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When the Stars Burn out When the Stars Burn out original

When the Stars Burn out

Author: Astronomus

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

It's currently 269 IG, 269 years after humanity has invented intergalactic travel.

It was when humanity has first joined the galaxy and had it's first extraterrestrial contact, but they joined the galactic community... during a galactic war.

A war where entire solar systems were ravaged and trillions of lives and decades has already been lost.

A war where "World Wars" known by humans was taken to a galactic scale.

Humanity unknowingly joined in this conflict unintentionally, when they first tested Their FTL engine to a unknown region, a participator in the war must've thought it was a scout from one of their enemies which lead to the result of humanity being discovered.

This put humanity against a more technologically advanced empire and was put under immense pressure.

Humanity was highly unprepared and the result was that their local star group they controlled was devastated, entire planets where humans lived was destroyed. and earth had been under siege for years. But During the siege a new humanoid species called "Astronians" appeared. Their origins were not confirmed by paper but one major rumor is that a group of regular humans were intoxicated with a unknown waste caused by the engines of the attacking Civilization. These Astronians were the first to gain unbelievable powers like the ability to fly, high intelligence and telekinesis, They helped humanity pushed back their enemies out of their territory system and continued to push the enemy back into their lands.

These Astronians Thrived and even spread- like wildfire from only a few hundred to hundreds of Millions in a couple of decades but here was the catch... Astronians can not give birth to other Astronians if they mate with another race.

Nevertheless Astronians were the only reason that Humanity has survived, Became a Galactic Powerhouse and achieved numerous space battles...

However... The leaders of the government Realized that these Astronian's posed a threat, as Astronians have the strength of 10000 professional trained soldiers, As of now Astronians were being treated as first-class citizens even though they didn't have any rights ,if these Astronian's reached billions and the question of Equal rights for Astronians comes up then it could mean that these Astronian's would revolt and potentially enslave Humans as they are genetically superior.... even 1 child was a threat to humans.... So they shot first

When the war was ending and it was clear that Humanity was going to win.

They decided to genocide all Astronians, no matter the age, no matter how strong or intelligent the Person is, They all were targeted with extreme prejudiced and if they survived the beatings and sometimes gunshot wounds they were sent to camps, a lot of these camps... were Nazi camps used by Hitler in 1930's-1945's. They did to same to any human who tried to defend them, no mercy for anyone, and any information about Astronians were erased and shut down completely even the black market and web were no match, all footage of them was re-educated that they were a new type of ship or a robotic enhancement of a human.

As hundreds of millions turned into only thousands and thousands turned into only dozens... The Astronians did their best to hide their powers and their children's powers but only a few succeeded,

Despite this horrific act... Humanity and their coalition "The Alliance of Independent Civilizations" Or "T.A.I.C" has won the galactic war in 49 IG

The Galaxy was divided between 5 Different Empires... The Zugnet hivemind, The Vistrine Reich, The Northern Star Technocracy, The Pare Robotic and last but not least The Human Republic.

For centuries these 5 civilizations have been fortifying their borders, making secret alliances and keep increasing their fleet power.. humanity though has close all borders and turned into Isolationists...and the galaxy has waited for who will fire first in the galactic "Cold-war"

However everything changed in 227 IG; The Human Republic, had collapsed, The Government had lost influence over both the people and it's sectors, numerous Unfair laws, Scandals and their injustice for their citizens called for a revolution and during the galactic war Ceremony which signifies t Humanity's victory over the Galactic war, All of the Government has been assassinated in one mamba bomb, destroying all of it's leaders and rulers at once and since then it turned into complete Chaos. Neither the Northern Star or Nike Reich took the Easy space. They know that it would spark another galactic war... a war in which trillions lives were going to be lost once again and so they do nothing, they wait for the next successor of the Human republic as they try to influence systems to their own ideology and ways.

In 269 IG, 3 leaders from unknown origins named Mrdevus, Astronia, and Astronomus unified a sector of the ex-Human republic territory.

Together they have one goal, a goal to unite the galaxy under one banner, under one purpose, and under one name.

The Astronian-Devlorian Empire.

Astronomus Astronomus

Heyo, Welcome to "When the Stars Burn out!" This is a story of multiple hero's who struggle to handle a entire galactic Empire, From politics wise to Assasinations.

The story is always changing, so i suggest you keep comming back to see the improvements to the story!

If you got any questions, concerns, suggestions, advide and etc! then tell me i'll be happy to hear anything!

Have a great day or night

-From your Galactic Emperor

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