their eyes is.

Seeing this, Yami absorbs the chakra and continues to read the stone tablet. Nothing really importent on it, as most of the things on it are a lie. Leaving, Yami starts to search the house-hold and finds a suitable room. He cleans everything in it and starts to sleep while thinking of a few things.

'Man, its just been one day and yet I have already become much stronger and have changed 2, no 6 peoples memories including the Anbu.. What a dra- wait, I'm in the Naruto world now, I cant copy lines anymore.. Well, time to sleep.' Thought Yami as he controls his brain to put him to sleep.


Yami wakes up in the morning and snaps his fingers, changing his cloths to a black shirt with both the Royal Saiyan symbol on the front and the Uchiha symbol on the back. He puts on black shorts with another small Uchiha symbol on the bottom right side and some shoes that match the shirt and shorts.

He then starts to eat breakfast. When he is done, he starts to head to training ground 3. On his way there, he got many stares because of how handsome he is, even though his Charisma is pretty much fully sealed. Arriving there, he sees a blond haired teenager with another pink haired teenager.

[Are you Yami?] questioned Sakura with a small blush

[No, I'm just some dude working for the Hokage to tell you that you got bills to pay.] says Yami with a plain face, which makes Naruto panic

[Just kidding. I'm Yami. Who are you guys?] questioned Yami as he spreads his senses everywhere through the village, trying to find kakashi

[HEY!! I don't have that much money, ya' know? You gave me a heart attack!!] says Naruto

[OH NOOO!! Quickly!! We need to get Tsunade!! Quick, lets go!!] says Yami as he drags both Naruto and Sakura to the direction of the hokage office. When he arrives, he quickly jumps and appears at the window of the hokage office and starts to scream

[LADY TSUNADE!! Naruto had a heart attack!! HE'S DYING!!] says Yami in a (Fake) panicked voiced while making hand signs

[NANI!!! GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!] says Tsunade, getting what Yami mean

[wai-wait guys, I'm fine..] says Naruto a bit dizzy

[But I thought you had a heart attack?] questioned both Yami and Tsunade at the same time

[I didn-] but before he could talk, Yami interrupts

[I think he is finally going crazy!! I made a joke and he said he had a heart attack!! Rush him to the hospital, you and you!] says Yami as he points at 2 anbu's surprising both the Anbu's and Tsunade

[Just joking. Hehe] says Yami

[HEY HEY!! I COULD OF HAD BEEN CUT OPEN!! DONT DO THAT AGA-] but before Naruto, once again could stop complaining, Yami throws him back to training ground 3 and starts to walk back there with Sakura.

[So, what's your name?] questioned Yami

[Sakura. Do you want to go somewhere? Kakashi-sensei wont be coming for a few hours.] says Sakura with a bigger blush than before

[Why should we go somewhere when he is right there?] questioned Yami curiously as he pointed to a white haired man eating ramen while reading a book.



[KAKASHI-SENSEI!!] says Sakura, nearly popping a vain

[AHHH, A FLAT DEVIL!!] says Kakashi, scared as he looks where he heard his name

[You better run, kakashi-sensei] says Yami with a small smile as he boosts Sakura to kakashi. But he had no time to spare, so he quickly left without taking either his book or paying for his ramen. While they are running away, Yami goes to the ramen store and start talking.

[How much for that ramen?] questioned Yami

[500¥] answers Aname

So, Yami puts his hand in his pocket and makes 500¥ appear, and he gives it to her.

[Also, could I have a Miso Ramen? I heard the ramen in this place is the best.] says Yami, handing another 500¥.

[Coming right up!!] says Aname

While she is cooking the Ramen, Yami picks up kakashi's book and starts to read from the start

[I can see why kakashi is addicted to this book. Too bad the Auther is going to die soon.] whispers Yami to himself, which gets heard by Aname, who is serving him ramen

[How is Jiraiya going to die?] questioned Aname

[Oh, he's going to die in a mission against someone with the Rennegan. But, you shouldn't know yet, as that would ruin everything.] says Yami as he erases her memory

[Well, time to eat!] thought Yami as he began to eat the Raman for a good 10 minutes, enjoying every single bite.

[WOW!! It really is the best! Well, I got to go now, so bye!] says Yami as he takes the book and starts to run towards training ground 3. When he arrives there, he sees Sakura being held back by Naruto, who is trying to stop her from hitting kakashi

[Yo, guys.] says Yami as he makes a small salute


[Fine fine. Just stop screaming, you are going to break my eardrums, like a few Saiyans.] said Yami, whispering the last part. Yams disappears and reappear's behind Sakura and gives her a neck chop, which makes her fall unconscious. After that is done, Yami grabs her head and uses a water jutsu (water command) to wake up Sakura

[Hey, Sakura. Wake up. Kakashi-sensei has arrived.] says Yami

[No, I brought him here.] says Sakura on the verge of exploding

[What do you mean? We met then you decided to fall asleep until Kakashi-sensei arrives. Did you have a dream where you found him or something?] questioned Yami as he pulls out a book out of his pocket and sneakily gives it to kakashi, who has his thumbs up, still not realising that he was the one that got him caught in this situation

[I guess I really did have a dream..] thought Sakura as her anger fades away and a small smile appears on her face.

[Well anyways, what is my test going to be, to get into team 7?] questioned Yami

[Usally, you would just do a mission with us, but lets keep it simple this time. Get this bell from me, and ill let you pass.] says kakashi as he puts a bell on his belt. Seeing this, Yami look around and find a small rock the same size as the bell.

[Ready, start!] says kakashi as he stays still. Seeing this, Yami picks up the rock and shows it to him.

[I win.] says Yami as the rock suddenly got replaced by the bell

[Well, nice to have me.] says Yami as he starts to walk away while throwing the bell back to kakashi

'I should get up clones soon. Ok then, its decided.' thought Yami as he ran to his house and made 2 clones. They both nodded before disappearing.

'What should I do now? I guess ill practise my walking skills.' Thought Yami as he teleports somewhere over the ocean and starts to walk over air. Getting bored quickly, Yami makes a few million clones and they start to learn air walking easily. Dispelling them, Yami starts to walk on clouds, but ends up getting bored again, so he gets a few million clones again and does it in a few minutes. He dispels them and makes another few million clones that go and try to walk in the atmosphere. It took an hour to get it down, as they could mix up walking on air, clouds or the atmosphere itself.

Dispeling the clones, Yami decides it was enough for today and left a few million clones in space while he goes to sleep. The next day, team 7 is called to the Hokage office. Yami takes his time walking there and when he is in, he ignores everyone and walks to the hokage office casually.

[Sir, you cant be here.] says a lady behind the counter

[I was called to the hokage's office. How come I cant go?] questioned Yami

[Team 7 were called there.] says a different lady behind the counter

[I joined team 7 yesterday. I'm pretty sure they are going to make it official today.] says Yami as he continues walking to the hokage office. When he is there, he knocks on the door and enters.

[Hey guys, what's going on?] questioned Yami

[We were about to tell them when you came in.] says Tsunade

[Ok, go on.] says Yami simply

[Jiraiya is dead.] saying this, Tsunade couldn't help but have a little tear in her eye

Wanting to confirm this, Yami spreads his senses around the world and what does he find? Jiraiya alive.

Using his manger you sharingan as a cover, he starts to talk

[He isn't dead.] Yami says simply

[And how would you know?] questioned Tsunade getting really angry

[Its my special ability. Clairvoyance. I can see distant locations by imagining who or where they are. This time, I picked Jiraiya. If, as I heard before, he was in the middle of the ocean, then I would only see blue or black. But what did I see? I actually saw him sneaking in to a cave with reverse summoning. Jiraiya is only a front this person is using.] explains Yami

[Well, either way, you wont be able to find him, because if we were to scale his power.. it would be weaker than mine, but definitely stronger than Madara's.] says Yami

[And how are you stronger than Madara?!] questioned Tsunade as she nearly breaks the table.

[This.] says Yami, activating his Rennegan, which surprises the toads there

[Tha-that's the sages eyes.. The sage of 6 paths eyes, the Rennegan..] explains Fukasaku

[Dont compare me to that low-life. Anyways, let me tell you a story of the sage of 6 paths. The sage of 6 paths, other wise known as Hagaromo Otsutsuki, had 2 sons. Indra and Asura. Indra was the older and smarter brother. He developed hand signs, and even had the sharingan. He was an Uchiha.

The other brother, Asura, was the younger and more naive brother, but had a better heart, he was a senju. They grew up and when they were around 18 years old, they were sent on a mission to choose who will be the successor of Ninshu. Otherwise known as ninjutsu in todays age.

Both the brothers had the same mission. Help a village in the need of water. The older brother, quickly found water and left. The younger brother took a much longer time, but still was able to find water. The younger took a year long while the older only took a few days. Asura returns back and he is decided as the successor of Ninshu.

The village that Indra went to ended up destroying themselves over water. Indra, wanting power, killed his 2 best friends, only friends, and obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan, while Asura got the sage of 6 paths chakra. Both the brothers went to war and continued fighting to their last breath.

But even when they died, they reincarnated and continued their fight. The latest fight is in between Madara Uchiha, who is Indra, and Hashirama Senju, who is Asura. The reincarnates this time is Sasuke Uchiha, who is Indra, and Naruto, who is Asura. If Sasuke can get some of Naruto's chakra, he will awaken the Rennegan. Anyways, that's irrelevant.

Just before Madara died, he put Izanagi on his left eye, meaning he would of have revived. He also took a bit of Hashirama's flesh, earning him both Hashirama's cells and chakra. It was only late in Madara's life did he awaken the Rennegan.

Currently, Madara is dead, but his eyes are in Nagato's. Their plan was to use Nagato to revive Madara, and collect all of the tailed beasts, so they can merge them all and make the Juubi.

Its really a shame. If I didn't exist, he would of have become the Juubi jinchuriki, but he would of have still died. Well, with that out of the way, no more need to hide secrets, I guess?] explains Yami as he starts to give back all the memories he took from them

[Well, Tsunade, ill see you in the war.] added Yami as he starts to go to the hidden libary, where all forbidden scrolls are kept. Making a few dozen clones, they go in and copy everything before anyone could understand what he said. He then starts to spread his senses and appears at Mt. Myōboku and starts to absorb the Nature energy. Yami was able to enter sage mode easily, so he wondered why his clones weren't, so he started speaking telepathically, while dispersing all of his clones in space, making Yami be able to walk in space.

'Hey clone 1, how come its taking you so long to learn sage mode?' Questioned Yami

'I already learnt sage mode, its this old snake that wont let me go until I do their snake art.' Thought clone one

'Just dispel yourself when you have expelled all of the sage energy out of you. Clone 2, do the same as well.' Thought the original Yami as he does the same. After a few minutes, information on how to enter both snake and slug sage mode enters his mind. After a few minutes of mix and matching in his head, Yami was able to merge the modes, getting a new kind of sage Chakra. Storing it in his sage body, he finishes and starts to leave to an island far away from the shinobi areas. Entering there, Yami attempts to activate his tailed beast mode.

'Before I try entering my tailed beast mode, Alfred, what is my Mangekyo Sharingan abilities and my Rennegan ability?' Questioned Yami

[Your Mangekyo ability in your right eye is separated into 2 parts. You can see a persons future, and the second part is to see when and how that future came to be. Your left eye also is separated into 2 parts, seeing a persons past, and by exhausting half of your energy, you can change most of their memories.

Your Rennegan ability has 3 parts in you right eye and 2 parts in your left eye. The right lets you use the surrounding energy to turn your body back in time, effectively healing wounds. The other part is gathering energy into your eyes, so you shoot them out like laser beams, or replenish your own energy. The last part is by gathering energy into the enemy, be it sage or normal, until their chakra capacity is overloaded. As for the left, it lets you control both time and space, which is comparable to 100% in merged. That's all] explains Alfred

'Ok then..' thought Yami before starting to experiment with his tailed beast mode.

'You ready, Subete?!' questioned Yami

[As always!] says Subete

When this small talk is done, a dark, aqua clock covers Yami as a giant dragon with 50 wings and 25 tails appears. Yami activates his Mangekyo and starts to use Susanoo, which succeeds. After that, Yami tries to go into True Chaotic DL form, which also succeeds, giving a sky blue aura. Once that is done, Yami screams the name 'Saiko' and a sword appears on the giant body.

'Success!' Thought Yami as he tries to think of a name for this mode

'Lets see.. How about True Susanoo Tailed beast mode, since the sword isn't really counted as a transformation, unless..' thought Yami as he begins to try and use his divine gear to boost his strength, which succeeds.

'Now, this is Divine True Susanoo tailed beast mode, and if I were to add sage mode, then the name would be Divine True Sage Susanoo tailed beast mode, as it will include everything.' Thought Yami as he deactivates this mode and starts to rest in his inner world.

[Alfred, can you get me to the time in the war?' Questioned Yami

[Sure.] says Alfred as the screen to view the outside world changes to that of shinobi clashing.

[Get me to when Madara is reanimated.] says Yami, which Alfred does.

[Now, lets fight!]

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