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Chapter 95: Final Trials- 29 Conquering Empires

having dealth with the projectiles Zash threw the Flaming Cannonball towards one ballista and in no time the area was set ablaze followed by sounds of explosions.

Zash didn't waste much time and to get things done cleanly he flew over to another ballista but this time he didn't destroy it.

"Who are you ? and state your purpose !"

Zash spoke to the Person who seemed to be the captain as Zash spotted him quite easily.

"nn no no we-we-we" the commander felt lost and reached for his sword instinctively.

"Ahh DIE YOU MONSTER !" he swung the sword only for Zash to catch it before it could reach his face.

Zash looked confused and wondered if this was how weak other empires were and started thinking if his father and brother would find out and how to deal with this group of people..

It wasn't an issue to kill them but after they were done and dealth with such an attack couldn't be hidden

Snapping the sword in half Zash levitated 200 or so cannonballs filled with falmable fluid.

"Make a move and You will all burn to death. And try being overly smart and you will wish you died right on this moment. Now SIT Down !" Zash's voice echoed throughout the area making the people cover their ears, Zash's sudden increase in voice made the closest people stumble and some even bled from their ears and at the same time an almost alarmingly holy pressure fell down on top of the soldiers which had them stood still.

The commander was the most miserable as he had fainted looking at the source of their misery.

Zash stood there till his People arrived along with Regular Guards and the Royal Shadow guards, Zash stood waiting for half an hour and still stood there for another hour till the war prisoners were tied up and taken to an open field.

"Prince I dare say everything you do is full of purpose, did you even foresaw this predicament ?" Benedrict exclaimed

"No I was just having a stroll when we were being attacked, you expect me to do nothing ?"

"No no it's just that it's very unlucky to have your precious free time ruined.

"Well tell me about it, I thaught I would have some fun but nope it's just not a possibility. if we were outside."

" What are your plans for these people ?"

" I would have killed them but this commotion Will be heard by my family so let's keep them for a while. make use of them as a proper person and use them as free labour, I'll update you later." Massaging his eyes Zash made arrangements for the prisoners and went back to the Huge castle

"Seems like they cannot be calm about our Growing economy." Estr said unlike his regular calm expression there was a tint of ruthlessness on his face along with these three years of steady growth the 1st prince was officially 23 Years old and Quite handsome and Toned down to the bone, Zash fed him all sorts of medicines and foods which improved his physical appearance to the maximum potential a person could be.

"Indeed what do they take us for !?" Havier said quite angrily.

Zash turned and looked at her and let a small smirk.

"Let's leave that aside. it seems teacher had grown a bit the past few years. It's a Matter worth celebrating !" Zash said merrily.

"Indeed!! look I grew 5 WHOLE INCHES!! I'M 4'5 NOW!!"

clap 👏👏

Estr and zash clapped in uniscence as it truly was a joyous occasion.

after 3 entire years Zach figured out that the current Havier was a bit taller than her actual parents and a lot of her suppressed growth had to do with problems with blood circulation and lack of magical foundation as she belonged to a group wich outlasted humans by nearly 10× without magic and in presence of mana practically everyone was immortal if conditions were right and the person in question didn't die from a deadly disease, War or other calamity.

Everything functions like this no matter the World.

If there's a path there are bound to be blockages, it depends on the person to deal with such situations on their own

After a quick celebratory feast Zash left the couple to celebrate while he got busy making plans for the captives and mobilizing his troops.

"I want all 200, 000 strong Army of soldiers! I don't care about any problems if any arise I'll personally deal with them. We're going to attack 2 Empires at the same time" Zash declared in a Irrefutable manner

hearing Zash's words the commanders felt their jaws drop.

While they knew they were strong and Powerful taking on a single empire required much planning and resources not to mention two at the same time and not to mention considering the security of their own borders while they're on the offense.

"Come with me" Zash said and signalled them to follow while getting up from his seat having them follow him around as goats.

they entered a long canal which was surprisingly clean and pristine not to mention it had several levels to make the water flow stop or begin at a hand's motion after walking for 15 minutes zash flew them with him

What awaited them was purely nonsensical as 400 Humongous Ships stood At the deep canal on top of the ships huge cannons were placed threateningly not tk mention small Prototype Tanks filled the decks and cargo hold each ship had at least 179-190 and currently they were being stored in a hurried manner.

"What in the World!"

"What is this!?"

The generals couldn't get around the idea what they were seeing

"This my dear generals is power Raw Power which will make our enemies fear us With these machines at forefront nothing can happen to our soldiers even if I'm not around they're blessed by me."

Zash added some lies here and there as he clearly made less advanced versions of tanks though he just couldn't produce Artillery which was 100% to his satisfaction the best he could do was 35-50% the efficiency but it was enough for starters.

Zash could already forsee the Terror these machines alone were capable of carrying forth not to mention the Destroyer class Battleships raining pure Bombing Hell from above especially on the shore.

Even by some Absolutely miraculous situation any of the two empires survive and stood at a standstill they just couldn't survive due to shortage of rations and heavy bombardment on the sea frontier they just had to surrender as they couldn't last against neither his raw power nor in a battle of attrition not to mention he can personally visit the troublesome places and deal with it himself.

"Well my Generals Go forth and claim Absolute Victory on the Battle! It wasn't us who provoked them but my Empires isn't Afraid of a Battle. Don't go thinking you're only killing your enemies, Of course we will try to kill our enemies only and not to hurt any Civilians but in real battles Innocent blood always gets spilled! Remember that do all you can to make sure you don't have to see your loved ones being the one sacrificed!

We are Men!! We don't do things That are Easy. We do things that others couldn't!! We do the dirty work so our loved ones can live with a peace of mind that we are Protecting them and they can sleep with a sound mind!!

Let me Ask you ! Do you Love our Empire?"

"Yes My Prince!" They replied swiftly and unanimously

"Do you love your Family and Friends?"

"Sir Yes Sir!!"

"Are you Ready to do what it takes to protect them at any cost!?"

"Sir Yes Sir!!"

"Good I'll give you all formal training and you will be teaching the others with these gadgets victory is not far away it's just a matter of time. I expect good results in a week. Can you do it?"

"We wouldn't Disappoint you Sir!"

"Well then what's the wait from let's go test your new toys shall we?"


"Commando 1 come ##n is sector 19 clear? Over"


" Yeah yeah it's clear 18 suddenly had a gear malfunction so 21 is helping him with the repairs it as we speak that's why it took a while."

"I see then I'll send Our prince the good news."

"Is there even a need for that? it'll make our Prince's day more boring"

"They're better on how long before you return back the stakes are pretty high"

".... "

"What do we get out of that?"

"Depends some got certain coupons for lifetime supply of food in certain stores while some got property while others get all sorts of random rewards."

"I see... who would've thought taking over two Empires would be so Easy 3 Months and both of them are under our control the disturbing thing is only our traveling time took 2 while months work of planning due to our own doubts, if only we had barged in without giving a damn beforehand we would probably be on our way back."

"Tell me about it! not to mention our prince had to come get a malfunctioned tank himself you won't believe how easily he transported it."

"Why doesn't our Empire simply conquer all the rest of these useless Empires?"

"Probably because prince Epis is too bored to do that"

"hahaha I like your honesty even 14 is humble enough to say it's because it would become too boring without them."

"Well Anyways stay safe and come back soon. We have some serious Celebrating to do Over"

"Roger that We'll be ther as soon as we can Over and out"

Back at the crystal heart Empire


"Yes brother?"

"Have we really just conquered 2 Empires at the same time?"

"Big brother you've asked me that three times already, it's old news at this point"

"What do you think other empire's responses will be?"

"Most for them are pretty calm and calculative old basturds waiting to profit on everything they can. I am sure they're scared right now"

"As they should be I ain't waiting for those lousy dumbasses to eventually get off their asses and finally act in 10-20 years or so I don't have that kuch patience I've got better things to deal with!"

"like what?" Estr chuckled tht Zash's response

"Painting, Designing and crafting anything is more interesting than entertaining some senile old fools. Not to mention I have to plan from your and Teacher's eventual wedding day, set up the hall and design everything perfectly. Oh yeah I have to integrate Demons back in the world too let's do that today"

Estr just shook his head and smiled as he was for a long time had become used to his little brother

"How can i help?"

"just maintain public order I'll set up a few examples for the common people and hopefully the effort I've gone through to educate them hasn't been to waste. At the start we're probably gonna see a lot of criticism but even if 30% of the total population joins the cause things will work out anything higher than that and things will go even more smoothly."

"Sure I'll see to it.. oh yeah what do you plan to do with those Royal rats"

"No need to bother I'll be heading over there soon oh yeah is father stil next to mom?"

Shaking his head Estr replied

"No he's by the pond fishing, Last saw Havi and a few guards kept him company"

"We should go see him as soon as we deal with these hassles"

after saying that both parted their own way to deal with their own situation

Epis( Zash) Walked out alone and reached the training grounds which held most of the upper echelons members of their respective kingdoms surprisingly they weren't harmed and bound but their freedom was the least if their worries

they quivered after seeing the person who singlehandedly flew them past vast regions and without any effort a few fools who dared to act smart or defiant were either crippled or killed by him

he calmly gazed at them as if challenging them saying 'do you dare to something about the situation you are in, you are free aren't you?'

"I don't like to repeat myself so hear it once I don't care how you view me Or think about me just know that i only attacked you because you attacked me first and i want your full cooperation in handling your Empires I want do bullshitting on my watch I want order and discipline and you all get to keep your heads or I can simply start a new no Royals Or Nobles needed the perquisite is you and your entire bloodline will perish so decided are you ready to die? or become my loyal servants the decision is yours" Zash replied chillingly making the already panicking nobles dread him even more as for zash actually trusting them it was a whole another matter entirely

Previously he had studied the situation with the empires and knew how bad it actually was only a few people were actually good and did their jobs and he was only keeping the others to keep the balance in check as soon as he had time he would make a better system and get rid of most of them only after the empire gets big and truly swallows everything in its wake then he won't need to tolerate these filths the only few he was ok leaving alone were the children but he wasn't going to get any of their hopes up

While such good promises and persuasion methods worked kind or naive people these kinds only understood being ruled by fear so zash was ready to be the bad guy

Zash saw a few nobles falling in their knees some were kneeling while some fainted clearly understanding the Gravensss of their situation

This should teach the others to be wary of our empires I just hope they put up a good fight since my plans are basically complete

Months went by new reforms were implemented the two empires were eaten up and became Crystal Heart Empires territories entirely the name of their old kingdoms was never to be remembered only the one which captured and improved the lives of the citizens who came to love being ruled under the new order of Ironheatrs mostly Epis and Estr the two Prodigies of a generation One was a War God another was A Saint

Soon their conquest began marching to new Empires especially since they were partially active Initiators behind the attacks and their territories were vastly underdeveloped and good for farming and fishing not to mention a great tactical advantage territory wise

Meanwhile Delegates and Emperors were shitting bricks worrying if they were next on the list the Royals not getting a proper sleep as they were constantly screaming in their sleep as if in a nightmare.

Most of the time they probably didn't experience such a bizzare situation before hence such a reaction

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