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The almost emotionless assassin The almost emotionless assassin original

The almost emotionless assassin

Author: BlazeDova

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The assassin

"From today. I'll be different. I will continue the path that has been layed out for me. Nothing shall stop me from living the future I have been told of."

This is the story of a man, whom was told of a prosperous future that he would think impossible. This man is Drathon Exavier, an assassin trained from birth to kill without remorse, without guilt and overall, without emotion. He'd be known as the Emotionless assassin, however this title would soon be incorrect as you will soon see.

1st of May, x1754

"This time of the year is always, strange. It's neither too hot nor too cold. Though the rain is... Nice... It can mean your target never heard you coming. But, I'm not like that anymore. I haven't taken a contract in a little over a year now. Yet I haven't exactly needed the coin. The upside from living in the woods for so long. No worry of coin. No worry of much at all..."

He would grip his hand which had an cross shaped scar on the back as he removed his gloves he would look at them on his hand. He sat by the river casually not a single care in the world but there was at least something on his mind. Right? The six foot, red leather jacket wearing Assassin with a Scythe leaning on his shoulder. And there was, he'd been living in the woods for a year and three months now, with little human contact. He didn't want to be arrested or worse yet killed. But still he had developed something a way of thinking, he thought there was no place for him. He'd either be killed by the military or be kept in a cell the rest of his life. Neither he wanted to happen. So he sighs placing his gloves back on as he stares into the water, only to see the cleanly shaven face of himself. A face like his father's just without the beard and green eyes.

May 25th, x1754

"It's almost the end of the month, I'm not sure what to do from here. I had told Belle how I thought I felt. It seems it wasn't a good idea, to even let myself feel. But now, I stay in the woods I'll watch over her so I know she's safe."

And so he did for the next two months Drathon would stay in the trees and make sure Belle was safe he did not dare go upto her again. There was no point in getting involved in her life, Drathon now thought himself a burden on those he knew, best he stayed away from others for now. Drathon was taught not to feel, that it would only get in the way of his job. Belle was just a simple woman, a gypsy who lived in a cabin in the middle of the Valencian wilderness.

Valencia was a vast place with many cities, towns, villages as well as forests, plains, marshes and all sorts like that. To the north was a snowy area that inhabited a few villages and snowy plains and mountains. Drathon was in the forests close enough to the capital in the center on the continent. Not too far from his friend. But still a ways from his home in Cyndonia, another city in the continent.

June 13th x1752

"It's been a few years now. I've been staying in my home city of Cyndonia keeping myself hidden for the most part. Jacob is in Titan with Evie, it's lonely being well, alone. I miss Evie and Jacob but I wish them the best in thier work in the capital."

It had only been a few years since the collapse of the secret order of assassins. A mystery to all but few, but the year x1749 the almost emotionless assassin was fourteen. And was getting money by private contracts, with each kill gaining a bit more money just to get by. But with each contract he took he gained another scar. Which he soon gained more and more, first on his arms and hand. Then more in other places on his upper body.

21st of May, x1751

"Today marks my sixteenth birthday. To think in only a few days time I'll be risking my life to visit the unmarked graves of my parents. But now... Emotions are pointless, I have no need for them now. And I doubt I'll have much use of them in the future either."

By this time Drathon had now gained a new attire from the one he had as a child. From the short red leather jacket came a large long sleeved red and black jacket custom fit to Drathon's size and with a holster for his scythe and space for a... Few... Throwing knives. He then did what he said he would. He stood in front of two unmarked graves with a hood to cover his face. A new look would be enough for now, the military were used to the old single colour jacket. But there he stood placing some flowers by the graves and there stood... Someone else, not an assassin, so Jacob was ruled out. Rain fell on that day for the whole day over Cyndonia. There stood Lt. Colonel Mustang, Bergon at his side ready to draw but he looked at the assassin, with the new jacket and no order symbol it was 'hard' to identify who it was. Or so said his report later that day. The assassin gave the Lt. Colonel a nod before then walking off leaving the graveyard. Leaving the Lt. Colonel to his thoughts.

"He saw me, knew it was me. But he didn't do anything. Maybe he'd lost someone too? I cannot be sure but only take this as fate working in my favour. Another year past and a new Era bound. May the year x1751 be one known to all, as the year the unexplainable happened."

Many things unexplainable happened within the year of x1753. No one knows how or why. Though one did not question it as he smiled and sat drinking tea. Our Assassin however, strudded through the year just about living. More contracts came more scars were made.

The Shadows we walk

Alone we know

For the time will come

For me to end you

5th of September, x1753

"It's been awhile since I have even done this, yet here I am doing it. Today marks the start of my life as a true outlaw, today I killed a man who needed to die. I had no contract and no agenda. This man, I killed him. I sliced his throat open and watched him die before then walking off. It wasn't long before the military caught up with it all. And there someone was, to put me right there at that time knowing I killed that man without having a contract. The man was a corrupt Noble who implored the services of necromancers and dark mages alike. He also was apart of a large underground prostitution ring. As well as hiring Assassins such as myself, Jacob and the Nightblade. Grantham was always on different jobs. He would never taken a contract by this man. But then again, if the pay was enough any assassin would... But not me."

Here he now walked alone. No-one close or to care. No-one to care about. Already being labeled by many as the Emotionless Assassin. Drathon used the name he was given to then get people to leave him alone. It worked most the time but now, he had nowhere to go. So, he stayed in the woodlands and grasslands of Valencia away from people, away from the military, away from his old life and home.

6th of November, x1753

"The air has changed. It's gotten colder. I think it'll start snowing soon enough. Can't live out in the forest forever and this year will be colder than before, I can feel It. I can't stay with Bell, I can't face her after everything that's been going on. Especially from what the fortune teller said. I don't know when it'll happen but right now, I need a drink."

He then went into the city, the capital as well, for what felt like the first time in years. He found a tavern and at that tavern was two men at the bar talking. Well, more of a one sided conversation by a man with a cane and a flat cap. That man ordered a bitter, while the other man in full leather armour and an eye patch over one of his eyes ordered the strongest drink the tavern had to offer. The barmaid, an animated doll girl gave them thier orders before then walking over to the assassin. He grunted and sighed as he ordered a whiskey. He drank it without a second thought as the doll girl looked at him with concern as well did the man with the cane and flat cap. After a short while of being there Drathon stood up and left payment on the table as he was then stopped, by a familiar face.

"Drathe..." Said the man, only one person in the world called Drathon by that name. Jacob Eagle.

"Jacob please. Let me leave." He says with a blank expression.

"And where will ya go?" Jacob replied with a fire in his eyes and a slight announce in his tone.

"The only place I can. It's where I can be in solitary and peace. Without being chased and called a murderer."

Jacob just sighed as he looked at his friend. He saw what no one else did. He saw the face of the boy who escaped that order with him. That same blank expressionless face. With that Drathon walked off and out the city as Jacob says.

"See ya next time Drathe. See ya next time." Jacob said hands in his pockets as he lets out a sigh then reaching into his coat for a box of cigarettes.

With all this the the bar maid watched unsure on how to react to the situation, she just continued serving patrons and Jacob stops as he takes out a cigarette holding it in his hand as the then turns to her.

"Sorry 'bout that. I gotta go to. Take this and keep the change."

He said handing her the payment for his drink and a little more as he then leaves the tavern, once outside he takes out a lighter to then light his cigarette as he placed it in his mouth. Once lit he starts heading back to the den. At this point it seemed that Drathon had given up all hope and Jacob was unsure on what to do, he kept up an apartment for Drathon in the city. A nice large with a nice sized bedroom, living area with a fair sized kitchen. Though Drathon knew about it, he didn't want it or have need of it.

10th of December, x1753

"It's now been no more than a year and a half of living in the wilderness. But now I'm back in the city to see the snow cover the buildings. I met this girl. Beautiful, and caring... Her name is Megan, I am glad to have her. As now I am starting to feel again. I am learning to love and be happy... Although it feels odd. It's, good..."

And so appeared something of a smile on Drathon's face. As he thought to himself and wrote.

"From today I am different. I am no longer the assassin I once was. I am Drathon Exavier, and I will make a new life for myself. And I would hope that it will be with Megan."

So begins a new chapter, one of the Mage and the Assassin. Only fate and a fortune teller know what will happen to the two. For us, we do not know. We can only find out.

For we walk

In the shadows of fate

When we step out

We see the light of the future

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