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Chapter 9: Lady Sif

It was a week later before Thor wanted to spar with Hope again, and at that point he was accompanied by Lady Sif. Loki, who was still working on Hope's new uniform, identifying and gathering optimal materials and such, did not accompany them on this trip.

Hope had sensed the pair coming well before their arrival, and when Nate heard that it was Thor and an unknown woman, he correctly guessed that it was Lady Sif. This prospect had excited Nate, who had hoped to acquire Sif's love and to add her to his future harem.

He left the cave where they were waited until he saw Thor and Sif approaching. He smiled and walked over to greet them and gave Thor a hug "Thor, welcome!" he greeted the Asgardian Prince, who returned the hug for a short moment before they both separated from it.

"Greetings Sir Nate!" Thor said excitedly "I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine." he looked at Sif.

Nate looked at Sif officially "Ah, you must be Lady Sif. Not quite what I'd expect from the stories I heard abut you on Midgard, but still a breathtakingly beautiful woman." Nate grasped Sif's hand and kissed the back of it.

Sif had her eyes grow large with surprise "What do they say about me on Midgard?"

"Well, I don't know if I remember all the details..." Nate seemed to seriously think about it while still holding her hand "I think the story I heard involved Loki pranking you and causing you to lose all your hair, and you flying into a rage with Odin going to a dwarf to create for you highly magical golden hair that was said to be breathtakingly beautiful. Well, apart from the golden hair, the breathtakingly beautiful part was certainly correct."

Sif rolled her eyes when she heard the story, but Thor laughed, and got a harsh look from Sif.

"It's true that Loki has occasionally been known to play pranks, but nothing harmful." Thor insisted to Nate "Just the imagination of Midgardians running rampant."

Sif relaxed her shoulders a bit and then took the hand that Nate had been holding back and put it on top of Nate's head "I'm sure that you are a good kid, but don't try to grow up too fast." Sif seemed to be completely immune to Nate's attempt to flirt with her.

"Immortal Phoenix" Nate protested.

""But I heard you are fifteen years old." Sif pointed out to Nate.

"Yeah but..." Nate started.

"Enjoy your childhood, don't rush so much" Sif insisted and retrieved her hand "I should go measure your mentor. The boys can wait out here" she said before heading into the cave, assuming Hope was there.

"Midgardian's reach physical maturity faster" Nate complained from next to Thor as Sif had disappeared inside. He had not wanted to be kid-zoned like that.

Thor seemed completely amused "You certainly know how to aim high, don't you lad?"

Well, on the bright side, Nate was at least relieved that Hope could use her telepathy on Sif while she was being measured to see some other worlds and locations where Sif had been, increasing the number of locations that they could travel too.

Specifically, Nate wanted to visit a particular place as there was a certain person there who he wanted to meet who existed in the comics but never appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so he was quite curious about her.


As Sif entered the cave, she was surprised by what she found inside. There was actually an open door a bit into the cave, and as she approached it it looked like she was stepping into a furnished apartment, though it had no windows since it was underground and inside off a mountain.

Seated at a table was a girl with bright red hair and green eyes. She did not look any older then Nate, but she knew that this was a fully matured Phoenix Force vessel who could apparently change the age she presented as at will. While she could consider Nate to be a kid, she knew she could not think of Hope in the same way.

"Welcome, Sif." the red-haired girl greeted her.

Sif nodded "Hello. You must be Hope. It is an honor to meet you."

The red-haired girl, Hope, nodded in agreement "It is a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Well, shall we begin toking your measurements?" Sif offered t Hope, figuring that they should hurry since Thor was in a hurry to duel against Hope, and Sif was also curious to see what she was capable of.

"Yes, I suppose Thor is probably in a hurry to be defeated again." Hope nodded and seemed momentarily lost in thought "Lets get these measurements out of the way."

After Sif took Hope's measurements, Hope redressed herself and then accompanied Sif out of the cave. Unsurprisingly, Thor approached them "Well, if those measurements are taken care of, then are you ready for our little duel?"

Hope chuckled and seemed to be genuinely amused "Sure, I can school you again."

Thor and Hope moved away to have their battle again, leaving Nate alone with Sif "Hello again, Lady Sif." he smiled flirtatiously at her.

"Hello, Young Nate." Sif answered while watching Thor and Hope, completely oblivious to Nate's expression that he was directing towards her, partly because she had been curious about Hope's strength all week and partly because she was worried about Thor, since apparently he'd fought Hope quite often and never been her even once.

Unsurprisingly, even though Thor was training even harder then usual to try to beat Hope, the battle remained one-sided and the result was the same as it always had been. Thor was knocked out again. Unfortunately, Nate remained firmly locked in place as kid-zoned by Sif, who was mostly just worried about Thor.

Fortunately, though, Hope's telepathy had gotten the information that he'd been hoping to get from Sif, so they could plan a short little excursion away from Asgard.

Splendora_Gaming Splendora_Gaming

Note that my other two stories, last weel, only replease two chapters, so I managed to release one chapter of this story each day. Starting this week, I am back to doing three chapters a week for both of them so I may bot be able to post chapters every day here, but I'll release chapters as often as I can. I think I can aim for at least two per week, but if I manage to write more I'll post more.

When writing three stories simultaniously it's hard to put out chapters every day.

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