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Chapter 3: Rainy Evening Walk

Lucine didn't think much on what happened at lunch, finishing the rest of her classes in peace. She was happy listening to her lecturer recite poetry and talk about various world literature, noting down some reading points to do later. As class ended, she felt her stomach growl, which made her realise she never finished lunch. She just wanted to get away from the canteen. Away from Hala. Away from… Damien.

She packed up her bags and stretched her arms. It was Friday, so now she had the weekend off. Time to spend with her Mam and Pa. Lucine smiled at the thought of it, picking her bags up quickly and leaving, though stopped at the main entrance, only just noticing the heavy rain. She didn't bring her coat, nor an umbrella, thinking it would be dry all day. The forecast said so. Letting out a sigh, she stood off to the side, waiting for the rain to stop.

Lucine didn't notice the presence next to her, nor how her name was called out. It was only when her shoulder was nudged that she turned her head���Damien standing there with a raised brow.

"Hello again," he flashed a smile at her. "Lucine right?"

"That's right," she glanced around, noting they were both alone, everyone having left already. "Wait—how do you know my name?"

Damien looked a bit sheepish, rubbing the back of his head, indicating to the receptionist, who was getting ready to leave.

"I asked. Figured she'd know who you were…you know, considering you stand out quite a bit."

Lucine knew this but still didn't want to be reminded. She unconsciously reached up and touched a bit of her hair, which she had tied into a loose ponytail at the end of lunch, looking off to the side. Damien seemed to notice the reaction, furrowing his brow.

"Are you not going to head home?" he asked, looking out the doors, watching the rain, then to Lucine. "Ah…you don't have a coat. Or an umbrella."

"It's fine," Lucine looked up at the sky, feeling awkward. "I'm happy to wait. If it doesn't clear, I'll just run back."

"I can walk you back!" he raised his own umbrella then. "I'm sure we can both fit under this."

"I'd rather you didn't," Lucine looked to him. "You shouldn't really get involved with me. You should hang around Hala more. She's definitely more someone of your…ranking?"

This seemed to spark something in Damien, who glanced back to the receptionist, noting she had already left through the staff exit. He then lowered his tone, sounding a bit surprised.

"Are you part of her pack?" he seemed to check her over then, Lucine already knowing what he was looking for. "I don't see any markings on you. Unless they're underneath the clothes…I thought you were human. No markings, no recognisable scent."

"I may be human, I may be like you," Lucine continued to stare at him, her blue eyes flickering. "But I'm the laughing stock of my pack. I have nothing to identify who I am. I can't transform. I…am nothing."

"Don't say that," Damien scolded Lucine, causing her to blink in surprise. "It doesn't matter whether or not you can transform. If you have markings. Hell, I don't care if you're human."

Lucine felt her cheeks flush, lowering her head. She wasn't used to someone fighting her corner, let alone a complete stranger. She didn't understand why he was trying this hard. Especially with who he was.

"I'm going to head back home," she blurted. "This rain isn't going to end anytime soon. Mam and Pa will get worried if I'm not back soon."

Damien nodded, pushing open the door and stepping out first, popping his umbrella open. He made a gesture with his hand for Lucine to step out then. She wanted to decline, but she got the impression he was going to be stubborn about it. Stepping out, she pointed left of the exit, indicating what direction she was walking. With a nod, he walked with her back home.

No words were uttered from then on, Lucine feeling relieved at this. She felt her face cool down. After around fifteen minutes of walking, she stopped outside of a small house, looking between her home and Damien.

"I guess, uh, I'll be seeing you," she offered him a small smile. "Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem," Damien flashed a smile then. "Are you doing anything this weekend?"

Lucine froze up at this. No, she didn't really have any plans for the weekend. She didn't want any plans either. She coughed softly, then shook her head quickly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty busy," she spoke calmly, trying not to give anything away. "Said I'd help my parents this weekend. And I need to study, you know. Almost end of term."

"Ah," his expression seemed to falter and Lucine could sense his disappointment. She almost felt bad—almost. She just thought it was weird that this werewolf from another pack was so keen on hanging out with her, who he'd literally just met. Maybe that was just how his pack operated. "Okay… I'll just see you at college then. Oh!"

Damien handed his umbrella over to Lucine, rummaging through his pockets then, pulling out a crumpled sweet wrapper alone with a pen, the end looking chewed. He leaned on the garden wall, scrawling on it, before handing it over.

"If you become free, just text me!"

Taking his umbrella back, he ran off, leaving Lucine in shock. She held the wrapper in her hand for a few moments, clenching it into her fist and headed inside, now slightly damp from the rain. Out of all the things she was expecting, this was not one of them.

She just hoped no one saw them walking together that rainy evening.

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