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Chapter 29: 25. CLAN HEIR



Regan, Yaichiro and Naruto both entered the meeting room. To the surprise of Naruto it was empty devoid of any presence.

Naruto internally frowned and gave Regan a blank look. "Uncle! I think my ears aren't working properly because just few seconds ago I heard Regan saying that the elders were waiting for my arrival in here... Or is it my eyes which couldn't see them... ?"

Regan ignored the jibe and performed some hand sequences which undid the seal placed on the wall to secure it. He then extended his palm out towards the wall.

<Ninja Arts: Hidden Doorway Technique>

The effect was instant, the Jutsu formed a hole in the wall that rippled and shaped into a doorway, revealing a simple set of stone stairs that headed underground. It was the entrance to the hidden meeting room of the Uzumaki Clan.

"Oh!" Naruto started rubbing the back of his head in embarassment. Of course! The Uzumaki would conduct their meeting in a secret place. They won't conduct the meeting out here in open with the risk of being discovered by criminals/Shangri-La citizens who were ready to do anything for money and considering the kind of money one could get for informing their enemies about them, it's hardly unimaginable that they would take such measures.

"This is so unlike you nephew! Stop getting nervous! Calm yourself down! They won't shun you or dislike you! Remember this is not Konoha. They are your family, our family."

Naruto nodded, "I know that uncle!"

"Let's go!"

They then entered in the secret doorway and started walking downstairs. Naruto followed suit. It was a long but narrow pathway. Once all of them entered the doorway, it shimmered and again became a solid wall.

As the doorway closed, the light became more and more dim to the point that it started becoming difficult to see. Hence Regan performed another jutsu to illuminate the area.

<Ninja Arts: Ball of Light Technique>

Using the jutsu, Regan gathered a ball of concentrated light which started hovering above his palm. It illuminated their surroundings, similar to a lantern. Curious, Naruto inquired Regan about the Justu, "What is this technique? It looks interesting. Is it some new fūinjutsu you created?"

Nah! It isn't that special. Anybody can perform it. You just have to have a better control at your chakra, atleast ANBU level chakra control and then you just apply the principles of Chakra Change in Form..." Regan replied.

"I still think Light Creation Sealing Tags are a lot better!" Yaichiro interrupted.

"Yeah!" Regan agreed.

"Can you teach me?" Naruto asked Regan.

"I can but you have to have atleast ANBU level chakra control."

"I do have that level of chakra control."

"You do?" Regan asked in surprise.

Naruto nodded in affirmative.

Regan then looked at Yaichiro for confirmation who also nodded in affirmative.

"Why don't we talk about it later? For now, I think you should focus on the meeting ahead."

All of them agreed. They have arrived at the secret chamber. Just up ahead is the meeting room. His heartbeat have sped up. He is finally going to meet his family. So many family members! It's a foreign experience to Naruto. He can only hope that he doesn't make a fool out of himself. They expect great things from him. Revival of the Clan. Resurrection of Uzushiogakure. Protecting the clan from its various enemies. Enemies. Naruto frowned at the thought. The power of Kumogakure isn't a joke. On top of that they also have two Jinchūrikis who can control the power of their Bijūs. Atleast he didn't have to worry about Kirigakure with the village still embroiled in the civil war. Then there is the Lightning Daimyō and Water Daimyō to worry about. It's as if that wasn't enough. He had to also worry about the smaller hidden villages. Yugakure! Shimogakure! Hoshigakure! Takigakure and their Seven-Tails' Jinchūriki! Naruto shook his head at the absurdity of the situation. So many enemies to deal with. Fortunately, the Land of Sky and Kagerō Village isn't a problem anymore.

"Anyway I guess I will have to think about these problems later. For now I must focus on trying to make a good first impression, one worthy of a Clan Head Candidate." With these thoughts Naruto entered the chamber.

Regan undid the Ball of Light Technique.




The Secret Chamber was lit with Light Creation Sealing Tags and the Cooling Tags have worked wonders in bringing down the temperature of the underground chamber to desired level. They took a left turn and kept walking until they arrived at the doors of the meeting hall.

There are two guards stationed at the doors of the meeting room. The guards immediately recognised Yaichiro and Regan and greeted them. The guards then noticed the half-blond half-red haired boy with a set of three whisker-like scars on each of his cheeks.

"Lord Regan! Lord Yaichiro! Who is he? You know we're not allowed to bring guest here." The guards didn't knew how Naruto looked, they only knew his name so it's only natural they won't recognise him.

Yaichiro nodded as he clasped a hand on Naruto's shoulder and explained "This is Naruto Uzumaki! Please go and inform the Elders that the Clan Head Candidate have arrived."

The guards' eyes widened as they immediately realised who the half-blond half-red headed child is, "You mean... this boy is...?" one of them asked in surprise.

Yaichiro nodded while Regan gave a knowing look to them, "If the advisory committee approves his claim then he will become the next Clan Head."

The guards looked at each other then nodded. One of them knocked on the gate and upon permission went inside to inform the Elders. Naruto could already hear murmurs from the other side of the corridor.

Naruto peeked inside the meeting room for a moment from the corner of the door taking account of everything. He then he gave his uncle a questioning look and asked in a hushed tone, "I thought there were only eighty-five members in the group. But considering the number of people I sensed above and the members present here are a lot more than eighty-five. How??"

"Oh! At that time I thought you were only asking for the members capable of fighting so I answered eighty-five."

"What about the information I received from the Knowledge of seal?"

"It must have been an old information. What!? You thought people won't marry just because they are in hiding. It has been around thirty years since the Great Destruction happened nephew. Many have become grandfathers. Of course the numbers will be a lot more than what was when the group started."

Naruto nodded at the logic, "Ohhh! So what's the current total number?"

"It's one hundred eighty three! No! One hundred eighty six if you count the recent survivors. Ninety-four from the Uzumaki Clan including the three recent survivors, fourty-one from Tatsuguchii Clan, thirty-six from Arainami Clan and the rest are from Fujita Family." Yaichiro explained to Naruto.

Soon, the gaurd came back with the permission and opened the door. All three of them entered inside with Yaichiro and Regan flanking Naruto.




Naruto looked around the room for a moment. All of the important members of the group were present dressed in their traditional attire. He could recognise some of them from Yoshitsune's memory.

The elders gestured all three of them. They immediately understood and Naruto went to the stage. There Naruto did a small bow towards the two elders as a sign of respect while Yaichiro and Regan went to sit with Takashi and others in 'Jury Panel' on the other side. It's a group of members handpicked by the advisory committee from the four clans who helps the elders in running this group smoothly and keeping the secrecy.

"Ah, Regan! I'm glad you accepted our request and decided to attend this meeting. You are critical in the discussion we are about to have. We can talk about your raid on the coliseum sometime later." Shoko Uzumaki addressed Regan, "Once again! Thank you for saving and finding another three of us. The clans of Uzushiogakure will forever be indebted to you for your selfless services and altruistic efforts."

Regan nodded in affirmative.

"So this is him?" interrupted Yasuke Tatsuguchii as he inspected Naruto, "A half blond! Huh?"

Shoko Uzumaki sighed as he blew out some smoke from his pipe while giving the boy a once-over look, "I did tell you at the meeting." he reminded his counterpart.

"I thought you were exaggerating." replied Elder Yasuke.

The two elders fell silent as they continued observing the stoic Naruto who has a calm and prideful look on his face but in truth he is feeling very uneasy being the center of attention of everybody.

"Let's get this started then." Yasuke Tatsuguchii said to his counterpart, garnering an approving nod from Shoko Uzumaki. "No sense in delaying it any further."

Shoko Uzumaki eyed the occupants of the meeting room, their eyes full of joy, hope and enthusiasm. Seeing them like this made him smile, many of them were acting quite out of character, they are showing much more positivity, discipline, seriousness, less fear and more interest ever since they have learnt about the existence of Lord Naruto.

For Naruto's part, he is really wishing being anywhere but here, the pressure was too much. It was tough enough having to meet these two old timers, both of whom if he recalled correctly from his conversation with Yaichiro, could determine whether he is worthy of leading the clan or not. It's as if that wasn't enough, he now also had to deal with performance anxiety! What if he screwed up? What if they hated him? Hell! What if he failed their expectations and they start hating him like the village had? He didn't think he could deal with more rejection, especially from those who were his family! His real family! Atleast this time he will be hated for something he really was responsible for. Ha! That was a good one.

"Let's begin the meeting to evaluate the validity of the candidate's status as Uzumaki Clansman." Shoko Uzumaki announced, causing Naruto to tense up inside. So far he has done a good job of keeping a stoic facade on his face, not giving away anything other than respect. The Uzumaki on his opposite side who has a large writing scroll, opened it and immersed his brush in ink while looking expectantly towards the elders. It looks like he is the stenographer selected by the Elders to write down and record this important proceedings. Well! Now he has no choice but to answer calmly and confidently if he doesn't want to make a fool out of himself.

"Presiding over the proceedings are Elder Shoko Uzumaki from the Uzumaki Clan and Elder Yasuke Tatsuguchii from Tatsuguchii Clan from the advisory committee with the Jury of four as the prime witnesses: Fusume Fujita the leader of Fujita Family, Takashi Arainami the leader of Arainami Clan, Regan Uzumaki the Hunter-nin of the group and Yaichiro Uzumaki the current leader of this group. With all of their presence in this meeting, the quorum is achieved. We now officially begun this important meeting." Yasuke Tatsuguchii officially started the meeting while the stenographer started writing it down.

"As per customs, Let's start with your name!" Shoko Uzumaki grunted as he sucked on his pipe, his eyes not for once faltering their gaze from the half blond boy. "Your name?"

"Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Maelstrom... a good name." Yasuke Tatsuguchii commented to himself, though the stenographer wrote it down any way.

"Where were you born Naruto?" Yasuke Tatsuguchii fired his second question, maintaining his posture and image of a stern Clan Elder, which horribly clashed with Shoko Uzumaki's nearly casual, cross-legged pose. He is afterall a traditionalist at heart so it isn't suprising at all.

"In Konohagakure atleast that's what the record says but I can be wrong." Naruto had once sneaked in the record room of Konoha Public Hospital to find out about his parents when he visited it for his monthly health check-up but unfortunately his file in the record room didn't have much about his parents other than that they were Shinobi with their chakra affinities, allergies, etc. He didn't learnt much about himself other than the place, date and time of his birth.

Shoko Uzumaki nodded and then asked his next question, "Parents?".

Naruto sighed but answered, "I didn't knew until uncle Yaichiro informed me. My mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki but I have yet to figure out about my father." he admitted, a little ashamed of that.

Shoko Uzumaki and Yasuke Tatsuguchii exchanged glances. "It holds up on that end, at least." Shoko Uzumaki mused to his colleague.

"What about your family name?" asked Yasuke Tatsuguchii as he refocused on the boy. "How are you sure of your heritage if you don't know your parents? Yaichiro can be wrong!"

Naruto frowned internally but still answered it without showing any emotions, "My hospital records says that my chakra is more inclined towards my mother in nature and she was an Uzumaki so I am an Uzumaki that's something I am pretty sure off. Besides that my birth certificate also have it and the Hokage always supplied me with clothes bearing the Uzumaki Clan symbol out of all the orphans. Not to mention all the Jinchūrikis of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox has been an Uzumaki and me being a Jinchūrikis confirms my Uzumaki Heritage." He could have also mentioned that he survived Yoshitsune's Knowledge Of All Things Technique so that's also confirms his heritage but he isn't going to share that with these old geezers.

There was a pause before Shoko Uzumaki tapped his knee with his pipe to clear some blockage. Next to him, Yasuke Tatsuguchii folded his hands on his lap and gazed at Naruto steadily. "So you really are the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox?".

"Yes! Just like my mother Kushina Uzumaki and Great-grandaunt Mito Uzumaki." Naruto answered bluntly. He wasn't going to beat around the bush. Since these people are living with Seal Masters so they definitely know the difference between a kunai and the storage scroll.

Shoko Uzumaki grunted in response while Yasuke Tatsuguchii nodded in agreement.

"How much of it's power you can control?"

"I have never used it's power ever before because I always gave priority to learning clan techniques and fūinjutsus. As of now I am foreign to the usage of it's power in combat. I am still a ten years old child despite my body growth so I thought it might be a bad idea to subject my body to its' corrosive and foul chakra at such a young age. I think I should wait for another year before I start training in its usage." The real reason though is because he didn't knew how the changes introduced in his Chakra and body by the Knowledge Of All Things Technique will interact with his usage of such large quantities of corrosive and foul chakra of the Nine-Tails on a daily basis during training. It could backfire so he wanted to allow his body as much time as he could to make sure that his body completely adapts with the changes introduced by the Knowledge Of All Things Technique and doesn't react badly to the Nine-Tails' chakra.

"I see!" Shoko Uzumaki blew some more smoke and asked his next question, "Any guesses on who your father is?"

"No! But I will eventually learn it so I am not in any hurry. Currently I am most focused on learning as much as I could about our clan and techniques. However Yaichiro have a few guesses on who my father is. You can ask him."

"Polite and straightforward! Well behaved! Not bad! Just try to control the flow of your chakra otherwise a skilled sensor can read you. You have done a good job in keeping a stoic face. Something which is very essential during negotiations. Yaichiro is doing a fine job in training you." Shoko Uzumaki said to Naruto who kept the stoic face but inside he was beaming with pride. Why won't he? He has managed to impress the elders, "Yaichiro also has continuously kept us updated about your progress. We are impressed with the speed you have grown since he has found you. We hope great things from you Naruto."

Shoko Uzumaki gave a nod of his head while eyeing Yasuke Tatsuguchii. Yasuke Tatsuguchii, meanwhile, turned towards the stenographer and said, "We Elders recognise the candidate's status as an Uzumaki Clansman," he informed the stenographer, who quickly wrote that down.

Shoko Uzumaki smiled warmly at the boy and stood up. The rest of the people in the room followed suit, "I say these words before the Uzumaki Clan, so that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve of our choice. Welcome to the Clan! Naruto Uzumaki!"

"I am honoured and delighted to officially become part of the Uzumaki Clan! Elders!" Naruto replied sincerely.

Clapping soon erupted from the crowd of the gathered clansmen behind him.

The stenographer then passed the scroll to the Elders. The two Elders then quickly stamped their personal seals on the scroll where the stenographer had placed a mark thereby legitimising the document and Naruto's addition in the Uzumaki Clan. They then returned the stamped scroll back to the stenographer.

"You profile is almost complete! Lord Naruto! Could you tell me your affinity so that I can complete it?"

"I have yet to test my affinities!"

"You haven't tested Lord Naruto's affinities yet?" The stenographer asked Yaichiro.

"No! We haven't started his training in Ninjutsu yet so I didn't bothered."

"I see!" The stenographer then summoned a paper from his storage scroll and passed it Naruto. The paper had a black half-circular spot at one end with the kanji for Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Fire, Yin and Yang written on its other end joined by strange sutras and sanskrit words.

"It a Affinity Deduction Fūin. It will tell your affinity. Just channel some chakra in the black spot of the paper. Most Uzumaki Clansmen possesses a Yang and Water Chakra affinities. Let's see what is yours?"

"Ok!" Naruto focused his chakra, it wasn't much but it was enough, the paper at first did nothing but then suddenly some of the kanjis disappeared, surprising everybody.

The spectators including the stenographer, Yaichiro and Regan have shocked looks on their faces. It was ridiculous! The Kanji for Water, Wind, Fire and Yang Release nature hasn't disappeared meaning Naruto has four affinities. Due to going through the enhancement process of the Nine-Tails, Naruto has inherited its' Wind, Fire and Yang Release nature transformations while he has inherited the Water Release nature transformations due to receiving Yoshitsune's Life Force.

Everybody started murmuring among themselves discussing about Naruto's affinities.

"Congratulations! You have four affinities: Water, Wind, Fire and Yang. This is the first time I have encountered someone who have four affinities. I have never ever heard of somebody possessing more than three affinities." Saying that the Stenographer wrote it down in the scroll and sealed it. He took out another scroll waiting to write down the next order of business.

"Thank you!"

Naruto was also a little shocked at the revelation.

Yaichiro was delighted. He is already started choosing the Ninjutsus and elemental fūinjutsus he is going to teach Naruto in his head.

"Congratulations! Nephew!"

"Thank you! Uncle!"

The murmuring just kept increasing until elder silenced everyone. They too were shocked. They have also never heard of anybody else possessing more than three affinities.

"Silenceeee! Now let's move to the next order of business."

One of the elders silenced everyone.

The next few hours involved the elders and some other members of the clan asking him questions regarding his knowledge on fūinjutsus, politics, economics, kenjutsu, Uzumaki Clan, Clan rituals, previous clan leaders, qualities and responsibilities of a good clan leader, etc and my views on why they failed to prevent the Great Destruction from happening.

"Very Good! Very Good! Yaichiro! You have trained him excellently. I am impressed with his answers and reasoning. I think he will become an excellent Clan Head. What do you think Yasuke?" Elder Shoko asked his counterpart.

"I agree!" Elder Yasuke answered. He was very impressed with Naruto's answers and at such a young age no less. Then again it shouldn't be surprising afterall Lord Ashina's blood runs in his veins.

"Then it's decided. Does anybody have any objection?"

"It look like nobody has any problem. What about you Takashi?"

"No!" Takashi answered in a shrilly voice. Everybody laughed at his answer. He was against Naruto's ascension and tried to get a reaction out of him but Naruto beat him to it and embarrassed him. But atleast the Clan Head has guts. He doesn't have problem serving under somebody like him.

"Umm! What about Elder Daisuke?"

"He has already approved of him. Elder Daisuke trust Yaichiro's judgement and believes in the clairvoyant powers of priestess."

"Anybody else who have an objection?"

"None!" chorused in the hall.

"Then we Elders hereby approve of Naruto Uzumaki's claim as the Clan Heir of the Uzumaki Clan." One of the elders announced.

"He will become the next Clan Head when he comes of appropriate age until then we will guide him." The second elder declared.

The stenographer then passed another scroll to the elders who then stamped it, making it official. Everybody clapped in joy. They finally have a Clan Heir. The elders then moved to the next matters briefing him on his new responsibilities.

Everything was going fine until the matter of resurrection of Uzushiogakure came. Arguments were made on why they should resurrect the village, Takashi being the most vocal. He was always the hot-headed when it came to the topic of resurrecting their village and reclaiming their land. Everybody agreeing with him, tired of their nomadic and miserable way of living their life in constant fear of being discovered. They wanted to end this miserable existence and return to their glorious past which awaited in the Land of Whirlpools.

"We shouldn't resurrect the village until sometime later!" Naruto let his thoughts known to the group.

"What!" one of the elders yelped in surprise.

"What kind of coward you are!"

"We elected you Clan Heir because we thought you are brave. You are just as much of a coward as these old timers." Takashi exclaimed.

"What did you said?" one of the old timers screamed.

"I said the truth!" Takashi retorted.

"I think we should elect Lord Yaichiro as the next Clan Head and then reclaim Uzushiogakure. I always knew we couldn't trust one born and raised in that treacherous village." somebody suggested.

"Coward! Even though you have Nine-Tails' power."

"Are you sure you really are from the main family?"

These are some of the insults that the other Uzumaki clansmen threw at Naruto. But Naruto didn't reacted. He was calm. Yaichiro also didn't interfered since he knew Naruto must have a solid reasoning for going against the wishes of the clan and he wanted to see how Naruto will handle such a situation. The two elders also went silent, there plans of resurrecting their beloved village gone down the drainage with just one statement as they also wanted to reclaim their village as quickly as possible.

"Silenceeeeeeee!" An aged and authoritative voice boomed in the meeting hall, silencing everybody.

"Elder Daisuke!" He was the third elder of the clan. He is known for his strict and uptight behaviour. He was also the oldest Uzumaki alive aged one hundred thirteen years old. He had lost everybody in the Great Destruction except for his great-grandson Regan. Most of time he kept himself away from clan matters but ever since Yoshitsune passed away, he has once again started acting as an additional adviser in the advisory committee. He gives his insights on matter concerning the safety of the group but the power to take the final decision always lay in the hands of the advisory committee alone.

Naruto was also wondering where Elder Daisuke had gone but then he remembered that there are certain rituals he had to go through before becoming Clan Head so most likely the senior-most elder has been preparing the things in advance as he was the most knowledgeable in matters involving the coronation ceremony of Clan Head and for being the only one still alive who has also taken part in the coronation ceremony of the previous Uzumaki Clan Head Ashina Uzumaki. He has just arrived in the meeting hall using the Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Seal of Teleportation Jutsu from the Cave Of Wisdom after preparing everything there that is needed for the coronation ceremony of Naruto as the next Clan Head.

"You dare to use profanities in the presence of your elders! Huh? Is this a meeting hall or a marketplace?! You all are part of the feared and respected Uzumaki Clan! Behave like you are part of it! I won't tolerate such insolence! Do you all understand?" Daisuke roared.

"Yes! Elder Daisuke!" everybody cowered.

"Good!" Daisuke sighed, "Now! Where is the Clan Head? I want to meet him."

The advisory committee gestured towards Naruto.

"So this is him, a direct descendant of Lord Ashina!" Daisuke was observing Naruto but he stopped abruptly when he noticed his hair, "A half blond!"

Naruto grew a tick mark on his forehead. Does it really matters that much what his hair color is? Perhaps to the Uzumaki it does.

Shoko Uzumaki sighed as he once again reminded the senior-most elder, "I did tell you at the meeting."

"I thought you were exaggerating." replied Elder Daisuke.

Naruto grew another tick mark on his forehead. He never hated his blond hair so much ever before.

"Anyway! What was that commotion earlier?" The Elder Daisuke asked.

"It was because the soon to become Clan Head is a coward." Takashi the most vocal of them answered.

"Yeah!" Somebody from the other side muttered in support.

"Can anybody clarify?" Daisuke asked in confusion.

"We want to reclaim Uzushiogakure but Lord Naruto is against it." Elder Yasuke clarified.

"I see! He said it and you all just started throwing tantrums like a bunch of kids. Did any of you bothered to ask his reasoning behind his decision?" Daisuke again asked.

"Cowardice! What else?" another Uzumaki mumbled.

"You all selected him as the next Clan Head which means he passed all your tests and gave suitable answers to each of your questions ranging from fūinjutsu to politics to economics to kenjutsu to responsibilities of Clan Head and whatnot! Didn't he?"

"Yes!" somebody replied.

"Then you should have atleast given him a chance to clarify why he is against resurrecting Uzushiogakure? Shouldn't you?" Daisuke looked towards the elders specifically. The Elders frowned at the look of disappointment in Daisuke's face while everybody lowered their head at the question.

"I know you all are tired of living this nomadic and miserable life, this life of constant fear of being discovered. I am also tired of it but don't let your over excitement and the prospect of reclaiming Uzushio blind your sense of reasoning. Remember! How much our people have sacrificed so that we could live? How much hardships we went through just so we can one day return to the Land of Whirlpools and resurrect our fallen village. We have come this far and it will be unforgivable if we fail just because we allowed our petty emotions and frustrations overpower our sense of caution. It will do us no good if we show haste and resurrect the village only to get it destroyed again. And this time they won't leave any of us alive. Our enemies are powerful. Don't forget this! We have two Great Shinobi Countries to worry about as well as four other smaller Shinobi villages, not to mention the treacherous Konohagakure." Elder Daisuke spoke to everybody. All the while Naruto was watching all of this development with amusement but he didn't allow any of it to appear on his face.

Everybody deflated at the remainder of who their enemies are. Their anger disappearing with each word of the senior-most elder. Daisuke then looked at Naruto and said, "You there! Young Man! Aren't you the Clan Heir and soon is going to be the Clan Head! Atleast learn to rein in your clansmen when they go overboard. Any reason you took the insult silently or do you have a masochistic kinda personality?"

"No! No! I am not a masochist. The reason I took their insult silently is because I was observing their behaviour, trying to discern between the level-headed ones and the hot-headed ones in the group. It would help me while assigning missions so that they won't screw those missions up with their loud mouths and impulsive actions or when I have to choose shinobis to do my bidding."

Elder Daisuke smiled while everybody frowned especially Takashi. There goes his chances of becoming the Right-hand man of the Clan Head down the drainage.

"So much like Lord Ashina!" one of the older Uzumaki cooed.

"Now! Can you explain the reasons on why you don't want to resurrect Uzushiogakure?"

"I never said I won't resurrect Uzushiogakure. I said I won't resurrect the village until sometime later, until the appropriate time. You all want to resurrect Uzushiogakure and believe me! Nobody would be more happy than me but you all are banking on the power of the Nine-Tails. You all were thinking along the lines that our enemies won't attack us because we will have the power of Nine-Tails in our possession. What a foolish thought! The chance of gaining both the Nine-Tails and our fūinjutsu simultaneously will only fuel those b*stards greed. The power-hungry Fourth Raikage won't take a second to order both his army and his perfect Jinchūrikis to attack us the moment he learns that the winner's prize is Uzumaki Fūinjutsus and the Nine-Tails. Remember the Raikage was ready to go to war with Konoha over the murder of his Head Shinobi who was killed by Hiashi Hyūga for attempting to steal his daughter." At this everybody further deflated. "And you all probably have forgotten or maybe you all don't know that the Third Raikage has learnt a way to use the Kohaku no Jōhei! Yes! The same Kohaku no Jōhei that is revered as one of the treasured tools of the Sage of Six Paths and has the ability to seal anyone within it even Bijūs. The Third Raikage has once used the pot to temporarily seal the Eight-Tails, the second strongest Bijū when its jinchūriki lost control of the beast. So there's a chance that the Fourth Raikage too knows how to use Kohaku no Jōhei to seal Bijūs and if the Nine-Tails got sealed then what will happen to you all. The forces of Kumogakure will destroy us with no chances of us ever coming back. The captured ones will be used for breeding programs subjected to a life worse than death. That's why up until we do something to weaken Kumogakure even if it means starting another world war until then we cannot resurrect Uzushiogakure. Kirigakure is embroiled in a civil war so it will become weak since the fools are annihilating their Kekkei Genkai bearing clans which was one of the main reasons why we lost to those bloodthirsty lunatics. And the smaller villages won't bother us once they learn that neo-Uzushio is in possession of the Nine-Tails. That's why we have to keep patience and wait for the right time."

"So the problem is Kumogakure! Huh?" asked one of the random Uzumakis. some of them glowered in a suppressed manner.

"No! There is one more problem!" Naruto spoke.

"Which is?!"


"What do you mean Lord Naruto?"

"Do you think Konoha is going to part ways with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox just like that?"

"B-But they have never used their Jinchūriki in battle. So they shouldn't have a problem?"

"Why do you think they never used their Jinchūriki in any of the war? It's because in the First Shinobi World War, they have Hashirama and the Senju Clan to deal with their enemy's Jinchūrikis. In the Second Shinobi World War, they have us the Uzumaki Clan to deal with their enemy's Jinchūrikis. In the Third Shinobi World War, they have the Uchiha Clan to deal with their enemy's Jinchūrikis. It was the reason why Fugaku Uchiha earned the moniker of 'Wicked Eye Fugaku' but now they don't have anybody, with the Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki Clan being annihilated which means that Konohagakure now needs their Jinchūriki more than ever if a war occurs. It was the reason why Danzō Shimura wanted to train me so that I could learn to wield it's power. So we also have Konohagakure to worry about." Naruto answered to all of them.

All in the meeting were once again impressed with Naruto's thought process. They really avoided a disaster waiting to happen. How foolish of them to not think of such a scenario! They have almost forgotten about the Kohaku no Jōhei. The Elders were very impressed even Regan was impressed with Naruto's analysis but that doesn't mean they were happy. Their dreams of returning to their ancestors land crushed. It is truly a sin to be weak in this world.

"The Third Hokage is a known pacifist. He won't wage war over a Jinchūriki." somebody suddenly suggested.

"Hahaha!" Naruto gave a hollow laugh, "Forgive me for my outburst! I had thought you all have learnt your lesson but it seems I was wrong." He sighed at the naivety of his Clansmen, "That same pacifist left Uzushiogakure to the wolves if you haven't forgotten that. That same pacifist is the reason why Uzushio is in ruins."

Elder Daisuke has already came to such a conclusion so he wasn't as much hopeful as these brats were about returning to and reclaiming their ancestral home. But he is now a little relieved that the next Clan Head Candidate isn't stupid. He is relieved that the Clan Hier isn't going to lead the surviving clan to ruins. There is hope. Although he didn't knew if Naruto is just as much naive as his great-grandfather. Too much trust has lead to their downfall. Atleast Naruto hates the treacherous Konohagakure as much as him. He has read the report from Yaichiro. But can he really do the impossible? Resurrection of Uzushiogakure!

He buried these thoughts in the back of his mind. He isn't gonna get anything lingering in the past. For now he has to live in the present and look forward to the future.



(i)Change in Chakra Shape/Shape transformation

It entails the molding of one's chakra for using it in techniques. Ex:-Rasengan

(ii)Change in Chakra Nature/Nature transformation

It entails the defining of the nature of one's chakra for use in techniques. Ex:-Seven Natures of chakra

(iii)Change in Chakra Form/ Form transformation

It entails the altering of the properties and characteristics of one's chakra for the use in techniques. Ex:-Toad Oil Bullet, Shikotsumuyaki(A Change in Chakra Form Kekkai Genkai)

In chapter 316, Naruto asks about the nature transformation of Shikamaru's Shadow Imitation Technique and Chōji's Multi-Size Technique, as well as medical ninjutsu and genjutsu. Of those four, only medical ninjutsu have not been specifically connected to either Yin or Yang Release. Techniques such as the Toad Oil Bullet and the Poison Mist mention "converting" or "kneading" chakra into materials or substances, but have never been mentioned to use certain chakra natures. Certain other techniques involved in manipulating substances are also often confused to be chakra natures, such as silk, bone, and ink. However, these substances cannot be produced from chakra alone, meaning the chakra is not changed in nature, and it is rather used to change already-existing substances.


Uzumaki Fūin: Cooling Tag

This tag can also be used in many ways such as to create an cooling vest during summer seasons by applying it inside the top of the vest, to store ice-cream, to preserve food, to create makeshift refrigerators, etc. The cooling caused by the tag can be controlled by the amount of chakra provided to it and the amount of cooling it is programmed to cause.


Uzumaki Fūin: Light Creation Sealing Tags

This tag is used as electric bulbs more like a LED lights or CFL. The lighting caused by the tag can be controlled by the amount of chakra provided to it and the amount of lighting it is programmed to cause.


Ninja Arts: Ball of Light Technique

The user gathers a ball of concentrated light which hovers above their palm to illuminate their surroundings, similar to a lantern.


Ninja Arts: Hidden Doorway Technique

The user extends their palm out towards a wall, causing a hole that ripples and shapes into a doorway. Additionally, a seal can be placed on the wall to secure the contents behind it. It was used by Nagato Uzumaki.


Affinity Deduction Fūin

It was created by the Uzumaki Clan to find out what affinity is. The paper tag had a black half-circular spot at one end with the kanji for Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Fire, Yin and Yang written on its other end joined by strange sutras and sanskrit words. The user just has to channel some of their chakra in the black spot of the paper then it will react, if the user has Fire nature then except for the Fire kanji all the other kanjis will disappear signalling the user has fire nature, if they have two chakra natures, then those two kanjis will remain on the paper while the rest will disappear and so on.

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