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Chapter 3: And How is That Working Out For Ya?

"Are you sure I can't convince you to stay and be one of my Stallions?" the doctor asked.

I grimaced and shook my head. "Sorry Doc, you seem nicer than I expected, but this isn't my cup of tea."

"Oh, don't misunderstand my dear boy. I am not as nice as I seem. While I considered simply breaking you, I must admit the light bondage play and reversal of roles was rather nice, and the fact that you are so vastly different than what you were meant to, has me curious."

"Yeah, the leather and chains thing isn't my jam. Maybe on Halloween, I might dress up, but otherwise, I'm pretty vanilla."

The doctor had a frown on their face and their head was cocked slightly to the side. "Sweetie, I have no idea what you are talking about. This really is rather fascinating. My curiosity is actually exceeding my carnal desires. I can hardly contain myself!"

I backed away a step from the table. Doc may have said their curiosity had exceeded their carnal desires, but it did not appear that way. "On that note, I think it is time for me to go. Will you be alright there Doc?"

"Oh, yes. Although, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you shoved the underwear back in my mouth before you go. It really sets the mood," they said with a perverse grin on their face.

I just nodded and grabbed the leather banana hammock. "Nice to meet you Doc. Thanks for the body and good luck with Rocko there."

"Do remember to drop in and visit. Maybe next time you can tie me up instead of using the restraints. I'm sure I programmed that into you."

"Yeah, I noticed that as well, but there was no rope and I was in a hurry." I held the leather up to the Doc's mouth.

"I'll make sure I have some on hand next time you visit," they said and bit down a burning desire evident in their eyes. I am so ready to exit this place.

The night air is brisk, but it feels like a gentle caress compared to the torment of nothing. The good doctor was right, there were better fitting clothes upstairs. Mostly in the form of costuming, but I eventually found something usable. Leather pants, a tunic and set of boots that looked like they were from the set of Pirates of Penzance, and a light cloak that had a number of hidden pockets in it.

Some of the pockets had items in them that I very deliberately left behind while hoping to find a bottle of hand sanitizer. I replaced the lewd items with more practical ones I found around the room. I'm sure the good doctor wouldn't mind. I'd leave some coins, but it would like paying them with their own money, so I didn't bother. The last item I took, was a dagger. It wasn't much, but a boy needs protection in this dangerous world.

[Quest Complete. Congratulations, you have been rewarded with a plus one to all discovered Stats and have unlocked the experience system.]

[System Initializing Status]

Name: <S.A.B.L.E.>

Race: <Biological Automaton>

Class: <Gigolo Lvl 1>

Experience: <75/100>

STR: 11

VIT: 11

AGI: 11

WIS: 11

INT: 11

MP: 110/110

SP: 110/110

Abilities: <Integration> <Mana Absorption> <Mana Control>

Skills: [REDACTED]

System, is there anything I can do about changing my name? Come to think of it, is there a way I can change your name? I don't really want to go around calling you System all the time.

[Please state the desired designation for the system.]

Oh, I guess that means I can give the system a name. Great. I wonder what I should call it? Well, Hal is right out. Are there any nice AIs that don't go insane and try to kill their users? Damn my lack of active past life memory. I get references, but they're just random noise without context. Screw it. This is probably a bad idea but whatever.

System designation: Alexa.


Maybe she doesn't like the name?

[Designation Alexa accepted.]

Well, alright then. Alexa, is there a way to change my name in the system?

[Host will need to unlock System Store and purchase a Name Change Token.]

And how do I unlock the System Store?

[The System Store will be automatically unlocked at once any Class reaches level four.]

Okay, Alexa, how do I increase my class level, and can I change my class?

[Class level is increased by completing Quests or tasks associated with the given Class. A Class Token may be purchased from the System Store to add a Class or they may use Integration to obtain a Class. WARNING: Host may only currently possess two Classes any additional Classes gained will be recycled by the System.]

Currently? Does that mean there is a way to increase the number of classes I can possess?

[Host will gain access to an additional Class slot at cumulative level ten and every ten cumulative levels thereafter.]

That's interesting. I wonder if there is a limit in the number of levels in any given class? I was about to ask Alexa when I noticed people watching me. It was then I realized the Pancing Stallion wasn't in the best of neighborhoods.

Time to scoot. Take firm purposeful strides, exude an aura of 'don't fuck with me,' and run my ass the Hell away from here. I need to find a place to sleep tonight. Holy crap, I can sleep! I haven't been this excited since I learned I could talk. That was almost an hour ago.

I wandered for a bit until I spotted what looked like an inn. Raucous laughter spilled from the taproom and air stank of stale beer, sweat, and lust. The inside was exactly as advertised. The heavy wood furniture guaranteed that if a fight broke out bones would be broken. The barmaids were busty and weren't shy about advertising. The clientele was grimy and did have a fuck to give.

I schooled my face to keep from gawking like a tourist and walked to the bar. The barman was burly and the rag he polished the glasses with wasn't very clean. I lean in. "I'm looking for a bite to eat and a room for the night."

He grunted. "Dinner is done, but I can ask Hannah if she can scrape together a bowl. That'll be a small copper. The room will be five large copper for the night. Don't start any problems or you'll be thrown out and we'll be keeping the coin."

Transaction complete I took my door token and found a seat. A few minutes later a bowl of what could only be described as slop was set down in front of me. "It tastes better than it looks," a sweet voice promised.

I looked up into a pair of emerald green eyes and felt my mouth water for reasons entirely unrelated to the food on the table. Crimson locks cut into a pixie bob framed an elfen face and contrasted with the green of her eyes. Pert breasts and a slim waist gave her a lithe appearance different from the other barmaids busting out busts.

"I don't know, looks pretty good from where I'm sitting." It was a cheesy line delivered with a straight face while I stared into her enchanting eyes. Her eyes sparkled and her tail twitched. Tail?

That's when I noticed. Peaking out near the crown of her head between the scarlet tresses were two triangular furry ears. She was a catgirl. A real live cat girl. My pants shrunk two sizes instantly. Well, how about that, I guess I have a catgirl fetish.

She noticed and her bewitching lips twitched into a slight smirk. Her wide eyes smoldered and she picked up the room token on my table and examined it. "You know you shouldn't let people see which room you're staying in unless you're inviting them in," she said and placed the token in my hand closing my fingers over it. She caught my gaze and held it for a moment before turning and walking away her tail swishing back and forth.

Alexa. Do any of my redacted sexual skills not revolve around pleasuring a penis?

[Yes. While the majority focus on that specific genitalia there are more general skills that would apply across a range of bodies.]

Oh, thank god. I dug into the slop. I hoped I was going to need my energy tonight.

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