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Chapter 6: Moving

The next week

I'd thought kids wouldn't fight much as they were more less likely, but I guess the kids with quirks get more confident, some would even call it cocky.

As I am walking the streets of Kabukicho... It was the setting for the great game I used to play. The great nightlife often called the Red Light District was awesome to feel, though it was day time.

It was called Kamurocho In that game but it's very similar. The devs' must have done really good research. It's pretty different now though as its more modernized.

As I walk down a street with different stores from the game, I know the streets pretty good. I see the huge Millenium Tower built from an empty lot from a certain plot prequel of the game.

I couldn't stay long as it's a pretty long walk from where the orphanage is from. I usually go here to check on what's new and see how its changed due to Quirks existing.

I always thought that Kai Chisaki's philosophy of how if he erased quirks then the Yakuza will rise again. It's sort of delusional, but possible if you had the tool. What was stupid to see was that he chose to give out a cure, this does boost his position up in the ladder, but if it fails its all for nothing. Seeing his downfall to where the man can't even use his hands to save his boss.

The only way to fight against Power is with Power. I wonder why guns are not used with criminals often? I'll look into that often.

All of a sudden while I'm walking all the way back to the orphanage something happened.

"Hey little one, how ya doin?" Someone who crashed right in front of me

The hell? Who is this? I analyze the guy in front of me. He has some sort of weird cosplay of some god damn bird going on.

The guy was looking at me weirdly as I had a confused look in my face.

"Shy isn't ya'" He said with a smile.

"You know most kids like heroes like me yeah?"

"No, I never knew mister. Do you belong in a circus or something?"

"Circus?! What do you mean! This is a Hero Costume! Made by the department of supports!" The man said in my face, some spit hit me and I was pretty angry.

"Oh whatever, you're just a kid of course you don't know about these."

He left with a dejected look, kind of hoping his ego would go up by some praise by a kid.

It was pretty weird seeing heroes like these, he was probably someone in the low ranks just hoping for some cheering. I don't really care about what he thought. I continued walking back to the orphanage sometimes exploring different places that I haven't seen.

There was this one time this week that I was going to an alley and I found a drug deal going on. It was some guy selling some sort of drug that interacted with your quirk. Pretty interesting to see as I wonder what the effects were.

I followed the person who sold it and once he was alone I bopped him in the head with a bat and he was down. Nothing serious, just a broken nose and cheeks seemed smashed. Some teeth fell down as I was searching for the guy. Oh, here it is.

It was shown in some sort of clipped bag. It had a weird sort of red crystalized things down there. I wouldn't use it, but I need to analyze this just in case. I'm not really interested in chemicals, I infact hated them and how they could make some addicted.

Yeah, forget testing this on someone it's already in what they call it. "Pleaseur" Some sort of reason. I'll look into it later.

As I walk into the orphanage, as usual, I hear loud screams and bickering amongst children. I could call it home now, but I don't really know anybody here other than Tanaka like maybe I talk to the kids but they seem to be more distracted trying to talk to someone like me.

Dinner has arrived and everyone's eating. The food being distributed is Pasta, they got the noodles, put some sauce with it to make it good, and cooked to perfection.

The Old woman cooked very well, as I got my share from the big bowls that were provided to each group of children.

Though it's not my mother's cooking I still like this type of food, you feel the love poured into is genuine.

"What do you want to do when you grow up Akagi-kun?" The old woman asked me smiling.

"I want to do what I want, wherever I want."

"That's not really specific, like what sort of job? A Hero! A Fireman! Or maybe an Astronaut!"

"I do like the idea of sports"

"Oh yeah, I see you with your bat swing it around would you like to go to the little league team around here Akagi?"

"No thanks Oba-san it's just a hobby, I'll just do the after school program in middle school"

After the conversation was done the dinner was finished and all the children were sleepy. It was then a whole group up was made with the Old woman in the middle. It seems she was telling a story of sorts to get the kids more sleepy.

She told the story of the Spider's Lullaby, It was a story of a man who hunts demons but before that he used to be a tattooist. He started tattooing Oni's onto peoples back and then they started coming to life.

The man hunted the people with the tattoos down and then erased each tattoo on his own. It was hard work but eventually, it was done. He then got his sleep after that, a spider's nest is shown with its children as she laid the eggs and they hatched. She then sleeps for a long time after that.

Most of the kids went back to sleep and I stayed up with my notebook. I didn't do much today because it was sort of a free day. I train almost every day, but I sometimes take day offs so I could have some fun in the process. Though training is fun it could get boring, you could say I had a problem with staying in one place since my last life.

Finding a way to live by myself is pretty hard to do. I could create an Identity of somebody and make them Adopt me. I don't think it would work as Orphanages do a background check on everything that's about the person.

I could disappear, but that would get government attention. Hmmm... So many tough decisions to make here. I could just make an excuse and buy a place somewhere near my school and live there for the time being.

I could just leave the orphanage. Alright let's do it I already bought an apartment to live at but I will have to live pretty far from here. Hmm Roppongi seems pretty good at the moment, I heard the nightlife there is pretty nice.

I got a big bag and got my notebook and went towards the apartment that was near the orphanage and started stashing the money I already had into the bag. It was sort of a duffle bag, a little big for me but It was carryable.

I started using alleyways and sneaking around until I found a car in an alone space in the middle of night. I don't know how to hotwire, I can't really just break in expecting to how to do that. So I then leave the car there and look for a bus station.

Seeing the bus station at least 20 feet away from me I start walking towards it. It looks sort of scarce for the number of people in the station. I didn't care anyway and took the closest bus to Roppongi. As I paid the fair and got on the bus and sat near the back where a door is near just in case someone is looking for me.

Now that I think of it, nobody would think a child would be smart enough to take a bus or even find one. They usually find the children at a park laying on one of the swings or something like that. It could be worse as well for some children but I don't want to talk about that.

I'm still on the bus just thinking as I see the environment change within minutes as memories of this year come. It feels sort of terrible for me to leave so suddenly, but I just felt like I needed to for the future. I can't be closely analyzed by the government or even I don't want my fellow friend to be involved with it. A sudden look of regret turns into a fierce look of fiery determination.

Though seeing the art galleries and sights of vibrant colors give me joy I although am happy to live a new life. I get to experience new things every single day, this time I include my own body into the mix, not just my mind. Through advertisements of celebrities showing on the walls it tells me that my journey has just begun.

I just got off the bus and I am walking towards one of the hotels that I see from afar. I don't interact with the staff and just give them the money and they let me be. I look like a teen at the moment since I've grown quite a bit.

It's sort of like that one guy who made a living off counterfeit checks. He was an excellent conman, the man's charisma was through the roof. Though mine isn't the same I still try to look the part adding on with my clothes being more mature.

I go towards the 10th floor and I walk towards the red mahogany door that says "110" I see it and open the door with the well-made doorknob. I see a sight of a bathroom to my right as the hallway continues into the bedroom, a small kitchen to the right after the hallway ends. I lock the door and turn the air conditioner up and lay my belongings near me.

I then fall down to the mattress with many blankets and pillows and lay down.

I sleep.

magmabeam magmabeam

Trying out a different form of dialouge.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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