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37.5% Shadowbloods

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

It was only after Krul left that I had a chance to look around the now bright as hell room. I was lying in a pool of shallow water in the middle of an otherwise completely white room. The walls are disturbing as hell, the whiteness makes it hard to tell anything about the room. I couldn't tell you the dimensions for the life of me. The exit was the only thing that I could clearly differentiate. The door was greyish white, with the light reflecting off of it, clearly made of metal, probably like that "smartphone" thingy.

I then went on to inspect myself. I was sitting in the pool of water, completely naked. If I were to say, this body is… quite well endowed, in many different ways. It's not the worst I've seen in terms of body strength. Well, as expected of my clan's descendants. Even 1000 years later, the bloodline is still so potent, even if it is this diluted.

This body of mine is that of a D-class Shadowblood, although of course, I am using the standards of my time, whereas, now, the classification should deviate slightly.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my heart. "AGHHH!" Unable to hold it back, I spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Haaaa…. I guess this body is not strong enough to handle the pressure of Caedem huh…" With a bitter smile, I wipe away the lingering blood on my chin. "It doesn't matter, after all, I'm still Kaisus Imperad, the King of the Shadowbloods…"

I remember back to Krul's words about the Blood Contract, about my beloved wife, her beautiful, exquisite smile, that would melt even the coldest of hearts, her eyes that can see through the deepest of my desires, and her touch, so full of her love and passion. I clench my fists tightly. "Dear, wait for me. I'll fulfill my promise. I swear. After this, we'll be together forever."

'The Contractor, Krul Ley the V, has issued Task 1: Assimilate with Society' A mysterious voice said. The sound didn't come from outside, but was straight in my head. That was when it suddenly hit me.

I Forgot To Check The Contract.

I didn't read the contract….. Shoot. I have no idea what 3 tasks I have to do… What if it was something like, destroy the world? Can I even do that? What were the Terms and Conditions? Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot….. Damn it Kaisus you dumbass!

Eh, whatever. The Blood Contract will tell me the tasks as we get to it. For now, I guess I just have to do this one huh. Assimilate with society? I guess Krul means for me to learn the language and stuff huh. Ahhhh, this might be tough considering how much the world has changed.

After sorting all this out in my head, I stand up, splashing the gentle cool water around me, and walk towards that door. My steps leave water all over the floor, and, with a shake of my head, I try to dry out my hair a little. When I arrive at the front of the door, I contemplate what I should do. Maybe I should bang on the door to see if someone will open it? Maybe just smash it open? No, I don��t think this body can handle it. Hmmm. As I'm thinking, the door slides open suddenly.

In my way stood a rather beautiful woman, wearing clothes similar looking to that of Krul earlier, with the difference being an exceptionally short skirt that showed off her nice white thighs… Maybe… maybe if I bent down a little? I could sneak a peek? May-

"Hello Your Majesty, my name is Betty Spiel, and I will be your escort and guide." She says with a bright smile.

I raise an eyebrow as I appraise her. The way she talks is rather mesmerizing, her red lips looking so alluring, it's --- Wait a second.

"You… you know my language? The Old Tongue of the Shadowblood race?" I was completely shocked. If the current leader of the Shadowbloods wasn't able to speak to me in my language, I thought, what hope was there that someone else would still use it? However, here was someone, someone who still remembered their roots.

"Ahhhh, of course, Your Majesty, my parents were both Shadowbloods, so they had forced me to learn the language. However, there aren't many Shadowbloods who are willing to learn the old languages, but instead just use the modern human languages." Betty says. I barely heard half of it, as my attention was fully drawn to her curvaceous body.

"Annnddddd… That is why, I am here to guide you!" She bends over a little to force her face into my sight, and with a slight teasing smile continues, "I was instructed by our leader, Lord Krul Ley himself to teach Your Majesty of the modern world. We will start with, of course, the most common language around the modern world, English."

I forcefully, and with a lot of effort, rip my eyes away from her bountiful racks, and try to clear my head of distractions. 'Think of your wife, think of your wife, think of your wife, think of your wife… If she sees me like this right now she would kill me. Kaisus keep it together man. This isn't the time to be distracted by a woman's boobs.'

"So… English huh. I seem to recall there being a language called something similar back in the day." I shuffle through my memory to find any hints, but the years have already dulled most of my past memories.

"Yes, Your Majesty. This English is the modern form of the Anglo-Saxon Dialect of Old English, which was spoken predominantly in the lands of Europe, or more specifically England. If I'm not mistaken, you have visited there before."

"Ahhh… England huh… That was a fun place to be. There were quite a few worthy opponents there, in fact." I relaxed a little. 'This shouldn't be that hard then.' I thought to myself with a smile. 'While I was there, I learned quite a bit of the language already. Who knew that such a small language would spread so wide though. I was sure it would be one of the other languages like Chinese or something, but guess not hu--' I suddenly stop my train of thought. Wait a second… 'If Krul earlier was speaking modern English… Doesn't that mean… IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! I can't understand a thing!'

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Betty could clearly see I was getting a little agitated."I will teach you everything you need to know. Ev-ery-thing." As if to send a hidden message, she crosses her hands around her chest and gives me an alluring smile. She's so close to me that I can smell her sweet scent, it's almost enough to make… Wait stop. She's trying to seduce me. I can't fall for it. For my wonderful wife, I must bear it!

Quickly I move back a few steps, and then say, "Alright, alright… I get it, but for now, can I get some clothes?"

Betty, as if only just noticing, looks over my body. The way she looks is as if she's looking at a wonderful specimen, one she can't wait to take apart. It sends chills down my spine. Please get me out of here… When have women become this bold…

"Hohoo" she says. "That's a great body you've got there, but why need clothes when you can just show off your assets, huh?" She raises her eyebrows, as if giving some sort of silent hint.

"Wait, wait, wait. That's not very good is it. After all, I'm still the King, even if weakened. It'll ruin my reputation if I were to walk around naked. People would think I was some sort of Exhibitionist or something."

She pouts, which looks awfully cute, and finally gives in, "Fine, come with me." She begins to walk away, giving me my first good glance at what was outside the white room. What was there waaaas…. More white. A long white corridor with another metal door at the end, it's just too weird. Following behind her, without looking at anything in particular, or at least, trying not to look at anything in particular, I follow her to the metal door, which upon Betty placing her hand on a glowing block of metal, slides open.

The scene that greets me outside is a square room, with doors on all 4 sides, which many contraptions and a tube at the center. It was quite interesting the many things that were there. Many of the contraptions were glowing with white light, and there were a few people sitting at chairs in front of the contraptions.

The moment I stepped into the room, all eyes turned to look at the newcomer. Only for many to immediately avert their eyes upon seeing my completely naked body. In fact, there were even a few shrieks from a few of the women sitting in the seats.

"____ _ __ ____ __ _ ___ _ ___" Betty began talking to them in Modern English, and almost immediately after speaking a bit to them, many of them nod and turn back to their work. She turns back, and with a smile, waves me on to follow her.

She turns left and walks and opens the metal door. Following closely behind her, the scene that greets my eyes was completely different from the white hallway earlier. Instead, this hallway was made of brown wood, the walls clean and shiny from some material, and with many different wooden doors down the line. She walks a little down the hallway, until finally stopping at a wooden door that looked no different than the rest of them, and proceeds to take out a metal key, which she inserts into the lock on the handle and unlocks the door.

The room inside is neat and tidy. There is a large white bed with clean, folded sheets in the back corner of the room, a table in the middle of the room, and many other contraptions and things I have no idea about.

"You can sit there." Betty tells me, and motions to the chairs that are by the table. "Or… If you'd like, you can sit on the bed…"

"No thanks." I reply, and promptly sit on the chair.

"Ah, I forgot, but I need to go and get you some clothes. Can you wait for me here? Please don't touch anything ok?" She winks and walks out the door, closing it behind her.

Of course, being the obedient person I am, I decide to remain in the seat to wait for her to come back. NOT. Of course, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to look around the room to see what is around. On the wall opposite of the bed is a black glass screen thing. Hmmm, is it a black window? Well, whatever. I walk towards a drawer that is by Betty's bedside, and, of course, like a great person, I opened it.

Underwear. So many different types of underwear. From black-laced underwear to simple plain ones, there are so many different types. Following this, I immediately close the drawer and close my eyes. Calm down, Kaisus. It's not like you've never seen them before. Your wife. Think about your wife. Stop stop stop stop stoppp. After calming down, I open my eyes and stand up.

"So? Do you like my collection?" A voice suddenly says behind me.

"WAHHH!" I straighten up and turn around to see a beautiful face right in front of mine.

"I said don't touch anything didn't I?" She says, without any indication that she was actually blaming me for anything. Her perfect lips slowly crawl into an odd smile, and without any more warning, she pushes me down onto the bed. I could feel her thighs, those juicy creamy thighs rubbing against me. It's really hard NOT to have a reaction you know. If you were in my situation. No normal man could resist. Especially not after having been dead for a thousand years. I could feel the heat rising to my face. Aaaaaaaaahh.

What do I do? What do I do , what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do? Mustering up all my self-control, I push her off of me and, in an attempt to regain my composure, dark mists gather around my right hand.

Only to immediately scatter. I feel the sharp stabbing pain once again, only this time, much worse. "Arghhhhh." I groan as blood trickles down the side of my mouth. "Damn it. This useless body." I sit down on the bed trying to calm down and get my breathing under control. My hands are all clammy, my entire body dripping with sweat.

"Oh no. Look at you now, all wet." Betty says, with deep implications and her hand on her face. "You should go take a shower… Or if you want, I could help you take a shower?"

I swallow my saliva. "No thanks. I can take a shower myself I think."

Looking disappointed, Betty opens a door that I didn't have the time to check earlier, and leads me into a very clean looking bathroom with all sorts of different things. With a quick explanation from her on the different objects, and how to use them, I stepped into the shower and turned the handle as she directed. Without much more trouble, I was able to clean myself off using the extremely nice smelling "shampoo".

After getting out of the shower, I saw that Betty had left a few pieces of clothing on the toilet. As I dry myself off with the towel Betty had left me, I look into the mirror to get my first good look at my face.

It's a rather handsome face, if I may say so myself. It bears quite a resemblance to me back then, if I may say so myself. As Krul said, really the perfect body to be revived in. My hair is black, with my eyes a deep shade of blood red. Without dwelling too much on my physical appearance, I put on the clothes that were given to me and head out of the bathroom.

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