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A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel original

A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel

Author: cosmos_owl_111

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Transmigirate

When the Sixth prince of the Sun Empire was born, the sun was swallowed bringing darkness all over the world, all the light extinguishes as if the God Of Darkness is descending upon the world.

The world was plunged into dominance silent!

As sixth prince born, no cries was heard from the newborn baby, On that very day a seer oversaw the future of sixth prince which was plunged in endless darkness.

The seer immediately request for the banishment of the sixth prince as darkness was prompt to be an ill-omen which bring disaster and catastrophe.

A sign of ill-fated person.

If not for the protection of the sixth prince mother the newborn baby will be death before it even has the chance to experience what life is.

        ...exert from Infinite darkness.

Because of the light tap on her shoulder Shen Maoi has no choice but to look up the person who tap on her rather annoyedly.


It was her Assistant Ruri.

Ruri smiled innocently as if not seeing the annoyed look on Shen Maoi face.

"What are you reading? I have never seen you reading a book much less a novel"

Amazement was written all over Ruri face because as Shen Maoi assistant she knew her rather well than most people. They have been working together for almost three years and Ruri already has an outline of what kind of person Shen Maoi was.

A lazy girl who can do nothing except singing.

A girl who'd rather laze around than do something meaningful or little hobbies like reading. In fact she hate reading, doesn't like reading novel either so seeing her reading a novel concentratedly was quite a wonderment.

Shen Maoi roll her eyes.

"My sister and I gave each other a challenge, Mine is reading this novel finished before I went back home."

Shen Maoi said begrudgingly, she'd rather take some nap than reading all this kind of fantasy novel. Shen Maoi never understand her sister who dellude herself in her imagination, living in her fantasy rather than living the real life.

Ughh... The positive side might be that she became a famous fantasy author who earn quite a sum to take care of herself with no worries on the monetary basis.

The negative side is her being always shut-in in her room with no outward activity for a whole year round.

Shen Maoi was like this too where life was still blissful and her sister was the rational type. But all good things come to an end when her parent died in an accident and reality hit her hard right to her face.

From then on she comfront life with rationality while her sister seek a refugee on her delusinal imagination world, though Shen Maoi didn't blame her, she very much want to seek her refugee too but as an older sister there was too much responsibility weighing on her shoulder constantly forcing her to face reality head on.

Ruri laughed but seeing Shen Maoi grudging look she hardly compress herself.

"I know you won't take the challenge for no reason, Whats the prize ?? "

Ruri then asked seriously. Shen Maoi was a type who never like to make a loss so the challenge prize will sure be some worth, if not even if you try to kill her she won't do, well she will do if you really try to kill her, that was just a metaphor on how stubborn she was when she doesn't want to do a thing without any benefit.

Shen Maoi curl her lips.

"What do you think ??"

Thinking what benefit she could obtain from an author Ruri suddenly widen her eyes.

"Don't tell me she will write a biography about you, f*ck if she publish a book about you, as a famous author and also as her sister your fame will surely rise by a million."

Ruri exclaim excitedly, seeing her being so excited Shen Maoi laugh.

"Sh*t which part are you reading? Have you nearly finished? My God you have to hurry up !! Quick continue reading !! "

Ruri hastily urged her, she couldn't contain her excitement at all.

This two sister are stubborn as an Ox, the other one only wanted to write fantasy genre and never agree on Shen maoi request on writing a biography for her and Shen Maoi as a realistic girl never agree on her sister request on letting her sing a fantasy song which Shen Maoi sister wrote for her novel.

It seems both sister who are at a deadlock finally reconcile on giving in to each other.

"Calm down, I'm at more than half of the novel, Damn this novel is so angst even if I never read a novel this isn't my cup of tea at all, the protoganist being bullied, betrayed again and again some of the reason of betrayel which I found not scientific at all and finally embarking on the evil road MAN !! sadly I have to finished so... shoo~ get out for a while, don't disturb me."

Ruri without making a fuss quickly get out of the famous singer Shen Maoi room.

Shaking her head Shen Maoi opened the book <<'Infinite Darkness'>> to continue reading. But before Shen Maoi could continue her reading her mind went blank all of a sudden.

She hear some mechanic voice before she suddenly lose her conciousness.


Shen Maoi was really helpless when looking around her surrounding.

If someone ever tell her she will transverse inside a novel she will laugh at that person ,shake her head and call that person a chunibayou.

But looking at her situation Shen Maoi could not laugh at all.

She was not a stranger to what they call transmigiration !!!

Her sister yapped about this kind of transmigirating thing many times saying this and that which she turn a deaf ear to it not to mention its the currently hot genre that circle around many teenagers and some adult. If this thing happened to her sister she will be overly-whelmed and excited but Shen Maoi herself found no joy at all.

Her career goes on the right track, she has money to live lazily and her schedule for the year was not that tight compared to her previous year extremely tight schedule with concert here and there.

Shen Maoi dream of having a vacation for a month have been shattered completely when she saw a gigantic calf size bug flying.

"System ah... What did you say I have to do again ? And which novel did I transmigirate again ? And what are you again"

Shen Maoi called out in her mind still surprised by all the whole transmigirate and system thing.

"Host Shen Maoi has to spread the music of the modern times all over the world.

Host has been transmigirated to <<Infinite Darness>> Novel.

This system is an A. I who bound to a singer soul and brought the singer spreading music to the other universe. This system is only one of a kind with no other similar system"

A mechanic voice replied Shen Maoi answering her question in order of the question is asked.

Shen Maoi twitched her lips.

What a petty system !! Only answering what is asked.

"System apart from me how Many host have you bound with before ?"

Shen Maoi asked, since the system clearly state at the last answer that it has bound to a host and brought to other universe spreading music. She way really curious.

"Apart from host there are three other host which system bound with, if host want to asked what happened to the previous host, Host Shen Maoi music level is not qualified enough to seek the answer."

F*ck Shen Maoi mouth twitch incessantly, she really felt like beating the crap out of a certain scrap junk.

She was just about to asked that questioned, hais~ forget it !!

"What is Music level ? Also system you do know that this is a fantasy world where there is that power or something, how am I going to survive if someone want to harm me, if I die how can I spread The so called modern music and how do I go back to my own world"

Shen Maoi analyse her sitiation rationally.

First since she know that she transmigirate she has to accept reality and faced it as calm as she could.

Second since she know that the place she transmigirate is a fantasy novel, fantasy where the so called power is there Shen Maoi has to find a means to protect her.

Thirdly she has to find a way to go back to her world, F*ck even if she accept that she transmigirate it doesn't mean she accept living in this world forever.

Having gone through so much wind and rain to become the famous superstar Shen Maoi can at least calmly analyze her current situation as much rational as she can.

She is sometimes as strong level headed as that and maybe this might be also the reason why she could persevere life and faced those hurdles after her parent died.

Maybe even if the sky fall she could still remain calm........

No Sh*t Sherlock!! If the sky really fall she would be one of the first people who lose her calmness and scream the sh*t out of her wits and fell into a deep state of conciousness because of shock and fright.

Well the word remain calm even if the sky falls is just a metaphor to express her level of maintaining calmness.

"Music level can be simply explain as host player level. Host can earn level by how many audience listen to host song when host held a stage performance.

500 audience is equivalent to 1 points

1000 audience is equivalent to 2

Each increase by 500 audience will the level increase.

Host needn't worry about your safety, system will guide you on avoiding danger. Host can also earn a player prop with every level increase.

Also Host has 0-rate rejuvenating ability which means host will re-generate even if you are mince into pieces.

Host can go back to your original world when host can accumulate 100 audience level point."

Shen Maoi hum.

Good!! Keeping aside those prop earning things Shen Maoi very much like that 'Re-generate' word. Well who wouldn't want the undying vitality power, it sound more like an immortality right.

Shen Maoi suddenly feel as if she was Deadpool female version. You know that Deadpool of X-Men. He was such a joker always finding a humour in everything but Shen Maoi rather like that kind of personality, a kind of person who seek humour to alleviate the pain he felt.

"System which road should I take?? "

Shen Maoi asked looking around the rather vast barren land. Ah.. No not exactly barren land there are some shrubs and tree here and there too.

"That depend on host"

The mechanic voice replied with its cold emotionless voice.

Shen Maoi smile rather drily.

She decide not to depend on this so call system she has, She too know that she has to fulfill her mission herself and the system was only there to aide her and not to forge a path for her so that she can accomplish her mission.

As expect, life is never easy aywhere.

Shen Maoi first decide to find some village first, maybe there she could implement her first mission, singing at the roadside doesn't sound bad either.

Before she became a superstar she used to sing on the roadside pub anyway.


A/n: Thank you for giving my novel a chance!

I hope you guys enjoy it. If not you can just silently leave I won't force you to read nor to leave.

I'm just glad I can implement whatever little imagination I have here.


My email account where you can private chat with me about this novel!!

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