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Chapter 3: Many Small Adventures (Part 2 of 3)

In an isolated mountain not far from Mistral, another of Jaune's clone's approached a small hht. Marcus black was away, which he'd been waiting nearly three days for, so he could finally seize the opportunity to approach it.

Thinking that his father was coming back, Mercury came outside to greet him, afraid his father would get angry if he didn't, but he was surprised to see a stranger.

"Good morning Mercury." Jaune smiled at him "How would you like to escape from this place and live away from that nasty father of yours?"

"Escape is impossible. He'll track me down" Mercury countered.

"That's only if we leave tracks. We wont be doing that." Jaune insisted and offered Mercury his hand "You don't need to bring anything. Everything will be provided for you, if you but extend your hand and follow."

Eight year old Mercury was skeptical, but brave. He accepted Jaune's hand, and a moment later Jaune used the Flying Thunder God, and they disappeared from that place with Mercury. The next moment they appeared in the wilderness much closer to vale then to Mistral. The two clones that headed to patch had prepared this place on the way there, as planned.

They had also used Wood Release to create a large house and Earth release to create a vast wall of stone surrounding the whole place, with no way in or out visible. The stone wall was 30 feet tall all around, and left plenty of room for an orchard, a garden, and a rather large training area. The wall was reinforced with some minor fuinjutsu, so it would easily repel most weak Grimm, but over time Jaune planned to make it even stronger, so that soon they'd only have to worry about flying Grimm..

The large house had smoke coming from the chimney so Jaune gestured for Mercury to head to the house "Head inside and meet your fellow student."

Mercury, after a few moments, headed inside, and the clone that had remained behind him poofed out of existence. When Mercury opened the door, he saw Jaune and Emerald preparing dinner together at the oven with Emerald very happy about this current turn for the better in her life.

"Mercury, don't just stand there. Come in and close the door, dinner is almost done." Jaune instructed him.

" were outside." Mercury said with shock.

"That was a shadow clone, it served it's purpose when it brought you here and dispelled itself to share it's memories with me and the other clones" Jaune explained to him "I'll teach both of you how to do that eventually. It is one of the many things I can teach you."

"Amazing" Emerald said with her eyes seemingly sparkling as she looked at Jaune

Jaune chuckled in amusement "Okay, both of you head to the table, and lets all enjoy our meal,"

"Jaune's cooking is the best" Emerald said while she went to take a seat at the table


In another part of Mistral's territory, a small base in the Wilderness, the White Fang was gathering, and among the White Fang were none other then Blake Belladonna and her father.

The camp was picking up and preparing to continue their journey to Mistral when a cat-eared young man approached the came. Even though the man looked like a faunus, they were still cautious. Jaune certainly couldn't fault them for being cautious, considering he was normally a human, just relying on the transformation hytsu to look like a black cat faunus around 3 years old. Yes, he had not actually changed his age, only his hair color, and made himself have black cat ears.

Ghira Belladonna was a bit surprised "It's fine. He's just a child." he chastised the others and came over to Jaune and knelt near him "Young man, where are your parents?"

"Don't have any." the clone answered truthfully. After all, he was just a clone, not the original, he existed to fulfill a purpose, which in his case was to guide Blake down a good path and to make her even more powerful.

"Daddy, we wont leave him behind, will we?" Blake asked her father, likewise worried for the mysterious boy.

Ghira looked at Jaune "Do you have a name, young man?"

Jaune nodded to him "Jaune." he introduced himself to the large faunus.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jaune. My name is Ghira, and my daughter is named Blake. How would you like to come with us?" Ghira offered to him.

Internally, Jaune was relieved that it all went according to plan "Alright. I have nowhere else I need to go anyway" he agreed.


The Spring Maiden. The Maidens were supposed to be a fairy tale, but the life of 6 year old Quistis Brown, turned upside down the day that she inherited the powers from her grandmother, nearly a year ago. She was taken in by Leonardo Lionheat and forced to undergo training, but she had no interest in being a fighter. In fact, she just wanted a normal, peaceful life. So, she was in the process of attempting her first escape attempt, and unbeknownst to her, Jaune was watching her. Or rather one of his clones was watching the little girl.

From searching the StellarWeb, Jaune knew a bit of her intended history, and knew that this was her first of eight failed attempts at escaping originally. This time she failed in the original timeline because Leonardo Lionheart found her missing from her room and went looking for her.

With zero skill at fleeing, she lost in the middle of Mistral, so it was inevitable that Lionheart found her before she could escape. This time, though, Jaune had snuck in a wood clone and had it imitate her, so as long as the wood clone remained, Leonardo Lionheart would not even know to come after her.

Jaune's clone that approached her looked like a 6 year old version of himself, with his Tenseigan active "Hello Quistis. I've been waiting for you." he smiled at her and offered his hand to her.

"Who-who are you? H-how do you know my name?" Quistis asked, frightened by him.

"I'm here to help you. These eyes of mine are special, kinda like how you are special" Jaune pointed out to her and met her eyes with his own, which he knew to her would look very unusual "I saw your future, eight failed escape attempts, finally succeeding on the ninth, escaping from Mistral only to be capture by bandits, leading to your death. I have a way to take away that power you despise, a way that will not kill you, so you can have the normal life you want. Do you accept?"

Quistis knew she should be hesitant, but hearing her future, she decided that for now she would trust him. She grasped Jaune's hand and a moment later he used the Flying Thunder God technique and they were in the wilderness very far away.

"W-what? W-where are we?" Quistis asked with confusion, but only grew more scared when a grown woman approached wearing a white hood and cloak.

"What are you children doing alone out here?" the woman asked with motherly concern.

"I was looking for you, Miss Rose." Jaune told the woman with a smile "My friend here, her name is Quistis, but she lacks a warriors heart, she wants a normal, simple life. I can help her with that, but it will require time to prepare. I was wondering if you could take care of her a while while I finish preparations."

"I don't understand" Summer pointed out, her confusion obvious.

"You see, Quistis here is the Spring Maiden. I have a method to transfer her powers to another without killing her, but I need time to prepare the one who will receive them." Jaune explained to Summer.

Quistis looked more frightened, since Summer was a relatively young woman, and hypothetically could kill her and take her powers.

"Summer Rose is a good person. She'd never hurt you." Jaune told Quistis with a warm smile, then looked at Summer "It is imperative that you do not tell Ozpin, however. Just claim that you found her in the woods." he looked at Quistis "And you'll need a new name. We're far enough from Mistral that if we do that much Ozpin shouldn't deduce your identity so fast, even if he does somehow hear about you. How about Rinoa Heartilly?" he suggested to the young maiden.

Young Quistis Brown, despite her name, had neither Blond nor Brown hair, rather she had long black hair and light blue eyes. While she was not an exact match for Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8, by any measure, it was a lot closer then comparing her to Quistis Treppe from the same game

"Rinoa...I'm Rinoa." Quistis, now Rinoa, blushed in embarrassment, since she thought it was a beautiful name.

Jaune looked again to Summer Rose "I know all about Salem, and it will be the next generation that defeats her finally, not yours, and not you. Leave that to my generation, and help me to prepare them for the terrible battles to come. In two years I will return for Rinoa, with her successor. I ask that you take care of her that long."

Summer took a deep breath and sighed, and Jaune thought that she was hooked, but without waiting for her to speak, Jaune used Mokuton to cause an apple tree to rapidly grow nearby, and to even create apples, even though it was early winter.

"M...magic…." Summer said with amazement, causing Jaune to chuckle.

"I can indeed use magic, but that was not magic, that was something else, similar to Aura, but different. It uses an energy called chakras. Presently no one else can use this energy, as far as I know, but I've devised a method to give others that I trust this power. Well, maybe not specifically this powers, but other powers that use chakra. I'll give you the ability to use chakra in two years as well."

"I didn't need any more incentive, but I am curious, so I wont reject it." Summer agreed.

Jaune again turned to face Rinoa "These next two years, you'll be able to train if you want too, but you needn't worry about training your maiden powers since you don't want that responsibility in the first place, and using them will only risk drawing Ozpin's attention to you, so just try to be happy. And take care of Ruby and Yang. These eyes of mine tell me that they'll be part of the group that finally vanquishes Salem, so even if you don't become a fighter yourself, you can become a rock of support for your two new sisters, and help ease their stress when times get bad. I'll take all actions I can to soften the damage, but I fear that things will still get worse before they get better."

Rinoa nodded in agreement "Ah-alright. I...I wont let you down."

Jaune looked at Summer "By the way, Ozpin is not as white as he lets on. He's very gray." Jaune pulled out a kunai that he had procured from his system, which was made of chakra metal and that had the Flying Thunder God Seal on it "Keep this with you whenever you leave home. It will certainly help you in the future."

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