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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The abandoned building

'What's taking them so long?'

The teacher thinks to himself, it's already 9:45am and his class is about to end. Yet, Johan and Stella hasn't come back yet.

The teacher stands up on his chair and slams his table.

"Storm! Find Johan and Stella, right no-"

The teacher said with an annoyed tone.

Right before the teacher finished his sentence, Stella comes in the room, gasping and catching up her breathe. She quietly sit on her seat, looking a bit troubled and worried.

Their teacher is confused, seeing only Stella coming back on the class.

"Where's Johan?" He asked curiously, thinking that Johan is the kind of man who won't skip classes, despite being a lazy bum.

"H-He's with some thugs, he asked me to go in this classroom so i won't be scolded by you. And i don't know where did they go."

Stella said with a worried tone.

"Why would he go with them?"

The teacher asked.

Stella remained silent.

"Geez, that kid, he knows how to skip classes now, huh?"

The teacher mumbles to himself and started to write some lectures on the board.

'I hope he's okay, please.'

Stella thinks to herself, she really looks worried, and troubled.

Aira glance at Stella, she didn't care about Johan skipping a class, but she knows that Johan isn't in bad or good terms with the thugs. But seeing Stella's worried face, she knows that some bad things definitely happened.

Since Storm's seat is close to where Stella is sitting, he taps her shoulder gently.

Stella turns around at his direction


Her face still looks worried.

"What happened? Why did Johan go with those thugs?"

He asks, Storm's face looks calm, but his eyes looks a bit worried. He knows well that Johan doesn't have a friend within a group of thugs.

"He's with that guy named Jaylen, i think."

Stella doesn't remember Jayden's name, she just heard it with that random thug who wants to make a bet.

"You mean Jayden? Okay, don't worry, Johan is fine."

He said with a calm tone, and he raise his hand.

"Sir, i'll just take a leak."

"Okay, be quick."

The teacher said.

Storm quickly stands up and go outside of their room, he quickly go in the abandoned building at their school, if some thug fight or a bullying is going on. The abandoned building in their school is the location of it.

Running through the hallway, hurrying up and thinking that he's not late. Storm is really worried about Johan's opponent.

'If he snaps like last time, that man is in big trouble.'

Storm said in his mind, running so he could go in the abandoned building, quickly.

//In the abandoned building.

"Why didn't you fight me at cafeteria? Are you scared, that your girlfriend will see you getting beat up?"

Jayden said while his goons are laughing.

"Nope, i'm scared that you might go in the hospital and i'll be expelled in this lovely school."

Johan said that with a cold and serious tone.

Jayden and his gang just laughs at him, Jayden nods at his goons to block the entrance so Johan won't be able to run.

"What a cutiepie, what's your name? Loverboy."

Jayden said, and he walks towards Johan's direction.


Johan just stood there in silence, and he glares at Jayden's eyes as if it wants to kill him.

Jayden acts like he's afraid to Johan.

"Oh my, i'm just asking what's your name, anyway, i'm Jayden. So don't be scared, i know that my name is famous throughout our region."

He said, and he laughs and so are the goons.

"Is that so? I don't even know that name nor i heard it. Anyway, your name doesn't even matters now. I'll just have to beat you up and send you to the hospital, right?"

Johan's tone is dead serious, his eyes started to sharpen while glaring at Jayden.

"HAHAHA! This weakling thinks he can beat our boss." Said by a random thug in Jayden's gang.

"Yes, yes i know, kekeke." Said by a random thug (2) in Jayden's gang.

"You're funny, what's your name? Well it doesn't matter, you're dead anyway."

Jayden is now angry at Johan, he runs through his direction and sucker punched his face and follows it through with another punches.

Johan saw all of it coming and he managed to dodge all of it.

"So slow, is that the best you can do?"

While Jayden is punching him, he gets more annoyed at Johan, he can't land a single hit, despite being a large target.


"Are you done? It's my turn now."

Johan said with a cold tone, dodging all of Jayden's punch, Johan purposely makes one of his punches lands on his face. After that punch he acts like he's on pain and looks down, holding his right cheek with his right hand.

Jayden approached him and teased him.

"Does it hurt? It's just one hi-"

Before Jayden finished his sentence up, Johan kicks his ankle, tripped him by hooking of one of his achiles with his foot and Jayden lose his balance and falls down. When Jayden is falling down, Johan looks down on him like he's a piece of junk. Jayden felt that and when Jayden is about to get up, a sudden heavy kick lands on his jaw. He didn't get the chance to get up and looks around, his surroundings became blurry.

"Is that all you got? Those freaking goons are just watching you getting beat up, are you sure they won't help you?"

Johan said in a teasingful tone, he knows that Jayden is dizzy so he didn't let this chance to slip up. Johan continued to kick his face and stomping on it, after a few kicking on his jaw and five times stomping on his face, the goons stood there and trembles in fear.

Johan looked at the goons and smile at them, Jayden is lying on the ground and his face is in total mess. Jayden crawls up on Johan's direction and holds Johan's foot, Johan felt that and kicked Jayden's face again. And he keeps kicking it until Storm arrived, gasping and catching up his breathe.

"Johan! Stop! He's already beat up, no point in doing that again."

Storm said and approached Johan, he nods to the goons that they should pick up Jayden and bring him into the infirmary.

"I'm just getting started, i didn't gave my full yet, Storm, you kill joy."

Johan looks at the goons and the goons ran away holding Jayden.

"Ah, let's just go back at our room, you have a bruise in your rigt cheek."

Storm said and sighs.

"Oh, this? I purposely make him land one punch, so he would feel like a boss."

Johan said and both of them are walking out of the abandoned building and going back to their classroom.

"You should learn to control yourself, you could've killed him."

Storm said and holds his head, he looks at Johan's eyes and looks down at his hands, he saw Johan in a state that he hasn't seen before. He felt like the Johan he is talking to, through those years are different from who he is talking to, right now.

"I don't care, he deserves it anyway."

Johan said with a cold tone, and he means what he said.

"Anyway, are you okay?"

Storm asked Johan, he knows when something's wrong with Johan, being his best bud for three years.

"I'm completely fine!"

Johan said with a big smile on his face, and they got in their classroom together, Storm sit on his seat and so is Johan, by the time they arrived, the teacher is already gone and it's already break time.

Stella saw Johan sit on his seat and she turns around because her seat is in front of johan's.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Stella asked him, knowing that Johan goes somewhere with the thugs, Stella got worried on him.

"Yes, i'm fine, thanks for asking."

Johan said and gets his phone out of his pocket and plays a game.

Storm gets his phone too and plays the game with Johan.

Stella turns her back on Johan and started reading her notes, she's glad that Johan got back in their classroom, safe and sound.

While Aira is in her seat, staring at Johan, she noticed that there's a bruise on his cheek so she approached him.

"What do you want?"

Johan said while playing on his phone.

"Uhm, what happened on your cheek? Did you got in a fight?"

Aira asks with a cold tone.

"Yeah, now get back to your seat, i'm completely fi-"

When Johan is about to say that he's completely fine, Aira pokes his cheek.

"Ouch! What the hell? Stop that."

"That doesn't look fine to me."

Aira said and gets back on her seat.

"Storm, what the hell is wrong with her?"

Johan asked Storm.

"I don't know, maybe she have a thing to you."

Storm said to Johan, making his hopes up with the girls. Anyway like i said Storm have a girlfriend but that's a lie.

"You think so? Anyway, how's your girlfriend?"

Johan asked, he feels a bit happy that Storm said that to him.

"W-What? Oh, right, she's fine, she's installed on my phone, wanna meet her?"

Storm said with a serious tone.

"You dweeb, just get a life will you."

Johan said to Storm.

About the game that they're playing on their phone, well about that, both of them are losing and Johan and Storm started trashtalking each other.

"It's your fault!"

Johan said.

"You toxic, you literally don't know how to aim, you're trash at this game."

Storm said getting a bit personal on Johan.

Storm's words stabs Johan's heart and hurt his pride as a gamer wannabe.

"Fine, i won't play with you again."

Aira and Stella are simply looking at them, without them noticing, And laugh in a distance.

And so classes are quickly ended and it's already 4pm which school ends.

Johan stretches his arms upwards for a few seconds and put it down again and stands up

"Storm, will you walk home with us today?"

Johan asked him.

"Sorry, i have a cram school, tell the boys that i can't walk home with them today."

Storm said and quickly goes out in their room and school.

Aira always goes home with her sister and Stella, she's a transfer student so she doesn't have a friend, yet.

Stella approached Johan and asks him where he lives.

"Where do you live?"

Johan thought to himself that this scenario is very unreal, he slaps himself and noticed that it's reality.

"In the northern street, so why did you asked?"

"Uhm, i live in the same direction as you, so..."

Stella said while playing with her fingers.

"Okay, i'll go now, i need to go home with my friends, bye"

Johan said and walks out of their room, leaving Stella behind, he really is an idiot.

Stella tilts her head and looks confused, she wants to go home with Johan.

'I'm gonna walk on my own, again.'

Stella walks out of their classroom, too, still she follows Johan, and saw him with his friends on another class.

"Hey, you know Jayden? His face looks a mess earlier, and he got hospitalized, he doesn't want to say who did that to him."

Said by one of his friends on another class, their names will be revealed on the next chapter.

"I did that to him."

Johan said to his friends.

"Nah, i doubt, let's just go home."

"Yeah, Johan stop lying."

Said by his friends.

And so they go home together, all of them gets out of the gate and walks home, Stella is still following Johan.

When Johan and his friends meets their seperate ways, some of his friends lives in south, and center of the town, only Johan lives on the north.

'Here goes my lonely walk.' He thinks to himself and sighs.

Stella approached Johan and taps his shoulder, Johan freaked out for a moment and looks behind him and he saw Stella.

"Geez, you startled me, anyway, what are you doing? Why are you following me?"

Johan said.

"We live on the same direction, remember?"

Stella said while both of them are walking home together. Subconciously, Stella is walking too close to Johan.

"Yeah, right, anyway, why are you so close?"

Johan said, because he gets a bit uncomfortable when some girl is walking beside him too close.

Stella distanced herself, not too far away and not to close.

"Sorry." She said and smiles at Johan, both of them are close to their house now.

'Is she trying to flirt with me? What the hell?'

Johan thinks to himself.

"Anyway, Stella, this is my house, bye, see you tomorrow."

Johan said to her and goes inside of their gate and in their house's door.

Stella waves goodbye and goes inside her house in the same neighborhood as Johan.

'He really looks like that man in my dream.'

Stella thinks to herself while she's going inside of their house.

She got in their house and she immediately go in her room, she changed into her usual clothes at home and started doing her homeworks.

//At Johan's house.

"Mom, what's our food?"

His little sister asked.

Johan is in his room, lying down on his bed, thinking about everything that happened throughout his day.

'That girl, she really looks like her. What's the meaning of this?'

He thinks to himself and he opens up his computer and plays some games.

After a few minutes, he finally started up a match and it's an online game.

"Johan! Time to eat."

Said by his mom.

"I'm playing, right now."

Johan said.

"Pause that game! Don't let me come in there, or you'll regret it."

Said by his mom, well, it's his own fault for playing a game at this hour.

Johan typed on the games' general chat.

"Sorry guys, need to afk, my mom will beat me up."

And he afk's the game and go outside of his room and eat up with his family.

-End of chapter 2

Storm- Height, 5'8", weight, 58kg, body type, normal, masculine.

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