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Chapter 2: Chapter2

Back on the super station Brandon and Crystal was in the housing sector of the station that hold everyone that live on the ship that's around 1.5billion people or more.

The scene before them was amazing, it was a giant city with many vhicle flying around with many lanes of traffic from the ground to the very top. "Woooow" they both said simultaneously.

Passing by the city they notice that the building got small and grass with trees start to appear that look more like a gated community, clearly this was the high class leaving area.

Coming to a marble like mansion with pillars and a fancy driveway with hedges that made fence that block the bars we approach and land in the Driveway to the front door.

Walking out of the ship we are greeted by some human maids and droids " seem we found your place my lady" I said trying to sound all fancy.

" thank you for your hospitality and escorting me hime Bigdady101" she said with a big grin on her face.

" you-you dare use that name again my lady and I will have no other choice but to do that thing you don't like" I said with a smirk and seeing her fave go pale.

{~sir we have that information and it appears to be a low level civilization ~} showing a picture of the planet surrounding by many satellites.

"Is that earth" crystal said point at the planet noticed how the land was shaped.

" it appears so" I said scanning the information just before closing it " it the year 2010 we come from 2022 after the pandemic" I said walking with her into the mansion that was grand and glorious to be within.

"Well Ill leave you here for now if you need anything call me and ill come back here" I said letting go of her hand then giving her a hug.

" k ill be here for now on I should familiarize my self with the place and try find out what I do" she said walking towards the stairs.

Turning around and walking back to the yacht type ship I get on board and started walking towards the cockpit.

" take to he'd quarter" I said to see if that will take me to a spot I need to go.

Lifting off I open the report back open " AI what do you think of this planet" I said see if maybe this AI had any knowledge about earth before we found it.

{~ it's a low human civilization that isn't under the empire, either it a forgotten colony or they ran away to live out here long ago and had lost the technology to enter space~}

Thinking hard about what it said I come to the conclusion that maybe we can use this opportunity then I remember that Alpha was the closest star system " jump the station to the closest star system to that planet" I said giving AI a mission.

{~sir we cant jump tell we get all available resources around here, if we jump now the gas will hit a dangerous low and we will spend a lot of resources in doing so~} AI said with out any emotion but made it point clear.

" well since its only 10 jumps away I guess we can stay here for now but I want to go see this planet my self, prepare the 136fleet" thinking hard on what if we got sent back in time and now and just maybe we can stop that pandemic and many other things to protect earth.

'No earth leader have a bad reputation on doing dumb stuff That make no sense if I hive them technology they will just use me then turn on me' thinking hard on what to do and possibly the future of earth it self.

Arriving at a massive fleet we enter a gold dreadnought ship that was clearly the flagship of 10 dreadnought, 60 battleships, 160 destroyer, 300 frigates, 400 corvette.

It was the smallest fleet out of all seven fleet, but that didn't make them pushover either landing in the docking bay I was greeted by soldiers in combat gear that look awesome the amour look something from starship troops invasion anime movie.

"Take me to the captain of this ship" I already know who the fleet hero name is but didn't want to say anything.

I made my way following a combat droid that already been given orders from AI to take me to the captain.

We arrived to an elevator that takes us to the 130 floor then we start to walk towards a pad that hovers and drives us to the back where of the ship to take another elevator that arrive to another floor but this floor had a lot of women and men walking around more.

Walking towards a door that open up I see a man standing over table that showing a hologram of a planet.

" attention on deck" a man yells out making everyone turn around and stand straight.

" carry on" I said feeling awkward doing that because I'm clearly not use to it.

" welcome to my ship commander what do I owe the pleasure" a middle age man with blue military suit on said.

" general nick I will be need you to take me to a star system here I said pointing at the planet showing up on screen that the man was already looking at.

" no problem" he said walking to his chair sitting down " this is the fleet captain prepare to jump on the Coordinates. Now then sir care to take a seat and prepare to jump" he said as I watch many ship start to line up.

" jumping in 3..2…" seeing many blue straight line like lasers beams being shot into the deep void of space.

" may I ask whats so Interesting about this low level civilization" Nick ask while eye me with interest.

" planet Earth we may have use for them in the near future" I said looking at the tunnel of stars zip pass us like turning on your high beams on in a snowstorm.

"Ill also need you to set up a base on the little red planet they call mars, we can use that base to monitor them and maybe we can also set up a small tower on the moon to monitor all military frequencies" I said pointing at the hologram map that the captain just keeps nodding his head.

"Beside trying to bring resources over we can use the astroid belt here, they have a very large belt that can very well sustain that base and also be mining colony" he said hight lighting the astroid belt around the system.

" the belt can support a lot but I just need us to stop in the atmosphere over this continent" said pointing over North America " make sure they can see us on there low level technology" I said and we come out of the jump.

"Sir we picking up an unknown ship its appears to come for earth and travelling at very high speeds" a person yells out looking at a screen.

" can you iD they ship" the captain yelled.

" no sure, more are fleeing the surface of the moon it appears they have detected us and have started to flee" that man said tapping away at the screen.

" captain get us to the planet and recall for the 40th fleet for back up, I want to know who this is" I said and he just nods setting a course for the hole fleet and we blast off again.

"Prepare battle station" an alarm and men yell out on the ship intercoms.

" I want all star fighter out of this ship less then 20 minute and prepare for combat" the captain yells out while I was just standing around waiting to see who or what we will encounter because earth had a long history of gods apparently visiting earth.

Coming out of light speed we are shown what appears to be disk light craft zapping away at remarkable speeds from the moon and planet.

" stop here and don't engage unless fired at first" I said watching many craft fleeing the moon and the planet.

" sir we a message being transmitted to us" a women yells and waits to bring it up on screen.

" lets see what they have to say" I said singling her to let the message come.

" we are the galactic federation science fleet we request why you entered" he stop noticing that the other side is human.

What I was looking at was a grey big head black eye humanoid creature " ahhh the greys" I said and the other side didn't say anything.

" I was given information that they grey have been doing unlawful science experiment on the native of this planet witch happen to be humans" I said with a hint of anger.

With another hundreds of blue light flashing another fleet arrives making the other side look somewhere off screen.

" we assure you that we aren't doing anything that would go beyond the federation law again low level civilization, we the greys have been protecting them from the draconian That wish to in slave the human race" he said with no emotion.

" ahhh I see " I said nodding my head ' what about all the abduction on earth' I was thinking about and panicking because this is my first time seeing an actual extraterrestrial.

" why leave in such a hurry then " I said making the other side flinch a little.

" we pick up an unknown fleet so we Evacuated The science teams that research this planet for thousands of years" it said sending over a file that showed the start of the human race to todays date.

" clearly you made a mistake a few time making the inhabitants think of you guys as gods and demons" I said closing the file and looking back at the screen with no expansion on my face see what the other will say.

" that was way before I was made head scientist here in this sector" he said signalling another alien behind him.

" how about a trade, a map of this galaxy and ill believe what you just said" I said walking towards the screen then turning my back to it looking at the screen seeing all the ships fleeing.

" deal" and the transmission was cut with a file that was sent to use with all know empires in the milky way galaxy and the andromeda galaxy.

" stand down but keep alert I don't trust them but look at this " I said showing two galaxies.

" they have the ability to jump to another galaxy sir, that very difficult and cost a lot of power and resources to achieve that kind of travel" He said in aww at the detail map of each galaxy.

" don't trust them they might have something up there sleeves check to see if they try to hack into any ship mainframe or anything" I said still looking at the two maps.

"We're here, east south of the galaxy in the level 4 sector just about in the outer rim" I said pointing at a map showing it inside the galactic federation empire that's in both galaxy's.

"They seem to be a big empire luckily we didn't do anything rash" Nick said but also seeing other colours on the map showing other empires.

"Keep the base hidden we don't need anyone finding out our location and doing a surprise attack on us. I want you to send a message I want rail guns being built around the base in every star system as early warning signs, after that get mining ships going rolling out on any planet or astroid belt. Dig in boys its going to be a long ride to the end of the tunnel" I wasn't buying anything them grey say because if they belong with the galactic federation they wont allow something like this would they? or was it a top secret experiment that they control the world government and kept this a secret from the federation.

On earth America and anyone with a satellite was watching a huge fleet of ships stop right outside the moon and many other ships fleeing at rapid pace.

The president was taken into the bunker under the white house and was being debriefed on the situation above them.

" do we have any information if they friend or foe" a guy was yelling around trying to get any answer.

" we don't know sir, but the ship they use are massive the biggest is over 8000m and many more" a guy said looking at a screen showing a lot of red dots.

"Good god" the president said looking at the screen with news channel showing massive object beside the moon.

Then out of know where half of them started to disappear in flash, the news wasn't helping at all but making mass panic saying thing like we are under attack from unknown E.T.


" that appears to be the last one" I said point at the screen showing a 150m UFO zap off In to space " scan the moon for anything interesting" I wasn't sure but I had a feeling that they might be hiding something.

" send the 40th fleet to this gas giant have them hide in the rings so nobody can detect them, Lower us into he atmosphere over this spot" I said pointing my finger on Washington

" do it" Nick said singling the ship over the city.

Down below people screaming cars crashing people lotting stores before all TV and radios are cut off showing a handsome young man.

" people of earth we mean you know harm so stop your idiot riot and lotting stores we have just scared off the Greys that used you as an experiment" I said showing a picture of the grey alien on the screen.

" we're friends of earth an as a fellow human we wont abandon you to such crimes again" I said before the massive ship slowly makes it way across the city showing it massive size to everyone.

Down below everyone stop to look up at the sky watching the massive ship just pass over the city.

Cops show up to calm down the masses and arrested anyone that try to flee a broken store.

Some people crying as they see loved ones that crash bleeding out on the side of the road.

" ahhh it's a shit show down below send some medical drones down and help them" I said looking at a scene of black smoke people running around.

More ships enter the atmosphere and watching hundreds of ships deploy over the city and flying over a crash site people watch has a droid in white with military personal beside them

They scan anyone hurt and performed what can be said the work of god as a bed type machine heal them instantly.

" thank you thank you" a women cry holding her daughter again that was shock to see her self being completely fine but mentally that will have to cure on her own.

People watch in aww as men in space suits in black amour arrest anyone that try to rob a store or commit any crime while they perform and heal anyone badly hurt in the panic, but unfortunately the dead cant be brought back unless they chop of the person head and stick it inside a life barrel hat holds a human brain keeping it alive so They can download the person and send him or her to a new body, but sadly that only belong to the military and high level civilian or you got the cash to have the operation done.

Back on the ship I was watching my men clean up the city quickly and help anyone that was hurt badly bringing the city back under control.

" nice job to gain this low level planets trust" Nick was watching everything unfold then walking off toward a women that was speaking to him.

" appears to be the leader.of this country wants to take to you" nick said turning around waiting for my answer.

" bring him up then" I said seeing the screen show a African American man.

" greeting fellow human my name Barack Obama President of the United States of America, we appreciate what you did in space and on the ground we are deeply grateful" he said wait f for an introduction to from me.

" greeting President my names Brandon Dark star leader of galactic star station, we had no plan to reveal are self but an unexpectedly we found out that another race was on the moon," I said walking around the program table.

"once again thank you very much, as of right now I would like to invite you to discuss negotiations for the future," he said with a smile on his face.

"set it up we can meet on a current date of your choice " wasn't all that surprised because they will try use this as an opportunity to gain technology but who know if I will give then anything.

' a lot of nice places on this planet but I don't need anything right now' I was thinking to my self. I have plans to set up a base on Mars and the moon to intercept all communicate to monitor earth.

I also have to get all my resources flowing again and try to figure out who's foe and friend in this Galaxy.

" next week on the 7Th of June" we both agree on it and the video feed was cut and let out a sigh of relief.

' acting as a leader can be so tiring, that little shit should have just wished for a pair of shoes or something' I said inside my head thinking about the old days fighting with my car and trying to get o work on time.


On earth all the world leader piled up on the United states to try get answers but to only met with silence for now. As to video showing ships and men helping out injured people went viral online even the news channel are in full swing trying to get any information on them.

One journalist tested the water by approaching soldiers from space " hello can you answer a question for me Are you human underneath that suit and why did you guys come to earth" only to get nothing in return but silence.

Seeing one soldiers do a signal with his hand they all regrouped as a ship lands on the street to pick them back up. The camera crew film everything even the inside of the ship when the door open.

Watching the future looking troop get on bored and flying away once the door shut " they aren't the talkative bunch but they appear none hostile as to go as far to heal people hurt in the riots and crashed vehicle" she said pointing and making the cameraman running around trying to keep the camera steady.


Over the next few days space cargo ships fly towards Mars carrying mining equipment for the land while mining ship 1km long eating away at asteroids shooting around, ships with big tank fly out of Saturn collecting undefined gases used for many things.

The construction of the rail guns haven't started yet since a lot I resource will be needed and we have jumped to Alpha Centauri. Over the few days, we had a few ships from the greys enter earth solar system that appears to be scouting it out but when intercepted by a few ships they run away leaving the system before we can get close to them.

"sir we.found video and experiment on the moon it seems the greys work with the Lazard men and they frequently dump some kind of gas over city's towns anywhere with a human they dumb the gas that appears to shorten the life span to 80yrs without the gas they can now live up to 300yrs it seems," one of the scientists on the screen said to me.

" interesting very interesting," I said with my mind blown ' they dumb gas on us that reduces our life span' I said that just baffles me that they did that to us for maybe thousands of years.

"anything else," I said seeing any bad news will come out from his mouth.

" yes it seems this planet only had 100yrs left before they removed the moon they artificially put here," he said looking at a tablet in his hand then looking back at the screen.

" remove the moon! that's very interesting that would make the seas shift tectonic plats move that will send them back to the stone age. Talk about whipping out world to clean your tracks them sneaky little shit" I said with a surprised expression on my face for a moment.

" yes we have located over 100 engine under the surface that has to power to move this moon away from earth gravitation pull" he said showing me all location on the moon surface.

" get what you can learn from them then destroy them, I don't want that moon leaving earth," I said turning off the hologram screen and leaning back in my chair.

" if the moon isn't native to earth then maybe they stole it from one of the gas Giants and that can explain Noah ark in the Bible" thinking about the tails from the Bible might be the work of the E.T that made everything up and probably had warning inside it.

Skyhunter1 Skyhunter1

Making things up but, I think I have a good idea of what direction I'm going with the story. Sorry for the bad grammar I won't fix it but try to improve because this will probably be a short story maybe 50ch or less or more idk.

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