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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: If looks could kill

Her body slammed into the water and her vision flickered as water filled her nose and mouth. Dagny tried swimming to the top but an invisible force kept dragging her down. It was too late anyways. The yacht was already far from her. She gave in to the water. Her only dying regrets were that there would be no one to remember her and she would disappear from this world without leaving her mark. If she could only be given one more chance at life…

She drifted in and out of consciousness. For possibly the last time in her life, Dagny's eyelids closed.


Then there were voices."Ms... Ms.... are you okay?" Darkness. Then, "Somebody get me an AED." Darkness again.

Water sputtered out of her mouth and she opened her eyes. The light momentarily blinded her and she had to close them again. 'Wasn't it night?' Someone turned her over to her side.

"Thank god you're okay." A voice said from behind her. She slowly sat up and looked around. A net, buckets of water, fish. Dagny assumed she was on a fishing boat. 'But weren't these waters off limits to the general public?' Finally her eyes landed on her savior. A man-seemingly in his mid 40s smiled back at her. Unlike the ones she'd been surrounded by her entire life, his smile was warm and gentle. "Do you want some water?" He asked

The man beside him answered him instead. "My god, William. She was just drowning. I would reckon the last thing she wants right now is water."

The kind man got up. "Alright then. If you need anything, you can ask my nephew. He's the one who fished you out of the water. Should be here any minute now." The two men left to continue their work.

Not a minute after, his nephew came out, a towel in his arms. He was really hot. His milk white skin had no flaw and his face was perfection in itself. To add to it, his shirt was soaked and dripping sea water. She could see the outline of his abdominals. 'A good body too!'

"I would appreciate it if you'd stop gawking at my body." was all he said.

Heat rushed into her cheeks and she looked down. "Sorry. You have a good uh" she fumbled with her torn shirt now very aware that she was bare chested. "um...body."

"I know." he said as he passed her the towel. Then his face turned cold. "I don't know which company you work for, what your purpose is in staging this whole thing and how you found out about THIS but, don't think for a second that I'm an easy person. Were it not for the people on board, I would have, should have, let you drown. I'm only letting you go this time because I'm feeling generous but if I ever see you again, EVER, I'm going to make you wish you were never born." He stared at her with eyes so cold, if looks could kill, she would have been long dead.

Dagny shivered as the air chilled around her.




She was still shivering long after he left. Only when the boat finally reached shore, did her uncontrollable shivering stop. 'That was so embarrassing' She made a mental note to herself. 'I can't be afraid of people. People are just people. I need to get over it if I want to become successful.' Like she did everytime she was faced with a conflict, Dagny planned out everything she needed to do to solve it.

'Step 1: Get to a populated area.'

'Step 2: Call a cab.'

'Step 3:...' This would usually be the step where she apologized to Liam and begged him to take her back. But with him attempting to kill her and all, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to get back together with him. She screamed in frustration. Stuck in the middle of a foreign country with nothing. She had nothing and nowhere to go. Knowing Liam, he had probably already thrown all her belongings into the furnace and given her room to someone else. She scrapped her plan and made a new one.

'Step 1: find out where I am'

'Step 2: sneak onto an airplane and fly back…'

'No, scrap that. She wasn't planning on getting arrested anytime soon.'

'Step 1:...' Nothing. Damnit. She remembered then. 'That person from the party might be able to help me! Her name was...Aurora.' She fumbled through her pocket for the card, praying it was still readable. Dagny let out a sigh of relief when her hands emerged from her pockets with a still intact card. She made a new plan.

'Step 1: Find a nice looking person and ask to borrow their phone'

'Step 2: Call Aurora'

'Step 3: Tell her the situation and ask for help'

'Ok, acceptable.' She approached a woman sitting on a bench. "Um excuse me." The woman glanced up at her before returning to her phone. " I'm lost and need to contact a friend. May I borrow your phone?" After several awkward seconds, the woman peered up at her again.

"My phone?"

"Yes, I only need to borrow it for a minute."

The woman got up and did something totally unexpected. "Thief! Thief!" she yelled. People stopped their jogging and started to approach her. Something in her gut told her to run. So she did. Gut instincts had gotten her to where she was today.

She ran as fast as possible, not looking back. 'Crazy, that woman was insane. How could she possibly think that she was trying to steal her phone?' When she didn't hear any footsteps behind her, Dagny slowed to a stop. She didn't think it would be a good idea to ask anyone else to borrow their phone, lest they act the same way. She was in a foreign country after all...

"To the police station it is" she grumbled to herself as she dragged her heavy legs through the street.

bingsu_90 bingsu_90

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Here's something to get you thinking... Dagny fell into the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. She woke up in a parallel universe. What mystery lies in the North Atlantic Ocean and how does it relate to the story?

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