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Genjustsu Legend Genjustsu Legend original

Genjustsu Legend

Author: Babylon3159

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Throne in the sky







All these are words that have no real meaning; these are merely words that people use to describe the behavior or the feelings of winners after their rise to power. The base of human beings is all filled with each individual, there is nothing more important than self-perseverance. If it means success, a human would do anything to achieve their own hungry desires, including hurting people weaker than them, twisting the minds of people friendly with them, betraying the people loyal to them, and even killing people who love them.

This is the reason why Uzumaki Naruto never once regretted anything he has ever done to the people around him... no matter how many times they call him evil or inhuman, he knew he was only acting like how a human is supposed to act.

As the pariah of Konoha, people would suggest that it is natural for him to see human beings as dark and primal beings, but one could say on good authority that he is the only one in this world that isn't blind to the truth...that he has the clearest perception of human beings.

There wasn't a day in his life that Naruto could remember that he did not feel...sad? He didn't know if that was the right word to describe the feeling he had been forced to face for the entirety of his life, but it was the only one he could use without despising his own pathetic exposure to humanity. As an orphan he had never felt an ounce of parental love or care, he was all alone, even when he was in the orphanage he was shunned and abused by those around him. Naruto was not surprised about the way he was treated after all one cannot be surprised at something that has been happening to one their entire life...

Naruto was only confused at why people were treating him with hate...anger..resentment. Looking into people's eyes when he passed them on the streets, he could see that he alone would draw out a primal glare in every human's eyes, they would look at him like a lion would a gazelle...not only was he their prey, he was also lower than them by birth. Naruto didn't know what to feel...or how to feel, his senses and judging abilities on other humans are constantly changing... each human he came across would treat him differently, but overall there was nothing positive about them.

Another thing Naruto was confused about was the fact that everybody seems to want to kill him... doesn't. It was as though some of them were afraid of him and others were restrained by somebody from killing him...

When he was younger Naruto would weep to himself, but the thing that bothered him the most from those experiences was not because he was crying, it was the fact that he was crying in the first place. Why would he cry because people were treating him like dirt...crying is a source of weakness, it was a wound of one's mentality... the only way to prevent oneself from getting wounded in such a way was to dodge the strike mentally. Ever since Naruto was five years old he had never cried once... he no longer cared about how other people treated him, it wasn't because he gave up on himself, but rather because he gave up on everyone else.

Naruto never had any faith or belief in humanity since his existence... but he wants to. He would never place his trust in any humans because of the way they are now, but as they always say, people could always change...

Naruto had spent the majority of his childhood inside the sanctuary of the library...inside the buffer zone of knowledge and history he could ignore all those around him and immerse inside many stories of what happened to people before his time, and the knowledge they gained during their lives. Throughout the many years of the isolated childhood, Naruto had learned many things inside the library, such as the various ways people would react to different things, why they would behave that way, and how he could make them behave that way...

Naruto used his extreme depth in human psychology to mold the reactions of many people around him, and it has become effortless for him...he no longer had to put up any effort into influencing people so they would behave the way he wants them to.

To his own mind, Naruto had grown to think other humans to not be above him from birth...but below him. with simple words out of his mouth, or effortless actions with his body language he could make people behave however he wanted. Even the so-called heroes of the village known as Shinobi...

The Shinobi sect and their so-called infinite knowledge of chakra and even power...To a person like Naruto, they were nothing but ants... and he himself was a human looking down upon them with their fate in his hand... to the Uzumaki, he was the one that would one day rule over the locust of the world known as shinobi. These people had grown fond of their feeble power and had even thought of themselves as the peak of human potential, but Naruto was enlightened to the truth...

The word power is the clearest in Naruto's is a simple word with enormous meaning. Those who have power in the world would have the right to use other words like Happiness, Peace...or so-called Harmony. These words are the trophies of those to have stepped on others, who have abandoned their morals... and had revert back to the ideal human.

Naruto was born with a mind that was superior to the others among him...

He was born with a chakra network that was superior to those who were considered the Elite Ninja of his village...

He was born with a Zanpakutou that was superior to those of his ancestors before their ultimate demise...

The humans of the world were mere ants to the superior Naruto, who stood over them with their fate in his hands. A lion would not feel guilty when it rips open a why would Naruto feel any remorse by killing those who were weak and in his way...

Naruto stood on top of the heads of the few so-called Legendary Ninja who had led them into the prosperity of today as he stared down at the people who have wronged him his entire life.

"All living creatures place their faith in someone more powerful than them and they cannot survive unless they blindly follow that person. The recipient of that faith then seeks out someone in an even higher position in order to escape from the pressure. That person then seeks out someone even more powerful that he must put his faith in. In this way, all kings are born, and in this way all gods are born."

Naruto ran his fingers through his blonde hair, which is swept back with a stray strand hanging over his forehead, as he stared down at Konoha with icy cold blue eyes

"No one stands on the top of the world. Not you, not me, nor the gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on...I alone will be sitting on it."

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