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Robotic abduction Robotic abduction original

Robotic abduction

Author: Wolf_Black_9940

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Last day

When they came it was over before the military couldn't strike back, they came in a single wave and captured every none fighting person. I was one of those lucky people, I didn't get turned to goo, ash, Swiss cheese or a over cooked human. By the time they let us out of the cage hours passed, they then implanted a chip and made a robot out of our bodies. Girls wire not as lucky as the guys. We were ether two things breeding ground or worker in no clothes. I was vary unlucky I was forced to be a breeding ground on the first hour on the alien ship. It's been a month now and I'v given birth 7 times to a aliens child and then put back in a exoskeleton suit to be sure I couldn't runaway from my forced new life. The chip has slowly taken control of me but honestly I'm happy with it I have no earthly desire for clothes or anything else other then food. The Aline master I have has made sure I'm In as much pleasure as possible even giving birth. So far it's just small things that don't stretch my stomach out like a balloon, But this was my past let me tell you my story of how I escaped this blissful hell.

It was August of the year 2021, I was on the birthing table/bed after my 7th pregnancy if you could call it that I got a glimpse of what came out of me. It was a small green glass-ish ball Inside it was a smaller thing that resembled a child if I had to guess it was the fetus of the egg in my womb. The liquid the exoskeleton used to fill my womb and vagina every day, was to speed up too fertile me then, to impregnate me, and lastly encase the child in that wired thing.

When my robotic alien of a master was putting me back in my display case of a exoskeleton something happened, Like a rebooting of a computer to remove a virus or something. But instead of the ai chip taking control of me, I mentally prepared myself for it. But instead of that a little set of robo-eyes appeared and stared back at me the exo-suit frozen as what it was supposed to do. Which was lock itself to me and hold me prisoner again, the eyes moved to the right of my vision as if it was video game a virtual heads up display appeared.

It boxed the little eyes and files appeared on the right along with a compass and a body display. I was seeing information about myself, the ai, the exoskeleton, the atmosphere, the situation, notes, and possibly vehicles I'd be able to pilot, along side weapons. There was so much it was complexing, and it all just flashed up I didn't know what to do.

So I just got in the exoskeleton and didn't have it vibrate my vagina till I went blank like they normally would do to me instead I acted like I was doing as they wanted when alone I slowly got out of the exoskeleton and exploded the room I was held in it was basically a apartment like they expected me to live here with out the exoskeleton to begin with but also empty to the point that there was nothing to use or to act as weapon or live with. Like empty cupboards ware plates and cups should be no fridge no stove. Nothing, there was a paint can sized tube coming from the roof that's ware my meals came from. When I looked at the face of the exoskeleton it was like looking at a remote controlled toy. I had noticed a tab on the left of the "hud" before that was marked 'exoskeleton unit 1b67 Hunter' when I thought of that file the tabs scrolled to it and opened I saw what it could see, a body diagram, and list of active programs, and a list of items it had available to it.

It then hit me a idea, an idea to escape this prison. The eyes changed from a watching and waiting set to a gleeful toonish set that. Then a map of things appeared with multiple routes highlighted. "If you wish to escape I suggest theses routes. And to bring the exoskeleton." The exoskeleton booted up as if on a auto pilot mode.

"Aaahh!" when it did it scared the hell out of me and made me fall back. "Don't hurt me!" As reactions to it moving and scaring me I covered my head and its vision appeared in the hud showing it lowering to a knee and looking at me still pretty much naked in the same way they had me when they abducted me. A black nano carbon like cover on my vagina and trapezoid shape on my nipples they didn't come off, nor did they leave a lumpy feeling. Like they were part of me. Then came that thought of pregnancies, how? "if my crotch was covered and didn't show my vagina how did the dildo of the exoskeleton penetrate me?"

The toonie eyes changed again as if in thought too then lit up like it solved the question. "the nano carbon part that covers your reproductive systems, attaches to the exoskeleton and is switched into the "dildo" on contract with you, so in a way to simply show you here is a model viewpoint." A video was brought up and the model used was of my self in it. But showed how as a crotch cover attached to the models body the dildo was pushed up into the womb like it was already inside the model but needed the crotch cover and the input of the chip to make the dildo. As for the liquid it came directly from the exoskeleton, the liquid to move the small nano-bots into my own womb to create the child and a special liquid released to make the glass ball thing that held the baby.

"Well that was educational.. and gross.. please don't show me that again." By now the exoskeleton had a robotic hand helping me up to my feet and opened to let access to the pilot seat of itself. "And don't penetrate my pussy again."

The toonie eyes look confused at me. "Pussy? I do not understand what your mean." The exoskeleton is waiting for my move nervously I turn and step back into it.

Rolling my eyes "my vagina, the reproduction hole you violated for a year straight. I'm still feeling phantom vibration." The toonie eyes widen and shrink like it was shocked.

"Phantom vibration is not a thing but the exoskeleton will now not pleasure it's pilot till requested." After the small expression of shock and come backs, the exoskeleton wraps and closes around me like normal but no violent vibrations or penetrating dildos entered my vagina.

"Just get me out of here with the basic supplies and fastest way, it's a expression humans use to explain something not there toonbot" changing my vision to the exoskeleton's camera feed I could see ware it took me, I also kept a map of the route for myself to check on, gotta love a futuristic ai chip and exoskeleton that can auto pilots for you. As a body display it showed what parts of my body were exposed and what was covered my crotch was covered and my chest was halfway covered compared to the rest, my stomach completely exposed to elements. "I'm gonna wanna get clothes as soon as I'm off this sex prison."

The exoskeleton took its route to its locker of a sort, grabbing a futuristic rifle and a hood that covered a bit more of my chest, a few weird small boxes then put one in the rifle thing, so I'm gonna make the assumption that it's ammunition for it. Then it took off again to hanger of hundreds of thousands of vehicles and got in the one it specialized in and took off, when the aliens realized the vehicle was a none commissioned flight, they went right to combat faze and started to lunch combat variants to destroy it. Thanks to them both being somewhat predictable the exoskeleton and ai chip acted quickly and we took little damage and escaped the rang the fighters could go. But the damage we did take was vary bad, it destroyed the faster then light drive, forcing us to use sub light, as the ai was charting a path to safety I started to drift to sleep. Before I passed out I heard the voice in my head say this "putting pilot into cryogenic sleep for travel time, you will awaken on landing, a report will give in a safe location."

Wolf_Black_9940 Wolf_Black_9940

I hit a roadblock when I was writing chapter 3, and I’m having a hard time coming up with names for characters.

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