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Chapter 1: The Beginning

In the sterile confines of a secret Vought facility, Zen and his sister Jane lived their lives under constant scrutiny. White walls and fluorescent lights were all they knew, their days filled with endless tests and experiments.

"Jane," Zen whispered, gripping her hand tightly as they walked down the cold, lifeless hallway. "Promise me you'll always be with me."

"Of course, Zen. I'd never leave your side," Jane replied, her voice laced with an unsettling mix of devotion and possessiveness. Her eyes flickered, revealing the fiery determination that burned within her.

For years, the siblings had lived in this bizarre reality – monitored, studied, and treated like lab rats. They were valuable assets to Vought, unique specimens with powers beyond comprehension. But sometimes, those powers didn't play well with others.

"Jane, we're just going for a test it will be fine," Zen tried to reassure her. He could sense her tension rising, her protective instincts kicking in.

"Zen, don't forget what happened last time," she warned him, her voice trembling.

How could he forget? The nurse, a young woman with dark hair and a gentle smile, had approached Zen for a routine check-up. As her fingers brushed against his arm, Jane's jealousy had flared, her super strength surging out of control. In one swift motion, she had ripped the nurse's head from her body, leaving a gruesome sight in her wake.

"Jane, you can't do that again," Zen pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "We have to find a way to control our powers. Otherwise, they'll never let us go."

"Zen, you know I can't stand other women touching you. You belong to me and only me," she murmured, almost seductively. Her grip on his hand tightened, as if to emphasize her point.

"Jane, it's not about possession. We're family. We need to protect each other, but also learn to trust others," Zen argued, although he knew his words were falling on deaf ears.

"Trust?" Jane scoffed. "The only person I trust is you."

Their conversation was cut short as they entered the examination room. A team of emotionless scientists awaited them, their eyes hidden behind thick glasses and sterile masks.

"Let's try to get through this without any incidents, shall we?" one of the scientists suggested, his voice cold and detached.

Zen nodded, though he couldn't help but glance nervously at his sister. Her eyes burned with a mix of defiance and possessiveness, a dangerous combination that could easily be ignited at any moment.

"Please, Jane," he thought to himself. "Just let this go smoothly."

"Sit," one of the scientists commanded, gesturing at a metal chair in the center of the room. The sterile walls were lined with various observation equipment, and a small cage sat ominously on a table nearby.

"Very well," Zen muttered, taking his seat and trying to ignore the rapid beat of his own heart.

"Today's test is simple, Zen," the scientist began, opening the cage and revealing a frightened cat inside. Its fur stood on end, sensing the tension in the air. "We want to see if you can follow orders, regardless of your personal feelings."

Zen's brow furrowed as he looked at the helpless creature. He had always been fond of animals, their innocence and purity a stark contrast to the harsh world they lived in. But he has to do this to protect Himself and his sister.

"Kill the cat," the scientist said coldly, watching Zen intently for any signs of disobedience.

For a moment, Zen hesitated, his mind racing with turmoil. But eventually, he steeled himself, knowing that defiance could result in severe consequences for both him and Jane. With a deep breath, he reached out and snapped the cat's neck, ending its life quickly and painlessly.

"Good," the scientist nodded, scribbling something on his clipboard.

As Zen stared at the lifeless body of the cat, he was suddenly overcome with an inexplicable desire to consume it. It was as if every fiber of his being craved the taste of its flesh, yearning to absorb its essence.

Driven by an insatiable hunger, Zen tore into the cat's flesh, devouring it with abandon. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, and he couldn't help but feel a strange satisfaction as he consumed the animal.

"Zen!" a scientist shouted, shocked by his actions. "What are you doing?"

As he swallowed the last morsel, Zen suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through him. His senses sharpened; the sterile scent of the lab intensified, the flickering lights above became almost blinding, and the vibrations of hushed voices reverberated in his ears.

"Something's...different," Zen stammered, overwhelmed by the newfound sensations. "Everything is...clearer."

"Describe what you're experiencing," the scientist demanded, intrigued by this unexpected turn of events.

"Everything is heightened," Zen explained, his voice trembling. "My senses... They've never been like this before."

"Remarkable," the scientist muttered, scribbling notes on a clipboard. "It appears that consuming the cat has granted you its traits – enhanced agility, perhaps even its speed. We'll call this newfound power 'cannibalism.'"

"Is this...permanent?" Zen asked, dreading the implications of his new abilities.

"Only time will tell," the scientist replied cryptically.

Jonah Vogelbaum entered the room, a sly grin spreading across his face. "I always knew there was more to you, Zen," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "And now, we finally understand your true potential."

"Years of testing, experiments—finally, it pays off," Jonah continued, pacing back and forth. "You and Jane, both extraordinary subjects. Imagine the possibilities..."

"Extraordinary? Is that what you call us?" Zen spat, anger bubbling within him. "We're just lab rats to you!"

"Control your emotions, Zen," Jonah admonished. "You'll learn to appreciate your gifts in time."

"Gifts?" Zen thought bitterly, his fists clenched. "These are curses, not gifts." But he said nothing out loud, knowing better than to challenge Jonah further.

"Return to your room," Jonah ordered, waving a hand dismissively. "We have much to discuss, and more tests to run tomorrow."

The door to the testing chamber slammed shut behind Zen, plunging him and his sister into the sterile white hallway. Jonah Vogelbaum followed, eyes alight with anticipation.

"Zen, your newfound power," Jonah began, his voice filled with equal parts excitement and curiosity, "it's fascinating. And Jane, your abilities are just as remarkable—super strength, flight, durability, and laser eyes."

Jane's lips pulled back in a predatory smile as she flexed her fingers, the memory of her earlier display of power hanging heavy in the air.

"Indeed," Jonah continued, "you two are a perfect match. Together, you can achieve great things, perhaps even beyond our wildest dreams."

"Is that all we are to you? Weapons to be wielded?" Zen snapped, his heart hammering against his ribcage.

"Zen," Jonah said, his voice dripping with condescension, "you must understand the potential here, the possibilities that lie before you. Embrace your gifts."

"Gifts? Is that what you call them?" Zen's thoughts raced, anger and fear warring within him. He clutched at the edges of his humanity, desperately trying to keep it from slipping away. But he bit his tongue, swallowing the bitter words that threatened to spill out.

"Enough for today," Jonah declared, his gaze flicking between the siblings. "Return to your room. Get some rest. Tomorrow is another day, another opportunity to unlock more of your untapped potential."

"Come on, Zen," Jane murmured, looping her arm through his as they turned down the hallway. Her touch was gentle, but possessive—undeniably so, as if reminding him that she was the only one allowed to be this close.

As they walked, Zen's mind churned with the information given to him. He could feel the weight of Jonah's expectations bearing down on him, as well as the unsettling knowledge of his own abilities. His stomach roiled at the thought of what he had done to that cat—what he might be expected to do in the future.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked softly, her voice barely audible over the hum of the fluorescent lights above them.

"No," Zen admitted, the word catching in his throat. "I don't know if I'll ever be okay again."

"Whatever happens," Jane whispered, her grip tightening around his arm, "we face it together. You and me, Zen. Always."

And for the first time since they had been locked away in this cold, sterile facility, Zen found a shred of comfort in the darkness that surrounded them. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, holding onto each other as the last bastion of hope.

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