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Chapter 3: 3. Never Underestimate Angelica V.

The man screams his outrage for a solid five minutes before Jasper finally decides to speak up.

"Damon. Calm yourself and do it now. I do not have the time to coddle you, fool. My daughter is not as weak as you may think." A small sigh leaving him while his body slowly begins leaning back into his chair. "As for appearance, nothing can change that."

From the corner of Angelica's eye she notices that her mother is clasping her hands so tightly together that her knuckles are growing white. Hearing this bastard talking so poorly of her daughter is one of the harder things she must endure because speaking up will only cause more issues.

An ally. Maybe Ester didn't want this either. Although her mother has always been one to avoid conflict as much as possible. Which ultimately means asking her for help in this situation is completely out of the question.

That man took a minute of deep breathing to calm himself down. Without missing a beat he shoots a glare in Angelicas direction. It is clear that even though he isn't happy, he has been able to collect himself.

"You...have already been promised to me. Your appearance may be unsightly but I will still take you as my mate." Damon finally said with a deep sigh, everything has already been set in motion so turning back now wouldn't be too good for him.

If it isn't obvious, this is definitely not what Angel was expecting to happen. She has been under the impression that she was going to escape this arrangement with his help, apparently that was nothing more than a fleeting pipe dream.


Her body begins to tremble, tightening her fists to the point her nails even start to dig into the palm of her hands. "You people...I don't understand how we can be related sometimes...and you, you aren't much yourself." Her body slowly begins to relax while accepting the fact that nobody is saving her from this situation, her eyes shooting daggers at Damon.

If she plans on making it through this then she will have to save herself. This asshole of a man and these people throwing her off to the crude man.

Ester takes a step forward, ready to lunge over the giant desk. Her own child dares say such a thing! It is what her mate believes to be best.

Finally not being able to take much more of this, Jasper slams the palm of his hand down onto his desk. "Get out already! Angelica Agamemnon Valencia just go back outside! Anywhere out of my sight!" He bellowed, she really is riding his last nerve.

A hint of a grin comes to her appearance, that plan she and Lilith will come to amazing use now.

Every step Angel takes the more confident she gets. If words don't reach them then she will prove it with her actions. Just to be more dramatic, she slams the door shut behind herself.

Angelica storms her way down the hallway, a grin beginning to spread widely across her features. Putting everything in order is first priority but of course she stops by her best friend, future Betas room. She is the one person that she really cares for. She is also the only person she has to drop in on to assure that she hasn't died. That girls imagination can surely run wild when it goes unchecked.

"What the hell took you so long, bitch? I heard you created a commotion earlier! You didn't even come to see me right after, I was worried they killed you or something!" Madison exclaimed, her way of thinking didn't always make sense but she still cares.

A small chuckle slips through Angelicas pale red lips. "Of course I'm not dead. If toxic masculinity kills people then I would have died a long time ago. I have a few things to do so I can't stay long." She thrummed, kissing the goofy girls forehead with a delicate smile. "We have been friends before birth, I know that I would be worrying you if I didn't stop by before going out again. Don't get into trouble though, understood?"

Madison rolled those gorgeous emerald greens. "I'm not a child for crying out loud, if you have stuff to do then get the hell out of here!" She laughs out, pulling back her dark red hair into a tight bun.

"Uh huh, don't come calling me in half an hour because I don't respond right away." The future Luna purrs, waving on her way out. Managing to get a slight glimpse of Madison's freckled face reddening dark enough to match her beautiful hair.

It has definitely happened before and Angel does not miss a chance to tease her about it.

Now that she has made her little detour it is time to get back to business.

Taking long strides down the empty hallway to the unnecessarily steep stairs, rushing down them quickly. "You've got this Angelica A. Valencia." She encouraged herself once touching foot to the last step.

All she has to do is check the perimeter and make sure everything is moving smoothly. Once that is determined she will challenge that cocky bastard. Trying to rely on appearances alone, just how shallow is that pig.

Out of nowhere Lilith starts growing restless in the back of her mind but she is unable to get her link through. Lilith doesn't normally put up a barrier like this although it seems best not to try forcing the link.

Since her wolf is acting pretty strange, Angelica concludes that transforming now would be too much of a risk. Maintaining human form is best.

She didn't bother getting shoes, it isn't like she ever wore them in the woods anyways. The soil beneath her feet is comforting.

In the trees the birds chirp and fly around freely, small animals bustling around in the bushes. Everything just seems so peaceful.

What Angelica didn't realize is that the closer she got to the border the quieter it gets.

By the time the foul stench hit her nose it was already too late.

Even covering her nose isn't enough to hide that smell. As soon as she turns to run back the snap of crunched twigs makes her ears twitch.

How did she not see the signs sooner?

Fucking. Rogues.

'This didn't make sense. There hasn't been any sightings of rogues in the area, where the hell did they just appear from?'

Angelica moves to start running when suddenly hit with a different scent, this one having a special musk to it. Just a single whiff of it made her collapse to the ground.




To think that they are a rogue, the Moon Goddess really can't cut her some slack, huh?

Well she is definitely getting out of this alive, no matter who she has to climb over. She is not weak. Being female does not make her lesser, she has a good feeling she will have to prove this to him. The one with this tantalizing scent.

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