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The Reincarnation of a Masochist The Reincarnation of a Masochist original

The Reincarnation of a Masochist

Author: Mark_Brennan

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

My life was super boring.

I was born as a demon and rose through the ranks until I was the demon lord.

You can say I accomplished a lot by being a demon lord for such a long time, but in reality I have accomplished nothing.

I was given unfair abilities and overpowered stats when I was born and I was practically destined to become the demon lord.

I haven't really accomplished anything. It was just fate that did it for me.

After the 1000th hero failed to kill me I was sick of it. With Pitchfork in hand I stabbed myself directly through the chest. Nobody was able to kill me because God made me too overpowered. I decided that I am the only one capable of killing the Great Demon Lord Azabache so I stabbed myself through the chest.

And thus ends my reign of terror.

Whoop de doo.

Well now I am in a strange place. I am still able to see but when I look down there is nothing.

So this is what being dead is like.

Never really thought about what would happen after I die but here I am now.

I guess I don't even have a body.

I still have my sense of smell and sight but nothing else.

I am just here.

Wonder what's going to happen to me now.

I guess I'm just going to wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

Man, this is even more boring then being the demon lord!

I am so bored I could eat a cow. If that is even the right expresson.

I wish there was someone to talk to.

Conveniently, as if answering my prayers I see someone walking up to me. I wonder if they can see my nonexistant body. Or even know I am here.

"Yo! You weren't supposed to die yet!"

So I can still hear. And they know I'm here.

"Yeah of course I know you're there, I'm God, bro. I can read your thoughts"

God. So there is a God afterall. I'm probably a sinner for killing so many people, so it's time to go to hell I guess.

"You're only sin was not getting killed by the great hero, bro. You were supposed to die much later. But you had to mess everything up by being bored and stuff. Do you have any consideration for how I feel? Everything was going perfectly with you being the lord of darkness and you killing the Great Hero's borther. All of a sudden you chose to abandon the plot and just kill yourself. Why the hell did you do this to me!"

Welp. It's hell time.

"There aint no hell, bro"

Then why did you say 'why the hell'

"It's just an expression bro relax"

Ok, ok. So what am I supposed to do if there is no hell. I know for a fact I won't go to heaven so am I just staying here for eternity?

"Nah, we do reincarnation. Usually we wipe your memories but that takes a long time and a lot of preparation. I wasn't prepared for you to die so soon"

Isn't that your fault for not being prepared?

"Bro shut up I'm god. Anyway, I can't send you back to the world where you came from since that's illegal for Gods to do if yo memories aint wiped. Lucky for you a noble is just about to be born in another world. Going from a demon lord to a powerful noble. How lucky you are. I'm jealous"

Ugh. Being powerful again. So boring.

"What? Ya aint satisfied. I can make you something stronger if ya want."

Wait. I can choose what I am reborn as.

"If it was up to me, no, but we Gods have a code of honor where if memories aint wiped then the reincarnator gets to choose what to be reborn as. As long as that isn't being born on their home world that is"

In that case can I be born extremely weak. Like the weakest monster but in an area with a lot of powerful monsters. And I want to be born with no special abilities so I'm not stronger than the rest of my species.

"Bro, why the hell do ya want that?"

I want to accomplish something on my own. I want to prove that I don't need to be born with special abilities or a powerful race in order to be strong. I want to win as an extremely weak monster. Of course, I could always just die really quickly but at least I would have an excuse

"Well then, I got the perfect monster for you. I'm reincarnating you into a world with extremely powerful monsters and humans. However, you will be born in one of the toughest areas to live as one of the weakest monsters. That OK with you bro?"


"Good riddance"

And then everything went black.

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