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After eating A LOT, airing out my worries, as well as being a giant bother to Prince Horus, teasing him in every way I could think of, only to start crying if he tried to stop me, I FELT GREAT!

Like a heavy burden had simply been lifted from my shoulders and flied away. Of course I didn't forget about the incoming war, how Prince Chaker tried to kill me, the one-eyed man or, most importantly, my ships and BL books.

BUT! The morning was great, though I was sleep deprived. At least my stomach and heart were full. I had decided before, that this was my reality and I would accept it with everything I had. But now those words felt even more true. Like THIS TIME was different. It wasn't just something I had decided. It was something I felt into my bones.

"Lady Amy, are you decent?" A knock on the door, followed by the voice from a certain Prince teared me out of my current state. Decent, huh? I know what he means, but can you really say I'm decent? A decent person? A decent human being? A decent fiancée?

"Yes" I just called out. I mean I'm dressed, but somehow it felt like I was answering my other worries as well. A little bit of confidence had returned to me. Or rather, it had finally reached me, and I would try to water it and make it grow. Like a flow… NOT like a flower. THOSE DAMN FLOWERS! That children's book is really grinding my gears. Like a… A… A CAKE! I would take care of it, and make it rise, giving it what it needs! Yes, perfect metaphor. Cake is much better anyway.

"You look lovely today" Prince Horus tells me, as he comes in. With a quick glance I can see several people behind him, attributing the compliment to their listening ears.

"Thank you, my dear. You look handsome as well" I play along, as I curtsy, and turn around to give him an extra nice look at me. Not that he cares, but I've seen stuff like that in TV-shows in my old world, and felt like it would add that little extra of believability.

"We are ready for you, My Prince, My Lady��� Sir Windsor says, as he comes out from behind the servants. Are we going by carriage? Since they had to be ready for us. Awe, I would rather walk… The city didn't look like it was too far from here, anyway.

Or maybe a carriage is good, as I almost fall when I take a step in the overly stiff dress, feeling like I'm wearing a giant cardboard box. I have experience! I once dressed as a gift! Also, wouldn't it make more sense to dress as commoners? As if to not draw attention to ourselves?

"Let us go, dear" Prince Horus says, holding out an arm for me to take. Yes yes, coming coming. I have a mission, I feel light, and Prince Horus somehow looks a bit different today. Or maybe it's the eyes I'm seeing him with. Like, the amount of secrets we share has grown.

AAAAAAAH! It's all suddenly coming very vividly back to me. Even if it's all well and done, it's still super embarrassing to admit something like that! And who do I think I am, being like 'Oh yea, the Author was totally into me too'? How did I go from one extreme to another? Oh, this damn brain of mine. OH AUTHOR! Please forgive me for my insolence!

…It somehow feels wrong to call out to the author like this… I can't quite put my finger on it, but it feels… Hmm…

In any case, Prince Horus dragged me along, even as I entered my own dream world, and before I knew, we were standing in front of a small stable place. Why?

"Here we are, dear" Prince Horus said, forcing out a smile, letting me know to play along even if I have no clue what 'here' is, or why we're 'here'.

"Marvelous" I find myself saying, as I condemn the time I have spend with nobility, for me to utter such a word! I don't blame the word. I just don't think it suits me. And did I just say it with a fake British accent, even though I clearly know I SHOULDN'T be using that?

Judging from the look on Prince Horus' face, I definitely did. Oops.

"He is right in here" Prince Horus says, leading the way, as I see a shadow. Even though it is blurry, and the stables are dark, I know who it is. The one-eyed man. The feelings I got about him before rush up. Seriously, what IS this? It's not like I fell for him at first glance! Besides, I have the Author. – Let's just for a moment forget I'll never see her again. I'm not that strong yet.

But it's not platonic feelings either. Family? Does he somehow feel like family? IS HE MY SECRET BROTHER?

Okay, I really need to stop doing this whole 'I don't understand it, so I just joke about it' thing. But it's basically my identity by now, so what can I do.

As we get closer, I can see I was right. He is tied up, sleeping. Prince Horus orders one of the servants to throw a bucket of water at the man, before I get the chance to say anything. He wakes up in a coughing fit. If anybody did that to me, I would KILL them! Or, I would just passive aggressively curse them for a few years…

"Leave us" Prince Horus says, as he turns around to gesture at the servants that had walked along. After they take their leave, he turns to me.

"Lady Amy, he is all yours" He says, stepping aside in the way lawyers do in that 'the witness is yours' way, after they just grilled it. Also, I must really miss TV, with all of the sudden references everything has to it.

Oh yes. The witness is mine.

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