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Chapter 2: Morning coffee

Collin and Aaron were still messing around making a mess when Eric struts over like a proud puffed up rooster 'otherwise known as a cock but best described as a dick' and clears his throat 'jeez here we go again' with the most condescending voice "what do you think your doing? Stop this instant or else I'm reporting you to Dana!"

Aaron slowly gets up from the table and turns to face Eric coldly staring him in the eyes. Eric has to crane his head back to look up at Aaron since he is 5'3 and Aaron is 6'2 the entire scene looks hilarious like a small fat chiwawa trying to intimidate a panther.

From a first glance he is someone you would completely overlook and not give a second thought about... That is until he opens his mouth and starts infuriating everyone. With buzzed dirty blond hair, and beady brown eyes, he literally looks like a giant baby with no other defining features other than his severely acne covered face that looks like he's both looking down at you and constipated. Its the type of face that just gives you an itch to punch it especially when he talks.

Collins and I just sat quietly eating and drinking coffee while enjoying the verbal smackdown that was about to happen between the two 'gosh this is gonna be good'.

"Why don't you mind your own business and focus on yourself for once instead of trying to act superior to everyone else." "I wouldn't have to if you weren't making a mess of things and wasting food" "Oh like its such a big deal that I'm wasting already stale unhealthy food that gets dropped off here so often that we don't even have enough space for it all and it mostly gets thrown out anyways after we all leave?" to that Eric becomes tongue tied but refuses to back down from the situation so he doubles down "Yeah s-so what? Someone could still want it for later and besides your being an asshole to the person who has to cleanup this mess!" Aaron chuckles then smirks evilly at Eric. Collin whispers while leaning over towards me "ooooh shiiiitt!!! Its gonna get good!!".

"So your saying I'm an asshole?" Eric tries hiding an obvious gulp and nervously replies but still holds his unwavering condisending attitude "Y-yeah your an asshole so clean up this mess right now!!" "From where I'm standing, the only asshole I can see is plastered on you face since you keep on talking about shit you obviously don't know much about. So let me enlighten you on your ignorance and how stupid you sound right now since you clearly don't really pay attention to what happens here but act like you do." Eric tries to interupt Aaron but is unable to since Aaron is peeved and is on full blast. "Dont you dare interrupt me! Fist of all there's 4 catering food trays from the nearby church containing pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages and meat patties along with a mixed fruit salad. Then there's the 10 cases of muffins, 4 bags of oranges, 3 boxes of top ramen, and much more from kostco. Food gets delivered here 2-3 times a day by kind and charitable individuals who are kind enough to do so, so there's definitely more than enough to go around for 28 people. Now onto the chores list, I am literally the person in charge of cleaning up this area while Collin is in charge of dishes. So you trying to boss us around is a mute point and causes everyone to look down on you more than they already do, not including the fact that the real waste of food is on some idiotic, nosey, and bossy little shit like you" Collin starts slapping the table laughing at Eric's stupid looking face that keeps getting redder by the second. "y-y-yo-you!!! You can't talk to me like that!!" "I can, I did, and I will continue to do so any and every time you shove your nose in our business. So fuck off and bother someone else".

Looking completely flustered but unwilling to back down from the situation, he starts looking around for some sort of verbal life boat that could get him out of this situation while bolstering his ego back up again....

And thats when it happend ladies and gentlemen. Whith a glint in his eyes Eric zeros in his little beady eyes on me. I must say his unwillingness to back down was stupid but commendable but still stupid non the less. "Yeah?! Well what about her?!" Aaron squints his eyes at Eric and replies menacingly "What about her?".

At this point Collin gets up abruptly and shouts out "Yeah what about Summer! What? Now that you've been beaten silly by Aarons mad verbal skills you want to pick on someone else like you have some sort of big dick energy or something?" "Yeah I got a big dick you wanna see it? And besides its my moral obligation to put people like you in their place! Especially girls who don't know there place and make a mess! Don't think I didn't see what you did in the hallway spilling coffee everywhere like a clumsy sloppy bitch!".

As soon as those words left Erics mouth Aaron was just about to punch him and Collin was about to jump over the table to join in beating this little shit up. But before they could, I grabbed both of their arms and smile sweetly. "Hey Aaron?" He looks back at me with rage still in the depths of his eyes but a tactic understanding that I wanted to deal with Eric myself without my brothers getting kicked out of the shelter indefinitely for fighting on the property.

"Could you please be a sweety and get me another cup of hot coffee? I ran out and I need another one to get me fully awake for the day" Nodding he turns to walk away "Heh you act all tough but your really just a little bitch following that sluts orders like a good little pet" Collin tries to say something but I patt his arm and wink at him causing him to smirk back because he knows me all too well.

Eric keeps on rambling on like we are actually listening to him completely dropping his guard. Eventually after about 3 minutes Aaron returns with a boiling hot coffee and I have to hold back my laughter while looking at him knowingly. "Here's your coffee, the pot was cold so I had to nuke it for a bit" "Thanks! I appreciate you looking out for me. But you know Eric is right this place is really messy why don't you both go grab the cleaning gear and we'll all clean this place up together" Eric puffs up his chest while crossing his arms like he was the ultimate victor.

"Yeah both of you little whipped bitches should listen to Summer since she obviously knows what's best for her" A vein almost bursts in my forehead but I hold back my anger.

Both leave the area to go grab the cleaning equipment, after they are out of sight I get up and grasp the scalding mug burning my hand and "accidentally" slip on the scattered food, splashing the contents of my cup all over Erics smug face causing a shrill scream sounding like a stuck pig come out of him. Slipping some more I fall backwards and the trajectory of my foot landed precisely on his "big dick" whereas the momentum of my foot caused him to drop on the ground like a ton of bricks screaming in pain. A lot of people including Dana and my brothers rush over to see what all the commotion is about only to see both me and Eric on the ground.

Eric was an ugly mess covered in coffee, tears and mucus while holding onto his junk. While I was sitting on a crushed blueberry muffin with a shattered mug next to me, holding onto my arm that was now a slightly bloody mess from the mug cutting me. 'Shit I forgot I was still holding the mug when I went to kick him'.

Aaron and Collin rush over to see if I was okay while Dana yells out exasperatingly "What in the fucking hell happened here? Can someone please explain what the fuck I'm looking at right now? Guys come on this shit is ridiculous it's too early in the morning for me to be dealing with this crap, I need to get home to my kid".

Screaming out while still curled up in a ball "THAT FUCKING BITCH DID THIS ON PURPOSE!!!" Sighing Dana says "someone bring Summer to my office to bandage her up while I deal with him" Collin was laughing uncontrollably making Eric angrier and cussing at him wildly while Aaron and I left to the office.

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