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Chapter 3: Abilities

"Finally". After three months of searching he finally found an exit, he even returned to the death cliff where he fell but did not find a way up. The steep and slippery rocks was impossible to climb and gave him no choice to finish what he started. But it was not for naught because he obtained something special.

The breeze and the sunlight was refreshing and gave him salvation. "I could not be complacent, I must investigate first." As he said that, he quickly look around to ascertain his location.

"Trees." He saw some trees and even though it was not uncommon, it was still quite a spectacular view. Although Egypt has no forests in his era, there were certainly records of wooded areas during the past. It was evident in their boat making industry and even carpentry. It was not comparable to strong and huge timbers of other forest but it was surely a sight to behold.

"The problem now are the beasts." he needed to be more careful now. It was lucky that there are no beasts inside the cave but it was different here. Beasts have ranks in this world depending on it's level of danger.

Rank I - Very minimal threat to no threat at all. Like mounts, beast husbandry, pets, etc.

Rank II - Are those that are mostly able to be hunted by one or two persons.

Rank III - Are those that needed groups of hunters or soldiers around 10 people.

And so on.

The ranking was not exact at all times, but base on the number of average people; they label them as it is. The highest so far recorded in history was a Rank X beasts battled by around a thousand soldiers and hunters.

A spear, dagger, and some pouches for water, and other things that he needed was already prepared. The cave complex inside this small mountain was actually a tomb for many people, and he looted some of their things.

It was quite easy to traverse the woods, but he did not know where is the nearest civilization, so he opted for the east. The city where he and his parents live was on a border in the north facing the southern kingdom, and he was not planning to return for now.

Evading herds of scaled buffalo, horned giraffes and even winged creatures are tiring, so he was now on top of a tree to resting and contemplated for a bit.

He was now certain of the magical world he was present, he also found a river and if his assumptions are correct it should be the Nile river and hope that this parallel world is the same from earth, so that he will have a bit of advantage.

Walami Tribe Village(Neutral Grounds)

Traversing the river bank Pedro encountered a small tribe called the 'Walami'. Base on his knowledge he did not know any tribe like this, and it supported his thought that this world may have similarities of earth but the history might not be the same after all.

He needed many more evidence so he asked many villagers and observed for a day and even stayed for the night. He traded the beasts he hunted for some food and ingredients, and the tribe welcomed him.

Pedro discovered pot making, crafting, husbandry and even farming. It was very lively tribe, and all the members including the children have their own roles. It was fascinating to see the culture, and it was like a dream come true for him.

Most archaeologists like him was curious of the culture and life of ancient people and this was a direct experience for him. His tears fall again as he remembered the memories of Sekani as he watched the Walamian people danced with their family around the fire during the night.

He was quite confused back then, but he understood it now. He was Pedro, but he was now in Sekani's body, and he has Sekani's memory. "Sekani, I will honor this life, your body and all the memories you have. I will take revenge for you."

He knew something was odd from the time Sekani's memory sunk in to him. Though an aspiring soldier Sekani did not posses talent and strong Soul Energy, he surely died a few minutes after the fall in the death cliff, and he remembered it clearly now but somehow Pedro's soul seem to help the body.

With Pedro's new Soul Energy it healed the body and re-ignited the life within Sekani. It was a miracle, and he was determined now to not waste this opportunity.

He left in the morning after trading the excess meat he had for some supplies. And proceed to go south where, the Walamians told that there will be a border city.

He was very cautious on the way and rested always but he encountered a difficult situation, he encountered three lions.

Bloodied shoulder, and panting; he now faced a ferocious beast. With sharp fangs and claws, and agility. It was a lioness and there are three of them. The only difference was the tip of their tail was flaming, an indication of an elemental beast.

They shoot fire projectiles from time to time and cornered him. As one of the lioness jumped for the kill, the flame tattoo glowed and made the spear shrouded in black flame. It was a perfect opportunity. The jumping beasts has no way to evade but he need to sacrifice his spear for it, with a split second he decided.

He thrown the spear with all his might and hit the jumping lion. The spear instantly killed it and made a loud thud in the ground as it falls, it made the others relentless and also attacked.

The middle lioness that saw it's companion fall to the ground spit a ball of flame while the other opted to attack with a claw aiming for his left shoulder.

The projectile was not aiming for him and he was startled of the attack. "Shit." The flame did not hit him but served as a wall as it exploded in his right side. He could not escape the claw attack. He was too late to duck, or move and his spear was stuck in the lioness dead body.

Face with no choice but to defend with his left arm, It was already injured but he gritted his teeth and endured the pain to raise his left hand.

Pedro was thrown into a tree after the hit and spat blood after the impact. He managed to concentrate his Energy Aura to his left hand but it was not enough and it broke his arm.

Struggled to lift his body up after hitting to the tree, but he did not wait long and must stood up. His clothes was now tattered and blood was all over his body, but his eyes was determined and there is no slight fear. The lion was even confused of his courage but it enraged them.

The two lions continued their attack and Pedro was still managed to evade the attack with just inches. He was now carrying the emergency knife while his left arm was limp.

Instead of evading he opted to attack first; while the other lion serve as support and shoot projectile the other one attacked in close range. Another same tactic, but he was now prepared, and instead of evading he opted to strike. He ducked the claw and with all his strength then struck the exposed neck of the lion.

The attacked created a significant injury to the neck making the lion back off, it was angry but not fatally wounded. "Gotcha." Pedro smiled as he blurted. The lion's injury was not fatal but a black fire was left and it constantly absorbed the energy of the lion.

The two lion changed role and again attacked but the close ranged attacker now was confused when the flame projectiles stopped, and when he looked at his companion it was laying in the ground with the black ominous flame on it's neck.

It did not burn any flesh or part of the lion but it absorbed its Soul Energy gradually weakening it. The last remaining lion was enraged but it was too smart and opted to escape.

"You think you escape after provoking me?" Pedro shouted in and thrown the dagger shrouded in black flame with all his might. It landed but the lion did look back and continued to escape.

Pedro panted and his body fall to the ground. He was almost out of energy but was still conscious, he then slowly stood up after resting a bit and noticed the still alive lion. It was not dead yet but very weak.

He did not let himself be complacent and took the stuck spear from the other lion and stab the heart of the weakened lion.

"It's time to take my reward." He said as he smiled slowly taking the black crystal in his pouch then put the crystal in contact with the dead lion. After glowing the crystal then absorb the Soul Energy of the lions and then transferred to the tattoo. As he observe, It grew quite a bit.

Energy Crystal in this world have the same effects. It absorbs Soul Energy and convert it to pure energy for other uses like energy for devices and magic scrolls and use in training the soul energy potential. But the only difference with this crystal is it will directly be transferred to the tattoo which give it more energy and unlock abilities without even harnessing it.

The unlocking of abilities just came like instinct an for just a simple meditation he can ascertain what the ability was or it's use just like a newborn dear able to walk immediately after being just born, and he did not complain.

His first ability was to enhance an object by shrouding it with black flame he calls 'Flame Shroud', it gave the spear more sharpness and penetration. When used in his body it gave extra protection but he did not use it much because he did not understand it yet, and it also consume a lot of Soul Energy.

The second ability is he can attached an ominous black flame ot object and it could be transfered to others he calls 'Flame Leech'. It absorbed Soul Energy gradually. It was very usefull and not easy to extinguish.

"Ow another Level up" Pedro blurted after he felt a warmth feeling in his chest area. The tattoo glowed again just like the first time it grow or how Pedro call it 'Level up'.

He then meditated to calm himself and understand the level up and determine if it gave another ability or not. After several minutes he opened his eyes slowly, and he smiled.

"Very convenient." He stood up and approached the dead lion and put his flaming hand above the lion. It shrouded the whole body and it was gradually devoured.

After it vanished, he stretched his flaming hand, and the flame slowly emerged from his hand and it formed a shape. In the ground the flame gradually diminished leaving the body of the lion that vanished earlier.

Pedro was happy but sighed a bit, "The process needed soul energy huh." He realiased that his new ability was to store something but it consumes soul energy.

"I need to know if it affects the size and if I can use it on living objects. For now I will call you 'Flame Storage'." He said as he stood there quite resolute and somewhat satisfied.

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