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Chapter 52: What A Magical World

Abby is the best. Even though B.W may have psychoanalysed me, she found a very compelling argument to ease my mind. She argued hour, after hour, after hour. The sun was coming up when I finally had a clear head.

Me: "So what do you have planned today?"

Abby: "Well. .I need to get in touch with Ms. Potts and work on introducing my new defense system. I have to talk with a contractor about the school I want built, though honestly I could so it myself but everyone always questions why the looming building suddenly arrived overnight. No matter where in the universe, people will always be the same."

Well that is understandable. Strange things always get questioned by the masses.

Abby: "I will be having a talk with Fury though. I want to speed up the process of how we get Felicia's father free. If needed, I could just kidnap him and hire him as a gym teacher. Then I will work on finding more people that won't be missed."

Make him a gym teacher? Really? Oh wait, a cat burglar teaching kids how to maneuver and be stealthy. That sounds awesome!

Abby: "What do you plan on doing then?"

Me: "Honestly. Not sure. I thought I would just travel around and see the sights. I never got to travel in the old world, so I might as well so it here as everyone has something planned. But I also wanted to see if any other super powered people are hiding on this world. Kinda interested in what exists."

Abby: "You know you will not just discover these individuals in just one day, right honey? That takes alot of time, Richard."

Me: "True. .But it gives me something to do as a hobby. I'm feeling itchy lately with not being of much help. I need some action."

She cocked her perfect eyebrows at me. What? What did I say?

Abby: "So you are bored of me and our family already? Why, Richard, how could you. Oh how the children will cry. Their Papa Richard is already moving on without us."

Me: "Oh shush it woman."

Abby: "And our darling ladies, why I dare say Jenn and Ororo will have to raise their kids without a father. How they will ever manage? Oh and poor Jean. She only got to taste you once. .That poor girl."

Me: "Oh my god, just. .Just stop. This dreadful acting is just so poorly done."

Abby: "Oh the klyntarity of it all! Whatever will we do~."

Me: "Okay. That's it."

I may or may have not tickle attacked her. But I can say I won. Or at least she let me win, but I still claim victory!

Alas, Abby did have to go to finish her 'chores' as she called it. And me, well I went flying. And man do I love flying. A fear of heights, yes, but I am slightly indestructible, so that helps.

I made sure to not accidentally fly back to that place in Africa that had the spear happy ladies. When I had shared that story with everyone, Ororo laughed the loudest out of them all. She told me that was Wakanda, the home she and Evan came from. And that I should avoid going there until she brought us there.

Apparently she has some sway in her home land.

And so, I went on my trip around the world. I always returned home every night though to spend time with my family.

Jenn's belly is starting to protrude slightly. It intrigued everyone. Bruce and Hank had a field day with running diagnostics on her. Tests, I called it, but they refused to call it that for whatever odd reason. It turns out her hulk genes are actually speeding up the process of thr development of the baby. How long she will be pregnant or when the baby will due is too soon to say, but everyone was always feeling up her tummy. Though she and Ororo had this weird thing going on where they rubbed their bellies together. .Not gonna question it, just odd.

Anyways, my thoughts diverted off, I am now here with some rather awesome monks. I did not know there were some places that actually had both male and female monks! Or are the ladies called nuns? The guys were called bhikkhu, and the ladies were called bhikkhuni.

The buddhist community did not reject me when I came flying in to see how they lived, rather, they welcomed me in to check them out. And man did I like it here. The calm atmosphere, the relaxing scenery, heck, even the guy trying to bind me down with some bands of cyttorak was all fascinating to me.

Of course I returned home every day, but I kept returning to their community instead of discovering other areas. I don't know why but I felt drawn to this place. When I returned back, there was a lady waiting on me.

Mysterious Mystery Woman: "I see you've returned. You must enjoy our home to return so often."

Me: "Um, yeah. Heh. Kinda hard not to. It feels peaceful here. It's not often I feel comfortable in a new place, but this place feels perfect to me. Plus I always go home to share that feeling with the family."

I kinda felt sheepish. But it was true. I felt like this place helped me to feel more at peace; and I made sure that I radiated that feeling when I returned home. Though to be honest, I already felt my best around the family. Just I wanted them to feel that same peace.

Mysterious Mystery Woman: "Well this may be late, but I welcome you to our home. I am referred to as The Ancient One here. It can consider it as a title since I have forgone my birth name. And I also apologize for Fu, he tends to always try to bind anyone unfamiliar in our home."

Me: "I thank you for welcoming me. No worries though. I barely even notice it."

Said Fu was gritting his teeth behind me. He had these weird bands of cyttorak on my arms but they didn't restrict me. Kinda felt tingly actually.

Ancient One: "Follow me, if you please, I want to show you our main establishment. You might be interested in learning from us."

I did follow her. All the while dragging Fu behind me. Poor guy kept digging his heels into the ground to try and hold me down. Sadly, it did not work.

We walked up to the main building before she threw up a glowing gate, similar to the bands on my arms, for us to walk into. Since she didn't stop walking, neither did I. She closed the gate once I passed through, leaving Fu behind. Poor Fu, hope we meet up again dude!

So now. Just where the heck are we? Looks like a huge library. Which is practically a wet dream to me. I havn't actually sat down and read a book in. .wow. .Nearly a year now. I need to fix that.

A.O: "I'm glad to see you are amazed. This place is my own personal library. I have spent the better part of 300 years collecting these books. I have even added a few of my own."

Wait. Hold up. 300 years?! Now I know I am breaking a cardinal rule here by asking this. But how old are you, lady?!

A.O: "And now I have someone to show it to. I hope you enjoy the books, because I shall now seal you here."

Sonofa. .Nope, nope, not gonna happen! She started to cast her spell when I charged at her. Damnit! It's a barrier! Well, that isn't stopping me!

I kept punching at the barrier, smashing my fists harder and harder at it. I could visibly see her straining to hold me back and cast whatever spell she was doing. This only renewed my punches.

Now I know I couldn't be in any real danger. I mean seriously, I'm connected to the shadows. There is always a way out. But doesn't mean I want to risk it. So I turned up my strength to forty percent of what I can do. That's when the barrier cracked and shattered like fragile glass. As for the ancient one? She felt a backlash and flew backwards.

The woman has some amazing mental fortitude though. As she was able to work her magic (heh, get it? work her magic?, shut it, I'm funny!) and regain her balance.

Why are the walls warping around me? Um, what the jude, dude? I'm getting some serious vertigo issues from this. Not to mention I feel cross eyed.

Me: "Why the hell are you doing this?! I only enjoyed visiting. If you wanted me gone, I would have left and never thought of you again."

A.O: "Because you are a threat! You have no idea what you have brought to this world! A being so cold, so dark, that it can only consume everything in its vicinity! It is a monster that has ravaged the cosmos and devoured gods. We are unsafe while you are here and I will have to seal you!"

Me: "My wife."

A.O: "Your. .Your what?"

Me: "My wife. She has alot of fancy titles, I'm sure, but I just call her my wife. And to let you know. She heard everything you said."

. . .

. . .

. . .

A.O: "Would you like some tea?"

Me: "I would love some tea!"

PopPop PopPop

Too long of a wait, I apologize. But I spent my two days off with family, like always, and then the storm hit Alabama. Been getting in contact with the folks down south to make sure they were alive and well at least. I most definitely did not lose my shit and fretted over nothing.

So long story short, everyone that responded is well. No one needed money for supplies. And now you have an update!

As always, hope you enjoyed reading. Hope yall stay safe. And drink some sweet tea and/or rum! /bow

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