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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Home

The soft, loamy soil of the great underground hall felt like heaven to Lilia after everything she had been through. The road had not been kind to her, and her aching feet and legs were loving the warm, plush surface that she sat upon. Pillars of stone rose along the walls of the dining hall, and a large obsidian slab served as a dining table. Upon it were raw kills of all sorts, as well as a large strip of deer meat and some potatoes that had been cooked for Lilia by wolven fire magic.

Heavenly smells wafted to Lilia's nose, but she couldn't fully relax. In the presence of all these large, dangerous creatures, she sorely missed the comforting weight of her sword. It glimmered in the moonlight, resting against a pillar close to the entrance of the dining hall. They weren't very far underground, having gone down a slope that couldn't have been more than a few dozen meters long, and a little bit of soft light came in from outside. Great orbs of glass hung from the ceiling by vines, each containing a small blaze powered by some sort of oil.

Lilia couldn't help but marvel at just how advanced this society of wolves was. They used ancient magic passed down through the aeons among their kind, perhaps only among their tribe, to produce goods, landmarks, and more that were on par with or even above and beyond what humanity had been able to create. The small details kept catching her eye. Engravings on the pillars, etchings on the glass orbs that served as lights, the massive buildings and so on.

The lead wolf that had brought her to the city loosed a piercing howl with no warning, and all eyes were on the head of the table. Lilia, unaccustomed to a wolf's way of commanding a room's attention, all but jumped out of her skin at the wall-shaking cry. When he was sure all eyes were upon him, the leader licked his chops, pulled his lips back in a snarling grin, and spoke.

"I am sure you are all aware of the calamity that has befallen this realm.", he said in a clear, somber tone. "Dragonkind has placed themselves at the head of the planet, at the dear expense of all other races. Indeed, their tyranny reaches even to the top of the food chain. Their subjugation of humankind is well-known, and here with us is an example of that strife." He motioned to Lilia with his snout.

"This young human girl, which I'm sure you've all noticed, is an orphan. Everything and everybody she loved was taken from her by dragons. Indeed, as the reptilian menace slaughtered our ruling god Ward, it has knocked down human kings and queens, and left an ocean of blood, human and otherwise, in its wake. This girl, however, is no mere victim."

Her sword began to sing, a single harmonious note ringing from the doorway. The high, metallic sound got louder as the blade levitated, then floated over to its master. "This human weapon, a common one pilfered from a corpse, shall serve as the dripping fangs of justice. This girl has been chosen, and we will take her in, build her up, and rally behind her!" A chorus of howls echoed as Lilia's blade transformed at the center of the table, still floating in midair.

The rather plain sword had all the basics. The glittering light from the lanterns illuminated nicks in its hewn edge, running the length of its broad blade. The handguard was a single piece of square-shaped brass, which was beginning to rust. The handle's leather was long since gone, leaving smooth wood behind with a few pits. The sword's pommel, meanwhile, was a simple metal ball. The entire sword was engulfed in red light after floating for a few seconds.

When the brilliant red light died down, the sword had a curved blade with a gleaming, razor-sharp edge. It was a bit longer and narrower than before, and its blade terminated in a rounded guard that encircled the wielder's hands, bearing a crest with Ward's face on it. The handle was smoothed over, and the wood was finished and petrified. There was no pommel to speak of, only a short chain that bore another Ward's head at its end. The finished sword floated to Lilia, and remained in the air until she closed her gaping jaw and seized the handle. It fit her hand perfectly, even if it was a bit large.

"Behold, the Wolven Edge. This, brothers and sisters, is the sword of our salvation. Wielding this blade, the girl will rally the whole world against dragonkind, and we shall stand behind her the whole way." The wolf's booming edict carried the weight of the world, but Lilia beamed with pride and satisfaction. Not only had she found a new home, but she knew now that she had a chance against the dragons that had taken everything from her.

Emboldened, Lilia spoke up. "Thank you for your kindness, wolves. I am indebted to you all, for I can now not only take my revenge for the bloodshed in my own village, but prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again." She was answered by another cacophony of howls. The wolf tribe's approval gave Lilia a warm feeling, a tingling that started in her toes and worked its way through her body.

"Make no mistake, human child, the road ahead is an arduous one.", the lead wolf boomed, silencing the howls. "You will be raised to share our morals and values, you will be trained and shaped into the perfect warrior, and you will be guided in the ways of wolven magic." Lilia shook her head. "Magic? No, I am but a normal human girl." The lead wolf laughed heartily. "No normal human is chosen by Ward. His approval is marked in his touch. You felt him in the earth vision I projected because he wanted you to." Lilia remembered the soft feeling of his fur under her hand, the steady thump of the warm blood beating through the illusory wolf deity. "Then I shall train."

"Good.", the lead wolf said calmly, "Now for your first lesson in wolf culture. A name is power. Knowing what something or somebody is called gives you the power to speak in sure terms of them, and is the root of wolven magic." Lilia was engulfed in a warm red light. "This light, child, is my light. It is linked to my name. You humans exchange names upon meeting, but for wolves, the giving of a name is a sign of trust. I trust you, so I bestow the knowledge of my name. I am called Ylfres."

At hearing the lead wolf's name, Lilia's red glow intensified and she felt even warmer. Something seemed different than before. Lilia didn't feel hollow or empty anymore. She felt like she had a purpose beyond revenge. Most of all, she began to feel love for the wolf tribe that had become her people. "Ylfres, dear wolves, I now share with you my name; Lilia."

At the sound of her name, blinding blue light burst from Liiia's body and filled the chamber. When it cleared, blue lilies filled the chamber. The flowers were strewn along the ground and on the table, and a few had even landed on the wolves. They all howled their approval. After the chorus died down, something told Lilia that it was time to eat. The wolves echoed her thoughts with their actions, and the entire hall erupted in the tearing and chewing sounds that characterized a celebratory feast.

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