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Chapter 16: Interlude - Abby's Tale pt. 2

While we found a place of resting, he slumbered and I continued to stay awake. The three most foulest smelling, ugliest looking, definitely topping my most Undesirable list, men barged into our room! How dare they. . . are those children? And. . . they DARE! HOW DARE THEY! CHILDREN ARE NOT TO. . TO. . NEVER BE USED IN SUCH A MANNER!

Oh now I enjoyed their screams when I brought them to the shadows. I kept them in there while I handled the poor hapless children. Shh, shh, Mama Abby is here to help. Do you need money? Here, take this and find a place to eat and sleep. If you ever need help, come back here and I will assist you. I promise this on my honor. . .though there may not be much, these children need not know that. ^.^

And there goes the yelling again. Sigh. Why can't you understand I had to help the children! No one should have to go through such things! And. . and you're okay with it? No fighting against my choices? I. . well thank you for agreeing with me. I am not used to this.

Knull may have valued my combat abilities but he never appreciated what more I could be. I gave him more symbiotes, my own children, to battle and conquer planets. I sliced down planets, taken countless lives, fed on the blood of whatever enemy he wanted, but when it came to me. I mean ME. He would never let me be who I wanted to be. . . Bastard.

Stop teasing me child! I did what I wished and I'm proud of my choice! Now let's be off to make more money!

I will say I never expected him to do this. He really let me eat my fill. And no, not that delicious chinese buffet, but what I enjoy most. Undesirables. Oh we got his point across and the message sent up, but I got what I wanted as well. This might actually be a decent partnership. For once I am not being used as a tool but as a partner. Though little Richard could do with shaping up a little. He is so average. I have read his mind, and while I have kept to mostly surface thoughts, I do pity him. That's okay though. I will stick with him for now and make him happy until I find a new host. The least I can do for him.

Seeing the leader of this "organized crime", I can say he was quite the impressive man, I was still underwhelmed. I expected more, though I do not know why. My little Richard was ecstatic though. I guess one of his memories this man was an impressive figure. They talked while I stacked the crates. Made it look really magical. Pfft, some of his traits are trickling in, I must get a hold on that. But the money that they offered made little Richard stumble. I guess I shall help him forward. We need the money! It's for food and the children!

We returned back to our motel room, I don't really see the problem as I did tell the kids to return here, but apparently a door-less room is unappealing. Oh I couldn't wait for the little ones to return! I may have fibbed that I followed them around, but he can't know that. I am powerful but even this lady has limits.




I must admit that I found his anger very. . appealing. And exciting. Very much so. I am taking these little ones as my own and having his co-operation was needed. Though I will say I enjoyed it when he took his time admiring my form. It came from his memory and even I must say this woman was astoundingly beautiful.

I won't say I did bent over to hug the kids so he could look a little. Just a little.

He promised to watch over the little ones tonight so they could rest. So I took to ensuring they bathed and were comfortable tonight. I see my dear host is lost in his thoughts again. Always distracted by what goes on in his mind. I may not have searched deep into his memories but I can see a lost man before my very eyes.

Taking this new form was an exceptional idea. I have long grown tired of being a weapon. So I can say I enjoyed it when we leaned on each other throughout the night. I have never talked to another being as long as I have now. It was. . refreshing.

I admit I am a little jealous that he once had a partner for 10 years before losing her. To love someone, even as short as it was, is very hard to lose. Six months after her passing, he is thrown into this universe. I was right. A broken man. It explains why my actions do not bother him. He just simply doesn't mind anything anymore. Just float among the cosmos, as it were.

I guess my plans may have added a little alteration, but we shall see how things move in motion before I make my choice.

I do agree with Richard. We need new identities for the four of them. I was just glad our Danny had someone in mind. I was reeling in anger when he mentioned how he knew him. . oh, that's Richard's anger I'm feeling. Mmmm, oh it is potent. Oh how long has he kept his anger down for it to be so hungry for blood? I can work with this. Mama Abby will have a family and she knows just how to get it!

We went in search of the meatbag. I'm only glad it did not take very long for him to arrive. It was frustrating! Very very frustrating! Richard just played around while I did all the work. I'm glad he wasn't an asshole when I did find our target. Assuring me that he was just later than us rather than me not sensing him.

Does not matter anymore. Richard approached our target and was able to sway him away for work. The drive was annoying being seated between two sweating men. I'd rather women over these nauseating two. I cannot wait to be rid of these two. I am going to make this very painful for them. Oh finally! We're here.~

Oh how I wish I took my time with these two peons. I made sure no one could hear them scream, besides each other of course. But I had a show coming up and I didn't want to miss it.

And what a show it was. He made the pedophile little shit suffer. Each finger crushed. His entire arms riddled with fractured bones tearing into the muscles. His legs were crushed. Oh, I have made my choice! I'm keeping this host. I'll mold him into a man worthy of me. Especially since he gave me such a great gift. . our dearly soon to be departed's mangled body. He left him alive so I could do it myself. Oh how sweet of him! He deserves a gift.

Oh it's too soon for you? Silly silly man. I'm sure your wife would want you to move on. Just be a good boy and enjoy this. Mmm, move your hands down a little lower. . .oh yes, such a good boy, mmh mmh mmh.




What a night. My most enjoyable yet. I liked tearing the meatbag's knowledge from his mind, but I enjoyed something else more. . But I must focus again. We need Richard set in the database. And oh my Knull. This man is, was, a genius. A real brainiac indeed. This will work to our best interests. Especially mine.

The children have already taken to me. If not, they will shortly. We already provided money, food, clothing, and shelter. And even more will follow. After their tough environment, they will be more pliable to have an authoritative person in their life who is willing to care for them.

Either way, I have set up everything that was currently needed. Richard is in the database, we have more money than he can count, and I am full. It was time to head back. Richard suggested we take a walk. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I might have hummed louder when Richard showed his discomfort.

We came across two young ones. Oh how cute they were! If this was just yesterday, I would have wanted the girl as my new host.

Little Richard will never know how close he could have been to being discarded. Hehe.

I made sure to seperate the girl to ask her questions. I even made sure to tease her about her boyfriend. She tried to play it off that they were friends. I may have fibbed that me and Richard were friends once too. I just had to make him realize he was mine and we went from there. Hopefully she will do the same with the boy. But I got what I wanted. An address for a home!

I made sure we stopped there before heading back to my little ones.

Come morning I made Richard go get us our new home. He was sickened by the cost, big baby, I reminded him that we now had plenty to spend. Dear dead Brainiac left us his whole network. We will be pulling in money for a long time to come.

He was frustrated when he came back. I can understand. But at least you got what you wanted. Just throw your weight around more big boy and we'll make a man out of you yet.

I am so excited! My very own home! One for me and Richard, and the little ones have their own. I don't need to another then, just show proper affection and attention. But first! Decorations! Oh how I had fun! Choosing what color I wanted. A very vibrant red for the living room by the way. I ordered new furniture once i started surfing the internet for what I wanted. I hope he tells the children they can do the same for their home.

That night I made sure he realized he was never going to get what he wanted. I DO! I finally can have everything I ever wanted. Finally treated like a woman. Like a real person. He actually wants me to be happy. He even said so before! As long as I'm happy is what he said and I said very much so. But damnit man, get with the program! We can have sooo much more together.

So I made sure he changed his mind. Oh I worked very hard to make sure he appreciated what I was offering. I think he understood.

Come morning I was hard at work getting us all in the system. I made us a Mr and Mrs. Klyntar. I. . I honestly was quite happy when I set that up. But I especially enjoyed setting the kids under the same name. I'm finally getting my new family. I'm appreciated for who I am, not what I am. I'm not being used as a tool anymore. I even have my own body with this avatar! How I never thought to do this before I will never know!

After finishing everything, and I do mean everything from changing birth records to school records and even how we get our money, I decided to stream some videos. I watched my "hubby" on screen dealing with some electric staticy villain. . . I'm going to kill him. I am going to wax his damn beard off before killing him. How dare he forget! I FUCKING HATE THAT DAMN NAME 'SHADE'!

Oh he's going to get it when he gets home!

He's damn lucky the kids needed their groceries or I would have yelled even longer.

I enjoyed getting the kids set up for their new school. Oh they even loved the last name! I'm so giddy! We decided to enjoy the weekend together and it was the best! Especially after the kids went to sleep.

I love how he takes life in stride. He didn't judge me when I decided to make a throne with the peons bones. Hell, he even suggested to make a crown! Too bad we didn't have enough finger bones. Oh I know he's too queasy to do the work itself but I accept that about him. He's still an average man, woefully unprepared, for this kind of universe. But that he can still keep his head up is adorable.

Anyways, the most important part is when little Danny discovered his powers! Richard called it the x-gene. An ability that comes out during puberty in his people's race. It was truly fascinating! I may have not enjoyed the heat, but we loved him all the same and made sure he knew that.

Richard began to explain a few more things about this universe. He was a fan of the X-Men and told me their history. And that we should expect either them or this Magneto character to arrive. These bastards want my child! Try it and they will die slowly.




Now I may have been a little hasty in that thought. The kids were off to school when the bald bastard and his entourage showed up. I will explain why I call him that.

We offered them drinks, a place inside our home to sit, and even amiable conversation. But while I was conversing with Ororo, lovely woman, this bald bastard kept trying to probe our minds! I refused him entry easily. I decided that me and Ororo must continue our conversation without this bastard around while Richard be with the kids.

It was very enlightening being around this woman. I could easily see that she was like I once was. Oh they may treat her well but I can see they don't mind her opinions like they should. But I love how she adores children just as I do. Being a teacher and mentor to the little ones has always been her dream. Oh ho we are gong to get along so well.

So I decided to reel her into my clutch. It wasn't difficult. A few subtle teases, light touching, intellectual talks, and maybe one hell of a deep kiss that curled her toes.

I may have shared a little about me and Richard. But I needed Ororo a part of us. If my little Danny wants to go with them to their school, he is going to need an Aunty Ororo to keep him safe. And I might find her very attractive. Not just the body, oh no, her mind and soul was very attractive to me.

Now getting her ready was so very easy. She's a strong woman. And like alot of strong women, wants to lose control to her partner. She even offered ideas on what to use on her. Such a good girl. I spent four long hours on her. She would be primed and ready when my hubby got home. Speaking of, where is he?

I first searched our home and he wasn't here. So I peaked over on the kid's house. And there he was. Spending time with my, our, little ones. I enjoyed watching my new family. I would have enjoyed joining them, but I have a gift that Richard needs to unwrap.

Hehehe, mmm, I do enjoy surprising him. It was adorable how he stumbled his way to me. I was in control for every action, every tiny twitch, on our way to our room. When I pushed him inside he was so surprised. I made sure Ororo was properly primed and ready. So am I.




The next day, Richard surprised me yet again. He proved to me that even the average man can be scary. I cannot wait to see how far he will go. And I'll be there every step of the way to help guide him.

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