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Chapter 9: Intuit Intuit

It was Sunday afternoon when I was in my company, working with other designer associates to complete the pageant dress. I was able to focus well at work now, since there is already a nanny taking care of the kid. Well, it's not like I am the one personally taking care of her at work anyways but still, Jami was not paid to be a nanny and Mia was against of a man taking care of her daughter. Because of that, I had to resort to a nanny as a solution. Just like that, Jami has arranged the nanny to come in during my working hours.

She was a lady who was on early 50s with slight grey hair here and there but she seemed robust. A mother of 5 children who has all grown up and away from home for their career, she has chosen to work as babysitter since she is a sweet lady who loves children. The best part is Hani likes her nanny so it was great. Now that I think about it, Hani seems to be comfortable with just about anybody. Not even Grandpa's dark aura has made her cry. I wonder how is she so chilled. Perhaps, it's because she doesn't understand about what's dangerous and what is not or perhaps, she is just plain curious of her surroundings. Whatever it is, it's convenient for me, but, at the same time, I am worried for her carefree curiosity. What if she follows a stranger who has bad intentions? That thought has sent me shivers down my spine.

"Do we need to add sequins at the wristline?" asked Jessie, one of my team mate. She's an associate designer and it was her design that was chosen for the upcoming pageant. She was a fresh graduate that joined my company last year but I have to say, she is quite the prodigy. The 23 year old has creativity that knows no bounds and I knew from her proposals that she's a genius that I must cultivate.

"Yes, this is your piece after all, so I'll let you decide." I answered and to that, she replied with a smile with a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

As we continued to work on our pieces, my phone started ringing. I approached my phone to answer the call, ending the "Go Go" ringtone as I said, "Hello, Grandpa. How are you?"

"Hello my little wolf. Your Grandpa's doing well as usual. Did my sweet granddaughter had a good sleep last night?"

As he said that, I could already smell it. Grandpa has already caught his fish and he wants to make sure that I am in a good mood to break this news to me. I can hear his excitement and honestly, I've missed that. After I have started my career and left the nest, I hardly came back home and the same goes to his children and other grandchildren. I think because of that, he has grown to feel more lonely and more passive in his emotions. Sure, he acts cheerful when I'm around but some of his men has shared with me that Grandpa was mostly quiet on his own. He sometimes opens up our old albums to see our pictures when we were all kids and he especially stares longer at the picture of my dead parents and that always breaks my heart.

"Yes, I did. So, Grandpa any news about Hani's father?" I asked feigning ignorance to his excitement. It's not like I am the one who wants to get married anyway.

"Oh, about him. I think you should advise your friend that she will be better off without him."

"Why is that Grandpa? What did you find out?"

"This con man is called Reuben. He might be a businessman in the surface but he is actually a con artist. He uses daughters from rich family to scale his company to higher level. His previous victim was a daughter from Aizawa Group and on the surface, they announced they broke off their engagement because both of them fell out of love but in reality, he was caught swindling their money through their daughter and warned him to stay away."

I knew it. My hunch was right to investigate him. The guy is a problematic one.

"Whoa. Why didn't they report to the police?" I was literally shooked with the information.

"They don't want to lose face. That's just how some people are. Their reputation are more important because it will affect their business. If their shares drops, they can basically close down. To avoid it, they'll cover up and do their best to never let secrets like this out. Now, what you can do is to advise Mia to leave that con man and convince her family to take care of her child by herself. She don't need that man. He's useless." Grandpa advised. I agreed with him that this guy is useless but I am conflicted about how to break this to Mia. Normally people who are in love could turn deaf and blind right? I feel as if she's not going to listen to me.

As I pondered of how to talk to Mia, Grandpa cleared his throat on the other side of the line and started to ask excitedly, "So, can you come home this coming weekend?"

"I don't know Grandpa, I might be busy next weekend too." I answered, trying to buy myself more time to avoid meeting the fish.

"What? Take a day off. This fish is really good. He's a doctor and he is very intelligent. You'll like him in no time."

"Uhhh... but Grandpa..."

"No buts. You better come home young lady. Any delays will only be bad for you. He is from a very loving family and his father is one of my partner. So you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Ugh. Fine. I'll be home on this coming Sunday." I promised dreadfully. This is definitely not something I am looking forward to but if Grandpa insists, then I have got no choice.

"That's good. Don't skip this out no matter what little wolf. I am looking forward for our family meeting."

"Grandpa, calling it a family meeting is a stretch. We don't even know them well at all."

"Hahaha, little wolf, you will be surprised on the day. Alright kiddo. I got to go. There's someone I gotta deal with." He said merrily.

"Okay, bye Grandpa. Take care." I answered, ending the call. Dreading for next Sunday to come.

MonsCiel MonsCiel

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