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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Lone Wanderer

"Indeed, a sad thing. Listen further, Ezra," Delphine said. "The fiend came out of the shadows, and I fought with it over the body of its victim. Yes, I overcame it, for the battle was hard and long, but the powers of good and light were on my side, which is mightier than the powers of Hell. At last, I was stronger, and I killed the fiend with my Sword in my hand."

Old Ezra started, stared wildly, seemed to shrink into himself.

"Nay, why tell me this?" he muttered.

"I returned to the village and told my tale," Delphine said. "I knew that now I had the power to rid the moors of its curse forever! Ezra, I have done that which no other can do. A wanderer... defeating an active fiend from the gates of Hell itself."

"Indeed... you deserve a reward. Tell me, what shall it be?" Ezra asked.

"I do not need a reward. But I will tell you this. Because you have never humbled yourself to tell anyone that you have cursed this land, now God himself has cursed the days of your life, and soon, your life on earth will be finished," Delphine said.

"What are you saying?" Ezra asked.

"God has numbered the days of your life and brought it to an end. You have been judged and found wanting... your house shall be taken from you and given to someone else. I'm leaving now... suffer now for all eternity for the very crime you committed in yourself."

And then, Ezra started to see this vision come back to his eyes, and he remembers everything that has occurred. But then, he saw that everything Delphine was madness, and then, he pulls out his dagger, and as Delphine turned to leave, he charged towards her to kill her. But as he tried to stab Delphine in the back, the armor that Delphine wore was strong enough to deflect the blade, and the dagger shatters and crumbles into many pieces. Then, Delphine pulls out her ebony dagger, and she stabs the older man in the chest, and she pushes the blade deep into his heart.

"Who... the hell... are you?" Ezra asked.

Delphine said to him, "I am the instrument of death before my enemies. I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead. I am the bringer of destruction and despair to the demons of Hell. I am the one who will not hesitate to eradicate from this cursed world, all of those who defy the one true God. I am... Delphine of Moria, the Ebony Knight."

Then, Delphine pulls the Dagger out of Ezra's chest, and he falls to the ground, and he could not get up as his blood begins to leave his body. He draws his last breath, and he dies on the bloody ground as Delphine left his house, and she did not look back. She didn't care at all what would happen to him, for she was already on her way to another village. Delphine walks forward, and she was on her way, her scars left her body, and she was once again, wandering this cursed world. The world before her very eyes was dark and cruel, and the demons of Hell always roamed the earth in the Night.

Delphine kept walking on the long, dark road that went ever on and on, and she never knew when her journey will end and never knew when the day will come when she reaches her greatest enemy.

In the beginning, the world was made through the hand of God. Once, the earth was pure and peaceful, and many nations and many people prospered in the years that came and followed. The people of this world have always been loyal and still fell and worshipped God, the creator of Heaven and earth... the source of all light. But those days are over... and those days are a distant memory in the lands of the earth as the demons of Hell took control over it. And that's when Delphine of Moria, the Ebony Warrior, started her journey and had a destiny to fulfill: to defeat the creatures of the night and whose purpose is to hunt down and beat the Grim Reaper.

Delphine began to roam in her youth, at the age of nineteen, she took the role of the Ebony Warrior and started her journey. The lands of the earth are plagued with demons and Daedra... the night hordes from the pits of Hell and creatures of darkness. Delphine feared none of them; she feared nothing... not even the cold stench of death that surrounded her wherever she went. She was a fearless woman, and she walked alone... nobody was there to assist her, and nobody was there even show her love. In this world, love is simply a rare thing that came and vanished from the people who lived to fight the demons and defend their cities.

Delphine was born in a land called Moria, once a large body of land next to Midland, where many people lived very peaceful lives. Many of these people were travelers and merchants from faraway lands and places that were quite common. Of course, she had a mother and a father who raised her and took care of her while she was a child. And so, Delphine lived out her childhood days, but those were the only peaceful days that she ever lived. Those days were now a distant memory of her life as she treads this long and dark road that lay before her feet.

Meanwhile, Delphine was walking forward, and she made her way towards a small village while behind it was a large castle. Some quite several people have seen the evil that lurks outside of their city, and they all came straight from the castle. The villagers spoke amongst themselves as they saw another dead body lying in the streets as the demons lurked around this city.

"This is the sixth one. Damn... the last one was just three days ago," one of them said. "What will we do at this rate?"

"There's no doubt about it. It's that cursed castle where the demons roam inside of it. So many demons came from that one castle for many years," another Villager said.

Then, some quite a several people were standing before the Jarl to see if there's anything that must happen. One of them was a hunter, and he was young and carried a large bow, many arrows on his back, and wielded a long steel sword. His name is Simon, and he was from a faraway land that was taken from him, and he lived to hunt and survived.

"What will we do, Jarl? That's the sixth one!" a Villager shouted.

"If we just sit here and wait, we'll all be butchered!" another Villager shouted.

"They eat out your guts while you're still alive!" A third villager shouted.

Simon stood there and looked down at the ground and ignored all the common folk who were beside him, screaming and yelling in despair. He had a short red beard and long red hair; his armor was made entirely of leather and steel to protect himself.

Then, he said to those villagers, "They come from the pits of Hell. They are no ordinary creatures to be killed by us. The Daedra rules all the castles of this world, and they are twice as stronger and twice as intelligent than the demons. They all come at night, and whenever they catch you... they will kill you, and they will do anything to make others stay away. Killing monsters is one thing, but killing demons... it takes twice as much risk than you can ever imagine."

"Oh... if you're so smart, hunter... than why don't you go and take care of the problem yourself?!" A villager asked.

"Enough!" The Jarl said. "I have told you all already, the demons will come back, and of course, they will take more of us and devour us. That is why we must be more than worthy of fighting back against these wretched creatures. Also... we received some news. It seems as if a warrior from a faraway land is coming here to deal with the situation. They call her... the Ebony Knight."

The people looked and stared at the Jarl for a long while; some of them have heard numerous tales of Delphine of Moria; others have listened to nothing.

"The... Ebony... Knight? Are you... serious?" A villager asked.

"The one who walks alone... the lone wanderer? The slayer of hundreds, no... thousands of Demons?!" another Villager asked.

"Yes. We have no choice. We might be able to defend these walls, but of all the people out there, it is that knight who can do it... she has the power," the Jarl said.

"My lord, how you can understand?" A third villager asked.

Then the Jarl said to them, "Don't argue with me. I know it will cost us a great deal. But with the way things are, the fate of the village is at stake. Either way, it's dangerous. And we can't go on living like this. The sooner we act, the better."

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