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Mōryō positioned all of its tentacles and prepared itself for a long range attack while at the same time, also creating darkness to engulf him and hence rob him of his sight so that it could easily capture and then kill Yaichiro.

"Here I come Mōryō!" declared Yaichiro and then performed the necessary hand seals.

<Uzumaki Hiden Technique: Thousand Branched-Adamantine Attacking Chains>

He then lunged forward with all of his chains positioned in the form of a budding flower, brimming with Miroku's pure chakra.

"Die! You insignificant bug!" roared Mōryō and then the dark entity sent all of its tentacles fully immersed in the darkness created by it towards Yaichiro to finish him off.

All of Yaichiro's chains laced in Miroku's Pure chakra cut right through Mōryō's tentacles like a hot knife through butter. The chains then further proceeded and shredded Mōryō into Nothingness. As Mōryō's life force started vanishing due to the effects of Miroku's pure chakra, it found itself unable to regenerate and thus it begun to disappear from existence. Realisation dawned upon Mōryō and it screamed in fear and terror, "Nooooo! It shouldn't be possible! I am Mōryō born from darkness to rule over huma.....".

It was all Mōryō managed to say before he ceased to exist.

"Nooooo! Lord Mōryōooooo....!" howled all of its followers.

"It can't be.....!"

"This is not possible.....!"

"This is a Lie...!"

The followers of Mōryō were in a state of panic, they couldn't believe it but it still had happened, there lord has been defeated, the unthinkable had happened, somebody had managed to end their mighty lord's existence completely. The followers were in a state of shock, they still couldn't believe it, they were despairing over the loss of their 'Lord', when suddenly darkness burst out from their bodies, subsequently killing and ending all of them in the process.

All of the darkness leaked from the bodies of Mōryō's followers rose upward in the sky and combined together, then took the form of the 'face of Mōryō', it screamed and then dispersed in the atmosphere. Thereafter, all of Mōryō's Ghost Army one after another started to self destruct.

"It's finally over! Miroku-san! Mōryō is dead!" said Yaichiro in a voice full of confidance.

"Yeah! I guess it is! It's all thanks to you Yaichiro-san! The Land of Demons, this world and I will forever be indebted to you for getting rid of the threat of that accursed demon Mōryō." replied Miroku with happiness. She doesn't have to sacrifice herself anymore to stop Mōryō, she could live with her daughter without any worry. She won't have to pass on this burden to her daughter to stop demons anymore like how her ancestors had passed on this responsibility to her.

"It's nothing! It's the least I could do for you and the Land of Demons for taking care of me and my father in our hard times." replied Yaichiro earnestly.


On the way back to the palace after their victory over Mōryō, out of pure curiosity Yashiro couldn't help himself but ask a question, "Ummm! Haha... if it isn't much trouble for you priestress Miroku, could you please explain me the history between your clan, Mōryō and his followers...?!"

Miroku concurred with Yaichiro's request and started the explaination, "Ok! I will explain it! The history between Mōryō and my clan is very complex and it goes way back to the Warring States Period... During this period of constant warfare, it is believed that negative emotions were at it's peak and from the depths of people's sins, malice, malignance and malevolence; Mōryō was born. And just like the source of its origin, it was born with evil and twisted beliefs, and under their influence, it somehow came to the conclusion that it had been born from the darkness, solely for the reason of creating a One-thousand year kingdom and rule over humanity. With each passing year, it became stronger and gained more and more prowess. In time, it started enticing desperate people and ensnared them into his loyal followers. These people under the influence of Mōryō's powers turned into dark demons and started terrorizing and destroying the human settlements near it and thus, this land began to be known as 'The Land of Demons'.... At that time, two clans resided in this region, and more than often came into conflicts with each other, they constantly battled each other for supremacy, they were known as the Miko and Yomi Clan. Eventually, the Miko Clan started gaining upper hand over the Yomi Clan and started threatening their very existence. Taking advantage of the fear and weakened state of the Yomi Clan, Mōryō offered them power in exchange for loyalty and summoning it to the Human World. The Yomi Clan being desperate and in need of help to save themselves and their existence agreed to Mōryō's demand and promised to summon it to this world if they gained an upper hand over the Miko Clan with its prowess. Mōryō agreed to the deal and then granted the Yomi Clan a fragment of its power. With their newfound dark prowess, the Yomi Clan decimated the Miko Clan but some of them survived and fled the Land of Demons. The survivors of the Miko Clan somehow learned about the sinister plans of Yomi Clan to summon the Dark Demon Mōryō into this world, so they then informed all of the other nearby residing clans about it. In response, the nearby residing clans united together and defeated Yomi Clan and stopped their sinister plans altogether. During this confrontation, some members of the Miko Clan got infected with the powers of Mōryō and, this power and their own chakra somehow combined together and mutated. The mutation granted them many abilities like to instantly seal away dark demons, peer into the future, produce pure chakra, etc. Since then, the Miko Clan had taken upon themselves the responsibility to never allow the Yomi Clan to succeed in their evil intentions and summon Mōryō into this world, eventually, the Miko Clan became the guardian and later the ruler of this land. Ever since, the ancestors of the Miko Clan had passed down this sacred duty to each of their descendants and each of the Miko Clan leader had successfully completed this sacred responsibility until my failure. Me and my daughter Shion is the last of the Miko Clan. If it isn't for you, I would have died today to seal away Mōryō, leaving my daughter Shion alone in this world and with no choice but to pass on this burden to her. But because of you, the threat of Mōryō is no more, we and this land can live happily forever without the threat of the appearance of dark demons. Thank you! Thank you once again!"

"No! There's no need to thank me! It's ok! As I have said I am forever indebted to you and this land for helping us in our hard times. No matter how many times I help you I won't ever be able to repay you...!" insisted Yaichiro.


The battle was over for almost a week. The danger of the dark entity Mōryō over this world is gone forever. All of Mōryō's followers had also died following the death of their master Mōryō, the doom of humanity. Mōryō will never return to haunt/terrorise the Land of Demons with it's dark demons ever again.

The warriors who had fought valiantly alongside their priestess are still celebrating the defeat of Mōryō, and why shouldn't they, that demon had always terrorized their land and had constantly hung over their head like the perpetual sword of Damocles since the times of Warring States Period. But now it is over, their lands will never be roamed by unfortunate-humans-turned-demons, they are safe, atleast from the attacks of demons; as for their neighbours, well one can never be sure of anything, treachery is well established practice in this world but presently, it is a time for celebration.

Everyone was celebrating except for Priestess Miroku. Recently, she had seen a series of visions and after properly arranging them, she had came to the conclusion that a spiky yellow-haired, whiskered-marked and blue-eyed child will become the saviour of the Uzumaki Clan. No doubt, Yaichiro will be overjoyed and very thrilled at her precognition.

But it had been very confusing cause she couldn't understand why she had seen such a vision. Because normally her visions are related to prediction of someone's death, never about some savior or crap like that. This was the first time she had experienced something like this and the only reason she could think of for this happening is probably related with the destruction of Mōryō. Hence, she is contemplating on how to explain all of this to Yaichiro.


"Ahh...! Yaichiro-san! You are here! I was waiting for you for quite sometime. I don't know whether what I am going to tell you is going to make sense to you or not but it's something I think I must tell you." said Miroku with a little bit of hesitancy.

"What is it Miroku-san?" asked Yaichiro in a little bit of confusion cause normally she is an upfront kind of person.

"One day ago, I have seen a series of visions about something related to the Uzumaki Clan. And no it wasn't about someone's death. It was about a boy who will eventually become the saviour of Uzumaki Clan." said Miroku in one breath.

"WHAT!!?" yawped a startled Yaichiro and he froze.

It took him some time to reorganize his thoughts and properly process Miroku's word, then he frantically asked, no, more like demanded her, "Are you sure?! Are you saying that you saw the saviour of my clan in your vision! How does he look? Where will I find him? How will he save my clan? Will he save only our clan or will he save our homeland also?...." Yaichiro continuously babbled on and on, asking question after question, until the priestress Miroku interrupted him, "Yaichiro-san! Please calm down! I myself isn't entirely sure of it. I don't know if my visions related to your clan's saviour were valid or not. I have never seen visions like this before. Up until now, my visions were always only related to premonition of someone's death not about some sort of Saviour. So I am not sure whether they will come true or not?!"

Yaichiro slacked a bit at her response and then gave some thought to her words and then all of a sudden asked, "Are you sure that those visions you saw were really visions not some hallucinations?"

"Yes! They were visions, of that, I am totally sure of it." replied Miroku confidently.

Yaichiro smiled at her reply and once again said in a voice full of excitement and enthusiasm, "Then they were true. Please tell me about it in full details!"

She had never expected that she will ever see Yaichiro this excited, happy and full of life in her life before. And how can he be happy when he had witnessed the brutal death of hundreds of his own family as a child, no less. The brutality and cruelty of the shinobi world never ceases to amaze her. The Uzumaki Clan wasn't a joke, it used to be a very powerful clan but they were also a tad bit naive and too trustworthy. If only they would have trusted themselves instead of blindly trusting Konohagakure for their safeguard, they might have survived their destruction and would have been a prosperous nation instead of a graveyard, full of bodies and rubble.

"Why are you so confident about my vision?" asked Miroku curiously, she couldn't help it.

"Because my father always used to say to never doubt your vision and besides I don't have anything else to do to define my life before this moment and you know there's a saying, 'drowning man catches at straw'. Haha... Your vision has gave me the hope, something to define my life, something to strive for, for which I have trained all of these years and I am gonna cling to it even if it turns out to be a lie. Hehe! So, Oh Great Priestess of the Land of Demons, Will you please tell me about your vision in detail!!?" said Yaichiro dramatically.

"Haah! Oye Yaichiro-san! You are being too dramatic! Okkk... Let's see... The saviour of Uzumaki Clan is a boy around seven to eight years old. He is a spiky blond with blue eyes and three whisker-like fox marks across his cheeks. He has cream complexion and happy face. And from what I can conclude from my vision, you will find him in a shiro-built fortress which is located in the centre of a volcanic area on a triangular island, akin to a kunai shape. After that my vision sent me very far in the future in a island full of red heads and prosperity. That's all. The rest I wrote in this scroll in a very detailed description. Here take it Yaichiro-san." said Miroku and then she handed over the scroll to Yaichiro.

At first, Yaichiro couldn't help but wonder just how many places he has to scrutinize in this world to find their saviour and on top of it, the said saviour is a blond not even a red haired one. But as soon as she had said fox like whisker marks, he understood. This shiro-built fortress must be located somewhere in Land of Fire and the saviour must be related to the granddaughter of Ashina Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, most likely her son turned into the current Jinchūriki of the mighty Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. But still he had his doubts since normally a spawn of the Uzumaki Clan had to possess the dominant trait of red hair yet their prophesied saviour had Blond Hair. And this island is probably the Land of Fire's infamous prison. He couldn't understand why a child of seven to eight years old is sent in that infamous prison but the most likely reason he could think of is that it has to do with that brat being a Jinchūriki. He had seen how the other hidden villages treat them.

He doesn't have a choice anymore, he had to broke his father's rule and visit the Land of Fire to infiltrate that accursed hidden village 'Konohagakure' to find out about the whereabouts of their supposed saviour, not to mention, also the information on Konoha Strict Correctional facility.






"That's how I learned about you and started searching for you throughout the Land of Fire. I somehow managed to infiltrate Konohagakure and found out about your predicament, the prejudice of the people of the supposed model hidden village against you, your history, background and many more things. Then I planned and infiltrated this prison as one of it's gaurds. And here I am standing before you." finished Yaichiro cheerfully.

"Uncle Yaichiro! Do you... Do you also think that I murdered them... those two members of the Uchiha Clan?" asked Naruto, his face downwards and his blond bangs covering his eyes.

"No! Naruto! I never believed a single thing those villagers said. I know you are innocent." replied Yaichiro immediately with utmost sincerity.

"Thank you! Uncle Yaichiro! For believing in me!" Naruto said a bit teary eyed but with a smile. Yaichiro again hugged Naruto trying to comfort him.

"Uncle Yaichiro! Can I ask you some questions!?" asked Naruto.

"Sure! Shoot them! And Naruto! Listen carefully you don't have to ask for my permission to ask me something. I am your Uncle not your teacher." replied Yaichiro sarcastically.

"Hehehe...!" Naruto laughed in embarrassment. It was all a new experience for him. He doesn't have ever known how to behave infront of family since he never had one to begin with and he also lacks the equities of social interaction due to the isolation forcefully imposed upon him by the so called noble populace of Konohagakure. And since, he doesn't want to made anymore bad impressions on his uncle cause he had already made one in the beginning, that's why he asked for his uncle's permission. He doesn't want to lose him. He wanted to represent himself as a good boy infront of his uncle.

Speaking of bad behaviour, "Umm... Uncle first of all, I am sorry for the vulgar words and bad behaviour in the beginning. I didn't mean to said those words to you. You see in the recent times I am really stressed and then you suddenly showed up and attacked... uhhm... I mean grabbed my head so all of the pent up frustration took over me and I kinda lashed out at you. So once again I am sorry." Naruto bowed in apology.

"Ok! Ok! You don't have to butter me up! Ask the questions already!" said Yaichiro cheerfully, happy to find out that Naruto is a good boy.

Naruto nodded and asked, "Uncle! You look way different than the Yaichiro shown with that Priestress Miroku. Why is that?"

"Cause I am currently using a special kind of Transformation Technique to look like Shiro, one of the prison gaurds, who's place I have taken. That's how I managed to infiltrate this fortress and reach your prison cell so easily." replied Yaichiro.

Naruto nodded and asked his next question, "What was the name of this special Transformation Technique?"

"It called Uzumaki Cursed Fūin Spell Formula: Curse Transformation Jutsu. A transformation technique that can't be undone until I will for it to dispel. My father and I have developed it after doing rigorous and extensive research on a secret technique passed down in the Land of Demons called Shadow Mirror Body Changing Jutsu."

"What is Shadow Mirror Body Changing Jutsu?" asked Naruto.

"As I have said before, it is a secret technique passed down in the Land of Demons. It allows the user to alter their appearance into anybody but unlike a regular transformation, this variant is permanent, with purportedly no way for the user to return to their original form. Before initiating the technique, the user must set up the area with patterned circle symbol. After performing special hand seals while standing within the prepared area, the technique will activate: ribbons of light extend out from various places on the user's body, covering them completely as they transform the user into what they desire, including any necessary items such as the suitable attire. However, the user's voice does not change. Priestress Miroku was kind enough to offer this technique to us for our own protection since we Uzumaki are used to be hunted down like animals by the other nations after the invasion for our secret fūinjutsu techniques. My father accepted it but instead of using it, he researched it for years until I helped him perfect his research and we managed to create a new technique called Uzumaki Cursed Fūin Spell Formula: Curse Transformation Jutsu. Unlike the Shadow Mirror Body Changing Jutsu, our Jutsu wasn't permanent, it had all the qualities of its parent Jutsu with the added bonus of being able to revert back to their original form." replied Yaichiro in a humdrum kinda voice.

"Right!" said Naruto still furrowing his eyebrows and a face implying that he had lost the conversation with Yaichiro a long time ago. Yaichiro laughed in response while ruffling Naruto's hair and said, "Don't worry you will eventually get it. Now next question!"

Naruto nodded and asked his next question, "Why didn't anybody used that branched chain Uzumaki technique during the invasion? I didn't see a single one of them use it. It looked powerful."

"It's a technique I invented recently. That's why nobody was able to use it during that...." finished Yaichiro with a hue of sadness.

Naruto nodded again and asked the next question, "Uncle! It's already way more than fifteen minutes so what are you going to do about it? The prison gaurds, by now, must have surrounded us for all we know. How are you gonna escape from their clutches? Are you gonna fight them and use your supercool chains?" Naruto was very curious to find out more about his uncle's prowess. He was very interested to find out everything about him. Surely, one who can invent a jutsu that awesome and can also destroy an ancient demon all by himself must be really really strong.

"Well it has been almost nine hours by now. So that means nine minutes has passed in the outside world so I still have six minutes to escape, so you don't have to worry about me." replied Yaichiro.

"What?! How!?" exclaimed Naruto in surprise.

"In here within my jutsu time moves differently compared to the outside world. One hour in here is equal to one minute on the outside world. This is the speciality of my Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mindscape Creation Seal." said Yaichiro proudly and then resumed, "Although the only reason I can use it on you is because you're special(Jinchūriki)."

"I am Special!?" asked Naruto in excitement.

"Yes! You are very special! Afterall you are our saviour! Aren't you? The saviour of the Great Uzumaki Clan, Uzushiogakure and the Land of Whirlpools." said Yaichiro earnestly.


*Uzumaki Cursed Fūin Spell Formula: Curse Transformation Jutsu

After performing a special set of hand seals, the technique will activate: Cursed marks will spread out from various places on the user's body, covering them completely while their body glows as they transform the user into what they desire, along with any clothing they might be wearing or tools they may be carrying, completing up the transformation. Once the technique is done, the transformation is complete, it turns the user into a perfect duplicate of the targeted individual as even the copied person's allies won't be able to tell the difference and ninken would not smell a different scent. Users can only be identified as fakes if they doesn't act like the person in whom they have transformed.

However, the user's voice does not change hence, they have no choice but to adjust their voice on their own while using this technique. Moreover, the transformed user can retain the appearance of the person they were impersonating even after unconsciousness or receiving fatal injuries, reverting to their true form only after the sealing technique was voluntarily released by the user. Upon releasing this technique, the user is enveloped in bright light.

It can be used by the user to transform others forcibly too. But there is a limitation in the use of this technique, the user cannot use this technique to transform into an animal, plant, or inanimate object.

*Ninja Art: Shadow Mirror Body Changing Method

A technique passed down in the Land of Demons, it was used by Taruho to alter his appearance into that of Shion.

Before initiating the technique, the user must set up the area with patterned circle symbol. After performing special hand seals while standing within the prepared area, the technique will activate: ribbons of light extend out from various places on the user's body, covering them completely as they transform the user into what they desire, including any necessary items such as the suitable attire. However, the user's voice does not change.

Unlike a regular transformation, this variant is permanent, with purportedly no way for the user to return to their original form.

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