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"They perform the dirty works for Konoha. They carry out the missions which were unethical and against the moral values of Konoha but still greatly benefit Konohagakure."

Naruto nodded, "So who do you think would have done the deed of killing my grandfather?! Afterall it was unethical and against the moral values of Konoha!!"

"It was Danzō's Foundation. Those bastards! How dare they? It's because of them I lost everything! It's because of them that Uzushio got destroyed." Yaichiro slammed his hand on the table angrily, cracking it a little bit.

"You must not be angry uncle! Anger reduces intelligence as well as harms the ability to think logically! Don't do anything rash while gathering information on that organisation. Remember what is at stake. We cannot afford to do any mistake. Our death means the end of Uzushiogakure and the Uzumaki Clan." Naruto requested Yaichiro.

"Anyway since Danzō have the Sharingan, obviously he is going to come after me for the Nine-Tails. I need a protection against genjutsu. I also need to learn about the Sharingan as much as possible."

"Then we should use the Fudō Myōō and Genjutsu Dissipation Method on you. It will help you a lot against any kind of genjutsu nephew!"

"I was also going to suggest that uncle!" Naruto replied to Yaichiro. Those jutsu will help a lot. They are the best defence his clan have invented against all kinds of genjutsu.

"How many Uzushio Shinobi are in your contacts uncle?"

"Just eighty-five out of the hundreds that have escaped the destruction and genocide. Out of them fouty-six are from the Uzumaki Clan, nineteen from the Tatsuguchii Clan, fifteen from the Arainami Clan and the rest are from the Fujita family."

"So you have only managed to find only twelve more of the survivors in the last eight years." Naruto gave a disappointed look to his uncle. He thought better from his uncle.

"No! I did find sixty-nine of the survivors but fifty-seven of the survivors turned to civilians lives or left the group after becoming strong enough to survive on their own."

"Where are they now? Where did you helped those who turned to civilians lives settle down? What about those who left your group?"

"The who turned to civilians lives, I helped them settle down in Land of Iron. It was a remote area and Shinobi generally avoid it so it was good to settle down without the risk of being found out and hunted down by Hunter-nins. Those who left the group, I have taught them the Uzumaki Cursed Fūin Spell Formula: Curse Transformation Jutsu. It will help them a lot in hiding from our enemies, besides I have used the Uzumaki Fūin: Tracker Seal on them. It allows me to monitor their exact location in the World Map Scroll, they are shown as a 'Red Dot' in the scroll at all times. So if they ever comes across trouble I can reach them anytime I want using the 'Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Seal of Teleportation' technique to help them out."

"Ohh! What about the group that is still in contact with you?"

"Nowadays, we have settled in a village known as Shangri-la located in the Valley of Lies. Many knew the name of this place but nobody knows about it's exact location. It is located deep within a mountain range and is specifically built to avoid notice. The village was built in a cave in the side of a mountain, the village's structures being carved from the mountain itself; because the cave had been expanded in order to accommodate the village, a large tree was planted in its centre to support the mountain's weight. No roads led to the village in order to avoid attention, meaning villagers had to scale the mountain on their own. Although I use the teleportation technique to travel to and from the village. The river that runs through the valley produces a pleasant aroma whenever the water levels rise, which the residents of Shangri-la use as a medium for genjutsu: the genjutsu makes Shangri-la invisible to visitors to the valley and otherwise leaves people with positive, cheery feelings. This genjutsu is quite complicated, requiring that several villagers constantly weave the hand seals needed to maintain it from time to time. It's an amazing hiding place."

Naruto nodded, "Maybe I should visit this place. It could help me in practicing Genjutsu Disruption."

"That won't be easy nephew. The village wasn't built by us. It was built by a Criminal Warlord. He uses this place to provide security to those with bounties on their heads who wanted to live their lives without worrying about being pursued by bounty hunters, in exchange those who resides in this place has to do certain works for the Warlord like assassination, smuggling, etc. He doesn't provide residence easily."

"So it is a village full of criminals! Huh?!"

"Yeah! But nobody really knows anything about the other residing there or their past that's why I chose that place. I and some other Uzushio Shinobi do the Warlord's missions in exchange for the protection, that's how I started working in the underworld. We have our own small compound there!"

"How do the villagers hide their identity?"

To achieve this, villagers use the Transformation Technique to change their appearance and avoid thinking about or even discussing the past. There were few enough villagers that everyone knew everyone else - a useful way of identifying visitors and therefore possible threats - but nobody knew what anyone looked like without the Transformation Technique."

"Then I don't think it will be a problem if we use the Combination Transformation Jutsu to take your transformational identify in Shangri-la. Once we are inside the compound I don't think it will be a problem."

"Another brilliant idea! We could definitely use that technique but are you capable of using the Combination Transformation Jutsu?!"

"I just have to practice it. I already have the necessary chakra control and theoretical knowledge to perform it. Why do you keep asking such stupid questions uncle? You do know that I cannot use any jutsu. Remember! You haven't taught me any Ninjutsus in my training."

"Yeah! Haha!" Yaichiro scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

{{{A/N: In the anime since Yaichiro died fighting Mōryō so nobody came to rescue the Uzushio Shinobi hiding in Shangri-la when Hidan and Kakuzu attacked it. Since the Uzushio Shinobi were trying to conceal their identity they didn't used their infamous techniques to enhance and strengthen the place they were residing in. Hence when Ameyuki used the Mud Release: Landslide Jutsu to collapse the mountain upon the village, none of them survived it. The collapsed debris from the mountain buried all them alive and eventually killed them including all of the villagers.}}}

"How about I start training you in ninjutsus from tomorrow onwards nephew!"

"Yeah! We will start with the Shadow Clone Technique and then Calligraphy."

"Sure! But first let's finish the dinner!"




Danzō is currently sitting at his desk inside his office at one of the various Root Headquarters, filing out paperwork. Yes! Even Danzō had to fill out paperwork which the Root ANBU then seal within a very special scroll. This scroll is connected to Danzō and hence can only be opened by him. However anyone can seal anything inside it. You don't know when one of these documents, even if they have reports on illegal activities, could be used to force somebody to do something for Konoha's benefit or for cross-reference. On the outside, Danzō seemed calm but on the inside he was very worried.

Sitting behind the desk in his office, Danzō is looking over the papers and reports in front of him. All of them dealt with the same person, who was none other than the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails: Naruto Uzumaki.

Two years ago, he had unsuccessfully tried to acquire the boy to create the ultimate weapon for the village. A lot has happened since the imprisonment of the Jinchūriki.

The Third Hokage had yet to visit the boy since being sent to prison, partly due to the Third Hokage's own fault and in part due of his own manipulations. He had information about Hiruzen sending presents and a few letters but other than that, the Hokage had done nothing else. The Jinchūriki also never responded to the letters sent by Hiruzen or accepted the presents, which was one of the reasons why he is concerned. He didn't want the Jinchūriki to hate the village. It is unacceptable. However if push comes to shove, he had Shisui's eye.

He wondered if the Third Hokage is distancing himself from the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails for political reasons. Perhaps the Hokage was protecting his image because some villagers were unhappy about the decisions at the trial, but since then the villagers seemed glad that their Hokage was not visiting the so-called 'demon'. This move made a lot of sense to him. He understood why Hiruzen was doing this but it didn't make sense for what he knew of the nature of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Based on what he knew about his childhood friend, he thought the Hokage would visit the Jinchūriki multiple times a year but this was not the case. After the riots and when the trial was over, the talk of the Nine-Tails and its jinchuriki had diminished considerably. In the time since then few if any people has ever mentioned the Nine-Tails or the Jinchūriki's name, or even talked about it to the younger generation. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why Hiruzen never visited the Jinchūriki.

Danzo had patiently waited for the past two years. He had thought that Sarutobi will probably recall the Jinchūriki back to Konohagakure in one or two years time after everything cools down, or will try to make an appeal to the arbitrator to release the Jinchūriki earlier. However, none of this had happened, and it took Danzo by surprise, it left him puzzled.

He had once suggested to Hiruzen that he allow one of his men to secretly train the Jinchūriki in prison, but Hiruzen immediately rejected the idea which wasn't surprising since Hiruzen didn't liked his methods of training. So Danzō then suggested to Hiruzen that if he cannot trust his Root ANBU then why not he assign one of his own anbu to train the Jinchūriki, still hiruzen rejected the proposal. Naturally Danzō argued a lot over the matter, when hiruzen finally revealed to him why the Jinchūriki cannot train in anything related to Chakra. Apparently Hiruzen not only have sealed the Jinchuriki's chakra, but also have made two keys, one of which he had foolishly given to the arbitrator. Why because Hiruzen wanted to earn the trust of that arbitrator so he gave one of the keys of that seal to that arbitrator for safekeeping. What kind of stupid decision was that! This plan of Hiruzen involves earning the trust of the arbitrator and then convincing him to release the Jinchūriki earlier two or three years earlier that means atleast four years of imprisonment which means the Jinchūriki will remain in prison for another two years. This is ridiculous!

While in his eyes, this plan of Hiruzen is still nothing more than stupidity but Danzō wouldn't have minded if Hiruzen would have already started talking about the release of Jinchūriki. But No! He wanted to wait another year before starting the discussion on the Matter of the Jinchūriki with the arbitrator. There wasn't any guarantee that the talk will succeed when Hiruzen do start the negotiation for the early release of the Jinchūriki from the prison with the arbitrator. Even if this works, this could take another year. He cannot wait that long. It will be too late by then, the Jinchūriki won't be able to learn to properly wield his chakra at that age let alone become a powerful weapon for Konohagakure. Hence why he was done waiting for Hiruzen to do something.

Through some difficulty, he had acquired copies of the investigation for the case and all of the information that had been gathered from inside the village by Ibiki and Inoichi as well as the information that Jiraiya of the Sannin had gathered. He had spent time looking through everything present. Unfortunately, when he hatched this failed plan of his, he took great care to make sure that things went his way and that the boy was found guilty in the Uchiha massacre.

Thus the only way to get the Jinchūriki out of the prison was to find new evidence in the case that would somehow exonerate him or create reasonable doubt. No such evidence existed that wouldn't get Danzō arrested for treason so he would have to take the opposite route and falsify new evidence. He would have to put it where it would be found by someone or have someone come forward, neither of which were a significant problem to a man of his resources. With the addition of his new sharingan eye, he could easily 'persuade' someone to come forth or even plant the evidence and have someone discover it. He could even use his new eye on the arbitrator and ensure that things went his way this time. No! That would be stupid. Not with the combination of Kakashi's Sharingan, Hiashi's Byakugan and Hiruzen's sensory abilities at one place. He shouldn't forget that Hiruzen learnt Sensory Ninjutsu techniques from his mentor the Second Hokage whose hatred for the Uchiha is well known! There is a chance that Lord Second have passed on his techniques to Hiruzen on how to detect any kind of Sharingan Genjutsu. So trying to manipulate the arbitrator with the Sharingan is out of question!

Then he had to go with the other plan but the only problem with that plan is that he wasn't sure what evidence he should create. He also needed someone to take the blame, preferably someone not associated with the village or perhaps a good scapegoat. He would have to convince people that whoever it was, had framed the Jinchūriki. He also needed to create proofs that suggests that the scapegoat purposely manipulated the situation to frame the Jinchūriki in the Uchiha massacre out of hatred. So the scapegoat should be someone who hates the Jinchūriki.

All of this had to be done while still keeping any blame or suspicion from himself, which was no easy task. He would not rush into this as not taking his time to think out a proper plan was what got him into trouble and the Jinchūriki got imprisoned.

But will the Jinchūriki still hate Konoha?! Now that he carefully think about it, Shinobi village like Iwagakure have two Jinchūrikis and the both of them hate their village with passion but they are still loyal. So in the end if the boy did end up hating the village then Konoha too can use the same methods that Iwagakure uses to control their hateful Jinchūriki. Konoha shouldn't have a problem in having a hateful Jinchūriki as long as the Jinchūriki is loyal and 'Powerful'. And for the Jinchūriki to become powerful, he had to make sure that the boy gets proper training, even if he receives it from the Academy, which can only happen if the boy is released from the prison.





Naruto is holding both of his swords parallelly so that the tips are pointing to their right and left side. Suddenly he dashed towards his opponent with great speed before attacking it with a dual quick lateral sword strike. The tremendous speed left traces of Naruto's afterimages behind.

<Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Blood Rush>

<Kensei Blade Dance: Blood Rush>

The Mirror Sudden Attacker Clone of Yaichiro also used the same technique with a single blade.

A second later, the clone's body revealed several cuts it received from Naruto's move, it then reverted back to water from which it is created by Yaichiro. Naruto also fell on his butt, "That was really tiresome uncle! Fighting a Mirror Sudden Attacker Clone which doesn't feel exhaustion and can use your powers is really hard."

Yaichiro nodded and said, "It seems you overdid it a little today! Nonetheless congratulations on your first victory against my Mirror Sudden Attacker clone."

"Thank you!" The entire area was turned into a mess with flames, mud, scorched earth, rubble and severed trees filling it. This training ground cannot be used any further. Naruto had turned it into a rubble in just three months of practice session with the clones. Yaichiro was forced to put a large scale 'Silencing Barrier' all over this training field because of the intensity of sound that jutsu used around here releases. The destruction was that great.

Yaichiro was impressed with the Naruto's phenomenal growth and tenacity in battle, even if the clone was fighting at Low Jōnin speeds.

{{{A/N: A Jōnin can be ten times more powerful than a Chūnin while an elite Jōnin can be hundred times more powerful than a Chūnin whereas the difference between a Chūnin and a Kage can have the same difference between a millionaire and a billionaire.}}}

Naruto's progress was truly astonishing but equally so was his potential. Naruto truly is their saviour. The fight revolved around Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu and Fūinjutsu. Among all of these Naruto's Taijutsu have turned monstrous, he has tweaked the Uzumaki Taijutsu a little and have added the Chakra Transition Practice in the Taijutsu techniques to perform superhuman strikes. The Chakra Transition Practice was developed by Tatsuguchii Clan but it was their discipline Tsunade Senju who took this technique to another level. Although compared to what he had heard of Tsunade's usage of this technique, Naruto's usage is far inferior still it was impressive. Just one punch from Naruto was enough to break big rocks into pieces.

"Maybe we should start practicing one of the three advanced form of chakra control." Yaichiro suggested.

"No! No! I still want to practice some more taijutsu, Kenjutsu, calligraphy and fūinjutsu. I have completed all sets of Chakra Control exercises but that doesn't mean I must stop performing those exercises, my chakra reserves are still growing so I have to continue practicing them." Naruto have been using twenty clones for the past three months.

The clones most of the time practice calligraphy, hand speed in performing two-handed and one-handed seals, and different types of basic and Uzumaki fūinjutsus, ninjutsus then some kenjutsu, shurikenjutsu, the use of wires and deflection techniques in shurikenjutsu, and lastly taijutsu and Sensory Perception technique. Using twenty clones for the past three months means sixty months of practice sessions which is equal to five years.

Half of Naruto's hair has turned blood red. He had also gained Elite Jōnin level chakra control. He is now a lot more muscular. He is now 4ft 9in (144 cm) tall. His appetite has just keep increasing day by day. His brute strength, speed, durability, fluidity, agility and reflexes have also increased greatly as well as the range of his sensory perception. The colour of his rosary beads have turned to blue. His brute strength, speed, fluidity, agility and reflexes have also increased a great deal especially his durability. What's more, Naruto's vitality and life-force have become a lot more strong, as a result it enhanced Naruto's awesome innate healing prowess all the more. In addition, Naruto have further develop the range of his sensory perception, he can now detect the enemy's chakra, seemingly regardless of the distance or obstructions. Naruto have also developed the unique ability to sense negative emotions but he couldn't quite grasp it. This development made the stomach of the Nine-Tails twist, it wasn't happy at all. On top of that due to this process, Naruto has inherited the Wind, Fire and Yang Release nature transformations of the Nine-Tails along with a weak affinity towards Yoshitsune's Water Release. However Naruto is unaware of these developments. And he isn't going to start practicing Chakra Change in Nature techniques until sometime later.

Surprisingly for some strange reason, some of Naruto's senses have been enhanced, he now got exceptional sight along with partial night vision and a keen sense of smell. Yaichiro related this development to Kakuhenkan Kekkai Genkai. Naruto didn't agreed with Yaichiro's theory but that was also the most logical guess he also could come up with. But the enhancements of Nine-Tails also come with side effects, Naruto's scent, eye colour and chakra signature has completely changed.

"I have mastered the Uzumaki Taijutsu, Uzumaki Kenjutsu, many Uzumaki Fūinjutsus, Shurikenjutsu and some basic ninjutsu but genjutsu is still foreign to me. I think it's time for me to start practicing genjutsu!"


Whirlpool Ninja Art: Kensei Blade Dance

The Kensei Blade Dance is a kenjutsu technique used by the Uzumaki Clan in which either single or dual blades are used.

With this kenjutsu technique, the user repeatedly strikes their target, doing so rapidly enough to create the appearance of afterimages. And due to using two swords at the same time and each sword strike is directed at a slightly different part of the target, from a slightly different angle, and with slightly different regularity, making it difficult to predict each strike. Although targets may be able to dodge the user's attacks for a time, they will eventually be unable to keep up with the constant and 'chaotic' dual strikes, giving the user the opening they need in order to finally strike down the enemy and kill them. Combining the Maelstrom Taijutsu fighting style's wild nature with the dual swords, Naruto is able to increase the lethality of his attacks and exploit on the opponent's vital points.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: First Blood

A dual sword drawing technique so powerful that it can split large obstacles in half or cut right through enemy's weapon.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Blood Hunter

The user dashes toward his opponent and jumps towards their opponent, delivers few slashes, and finishes it with a powerful spinning slash that sends his opponent crashing into the ground with a deep gash.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Blood Rush

The user held both of the swords parallelly so that the tips are pointing to their right and left side. He then dashes towards their opponent with great speed before attacking them with a dual quick lateral sword strike. The tremendous speed leaves a trace of afterimage in the process.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Bloody Retribution

The user first imbue their swords with some more chakra, then charge forward with the swords horizontally crossed behind their own head. The user then uncrosses them in a single motion and unleashes the chakra at the same time. It allow them to easily cut the trunk of a nearby tree in two pieces.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Bloody Demise

After tightening their grip on the sword the user imbue them with an extra amount of chakra, sharpening them further. The user then leaps toward their opponent, and performs an X-shaped slash powerful enough to easily cut an armour enhanced wooden dummy into four pieces.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: Bloody Finale

The user hardens their grip on both swords and held both of his swords in a vertical manner across his face, and then delivers a fierce diagonal slash with each one of them at the same time. This technique has immense power and range, as seen when this technique easily bisected a massive boulder in two.

*Uzumaki Twinsword Technique: River of Blood

Created by Regan Uzumaki, this is a highly destructive technique whereby the user channels chakra through the dual blades and emits it constantly in the form of extremely thin, sharp, arc-shaped chakra blades that spread out across his entire attack range, effectively cutting down all his opponents within the perimeter, even the largest and smallest of targets.

This technique allows the user to cut hundreds of targets with extreme precision, even smaller targets, such as spiders, into pieces. It's a chakra costly technique and requires very good knowledge of kenjutsu as well as speed and good hand-eye coordination. It is generally used to cut down a great number of targets very quickly



(i)Change in Chakra Shape/Shape transformation

It entails the molding of one's chakra for using it in techniques. Ex:-Rasengan

(ii)Change in Chakra Nature/Nature transformation

It entails the defining of the nature of one's chakra for use in techniques. Ex:-Seven Natures of chakra

(iii)Change in Chakra Form/ Form transformation

It entails the altering of the properties and characteristics of one's chakra for the use in techniques. Ex:-Toad Oil Bullet, Shikotsumuyaki(A Change in Chakra Form Kekkai Genkai)

In chapter 316, Naruto asks about the nature transformation of Shikamaru's Shadow Imitation Technique and Chōji's Multi-Size Technique, as well as medical ninjutsu and genjutsu. Of those four, only medical ninjutsu have not been specifically connected to either Yin or Yang Release. Techniques such as the Toad Oil Bullet and the Poison Mist mention "converting" or "kneading" chakra into materials or substances, but have never been mentioned to use certain chakra natures. Certain other techniques involved in manipulating substances are also often confused to be chakra natures, such as silk, bone, and ink. However, these substances cannot be produced from chakra alone, meaning the chakra is not changed in nature, and it is rather used to change already-existing substances.


Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Fudō Myōō Seal

During the Warring States Period, at a certain point of time, the Uchiha Clan invented their most powerful genjutsu Izanagi. Using this technique, the Uchiha Clan started gaining an upper hand over the combined forces of Senju Clan and later the Uzumaki Clan by escaping the undesirable results of their actions. Not understanding anything and with the intentions of creating a method to neutralise it, they conducted several experiments and research to understand the workings of the genjutsu using the dead bodies of the Uchiha Clan and later somehow managed to find its working principle: 'A genjutsu is created when a shinobi controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing its has experienced physical pain.'

But after sometime, came a time where Uchiha clan members started abusing the abilities granted by the Izanagi, so it was declared a forbidden technique and they stopped using it. So, the Senju Clan lost their interest in it and then withdraw their support from this project but the Uzumaki Clan still continued their research.

Later on, after further research, they found that all Genjutsus mainly affects the activity throughout the prosencephalon structure of the brain; humans, dogs and other species of mammal are therefore all fall victim to genjutsu. So, they decided to place genjutsu guards in form of mental barriers in the prosencephalon structure of the brain to protect themselves from being caught in the enemy's genjutsu. Thus, if an enemy tries to cast genjutsu on the user of this technique; several mental barriers with kanji for 'Wisdom' will stood in their way, blocking their entry, preventing them from gaining any kind of control over the chakra flow of the cerebral nervous system, therefore they became unable to affect their five senses, thus ultimately making them mostly immune to the art of genjutsu, mind probing, mind tampering or mind controlling jutsus. However it requires a great deal of mastery, skill and concentration to carve these seals on the receiver's skull and is a delicate work; a single mistake can be fatal to the life of the receiver.

{{{A/N:*Based on Genjutsu Protect.

*Acala, known as Fudō Myōō (不動明王, literally meaning: Immovable Wisdom King) in Japanese, is one of the Five Wisdom Kings in Buddhism. Acala is the 'Destroyer Of Delusion' and a principal protector of Buddhism. His immovability refers to that aspect of mind which is forever unmoving: perfectly stable and unchanging.}}}


Ninja Arts: Genjutsu Protect

The user can use this technique to place a genjutsu protection in form of mental blocks in the target's mind that contains valuable information in case the one with the information is captured and interrogated. According to Inoichi Yamanaka, it is very effective against truth serums. It was used by Nagato.


Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Genjutsu Dissipation Method

In this method, the user applies a Chakra Storage Seal and a sort of Detection Seal on their own body and connects them directly to their chakra system. The detection seal will activate whenever it detects outside influence in the user's Chakra Pathway System, i.e., whenever the user falls victim to any kind of genjutsu, it will give signal to the chakra storage seal which will release the foreign chakra stored in it, thus disrupting the chakra flow itself and ending the genjutsu. The disruption of the genjutsu is represented as a manifestation of a red Uzumaki Emblem within the genjutsu followed by cracks appearing all around it until the genjutsu dissipates. This method is a backup plan incase the enemy genjutsu user is powerful enough to somehow bypass the Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Fudō Myōō Seal.

{{{A/N: *Based on the fact that Deidara is somehow able to condition his left eye to break genjutsu.

*Mental Resistance Technique

*Due to the detection seal, the Genjutsu Dissipation Method can detects outside influence in the user's Chakra Pathway System, i.e., whenever the user falls victim to any kind of genjutsu on its own so it can undo Kotoamatsukami too. because Kotoamatsukami plays with brain and convinces them that everything is fine there is no genjutsu.}}}


*Uzumaki Cursed Fūin Spell Formula: Curse Transformation Jutsu

After performing a special set of hand seals, the technique will activate: Cursed marks will spread out from various places on the user's body, covering them completely while their body glows as they transform the user into what they desire, along with any clothing they might be wearing or tools they may be carrying, completing up the transformation. Once the technique is done, the transformation is complete, it turns the user into a perfect duplicate of the targeted individual as even the copied person's allies won't be able to tell the difference and Ninken would not smell a different scent. Users can only be identified as fakes if they doesn't act like the person in whom they have transformed. However, the user's voice does not change hence, they have no choice but to adjust their voice on their own while using this technique. Moreover, the transformed user can retain the appearance of the person they were impersonating even after unconsciousness or receiving fatal injuries, reverting to their true form only after the sealing technique was voluntarily released by the user. Upon releasing this technique, the user is enveloped in bright light.

It can be used by the user to transform others forcibly too. But there is a limitation in the use of this technique, the user cannot use this technique to transform into an animal, plant, or inanimate object.

*Ninja Art: Shadow Mirror Body Changing Method

A technique passed down in the Land of Demons, it was used by Taruho to alter his appearance into that of Shion.

Before initiating the technique, the user must set up the area with patterned circle symbol. After performing special hand seals while standing within the prepared area, the technique will activate: ribbons of light extend out from various places on the user's body, covering them completely as they transform the user into what they desire, including any necessary items such as the suitable attire. However, the user's voice does not change.

Unlike a regular transformation, this variant is permanent, with purportedly no way for the user to return to their original form.


Uzumaki Fūin: Tracker Seal

{{{Note:-Fuen of Furido's 4-Man Team who specialised in long-distance combat and could manipulate the terrain around her through scroll-held architectural pieces. These 'maps' are linked back to the land around her, which allowed her to toy around with her opponents and strategise with all her newly bought time. Additionally, if she had placed a 'TRACKER' on a target before hand, she was able to MONITOR their EXACT LOCATION in her Altering Terrain DIAGRAM SCROLL and strike accordingly. The user is shown as a 'RED DOT' in the scroll at ALL TIMES. (Narutoverse)}}}


Ninja Art: Combination Transformation Jutsu

This is an advanced version of the Transformation Technique, where two or more users combine into one form in order to gain that form's physical abilities. Because there is more than one user involved, some of the prep work can be split between users, such as by having one provide the chakra while another performs the hand seals.

The Combination Transformations that have been seen in the series are:-

*The Sound Four take the form of the Fourth Kazekage's bodyguards, with two members in each guard.

*Gamabunta and Naruto Uzumaki take the form of a giant fox. In the anime, it is specifically the Nine-Tails.

*Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru take the form of a Double-Headed Wolf.

*Kiba, Akamaru, and one of Kiba's shadow clones take the form of a Three-Headed Wolf. Because there are three users, it's called a "Mixture Transformation".

*In the Naruto: Shippūden anime, the Magaki Group takes the form of their leader.

*In the Boruto anime, Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha take the form of fūma shuriken.

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