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Chapter 19: Let's Get Something Straight Here

The training montage finally over, the weekend had fast approached us. The whole family was going on a road trip! Yay~! But seriously, Tasha and Jaz looked like they were going to battle. I feel they have every intention of making the place out to be bad. Geezum girls, Danny isn't leaving us.

Abby: "Now remember you three. They try anything funny, scream mine or Richard's name and we will come smashing through."

Dammit Abby, you are seriously not helping! I couldn't help but shake my head at the three ladies.

Me: "We will be fine. This is an institute set to helping people in Danny's situation. Let's go with minds open and. . you aren't listening to me at all are you?"

Nope. . they didn't register anything I said. Whatever. I'll just mope in my corner until we leave. Sniff sniff.

Abby: "Richard, hurry over and we can travel in. I'll be using my shadow travel for us to make things faster."

Me: "Yes yes oh magnification leader of mine."

Abby nods at me, "good, you are finally learning."

Damn, she must have waited for that easy victory . Abby - 1, Me - 0.

Though I find it quite funny, it is quite coincidental that the X-Men are located in the same state. Just heading a little bit north of us to a hamlet called Salem Center. . Ooohhhh! That's why it is a convenient place to be! Less people, more trainy, more jety! Smart!

It only took Abby a split second, if at that, to get us here. And man was this place phenomenally beautiful. Spacious areas, beautiful gardens, and plenty of trees around the property to hide from prying eyes.

I want my own now. I can afford it. Just need to ask Abby for the money since she has it all. .just like a wife. Dude, what the hell. Just like my last marriage, I swear.

Abby: "Maybe honey. We'll talk about it."

Jaz: "Huh? You two mind talkin' again?"

Abby: "Yes hon, Papa Richard wants a place like this for his own."

Jaz: "Probably a place for his own harem."

Jaz grins at her joke before Tasha elbows her side, leaving her clutching herself.

Abby: "Let me give Ororo a call and let her know we are at the front gate. And Jaz honey, it'd be my harem."

Sigh, she finally said it. She officially wants her own group of lovers.

Tasha unable to keep from responding, "so you'll have more men and women living with us?"

Abby: "-yes darling, we'll see you soon. . And goodness no Tasha dear. There will never be another man involved. After the last one, I'm surprised I fell for Richard."

So wait. She is aiming for more women. I'm the lone guy. I'm so confused. I've always been a one woman kind of guy and now Abby wants more around me?! Oh fudge me.

The gates opened while Ororo flew in. Man that's awesome. I got wings but she got air. Wind. Whatever. She swoops down in front of us to greet the kids, kiss Abby, and give me a searing kiss.

Ororo: "Mmm, that's to make up for last time. I was in a bit of a rush."

Me: "Oh, um, yeah, hi, hum."

Chuckling she responds, "Are you always so articulate in the morning?"

Abby: "Don't break my husband, Ororo, I still need him to be cognizant of his surroundings."

Ororo: "Oh I'll try. But let me be the first to welcome you to my home! Welcome all to the Xavier Institue for Gifted Children! Where no mutant is misjudged!"

She bows at us with a flourish. Oh she so practiced that. That was even better than a Ring Leader at a carnival.

Abby: "Well then. Let's be on our way. Ororo dear, still want to try my way of traveling."

Ororo: "Oh yes! I have been wanting to ever since you told me!"

One step forward and voom we are at the front door looking at a very much surprised Professor Xavier and Logan. Heh heh heh, guess Ororo is keeping secrets.

Abby: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Professor, Mr. Logan."

Well at least she didn't call him a bald bastard to his face.

Xavier: "Well yes, a pleasure to meet you all again. I know Ms. Munroe said you had a power equal to her own, but I wasn't aware you were also a mutant, Mrs. Klyntar."

Abby: "It's magic, Professor. I specialize in the shadows."

Xavier: "I see. Well that is an intriguing subject that I would want to learn about. But for another time. You're here so you can all learn about us. Let me introduce you to the other students while we tour the grounds."

Finally! Something I've always wanted to see! The inside of the famous X-Mansion! And boy was it a blast! . . Not. On the surface it is a typical mansion. He has his own private study / office. Large kitchen to keep the masses fed and maybe dine together. The second floor is the sleeping quarters.

All in all what you would expect from a high end estate. Even if I do know there 'might' be a sub level or two, I can wait. We were lead outside and that's where we met the X-Men. Or X-Teens. Crap. I was hoping for the more mature crowd. But upside is that Danny will have friends! Xavier called to them as we headed over to the garden area. Which is fabulous by the way.

Xavier: "These are our current live-in students. May I introduce you Scott and Jean. The two most experienced here so far. Rogue and Kitty have been with us for some time and still learning their abilities. And then we have Evan and Kurt, our newest students, and Evan is also Ororo's nephew. We have one other member, but Hank tends to stay secluded in his lab."

Abby: "A pleasure to meet you all. I hope we weren't intruding on your studies."

The rest of us greeted them after Abby. And of course, the first to respond is good ol' Scott. Self imposed leader, maybe. Still don't know them yet.

Scott: "It's a pleasure for us as well. And it's no bother."

Oh brother. He is flashing his pearly whites a little too hard. One thing I remember about Scott, damn boy flings from one woman to another like it's going out of style. No wonder Jean became the Dark Phoenix. I think? Ehh, let's just blame the horn dog. Always the easy way to go.

Jaz and Tasha: "Hi there"

Danny: "Hi"

And a nod from me. Still kinda shocked by all this. I definently didn't wind up on earth-616. I can thank all my lucky stars, hahaha.

Abby: "Why don't you three stay here to talk while me and Richard continue looking around. I know you would like to learn more and what better way than from the students here."

All three: "Thanks Mama Abby."

Abby: "Please keep leading the way. I know that Richard and I would love to see more of the grounds. The area is very quite beautiful."

Me: "Definently! If you have a greenhouse, I would love to see that too"

I may have been a bit excited over the all the different floral settings. But dammit, the place was beautiful!

And apparently it brought a spark to Ororo's eye. She took pride in this place it would seem. And so around we went. We saw all of the surrounding area. And holy hell, Ororo was a greenthumb expert. The entire green house was all handled by her. And damn was it amazing.

Ororo: "If you two stay later. I'll show you the attic. That's where I raise my most important plants."

Me: "That'd be amazing. I'd love to!"

Abby must have caught onto something because her smile was a little devilish. What kind of plants are there?! Should I be scared?!

By the time we got back to the kids, it was already getting late and I was starving. I know Abby must be since we are practically intuned with one another.

On the way in Xavier spoke up, "Since it is so late, how about we order pizza?"

With all the kids shouting their approval it was unanimous. I'll take a extra extra cheesy pizza!




Well this was a blast. It wasn't horrible. Jaz and Tasha have warmed up the X-Teens. And Danny was already welcomed with open arms.

But let's get something straight here! I am not. I repeat! Not a smart man. I am not dumb. I am not naive. I am just a simple, average, open minded guy. So when Ororo took us upstairs to the attic I was only expecting plants. Not for her to drop all her clothes and expect me and Abby to as well.

Abby was easily compliant. I may have felt a little off. Like I was an exhibitionist.

Ororo: "Be calm Richard. This is where I like to sleep. It's easier to raise my plants and for me to reach into my roots and be myself. This is where I feel most free in the whole world. And no one comes up here except the girls. The boys are too shy to sneak up here."

Me: "Well that's obvious. There probably scared you would fry them for doing something indecent."

Abby: "Oh don't be such a stick in the mud, dear. I find this quite relaxing."

Me: "Sigh. I don't disagree with you. It is quite amazing with how you did this, Ororo. It is beautiful up here. . in more than one way."

Ororo: "Good. I'm glad you two love it here. . I don't suppose you two would be up for a repeat of last week?"

The smile on these two ladies would have made any weak man crumble. Thankfully I only got a little weak in the knees.

How I wound up between two predators I cannot figure out. But they were fast and I was unprepared.

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