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Chapter 11: 11) Her Feelings, Love's Past.....

When they got to the school the danced had been going on for thirty minutes so the place was packed from the people who had gotten there early, after handing the counter their tickets they were let in. As they walked in they stopped at the entrance and took pictures each group doing their own pictures, Jean told him she would give him a copy of theirs when she got it. He just smiled this was her night so he was going to make her happy and have as much fun as possible tonight, stepping into the gym the place was re-imagined.

There were crystals hanging around the walls making it look like an ice wonderland with a couple real ice sculptures around one was even inside the fruit punch, no doubt it would be watered down later. The group found an empty table for the girls to put down their clutches before going to do their own thing, Jean wasn't ready to dance yet so they went to get some punch. "So how has your week been going?" She asked although they spent a lot of time together she had test all week this week so she spent more time studying they actually hadn't seen each except for today.

"It's fine still struggling trying to figure out the right things for my plans but I am getting by. Oh I also made a new move while working with my Rapier. How about you anything new?"

"Well nothing really I'm just glad test are over that was exhausting plus Liz was no help after three days when she got bored. Happy it's over though but nothing really new unless you count another guy asking me out on a date this week." She said while messing with the necklace he had gotten her she never took the thing off unless she was showering or asleep if not it was on all the time.

"Look at that miss popular, what still not accepting relationships?" He asked already knowing the answer, she just looked at him rolling her eyes while taking a sip from her punch. He already knew her feelings for him he could see she liked him and it was just him holding back though since he wasn't ready for anything big, but how long could he keep using that for an excuse before she lost him. Looking over at his best friend he let out a smile, he was actually glad she was waiting for him because he would accept her the moment he was actually ready.

Jean feeling his eyes looked over and returned his smile, "Come on Birdie let's go dance." a slow song came on and he was ready to get her in his arms even if he wasn't taking it further he still liked her there. She set down her drink and then took his hand going out to the middle of the dance floor with him, he put his hands around her waist while she put hers around his neck her heels allowing her to do so.

"Why do you have to be so damn tall." she complained knowing that these shoes would start hurting her feet sooner or later luckily she put a pair of flats in her purse so she could change them just in case.

He chuckled before lifting he a little and setting her on his feet they were now at eye level, though he felt a little pain it reduced hers so he didn't mind doing it, at least for the slow songs. Jean gave a little giggle while following his lead not that she had a choice in the matter but she enjoyed it none the less. Jayden smiled hearing her giggle, and started following along to the music during which Liz and Johnny joined but he was stumbling all over the place Liz smiled though not minding at all.

The night went from a slow start to fun for Jayden he had never been to a school dance before so it was an interesting experience for him, seeing his friends happy though is what made him the happiest though. Excusing himself from Jean to go to the bathroom he walked in there and did his business, after washing his hands he planned to leave but someone was blocking the door, Flash. He looked drunk from the way he was wobbling there so Jayden waited to see what he was going to do, "You screwed it all up for me man for the past two years I have been working on Jean and if you had shown up at the club I was going to get it in--"

His words were stopped short when Jayden punched him in the face, when Flash was on the floor he didn't stop though and kept punch busting Flash's lip and eyebrow with his left eye swollen. Jayden had heard more than enough to cause his actions everyone knew that Jean was apart of his bottom line so when he started talking about her like that all Jayden saw was red. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't get a dead body out of the school without someone noticing then Flash would have been dead, looking at his blood covered fist Jayden washed his hands again before leaving.

Walking out the bathroom he made a beeline to Jean who was laughing at something Liz was saying making the whole group crack up laughing, he was still a little mad so he hugged her waist to calm down. Everyone looked at his actions but didn't say anything about it they couldn't figure out what was going on between the two since they had moments of being hot and flirty to a weird brother sister type relationship. Jean though felt the tension in him and assumed someone pissed him off and it was most likely Flash, she didn't even need to ask him in his mind since Jayden was so easy going that they only thing here that could set him off is if someone talked bad about her.

After a few minutes he was back to normal and they danced some more but since the night was the same thing now they all decided to leave, Harry wanted to go get Flash but Jean stopped him. "Harry if you go and Flash then you can't come with us, I'm sorry Mary Jane but come on enough is enough I can't deal with him staring at me like that." Jean explained.

Mary Jane nodded she could agree with that she didn't want to make one of her best friends uncomfortable so she let it go, while Harry looked mad, "What do you mean isn't you who has been teasing him but suddenly Jayden comes along and now you are to good for him, huh?"

Jayden went to punch him but was stopped by a look from Jean, "I don't care about any of that choose one or the other."

He scoffed at her before grabbing Mary Jane's hand, "Come on MJ lets go." (Literally just now remembered her nickname so i will be using that from now on) but MJ didn't want to and stood by Liz and them she didn't agree with Harry, "Fine the F*ck all of you then." He finished before storming off no one cared though seeing how much of a d*ck he was being.

After that little show the group left piling back into the limo they were going to have dinner to finish off the night before going home, MJ wasn't feeling up to it so they dropped her off first. While she went home Liz and Johnny wanted some alone time so Jean and Jayden were alone, not wanting anything special they went to where it all began. At their taco truck they picked up their food before sitting down at the picnic tables Jean was all smiles this was a perfect ending to the night she couldn't ask for a better night.

Jayden was also relaxed forgetting the scene in the bathroom, "This was the very first place I ever bought you food remember."

"How could I not. That day was like my life was going at 120mph and I couldn't slow it down at all then here comes this tall and handsome guy who just turned things around so quickly." she said with a smile then going from a fairy to a monster started devouring her food.

"Yeah it was my first day on my own and in a city I didn't really know at that," He smiled while looking at her almost laughing seeing a little sauce on the side of her face, he reached over and wiped it off, "If it was for this amazing redhead I would have been lost not knowing what to do."

She froze when he reached over then ate her dinner quietly, Jayden noticed the change but she didn't say anything, the rest of the meal was finished in silence before she said she was ready to go home. On the ride back to her house the limo was to quiet in there, Jayden felt something was wrong and looked at Jean, "Is something wrong?" he asked touch her arm which she shuddered at but didn't reply. He started to freak out a little not knowing what to do she was never this quiet around him and with her hair covering her eyes he couldn't read her emotions this came out of nowhere.

After a thirty minute awkward car ride the were at her house and being the gentleman he is he walked her to the door they both stopped facing each other but her head was still down, "Hey Jean--"

Jean didn't let him finish but her eyes were steady and deep, "Jayden what is this? Are we friends or more? I'm not saying I'm mad about it or trying to brag but I get asked out a lot, guys buying me presents and flirting with me, but you know what? I turn them down, why? Because of you, my life was fine I was heading towards my first relationship even though the guy turned out to be an ass, and my life may have changed becoming a mutant but guess what... You changed all that, you came into my life being all sweet and making me confident again doing all the things a boyfriend should do and I love that I really do but I'm getting the short end of the deal here! My friends are experiencing relationships while I'm getting the little sister treatment from someone I....." She looked a little pissed at this point but pushed through, "Screw it I'm getting that treatment from the person I Love!!! and I hate it you are the only guy I want to be around and share everything with but I have to push it out of you, do you know how that makes me feel? Tell me Jayden am I making a mistake here and wasting my time?"

Jayden's eyes were wide while he looked at her, "Jean---" Again she stopped him.

"No I have had months to think about this while you probably didn't even think of it once, well now I will give you that chance but don't keep me waiting cause I don't know if I can anymore." She started whispering towards the end but on a quiet night like this with no one out he heard her clearly. Not giving him anymore chances to talked she walked inside she was done chasing him it was his turn to do it or she was going to move on with her life.

Jayden stood at her door step the light snow falling onto his shoulders he hadn't moved even after thirty minutes after she had gone inside, if he looked up he would be able to see her looking at him from her window in her room. On the other side of the house the curtains were moved slightly and Miss. Grey had her jaw hanging down while at the same time praising her daughter for what she had just done. Jean thought she was quiet but even the people across the street heard her and looked out their windows with interest, the limo driver was gripping his fist tight in his mind he was shout 'Do it kid!'.

To everyone's disappointment Jayden got into the limo asking to be taken home, but no one saw his eye which was filled with determination he had stuff he need to to but he was coming back. After getting home that night he packed his bags he had a meeting in Africa tomorrow he would handle everything else when he got back home not even bother to message Jean her goodnight text. That text though was something she waited for all night with tears spilling out her eyes she thought she had ruined something from her outburst not knowing that it was the best thing she could have ever done for herself.

*Jayden's Former Love*

Jayden was lying in a mattress that sat on the wood floors of an apartment that he was staying in, he was twenty-two this year and had just escaped from Ghost again, he had been running since he stole from them. Next to him was a woman with long black hair and brown eye that were almost black, her looks couldn't be compared to Jean but she was pretty in her own right. The had just finished a round in bed together and were relaxing him running his hands through her hair smiling in contempt this was the closest he was to a person since his sister and mentor.

The girl was like him one that came from a similar background they had met in Arizona where he was hiding in a hotel, they had been together for three years now and the ring he had for her was going to come in handy soon. While they were relaxing she suddenly asked him something strange almost making him think she was going to pop the question, "J would you love me no matter what?"

He didn't even think for a second before answering yes they had been with each other long enough that he trusted he completely, "How could I not."

"Then please forgive me for this then." Pulling out her phone she sent a message someone and seconds later they could hear the pounding of footsteps coming from down the hall.

Jayden immediately knew who it was the cops weren't looking for him and there was only one group that was looking for him. Ghost. Sending a glare at the girl in bed he only had enough time to put on his pants which thankfully had his wallet before they broke down his door, running he didn't think twice before jumping out the window. What she didn't know about him is that he chose places to live based off of how easy it was for him to escape he never went into a situation blind, well he didn't before he met her.

Living on the third floor the building next door was perfectly leveled that when he jumped out he landed on the roof, of course glass was now in his arm and one foot but he has felt worse. It was always a big regret joining Ghost they never let a member go without death being the penalty, from behind he could hear the girl calling out for him to stop but he didn't listen. That was the day he closed off his heart to everyone he was never letting anyone in his life again no matter what.

The Ghost weren't just hackers they were full blooded killers who didn't want their secrets he told her all of this and it came back to bite him in the ass not only would she suffer but he had to move states again.


Jayden woke up the next morning feeling like a new person it was weird what one little thing in your life change, well take that back it was probably one of the biggest things that would ever happen to him. After leaving the house he went to the airport not knowing shortly after he left his apartment the police had shown up they were there to catch him for assaulting Flash last night his dad filed the complaint. Not knowing there was a warrant for his arrest out there Jayden was sitting comfortably in first class on his way to Africa.

*Office Building*

The man in the trench coat just got an update about Jayden and in his eyes was a hint of wariness but he still spoke his next words with conviction, "Tell agent Romanoff to come here." The one giving the report left and five minutes later walked in a woman walked in, she was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt under, she had red hair that went to her shoulders with green eyes she stood in the room with an air of mystery around her, "You have a new assignment there is a guy named Jayden Wayne all the info you need is in this folder try and get close to the asset, he has a thing for redheads appeal to that side of him."

"Yes sir." she said picking up the folder and reading into the target.

"Remember he is a potential for the Avengers Initiative so try to not make him hate you. That's all." Dismissing her he went back to the work on his desk new things were popping up everyday but he thought it was about time to test the kid or put him down.


The flight Jayden was on landed in Africa and he took a drive towards the Salvage Yard stopping at the closest place to stay his meeting was at noon tomorrow so he had an entire night. Using the night he took most of his money putting it into a dummy account before going to sleep it was going to cost a fortune just to get an ounce and he needed about two pounds so he would bleed tomorrow.

KillingSoftly KillingSoftly

<(^_^)>....... Jean's moment to be bold, Damn Jayden needs to hurry up and man up?

Wait i made this happen right?


Stupid past but last hurdle before i put them together you guys realize he is meantally almost thirty right, he knows grown up shit!

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