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Chapter 3: The 7 Divisions (Part I)

Azura wakes up, to find herself in a room unfamiliar to her, and not in the room she was in previously before. It looked to be a medical room, but it looked completely different from the school's infirmary. She looked around to find no one, but as she tried to get up, a sharp pain at the back of her head hit her hard, as she nearly slipped off the medical bed.

A foreign tan man walked in the room, which made Azura a little defensive. He looked to be a young man had pure white hair and purple eyes, with a white doctor's coat. He looked at Azura with a surprised but relieved look on his face.

"You're awake, thank goodness, " he said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't harm you. Rose, Lily and Lee sent you here to me to help you. You had them worried sick, especially Rose, honestly I never saw Rose panic like that before."

Azura felt the sharp pain again, as she remembered the events that has happened between her, the students who bullied her and the people who stood up for her. She then remembers the monster she tried to defend those students from, and slightly panicked.

"What about the other students, " she asked worriedly, "Are they okay?!"

"They are okay, my dear, " he calmly explained, "Although they didn't get out of their punishment, they aren't harmed."

"B-But... " she hesitated for a minute, "What about... the monster? It was going to attack them, I... saw it with my own eyes! Please tell me that that thing is gone too! Please tell me that it didn't harm those students!"

The doctor looked at Azura with shock, "What... did you say?"

"The monster! Did it hurt them, " Azura repeated.

Before he could say anything, Rose opens the door, slamming it to his face, "Opps, sorry Doc, I should have looked before opening..."

She then sees Azura awake and runs over to hug her in relief, with tears slowly forming. Azura felt regret in Rose as the grip of the hug tightened, with slight bags under her tired eyes. Did Rose wait for her to wake up?

"I was so worried, " she said concerningly, "I waited for you here with the Doc to ensure that you'll be okay. But you weren't moving for 3 whole days, so I thought maybe-."

Azura stopped her for a moment, "Wait... I was passed out for 3 days!?"

She had a lot of work to do, not to mention she promised her mother that she would visit her on the weekend. If she was passed out for 3 days, then it must be Sunday now. She looked for her phone, as she noticed a bunch of notifcations of missed calls and text messages from her mom from the previous Saturday. She immediatly called her mom, put in on speaker, and told the Doctor and Rose to zip their mouths for a moment.


"S-Sorry mom... , " Azura said guilt.

Her mother took a breath, "Sorry for yelling sweetie... I was just... so worried. You never tell me when problems occur and I always worry when you keep things from me. But thankfully, two of your friends came to tell me the whole story in person when I tried to get in the school. Said you passed out from a fever due to overworking and needed to rest at the school's infirmary for a few days. So, how are you feeling?"

Azura looked at Rose, she wrote up a note in a nearby clipboard with an empty paper written, "I told Lily and Lee to make up an excuse so that your mother didn't have to worry more than she looked yesterday." Rose then proceeded to make another note saying, "She looks terrifying when she's worried, by the way," to which made Azura laughed a little bit. But then she stopped, realizing she was going to lie to her own mom. Her first lie. It was bitter in her tongue, but she finally spoke.

"I-I'm doing better, " she replied, "I'm just taking it slow with the fever for now. I'll visit you when I get better by the coming weekend."

"Well okay then, " she said, "Now rest sweetie, and make sure you eat properly okay. Oh, and tell your friends that they are welcome to visit me anytime."

Azura smiles at the response, "Okay I will, bye mom, I love you."

She hangs up the phone and sighs, looks to Rose and the Doctor with the guilt crawling back. To lie to her own mother on the phone hurted her. She's never done that. At best, she would tell her that school life in Ruby Private School was hard and a struggle, and never addressed it further in the fear of lying and building up lies as well as the fear of admitting that she needs help.

"Since the situation has finally calmed down, I'll go back to the issue at hand, " the Doctor said as he looks to Rose, "Ms. Xanders here just told me she saw a monster trying to attack the students, which is probably why she tried to defend them."

Rose looked at Azura then back at the Doctor, "A-Are you sure?"

He nodded, as Rose walked towards Azura. She looked directly at Azura's eyes, as her left eye changed completly, while she asked the question in a serious tone.

Rose glared at Azura with full intensity, "Did you jumped infront of those girls to defend them from what you saw to be a monster?"

Azura nodded, leaving Rose speechless, as her left eye turned back to normal. She looked down and then tried to look into Azura's soul. Blue shining white. Something she hasn't seen everyday. Soul colours of 7 being the most apparent special colours, with the two extra colours being white and black for common souls. She whispers to the doctor, as he nods in agreement.

"Hey Doc, heal her up first then meet me up in the lounge later, " she said about to leave, "I'm gonna go talk with the others about it."

As Rose left, it made Azura more confused about the situation. What exactly just happened? Before she could say anything, the Doctor looked at Azura as he poked her in the forehead, as she feels a strange power engulfing in her mind. It was making her more and more drowzy, until she fell asleep.

"Don't worry, my little blueberry, " he said smiling, "I promise, you'll get your answers soon. Just be patient."

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