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Chapter 3: I SIOC have a dream

I don't know why but I suddenly have the urge to got to my hero academia and get into UA quirkless and just t pose dab whatever to impose my superiority over shitty Deku. My main question is would eye of the mind true be cheating or would it just be my being incredibly good at fighting because I know it can increase the chances of winning any fight but at the same time it is a skill that can't make you stronger, faster, more durable, give projectiles, or even truly predict the future like night eye as the skill can be fooled by unknown variables the only reason it counts as a skill is because of the servant containers, the true eye of the mind that anyone can develop is just intuition, experience, instinct, and a bit of grit mixed with discipline. You know what I'll do it but as a side project and while the card will be the stepping stone for me earning the skill everything else will be sealed. You probably won't see anything mentioning my time in BNHA until I do a summary upon truly entering the story so I'll still stick to FSN, Naruto, and RWBY since I'm too indecisive to pick one and will sprinkle a little bit of all three or one chapters per universe if something interesting is happening.

First thing first is figuring out how my three little avatars will enter the world and there are so many options provided by the system anywhere from just appearing with a copy of my true body in the middle of a forest to rewriting the main character with myself which would be an easy way to get my hands on Kurama. I could probably make some sort of deal from there to have access to his powers in exchange for fixing up my mindscape, completing him with his other half, and maybe letting him stretch himself out once in a while. While he is the biggest rage machine in the world till naruto pets him once and says something like just don't be angry bro... wait. Fuck I don't need to offer anything just head pat his ass full blast no holding back and he will turn into putty. Alright, Naruto, prepare your good two shoe butt ready there is a new Ashura in town and he is gonna hope the sage of six paths won't hurt him for replacing you and abandoning the world to infinite Tsukuyomi or however you spell it. I'll just flex my divinity on him if I have to seriously fuck doing something reasonable like taking responsibility or giving forgiveness to the village they call me demon I'll show them a demon. I'll make sure to install the assassin class card and seal the amount of power it gives me to practice my dead eyes once I turn one or so freak everybody the fuck out with my unerring stares.

Rwby now this is an interesting one to think about because it would be incredibly easy to just magic myself into the world no way remnant can track the identity of everyone but I'll at least have to leave a small trail. There is also the option of replacing Jaune but there is also the option to steal his spot by just being better than him and maybe a little bit of hypnotism to make him a god damn simp. The third option is something unique like someone that wasn't supposed to exist being born the two ideas I have in mind is being Yang's twin brother that Raven takes or the bastard Faunus child of Jacque Schnee. The second one is just a little fun headcanon I considered once because of course the racist fuck would probably **** a Faunus and ditch the girl with a kid but I don't know if that would fit with the saber powers I plan to use because my original idea also involved using shadow soldiers from I alone level up as summons to fit the Schnee aesthetic since semblances something of the soul a metaphysical concept is genetic naturally. (You know if you forget that Jacque isn't even a true Schnee in the first place then reread this to edit it) I'm leaning towards raven since she is a strong swordsman and her black hair will match mine and I can go for a salter proto look with just more tanned skin and really dark brown eyes (seriously you have to get really in my face to even see the brown) instead of golden to fit with Raven's black and red style.

Fate stay night had so many different possibilities for me entering the story that it isn't even funny anywhere from literally just being a bystander getting into business he shouldn't so basically just being Shirou without the servant, being the servant with any of my class cards, or being a master it is only just a matter of picking a catalyst and a war to participate in most likely the 5th Fuyuki holy grail war. I could replace swords for brains and even take his reality marble as my origin is a dual being adaptable and growth, so depending on what I need or desire I can change my origin and I can continue to keep growing beyond the normal limits either rapidly under stress/pressure or slowly with discipline (I don't even know if those are real or if they are then accurate to cannon but I'm canon now) meaning I can change to use the origin of the sword from Avalon without any adverse effects on my magecraft and possibly growing stronger than the archer class card with time and practice. Another option is being related to someone important but considering how big of an asshole everyone is especially the Matou family fuck those guys except Sakura please don't fuck her and keep all forms of bugs away she doesn't deserve that shit. Sucks, even more, knowing I might not be able to do anything about it such as full-on prevent it. One option I'm considering is a somewhat similar situation to fate kaleid Shirou as in being the assistant to Kiristugu but that might not turn out as well for me since he probably wouldn't have the same emotional bond he did with me as he did Shirou or even Ilya considering the circumstances and I could butterfly effect the fourth and the subsequent fifth holy grail war by doing that plus I would have to be a minimum of like 12 years old during the fourth war and 22 in the fifth which I'm not sure how well I could fit in doing so.

As much as I want to help Sakura I can't legitimately think of a way to help her ASAP before the fourth war when she gets wormed without making an already unpredictable world completely off the rails unless I use the system to full effect and write the backstory leading up to my entrance into the world but the second I enter it is out of my control no matter how hard I try plus Zelretch might wisen up and do his best to eliminate me and all other versions of me that intrude into his world if I try to fuck too much shit. He may be a troll but he is a fucking powerful troll that I can't fight right off the bat even with as much power I have now at best I can deal with one of him but his other selves might not sit still and come to help it is the only reason I consider the sage of six paths a non-threat cause there is ultimately only one of him so he will have no reinforcements so long as I flex him to death once but Zelretch has an infinite number of him to combat the one of me and he also can chase me through worlds I would have to back off all Type-Moon verses even further till I become strong enough to make him let me have my fun.

I could enlist the help of other me but that would also open the door to this piece of the infinite existence pie so problems go out and bigger multiverse problems come in which is weird. Parallel existence is the same concept of parallel worlds but on a bigger scale such as one parallel existence doesn't stress how dark the dark is in my very dark brown eyes and another who went ahead and did inappropriate things with my perfectly legal incest loli sister. I don't even want to think about the version of me that did that but with tentacles. If I go out to get their help some of them might pick on me the new guy and NTR me and my cute innocent pure legal loli sister. I don't trust myself enough to ask for my own help. (Trust nobody not even yourself)

I'm getting way off track so I'm gonna replace Shirou as the incarnation of the sword but since I'm better than him in a spiritual sense with my soul and my true souls adaptable and growth origin it won't be hard to learn how to use tracing with the class card and that will be my only advantage outside of my just better prana output as it won't be interesting if it is too easy. Though I'm undecided on choosing my servant and who I'm gonna add to my harem if any at all but hey part of the fun is winging it with a little bit of praying that this doesn't go Heaven's feel on my ass as I know I will die painfully and might have to try again from the beginning. It might be like a hardcore mode video game with only one life but combining it with the multiple ending possibilities of a choose your route adventure it can only get chaotic the more I change compared to something slightly more straightforward and railroady like Naruto canon where even in the filler au it goes along the lines of Sasuke fights Naruto until he finally accepts his erectile disfunction and homosexuality.

Getting the system ready I set everything up for all three worlds and then it gets fucky as shit because I have four different perspectives each in different situations but at the same time I'm not. It is as though I have Netflix open in one tab, music in another, a video game on the tv, and Snapchat on your phone all at the same time each gets some attention but ultimately 𝘢𝘭𝘭of them are somewhere in my head grabbing my attention. (Fuck me it is annoying as shit to use italics) I am both a hive mind and independent I'm actively playing, looking over my own shoulder, and backseat gaming which I might end up saying something stupid out loud considering I already have a bad habit of talking to myself when I think I'm alone so communicating with a separate consciousness of myself that is bugging me or will make me do something stupid at one point or another especially if it something stupid like how I overreact to spiders (Not really, it is perfectly reasonable to flood my head with adrenaline as I enter a fight response with plans to drag it to hell with me if needed.) The only other simile I can think of is 4 game controllers plugged into an OG Xbox for co-op split-screen except I'm also the Xbox. So the Xbox me knows everything all the four are doing and can't directly interfere cause I'm not a player while the four of me that are playing with the controllers on split-screen can act independently of each other with zero interference because they are all playing different games but can still communicate with each other and look at the screens of the others. If I find a way to travel worlds in each game then I can go meet and play with myself but it is unlikely except for maybe the fate me to achieve that ability.

The BNHA version of me entered the world as a random ass orphan that no one cares about after my status as quirkless is acknowledged. I already started in the world at the age of four when my status as basically subhuman in this quirked Society of Japan was confirmed I don't have an illustrious history as I was just kinda dumped in the orphanage at the age of 2 and my body was basically on autopilot. Now while I might be discriminated and looked down on because I'm not like everyone else I wasn't bullied like Deku because I didn't take it lying down and all the other kids are just afraid of me since even though they have an innate advantage over me they ultimately are four-year-old kids who don't take much to impart fear into. I'm just gonna sadly autopilot my training and fast-forward the like next 11 years of my life assuming I don't meet anyone in class 1A, 1B, Hitoshi Shinso, or Mei Hatsume.

Next is the Naruto me who is doing a really good job of being a scared shitless little old infant that is staring down the pointy end of a kunai from Uncle Tobi against the black-haired Yondime Hokage. To make sure Minato didn't immediately assume that Kushina cheated on him by having a child that had no blond or red hair so some small details changed like his hair color and eye color to something slightly mundane compared to before but still somehow makes it look incredibly good on him. I can feel the chakra coursing through my body but it hurts to try and control it at all which I'm gonna go ahead and assume is because my body is too squishy as I'm an infant and need to grow some before I can try and even think about touching the stuff especially with how unruly and large it is. I'm mainly assuming this from my knowledge of the 8 gates as opening one gate floods the body with more chakra than it can handle normally stressing it but I'm gonna assume that even 0 gates opened can put stress on an infant if you don't let it do its natural thing before the body is strong enough around the age of 3 to 4 as the body would grow faster being tempered by chakra naturally flowing through it.

The third version of me in RWBY is also an infant watching as my dearest beloved mother Raven Branwen takes me while leaving Yang behind with Taiyang. It was honestly just surprisingly dramaless because she did it in the night and just ported away with me in hand while she has a complicated look on her face looking at me. I'm not certain why she took me outside of the system's influence and I can tell she is second-guessing herself somewhat but in the end, seeing that I'm behaving and not fussing while playing with some loose fabric she eventually gains her resolve to keep and raise me herself in the bandit tribe. "Well, my little dragon it looks like it is gonna be a long couple years but I will whip you into a proper swordsman and trust you to protect your own from 𝘩𝘦𝘳" I'm assuming she is referring to Salem and it seems Raven wants to make me strong enough to face the big bad world including those nasty little mistakes of Ozpin the hypocrite lover. Like for real the god of light says 'don't fuck with the balance of life and death' the makes an immortal who can't die to spite her after refusing to bring her beloved back to life only to turn around after leaving and bring her lover back to life through reincarnation making him a soul that will in theory never truly die along with those he inhabits thoroughly messing with the balance of life and death. The god of darkness is just jealous and has an inferiority complex because he knows he needs his brother but his brother doesn't need him, after all, you can't destroy anything if nothing is created.

The most interesting of my four incarnations so far is my sword but that is because I'm trying my hardest to not die a painful fiery death to Angaru Mainyu. It doesn't help that these fuckers are trying to drag me to the death with them constantly trying to grab onto me for leverage or something in desperation. It was a lot easier to ignore the death when the genie Thanos snapped my homeworld away as it was quick, painless, and quite (relatively quite as I was at home not like on the highway with a bunch of crashing cars) right now I have to listen to their cries for help, the smell of burnt flesh, the sight of extra crispy corpses, and the feeling of the fire licking all over my body. I would have stopped to vomit but I'm able to force it down thanks to the adrenalin in my system as I continue to make my way out of this hell knowing that stopping is death and so is turning back all I have to do is keep pushing forward down the path of least resistance until I find Kiristugu and get Avalon to heal what wounds I wasn't able to protect myself from or avoid altogether. It takes a few minutes but eventually I hear the sounds of yet another desperate soul crying out in this hellhole but it is different in a less I'm going to die and a more I'm going to die on the inside vibe so I know I've finally made it. I collapse on a stray piece of debris and cry out to the magus killer for help and pass out from all the stress my 7-year-old body acquired after seeing a black blur rush towards me.

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Okay finally getting started with the stories. I'm gonna try to get the next chapter out sooner rather than later but it depends on my will to get out of bed and trudge over to my computer to write. I'll be sectioning off into either three or four separate sections each chapter to put a little bit of each story into the chapters but the MHA will be taking the biggest back seat most likely. I know it might be hard to keep track of all the separate storylines but I'm gonna do my best as a writer to make it at least as entertaining as possible.

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