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Chapter 30: Chapter 29

Author's note.

{N / A: all the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.


Continuation of the previous chapter.

Looking at Leon, the president said:

[You're playing god, Leon, and that's dangerous] (President Smith).

At that moment, though He said that, President Smith was thinking something else.

{"Holy shit, fuck the idea of dominating just a few planets, with Leon on our side, the American government will rule the whole galaxy"}

[I don't joke about being God] (Leon);

[I am an inventor and a scientist. My job is to challenge the unknown and create what is considered impossible] (Leon).

[When I said I would work for the American government, I promised advances in technology. And I am a man who keeps my promises] (Leon).

[The Eden Project is something made for the population. Cheap food with superior quality for all, that is the goal of this project] (Leon).

Looking at Leon and seeing his eyes showing resolution, President Smith decided to ask a few questions.

[Leon before we go on there are some things I want to know] (President Smith).

[What do you need from me to make your project work?] (President Smith).

[I need you to grant presidential pardon to 5 people who are considered criminals and authorization to move them and put them working under me] (Leon).

Listening to Leon, the president frowned and said:

[Who are these people?] (President Smith).

[Pamela Isley known as Poison Ivy] (Leon).

[Edward Nigma also known as The Riddler] (Leon).

[Victor Fries aka Mister Freeze] (Leon).

[Dra. Harleen Quinzel known as Harley Quinn] (Leon).

[Barbara Minerva known as Cheetah] (Leon).

Listening to Leon, the president was silent for some time before saying:

[Why do you want access to these particular people?] (President Smith)

[Because each of these people has potential that, if used correctly, can boost my projects several years ahead. They are geniuses who far outperform most of the researchers who are in my department.] (Leon).

[And what makes you think you can make them cooperate?] (President Smith).

[I can give them what they seek the most] (Leon).

[Poison Ivy wants nature to be treated well] (Leon).

[Freeze wants his wife healed] (Leon).

[Cheetah seeks affection and a method of returning to being human while maintaining its abilities and abilities] (Leon).

[Riddler wants recognition for his brilliant mind] (Leon).

[Harley Quinn wants something she can lean on] (Leon).

[I can easily fulfill the wishes of all of them. Plus I have my methods to ensure that a contract with me is maintained] (Leon).

[The mind of these people is useful for various projects. I will be honest with you, for the Eden project only Poison Ivy is needed. The others are for the other projects] (Leon).

[What are the other projects?] (President Smith)

[One of the other projects is in the area of energy development, which will make fossil fuels obsolete.] (Leon)

[The name of the project is Project: Azmuth. This project consists of an energy generator that can create enough clean energy to supply the entire country with a single generator] (Leon)

[And I would like this project to be used according to our agreement. Something that is to be used only in a civil way to serve the American people] (Leon).

[I understand] (President Smith)

[Leon, I know you understand that what you're asking me is something really big. You're asking me to go against all the tycoons in the energy business that our country has] (President Smith)

[That's why I gave you the Eden project on a silver platter. So its popularity won't drop no matter what anyone tries] (Leon)

[With the Eden project at stake, you can set the price of all vegetables, grains, fruits, and greens at only $1 a kg] (Leon)

[With this, you will win the next elections with complete certainty. In addition to that, being the president with the highest approval rating of all time] (Leon)

[And not only that, you can start exporting food to our allies and sell at ridiculously low prices. Thereby ensuring that they give you favors and want to be on your good side as much as possible] (Leon)

[I gave you the largest golden egg on the planet in exchange for the problems the Azmuth project could cause you] (Leon)

[It seems to be a very fair exchange] (Leon)

Listening to Leon, both Amanda and the President had the same thought.

{"This is definitely because of Caitlin Snow"}

Amanda at that moment smiled predatorily, she believed that her plan was working perfectly.

President Smith also smiled at the thought but his smile was cut short so he asked Leon.

[I knew that for you to introduce me to that project, you must have interest in something to involve you in this.] (President Smith).

[Tell me, what motivated you to do this?] (President Smith).

Looking at the president, Leon said:

[What motivated me was that I met a genuinely good person with no second thoughts, willing to make heavy sacrifices for the good of others] (Leon).

[Unlike people like me, Cobblepot, and Waller here, she was willing to go to the extremes for the good of humanity. And that's what inspired me to do this project] (Leon).

Listening to Leon, the president smiled broadly when he said:

[All right, I'm going to approve these projects and I'm going to make sure that the Azmuth project isn't converted into a weapon] (President Smith).

[And as for the villains they will be transferred to you in a week's time] (President Smith)

[Now tell me what are the other projects?] (President Smith).

[The other projects are called Project: Eye of Horus, and Project: Healing] (Leon)

[The ideas for these projects were presented to me by two scientists who work for me, they are James Stuart and Caitlin Snow] (Leon) said when he started explaining the projects to the president.

But the only thought in his mind was:

{"Idiots, do you really think I'd even design to do a project like Project Eden just for someone like Caitlin?"}

{"This project is my entry to the seat as president of the United States. An essential step in my plan"}

At the end of the explanation, the President issued five presidential pardons and gave Leon permission to act the way he needed to do with those five.

He also gave permission for the immediate implementation of the Eden Project and ordered Leon to oversee everything.

After that, Leon left the president's office with a calm smile. He got what he was looking for.

A week later.

Leon was quietly waiting outside his base, next to him there was a man that everyone in Gotham would easily recognize.

Hassan stood beside Leon in silence.

Soon a helicopter landed right in front of him.

From inside that helicopter, five handcuffed people were driven by a man Leon recognized as Rick Flag.

As soon as these people arrived Leon looked at each of them and said:

[Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my base]. (Leon)

Harley Quinn looking at Leon smiled maniacally when he said:

[Wow, the golden boy from the United States was waiting for us. Look at him Pam, we're important] (Harley Quinn).

Poison Ivy listening to Harley had an exasperated expression when she said:

[Harley, be quiet] Poison Ivy.

Harley was about to continue when he noticed Hassan.

As soon as she did, Harley started shaking.

Seeing the scene, Leon smiled calmly and said:

[Don't worry about Hassan, he's not here to kill you. He came to ensure my safety today] (Leon).

[Leon, this must be a mistake. They are criminals who killed innocent people. They should be slaughtered like the animals they are] (Hassan) said coldly, making all the villains take a step back.

[And I've said before, that it's a waste of potential these people have. Everyone here has the potential to help society as a whole in a lot of ways. I don't see why we should kill them when they can go their separate ways] (Leon).

Turning to everyone, Leon kept a calm smile when he said:

[All right, allow me to present myself correctly. I'm Leon and you all are here because of an offer you cannot refuse] (Leon).

[What I offer you all is freedom and achievement of your goals] (Leon).

[What do you mean by that?] (Cheetah).

[You see, Barbara, I see potential in each of you. All being brilliant minds who ended up becoming villains because of horrible situations] (Leon).

[You needed resources to complete your research, Viktor to save his wife, Harley due to the influence of a man who only treated her badly and hurt her, Pamela for wanting to save the world, and Edward for being despised by all] (Leon).

[Each of you went through a situation that shouldn't have occurred. It shouldn't be a problem saving the planet and it shouldn't be a problem for people with brilliant minds to be recognized] (Leon).

[It shouldn't be a problem for someone to want to be loved and respected. It shouldn't be a problem for brilliant scientists to get funds for research] (Leon).

[Unfortunately, this is not the ideal world, and this shit happens] (Leon).

[But with your help this may change] (Leon) said and stood silent as he let what he said sink.

Harley listening to Leon said:

[What is your proposal?] (Harley).

[Work with me, I have presidential pardons for each of you. And I can help you get something that everyone lacks] (Leon).

[A means to achieve your goals effectively] (Leon).

[You speak as if you know us] (Harley).

[But of course I know, Harley. I know more about you than yourselves] (Leon).

[Let's take your case for example, a brilliant psychiatric doctor, a person who worked to help out people get healthy again] (Leon).

[A strong and independent woman who achieved a successful career] (Leon).

[A woman who intended to help others and who saw kindness and kindness even in the most terrible people] (Leon).

[Why would someone like you do everything you did for a man who hurt you and treated you like crap?] (Leon).

[If that question is asked to Batman or any of the Robins, they will say that you are crazy and leave for that very matter] (Leon).

[If you ask me that question, I'll say you simply sought true love] (Leon).

[You wanted a love Free of fear, free of prejudice, free of pain, Free of rationality, a Love that brought freedom to itself] (Leon).

[You never wanted to be just Harleen Quinzel, the Arkham pediatrician who couldn't save her patients from themselves] (Leon).

[You always wanted to be Harley Quinn, a strong woman who could do what other women feared] (Leon).

As soon as Leon spoke, Harley wide-eyed her eyes as if every word of Leon resonated within her own soul.

[That love, it was something you believed could only be given to you by the Joker] (Leon).

[So you've been by his side all this time however I'm sure you've noticed long ago. That the Joker never loved you and neither did you love him] (Leon).

[He used you in the sickest way possible and you leaned on him] (Leon).

Harley listening to Leon, panicked and shouted:

[YOU'RE WRONG, MY PUDDIN LOVES ME! JUST AS I LOVE HIM] (Harley) said aggressively, but her eyes were already tearing.

[Am I wrong? So tell me Harley] (Leon).

[How many times has he hurt you?] (Leon).

[How many times has he humiliated you?] (Leon).

[How many times has he betrayed you?] (Leon).

[How many times has he hurt your feelings?] (Leon).

[How many times has the Joker given you up so he could focus on the sick game he has with Batman?] (Leon) said with every word his tearing up the image of the Joker in Harley Quinn's heart.

None of those present knew but Leon had acquired the ability of a telepath named Simon, whose villainous name was Psimon.

And he was using his telepathy to slowly influence Harley. On the outside, it seemed like he was simply reading her like a book. Leon was actually quietly influencing her to believe what he wanted.

[Let's be realistic Harley, do you really love the joker?] (Leon).


Pamela seeing that Leon was doing what she tried for years and failed, was elated.

[So tell me, Harley, what's the joker's original name?] (Leon).

As soon as that question fell, Harley froze.

Seeing this Leon continued.

[If you love him, and he loves you, it shouldn't be hard for you to know his real name. After all, he loves you, right?] (Leon).

[Who loves, trusts. Who loves, desires intimacy. Who loves, respects the partner. To know his name would be a demonstration of his love for you] (Leon).

[But has he ever done that?] (Leon).

Harley listening to Leon stood silently as tears began to fall from his eyes.

Leon seeing that it was working continued.


[Has he ever put you ahead of his ambitions?] (Leon).

Harley listening to the questions stood silent as it looked like rivers were dripping from his eyes.

Soon she fell on her ass on the floor, her eyes lost their light as if she had lost all the reasons to live.

Pamela seeing this was about to interfere when Hassan appeared behind her held her by the neck and said:

[Move a millimeter, or emit any sound, and I will turn you into fertilizer to your much-loved plants] (Hassan).

Looking at Harley, Leon walked until he was in front of her crouched down so that her eyes would meet, and said:

[Do you understand now Harley?] (Leon).

Harley stood on the floor as if she were a broken doll, and nodded.

At that moment Leon made her go through all the tortures the Joker did to her several times in her mind as he influenced her.

[I'm a stranger. I've never seen you before today but I know more about you than you yourself] (Leon).

[Today I'm offering you the chance to change your life. Be someone who really is free. I'm giving you the chance to be the great woman I know you can be] (Leon).

[Harley, I need you. So we can prevent more people like you and me from being raised in this fucked-up world] (Leon).

[I can't] (Harley) said in a disheartening manner.

[Of course, you can, Harley. You and I are the same. People who have suffered from the worst of humanity and if I've managed to turn it around. I know you can too] (Leon).

[You are a very special woman who has suffered too much. Could you help me prevent more people from continuing to suffer?] (Leon) said as he reached out.

Harley listening to Leon felt her world that had shattered rebuilding itself at an unreasonable speed.

Everything that seemed confusing before, made sense to her again. In Harley's mind, Leon changed very much in a few moments.

Instead of just being just another random guy, Harley saw Leon as his savior. Someone who deserved a vote of her confidence.

Taking his hand, Harley said:

[I'll trust you. Don't let me down] (Harley) said with eyes that they came back to life.

Smiling at her getting up and helping her get up, Leon said:

[I won't] (Leon).

After that, he turned to everyone else who watched.

Rick Flag seemed to have seen something impossible, his mouth was open in shock.

Pamela was shocked too.

Looking around, Leon said:

[Hassan let her go. I can't talk to her with you strangling my new researcher] (Leon).

Hearing Leon, Hassan released Poison Ivy who looked at Hassan with resentment.

[Sorry for my friend's rudeness. He's very protective of me, I know you can understand] (Leon).

[Now let's go to business, Pamela. Tell me, if I have a way to reduce pollution and destruction caused to nature by the United States by 95%, in addition to being able to increase the flora of the entire planet by 50% in the next 10 years. Would you be willing to work together with me?] (Leon).

Listening to Leon, Pamela was shocked when she said:

[This is impossible. Humans will not stop polluting the environment] (Ivy).

[They will, if it is convenient] (Leon).

[And I am known to create the impossible in my laboratory. And I can prove that I am able to fulfill what I say] (Leon)

Looking at Hassan, Leon said:

[I need you to go to my apartment and get the package, please] (Leon).

Nodding Hassan teleported, and after a few minutes, he came back with a huge box.

Inside it was apple seeds, and 6 large gallons of water and tools to plant.

Picking up the tools, and going to a part where there was dirt, Leon dug a deep hole, put some seeds, and covered it with dirt.

After that, he took the gallon and threw the water on top of the place where he planted it.

[Look Pamela, I've developed seeds that grow much faster and with fewer resources] (Leon).

As soon as Leon spoke Pamela saw a small bud coming out of the ground.

Taking another gallon and throwing the water over the bud, Leon waited a few moments.

The small bud began to grow and became a small tree.

Another gallon of water and this tree grew even more to the size of an apple tree.

With the third gallon, the tree matured completely.

Putting the fourth gallon, apples began to appear in the tree.

The fifth gallon, made the apples reach a state where they were almost ready to be harvested.

The Sixth gallon caused all the fruits to ripen completely.

Jumping and picking up one of the apples, Leon bit into it. It was really sweet and juicy.

Jumping, he took another one and offered it to Poison Ivy.

[Want to try one?] (Leon).

Everyone in attendance at that was shocked.

Especially Poison Ivy, she could tell that Leon had not used powers similar to hers.

[How?] (Ivy).

[It's simple, Pamela, I'm a genius] (Leon).

[I developed genetically modified seeds, which could grow an entire destroyed forest in minutes] (Leon).

[Now instead of humans only destroying nature, they can contribute to it in a cycle of mutual help] (Leon).

[The planet provides us with food and resources. And we help the planet stay healthy and prosperous] (Leon).

[Doesn't it seem like a wonderful world in which we can live?] (Leon) said with a calm smile.

Looking at Leon, Poison Ivy, thought a little and said:

[If you can help the planet, I accept your offer] (Poison Ivy) said quietly.

[Now for you Viktor, I have the cure for your wife. Just as I have the cure for you] (Leon).

[I can heal both, and you can help me heal the world. Are you willing?] (Leon).

[If you can cure my wife, I am willing] (Viktor).

Looking at Edward Nigma, Leon said:

[Edward, I can make you one of the most recognizable people in the world. In a place where everyone recognizes your talent, all I need is for you to use it to help me build a better world] (Leon).

Edward thought for a while and said:

[Okay, let's see where this world you want to create will end up] (Edward).

Looking at Cheetah, Leon said:

[Barbara, I can give you back your human appearance while you maintain your powers. I can also help you with your research] (Leon).

[I'm in] (Barbara).

[Excellent] (Leon) said with a smile.


Editor's note SentinelSilence: Damn, that speech with Harley Quinn made me realize a few things from my girlfriend. I probably should think things over now. Dammit author, you made blank out for a good 20 minutes internalizing things before I realized I still had to edit the chapters.

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