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Chapter 2: Autumn In Shock

September 2001

'Cheng Yang, I want to borrow your mathematics exercise book.' said Jin Sing, Cheng Yang good comrade since they were in first grade. The way Jin Sing ask for his friend's mathematics exercise book was more of a command rather than asking for a permission.

Jin Sing was a little shorter than his comrade, Cheng Yang. The two of them are good friends since they were young. Despite being good friends for such a long time, Jin Sing and Cheng Yang personality different from one another. Jin Sing known as the loud boy, mischievous and his grade are not as good as Cheng Yang's. Jin Sing like to invite troubles around him. There was one time when they were still in Sixth grade, Jin Sing made their room teacher cussed out loud in front of the classroom because of his notorious way. Everyone inside the classroom startled by the sudden outburst of their room teacher. None of them dare to speak out when their astonishment. Usually, teacher would cuss at their student behind the student's acknowledgement. That day, was the first time Yi Ling heard a teacher cussed at her student in front of the classroom.

Cheng Yang was the opposite reflection of his good friend. Jin Sing wasn't really good at his studies. However, Cheng Yang was a top student of their school. Previous term, Cheng Yang entered into mathematics contest representing their school and he was ranked second for that. Old Gu praised him well, and even had the expectation for Cheng Yang to rank first for the upcoming contest. Since their school had a rule where during new semester everyone will get different seats according their grade. Cheng Yang always get the chance to choose first before anyone else since his grade and his name always at the top of the list. As for Jin Sing, he always get the last seat. And those who get to be desk-mate with Jin Sing, especially good mannered students will trembled in horror. Unfortunately, Yi Ling get to shared the same desk with notorious Jin Sing. He would often copied her homework and tease her during the school lesson.

'What kind of cruel rule the school adapt! Inhuman!' Yi Ling often heard this complaint from those students who are not able to choose their ideal desk-mate or seats. Yi Ling thought the same thing, so her friend An Ran. Since Yi Ling grade was an average, she often struggles to choose her seats. That semester, Yi Ling wanted to choose the empty spot beside her old crush that she have been chasing for the past years but dared not to. Because of that, the empty spot was taken by the class monitor Mei Lin who was one of the top scorer in their school after Cheng Yang. Because An Ran got into puppy relationship with one of their classmate, Yi Ling next spot was empty and that was when Jin Sing forced to take the seat.

Cheng Yang glared coldly at his friend. 'You can try to ask me nicely next time. Student like us need to learn how to speak with manners.' Cheng Yang took out his book from his bag and gave it to Jin Sing who gave him a sly smile.

Yi Ling was about to put down her bag beside the wooden chair of her desk when Jin Sing walked approaching her direction. After all, they were desk-mate. Yi Ling didn't give him a smile. Instead, she proceed to do what she was supposed to do. An Ran was beside her all along as she was waiting for Yi Ling to take out her mathematics exercise book too. When An Ran earlier saw Cheng Yang gave Jin Sing his exercise book, her eyes glittered in excitement.

'Eh Jin Sing, that is Cheng Yang's book?' An Ran asked while pointing her finger at the book. Jin Sing nodded excitedly.

An Ran smiled widely at him. 'I want copy his homework too. Yi Ling's mathematics not as good as Cheng Yang's. later i don't need to do so much corrections if i copy Cheng Yang's work.'

When Yi Ling heard her supposedly comrade An Ran to be on her side dismissed her all-night hard work doing her best to do her maths homework like that, Yi Ling's face fell into solemness and became dark. She could only watch the duo excitedly sitting facing one another while Cheng Yang's book laid in the middle. Both An Ran and Jin Sing happily copied their classmate's homework. Yi Ling took a peak at Cheng Yang's neat familiar writing that she recognized. Indeed, as expected a top scorer writing different from those who placed last in the class. Yi Ling secretly peaked his back views, a view that was not a stranger to her, a view that for years she have been secretly watching. Cheng Yang was reading his history textbook, writing down some important notes whenever he needed to. Cheng Yang felt someone's stare from the back. He glanced back and met with Yi Ling's penetrating eyes. Yi Ling's cheek became red when her little secret peak caught by the owner of the view. To lessen her embarrassment she quickly diverted her gaze towards the other direction. Fortunately, just like a life saver from the Chinese novel she'd read before, someone came to the rescue.

'Classmates, you need to give me your mathematics exercise book.' Class monitor Mei Lin said to them. She was the person in charge to collect everyone's work and helping out teachers. Yi Ling took out her book from her bag and gave it to Mei Lin. On the other side, both An Ran and Jin Sing wasn't done copying Cheng Yang's work.

Mei Lin shook her head and sighed. 'how much more time do you both need? I can't give you longer than five minutes because Teacher Gu ask me to submit all the books by eight.'

An Ran hold up her left hand and said,' I am almost done. Wait a bit. i'm on my last question Mei Lin.'

Jin Sing shook his head dejectedly. 'I'm done. Old head Gu is definitely going after me.' Hearing Jin Sing spoke in such forlorn way, An Ran for a brief moment stop writing down and peak at Jin Sing's exercise book and burst in laughter.

'Haiyo, you are really slow Comrade Jin! No wonder you always come last in our grade.' An Ran smiled in contentment seeing one's misfortune.

'Comrade Jin, should i teach you how to write faster when you are copying?' An Ran even thought of this. Jin Sing hit An Ran's forehead with his pen when he heard this.

'Classmate An, you sure know how to add salt on a wound.' said Jin Sing in desolation. An Ran grinned in a thrilling way. Yi Ling could only watch the scene and sighed loudly.

Mei Lin, witnessing the whole situation shook her head and said, 'You both better submit your work in the next five minutes. And whose book are you copying?'

'Cheng Yang!' Both An Ran and Jin Sing exclaimed at the same time. After hearing his own name, Cheng Yang glanced at their direction. This reminded Yi Ling the earlier incident where she was caught secretly watching him which made her cheek blush redder.


TEACHER Xiao, their room teacher who taught them English entered the classroom holding a pile of slender books on her hands. The school bell rang at eight sharp, Everyone entered their respective classrooms. Seeing their teacher Xiao entered the classroom, the whole class which was loud and playful became deadly silent. Both An Ran and troublemaker Jin Sing had submitted their mathematics exercise book earlier. Jin Sing was not able to finish all the given questions and ended up leaving five questions unanswered.

'Everyone stand up!' Mei Lin loud voice commanded. Everyone did as they were told and a loud chorus 'Good morning, Teacher Xiao' filled the air. Teacher Xiao greeted her students back and told them to sit down on their seats.

Teacher Xiao was a lady who was in her early thirties. However, being a teacher and facing different kind of students, especially those rebellious who dared to challenge their way with her, Teacher Xiao wore a stern expression whenever she entered the classroom. she would even often brought her long thin stick along with her. Seeing this, the students became well-behaved in front of her for fearing they will get whipping from her if they caused troubles. 'Boys and girls, you are now entering your autumn semester of your first year Junior middle high school. I know there are still years to go before you go for your Gaokao but please, be more serious with your studies from now! That way, you will be more well prepared when you enter for your Gaokao exam.'

Everyone was distressed hearing this. Yi Ling realized, entering the Junior high school was not an easy task. her responsibility with her studies become bigger, and it was only her first year. Although Yi Ling grade was not as bad as An Ran and Jin Sing's, Yi Ling often had her stuggles in certain subjects like mathematics and fe Science subject like physics. In fact, Yi Ling had to revise and study harder for those two subject whenever the dates nearing to her exam week. Still, although she put so much effort and hard work on revising those two subjects, Yi Ling did not get a good mark for both of her mathematics and physics. Other subject, although her marks was not at the top of the list, those marks did not fall under category of dissatisfaction.

'Take out your English poetry book.' Teacher Xiao's voice disturbed Yi Ling's earlier distress about her grade. Yi Ling pull out the thin slender poetry book. Teacher Xiao asked them to turn on page twenty five where an English poem titled 'MR.Nobody' filled the page.

'Alright class, who want to volunteer reading the poem?' When Teacher Xiao asked the class this, suddenly everyone became silent with tight lips. No one dared to volunteer and often they would glanced at each other's desk-mates. Seeing this familiar scene, Teacher Xiao understand her students quite well and nodded. 'Since no one willing to volunteer, then I will just pick any name!'

'An Ran, go read!' Hearing this, An Ran's small eyes became wide in tremor. Teacher Xiao looked at her. ' Go ahead and read.' and just like that, An Ran was forced to read out the English poem loudly inside the classroom;

MR. Nobody

I know a funny little man,

As quiet as a mouse,

Who does the mischief that is done ?

In everybody's house!

There is no one ever sees his face,

And yet we all agree,

That every plate we break and cracked,

By Mr. Nobody.

He puts damp wood upon the fire,

That kettle cannot boil;

His are the feet that bring in mud,

And all the carpets soiled.

The papers are always mislaid,

Who had them last but he?

There's no one tosses them about.

But Mr. Nobody.

The finger marks upon the door,

By none of us are made;

We never leave the blinds unclosed,

To let the curtains fade.

The ink we never spill; the boots

that lying round you see,

Are not our boots - - they all belong.

To Mr. Nobody.

Hearing the poems, suddenly Yi Ling thought few troublemakers inside her class. Nevertheless, most of them are not as quiet as a mouse. In fact, they are loud and always loitering around looking for troubles making the head school and their room teacher suffer from headaches. After An Ran done reading the poem to everyone, Teacher Xiao explained the hidden meaning of the poem. After that, she told the class to write a short summary that contained less than hundred words about the poem.


THE school bell rang. Classes are done for the day. Yi Ling and An Ran didn't have any cleaning duty that day. So An Ran dragged her along to the gaming station. Yi Ling wanted to refuse, excusing herself that she wanted to do some revision for her physics. An Ran didn't buy her excuse. The five of them, An Ran, Yi Ling herself, An Ran's boyfriend and his two friend who brought along one of his girlfriend from neighboring class biked their way to the gaming station. Yi Ling was scared her cousin will be there too since she remembered he told the family earlier in the morning that he will come back late for his pretense self-studying.

'Don't worry! If that brat cousin of yours tell your aunt, i will back you up by telling your aunt he was there too playing game instead studying.' An Ran told her. Yi Ling was not sure if she should believe what her friend had said. Often An Ran back out from her words.

Yi Ling's eyes met with An Ran's and saw that An Ran was determine to bring her along with her. Bracing herself for the consequences, Yi Ling rode her bike with heavy heart and was somewhat unsettled at the thought of meeting her cousin or her aunt's acquaintances. The other four of them including An Ran seemed they have nothing to worry of being caught since they are used to it. Suddenly, the earlier poem taught by their Teacher Xiao reminded her of their situation. Instead being MR. Nobody who cause mischief secretly, they became a bunch of MR. Nobody who caused mischief under the broad day light so everybody can see it. Under the influence of An Ran, Yi Ling looked defeated and told herself to brace whatever the impact and just go along with them.

All along, Yi Ling had expected herself to encounter with her cousin. When they reached the gaming station, what was more surprising was that, instead of meeting her cousin, they saw a group of familiar classmate from their class. They parked their bike outside the station and used their lock to locked the bike wheel to prevent being stolen. Yi Ling felt a sudden autumn shiver as a cold breeze harshly brushed through them. Yi Ling wondered if the expected long, cold and dry winter going to be longer and colder than the previous year. She had heard the weather forecast that the winter might be colder and longer due to climate change. Thinking she had to spent her days in such weather change her spirit. Then Yi Ling remember, her mother is coming back to China during Christmas holiday from New York. It has been more than a year since Yi Ling saw her mother. And Yi Ling misses her a lot. Ever since her mother divorce with her father when Yi Ling was six years old, her mother had been working away abroad, leaving her living with her maternal aunt since her father got remarried and now has his own family.

Yi Ling's father was a strict man. Yi Ling remember his loud voice when he was fighting with her mother during her childhood years. He would scold and hit her if she cause trouble. Even after the divorce, Yi Ling met him once a year during New Year, and she was still scared and fear of him. Yi Ling didn't like coming over to Shanghai meeting her father's new family. Her step-mother treat her well whenever she comes over, but Yi Ling was uncomfortable staying long with them since she was not used to it. Thus, after few days staying with them, Yi Ling was always excited to board her train back to Xian.

They were just about to find empty seats with empty computer when they discovered the earlier familiar group of high school students were indeed their classmates. 'Eh, i know Jin Sing is a rebellious boy. Never thought he would drag along great student like Cheng Yang.'

An Ran looked at her friend. 'Yi Ling, fortunately you come along with us. That way you even got the chance to meet your Old crush here.' Yi Ling blushed in embarrassment. She wanted to kick An Ran for saying that out loud in front of the others.

'Good classmate Ling also can fall in love? Which one of them?' Hong Wei, An Ran's boyfriend asked.

'Cheng Yang.' An Ran whispered but the four of them still could hear her. Hong Wei's eyes became wide. At that moment, Jin Sing noticed An Ran and call out for her.

'Comrade An, you are also here to play game?'

Hong Wei put his arm on An Ran's shoulder. An Ran blushed at the gesture. 'Yes ah. I want to accompany him coming here also.'

Cheng Yang was sitting and had his concentration on his game. Yi Ling was a little disappointed when he didn't take notice of her. Just when Yi Ling was about to take a seat, Cheng Yang looked up and met her gaze. He didn't gave her a smile. Instead, he gave her a cold shoulder before diverting his gaze back to the screen. They didn't take notice of the time. her friends were busy with their computer screen. After spending about an hour on the computer screen, Yi Ling's eyes became weary and tired. Yi Ling told An Ran that she was going to use the washroom. On the way to the washroom, she saw the counter uncle was watching news on the small TV screen. What caught her attention was not the small TV screen. Instead, what caught her attention was the content of the news. Hearing the name of New York, Yi Ling heart beats in fear.

Nearby, some group of adults entered and were talking about something. They stopped in front the counter and saw the news. 'See, I didn't lie. There was really a terrifying incident happening in New York right now. My cousin stay nearby and he told me about it just now over the phone.'

The uncle nonchalantly picked their conversation. 'Young man, how big is the incident? OIs it really bad as the news said?' the uncle asked the group.

The young man who was in his early twenty nodded. 'Yes Uncle. Huge, terrifying incident! The planes crashed into World Trade Centre. I heard many people were inside the building.'

Hearing New York, the airplanes crashed into a building in New York, Yi Ling immediately grew tense. Her heart was pounding wildly. In that instant, she could only think of her mother. Yi Ling rushed back to the gaming room and took out her bag from the seats. Seeing Yi Ling's frantic move, An Ran knew something was wrong with her friend. True enough, when she met Yi Ling watery and red eyes, An Ran knew something had happened.

'Yi Ling, why are you crying? what happen?' An Ran asked her best friend as she stood up.

Yi Ling could not muttered the whole sentence. she could only uttered,' My mom. I need to call her.'

Yi Ling stuffed her books inside and sprinted towards the exit. She rushed out to get her bike. An Ran was following around behind her. An Ran did not understand the whole situation, but she knew something must have gone wrong. Like that, they left the others behind. Yi Ling stop by to the nearest retail shop. On the way, she could only pray from deep inside of her heart that nothing happen to her mother. Yi Ling knew her mother's contact in the U.S.

Yi Ling rushed to grab the phone as soon as she entered the shop. 'Auntie, i need to make international call.' Yi Ling told the auntie and gave her fifty yuan bills and dial her mother's contact. Yi Ling could not stop her tears from falling. Only after a few ring, her mother picked the call. Yi Ling felt a rush of deep relieve when somebody picked the call.

'Hello,' a soft familiar voice of her mother greeted the call. Hearing her voice, Yi Ling could not help but suddenly she misses her so much than any normal day. especially after the scare. Yi Ling eyes became hot and warm tears spilled out.

'Ma, it's me. I heard a plane crashed to world trade center. Are you alright? I was scared you were on that building. I was scared you get injured.'

Her mother chuckled at the other line. 'Ling Ling, i'm at home. I'm very safe. Your aunt just called me too. Don't worry, nothing bad happen to me.' hearing that, it give Yi Ling reassurance. She finally let out a huge sigh of relived.

'Ma, don't go nearby that building. I won't feel safe if you go there. And call Aunt if anything happen to you.' Suddenly, Yi Ling felt that what she was saying was especially silly. However, she couldn't help but to worry about her mother whereabouts and safety.

'All right.' her mother actually agreed with her. 'How is your studies going?'

When her mother asked her that on the other line, Yi Ling emotions shifted. She was not sure if she should tell her mother that recently she failed her physics exam. Yi Ling knew, if she did tell her that, her mother would give her an earful scolding, and she is coming back for the Christmas break. Yi Ling decided to tells her white lies. 'It's going good. Since we are now in Junior high school, the subject getting tougher and we need to work harder. Ma, you are really coming back during winter right?' Yi Ling shifted their conversation into something else.

'I already booked my flight. Do you want me to buy you anything from here?' Her mother asked. Yi Ling thought for a moment.

'An Ran said, chocolate from abroad is different from buying local. Can you buy me three packs of that? One for An Ran, the other two is for me.' Yi Ling requested. Her mother laughed and promised her she will buy her three packets of chocolate from New York before ending the phone calls. After the conversation with her mother, Yi Ling heavy heart fell relieved. Nothing bad has happen to her mother. That day, An Ran rode her bike side by side with her friend. They didn't speak much but they understand each other very well. Yi Ling was grateful to have An Ran with her.

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