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The Child of the Moon Goddess The Child of the Moon Goddess original

The Child of the Moon Goddess

Author: Drkpegasus

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I am Eve, a child of the moon goddess herself, a celestial being and a demi-god. Currently, I am sitting in one of the dance clubs in town. I did not realize I was assigned to the pack my best friend had gone to.  With just a casual glance, the man whom Roman shares is supposed to be my mate. This was not what I expected. I was sent here to do a job.  Yet, here he is sitting hand in hand with a stuck-up, too good for everyone, wolf bitch. As I glanced around the room, I saw him staring at me with a snarling grin. I can only assume it is meant to make me jealous. I am a child of the moon goddess, we learned patience and karma.

I remember Roman was my best friend since we were small younglings. We went everywhere together; from lessons to meals or adventures across the galaxy. He would stay with me until well into the night when I finally was compelled to rest.  Things changed when he turned sixteen. He was assigned his human and would be spending all of his time getting prepared and eventually should never return. Roman was different. If he needed space, he could pull himself away from his human and visit whenever he liked. After a time, I also received a human form unique to me. I can shapeshift because of my father, but the human form is more of my permanent form. When I am home, I can take on my celestial form. To best describe my celestial form to any non-celestials, would be to describe a constellation of stars and bright lights.  Roman often visited to vent about the state of the future alpha's pack. I realized that he would only visit at night. I never said anything, I had a feeling that the future alpha was partaking in extra activities that didn't involve his mate. Roman would come to chat during those activities. It was pretty regular until we were eighteen. After eighteen, he stopped coming as often. Then one day he came in his human form.

He said, "I wanted to show you who you needed to find." I revealed my human form as well.

"You are just as beautiful in this form as your celestial form."

"Thank you. Why are you showing me your human?" was my response.

"I am tired of him doing whatever he wants with anyone. I want the mate that is intended for us. You are our mate. I am certain of it."

I smiled and responded, "You are my best friend.  I will find you so that you will have someone to talk to but I feel your mate is still out there." We hugged and he kissed me on the cheek and then left. I never saw him again.

Mother gave me the assignment to check on the local packs in Indiana. I had everything all set up financially. It was a matter of finding a place to live. Many know that Indiana is nothing but corn and fields to most regular humans. So finding this place should be easy, but it isn't. Enchantments are providing its cover. I finally found it amongst the fields.  It was in the northwest in an area of the state between Indianapolis, and Chicago.  I found this apartment that had a dance club attached. It seems that everyone here are not all wolves. There is a lively mixture of creatures.  First, there are vampires, my landlord is one of them. My neighbor is of the fae race. They think I am a loner wolf. Little do they know I hold higher powers than any of them combined.

So now I sit here facing the man that Roman showed me. He was correct. We are mates. I can feel the mating bond and if I feel it, I know he does as well. Roman is being patient with him, or he is holding him back.  I can not tell.  However, he is being difficult; hence the snarling at me and the death grip on her hand.

I am tired of sitting here and decided to retire to my apartment.  I do not know anyone here anyway.  I got up and went to the elevator.  I press the up button and begin to wait.  I can feel myself being followed by something.  Just then, I am stopped by another man. This is the landlord I spoke of. His name is Matthew.

"Hey, wait.  Where are you going love?"

"Uh, I was getting tired, felt that it was time for me to retire to my apartment."

"Oh no, you owe me a dance. Did you forget?" I do not have a habit of talking to others.  I was taught to do my job and leave.  I did forget amongst the finding my mate non-sense.

On Monday I walked into the tenant's office to apply for residency.

"Hi, I need to put in an application."

The lady at the front desk looked at me as though I had just spoken another language to her and she didn't quite understand.

"Um, you need an appointment for that."

"Then I need to set up an appointment then." I was stone-faced and not unmoving in my decision.

"Um, one second." She then goes around the corner and whispers. "Matthew? There is a human woman out front wanting to apply for housing."

"A human, there can't be a human out front. They can't find our locations. I am going to make a call really quick.  Keep her busy."

Frazzled he began rummaging through what sounded like papers while I remained out front. She never once came back to check on me. I laughed to myself at the fact she thought I was human. But then again, I don't give off any scent of the other species.

"The witches and shamans said the charms are firm, there is no way she is human. Maybe she is just a wolfless werewolf, that was kicked out of her pack or she ran."

"So do I let her apply?"

"You know what, I will take care of this one personally."

She finally came back out. "Our manager will assist you personally. It seems he has free time for an appointment right now. Hope that doesn't inconvenience you." She said this to intimidate me to leave.

"Not at all, the sooner the better actually." I smiled a genuine smile.

Matthew came out; not a bad-looking man. He was tall, about 6'2. With his million-dollar smile, one could only assume he was a vampire. I looked past this. I am not interested in him. I have two tasks at hand. I need a place to stay and to check on the local packs. After that, I have my own task of finding Roman. I need to prove to him that we aren't mates that Mom, wouldn't have approved that.

"Hi, there Miss, uh..."

"I am Eve, and you are Matthew correct?"

"Yes. You must have exceptional hearing."

"No, you weren't really whispering when you were talking to your front desk clerk," I replied stoned-face yet again. I am trying to make myself as blunt as possible. I do not need the shenanigans or theatrics that go along with any vampire's wit.

"Well, Ms. Eve. If you could fill out all of the paperwork on this clipboard; we can get everything started."

He handed the clipboard to me like paperwork was intimidating. I looked through the first few pages and started to write with the pen he handed me and then I handed the clipboard back to him.

"Oh Miss, did you change your mind?" He asked with a forced overly sad face.

"Oh no, I am done. Take a look and see if I missed anything." The surprised look on both of their faces was almost laughable. He began looking through the paperwork and found that nothing was a miss. It was completed to the fullest extent and the final page for credit card information was also completed. I had set it up to pay for the entire year in one payment including deposit and application fee. This was part of Mother's task she had assigned me to.

"Oh okay. Let me just run the credit card and we can get you set up with your new apartment for the year."

He retreats to his office and then comes back.  "Everything looks as though it cleared.  I will get back to you within the week."

I stayed in a local hotel until I heard something from him.  Friday morning came.

"Hey, this is Matthew.  Everything cleared can you come in to be fingerprinted and set up with a fob key?"

"Of course, I will be right over."

I checked out of the hotel, and headed for the office of the apartment building.

"Gladys go ahead and take her fingerprints and give her a key. We can set her up on the sixth floor and assign her to the empty apartment up there."

"Oh, we have a free apartment, on that floor?"

"Yes, it is the one next to mine."

"Okay love, I need you to place your finger in the ink here and then on the end of the paperwork here." "

Okay, I can try." I did as she asked but no fingerprint appeared.

"Uh, try again love." I tried again; no fingerprint appeared.

"Here, let me try something" I took the paperwork from her and pressed the palm of my hand on the paperwork. I left the celestial insignia on the paperwork. They were confused but happy with it. I was handed the apartment key fob and off I went to find the apartment.

"Hey, wait."  Great now what?

"Let me show you where it is."

I ascended the elevator to floor six with Matthew in tow.  I looked at the key fob they had handed me. It was for apartment 667.

"Haha. Neighbor to the beast huh." I muttered as I exited the elevator. We walked down to the apartment.  I opened the lock and began to walk inside.  It was a nice apartment.  It was a decent size living area, a half wall separating it from the kitchen. The kitchen was equipped with a dishwasher and garbage disposal. The bathroom had two entrances one from the bedroom and the other from the kitchen. Next to that entrance was a washer and dryer. It was a one-person apartment. I stepped outside for a brief moment to find the garbage chute. While looking for the garbage shute, Matthew stood in front of the apartment next to mine.

"Did you find everything to your liking?"

"Yes, I am just looking for a garbage chute."

"Oh, it is over here by MY condo." He said again flashing that million-dollar smile.

"Thanks, that is all I was looking for." I went to return to my apartment when he stopped me one more time.

"Hey, so, we are actually on top of the hottest club in town. You should check it out. I am getting ready to head down there."

"That sounds like fun. I will check it out."

"Would you do the honor of dancing with me?" It looks like he is trying to compel me to do this task.

"Um, sure. Are you okay, your eyes look like they could pop out of your head at any moment." He straightened himself up.

"I am sorry, I did not think I was looking unusual. I will hold you to that dance."

Now, I am being walked back to the dance floor in front of my mate with another person. The DJ saw Matthew and started playing some fast salsa beats.  I was forced to study many trends over a vast amount of time. My mate's face was now horribly twisted upon seeing me dancing with this vampire, bumping and grinding. If he wasn't pissed before, you could see he was pissed now. I thanked Matthew for the dance.  I left again to the elevator.  I pressed the up button. While waiting for my elevator, I could hear the man approach Matthew.

"Who is she?" he snarled.

"I am sorry sir, I am not at liberty to reveal our tenant's name and information without proper paperwork to do so."

"She is my..." and then he stopped. Matthew had raised an eyebrow at him and was grinning at him.

"Nevermind. I will go through the proper channels to get that information."

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