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Chapter 18: Decision and Plans

"What happened? How is the princess?"

"She's currently stable, but she isn't waking up. The noble man though..."

"Sir Saturno did that? I wasn't even aware Lady Hestia of House Aron was working in the palace."

My mind was groggy and I felt the need to puke. The voices were hazy and they seemed to be echoing around my head.

"And what of the lady?"

"... supposed to be stoned for tempting a man, but-"

I desperately clung onto consciousness, but the warm Music brought me back into sleep.


'Upon firm deliberation by the royal court, it has been decided that Sir Saturno of House Genta be fined 500 gold pieces for the act of committing libidinous acts inside palace grounds. Lady Hestia of House Aron, the concerned party, will be pardoned for her grievous crime of tempting a noble man, and instead be dismissed from her care-taking position in the royal palace.'

I read through the yellowing parchment in my hands. I read through it again and again. "What do they mean they're dismissing Miss Hestia?"

I looked up at my second brother, sitting beside my bed inside the palace infirmary. Prince Clement looked troubled as he replied, "It means what it says. She will cease being your nanny and she will have to leave the palace."

I felt my body grow cold. "... She's leaving because she protected me?"

The prince couldn't reply and only shook his head in defeat. Anger grew inside me.

"What does that even mean?! She protected a royal. She should be rewarded, not punished! And what's this crime that the nasty noble was sentenced for? Libidinous acts on palace grounds? Did he not try to attack me? Why isn't he punished for that? 500 gold pieces mean nothing to a merchant family like House Genta!"

My brother sighed, and deemed to hold my shaking hand. "Sister, I'm sorry. But, you know how the law thinks about anything concerning women in the act of temptation..."

"We aren't temptresses!" I screamed, belatedly realizing that I had spoken out of turn.

I bowed deeply and apologized. My brother only continued to hold my hand gently.

"Elle... I don't think I can pull any more strings. I have done my best to save Lady Hestia's life. I don't think I can do anything more."

I stared at the downhearted look of my brother. In the past year, I had tried my best to grow closer to the second prince, and surprisingly found it easy. It wasn't hard to connect with a brother who I have honestly grown to respect. Although he didn't have as much power and backers as the crown prince, he did have some well-thought of set of allies. While Prince Ara held the noose on most of the ancient, noble families, Prince Clement made sure to be on the good side of the rising merchant classes. With his connections with House Genta, he did manage to lessen the punishment on my nanny, but I was still angry at the world.

"If women weren't treated this way, we would have better laws," I muttered, frowning at the bedside table. "We're used as nothing but scapegoats for the powerful men."

The prince seemed to be looking for an answer to my woes, but he soon had to leave. A prince will always be busy, no matter how young. "Rest well, Princess Elle. I'll make sure to check on Miss Hestia, so don't worry anymore."

Alone, I stared at my pudgy hands. I have grown a bit since last year, but I was still pretty much a young child.

'But what has these tiny hands done?' I thought.

It seems like I had unleashed an unknown dark magic when I lashed out at Sir Saturno during the birthday celebration. Although he was still alive, I have heard from some of the gossiping healers that he most likely would no longer be able to conjure magic nor bear a child.

I couldn't say I wasn't pleased by that...

But, I knew I had made an enemy in House Genta. Although it wasn't publicly known that I was the one who had committed the crime of harming him, I knew the higher-ups of the noble houses would know it was by my own magic that the man was utterly crippled.

"I couldn't believe there was a sudden magical flare in the palace gardens," I heard some passing maids who came in to change some of the bed sheets. "And to think the Lady of House Aron and Sir Saturno of House Genta were caught in the blast!"

"Hah hah! Serves them right after doing such vile acts on palace grounds. I heard he was fined 500 gold pieces. Actual gold pieces!"

They probably didn't recognize my face as I never left my own wing in the palace, but I kept my head low as they passed by me.

"So, not everyone knows I was there in the blast?" I mumbled once I was alone. It seemed like only a few pieces of information was made public about the incident. They didn't even mention my name.

Lost in thought, I stared at the side table where my things were neatly placed. I instinctively grabbed for the small parcel. The gift from my nanny.

I didn't have the courage to open it. I was still shocked after discovering the real reason why she was acting so suspiciously. It turned out that she was always sneaking out just to appease the powerful son of House Genta. All that in order to protect my own chastity.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks. It was always too easy to cry in this infantile form, but I forced myself to think.

I thought about my options, and I found that I had exactly three.

One. I could let all of this pan out naturally. I'll let Miss Hestia go wherever she pleases and live my own life, safely in the palace. However, I was absolutely sure that House Genta would act against the both of us. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that both my nanny and I would end up dead before our times.

Two. I could try to pressure or beg my second brother to change the results of the royal court trial. If we're lucky, Sir Saturno would end up with a higher sentence, and his house would give up on the case. After all, they won't waste time and resources on a noble man who had a broken reputation. No matter how nice this option sounded, it was all too optimistic. In fact, I would deem it as a highly improbable future. Besides, there were too many variables involved. What if House Genta would still continue their revenge even after Sir Saturno's reputation was wrecked? So, I easily placed this option behind me.

The third one... was a crazy one. But, it might just be the only option I truly had.

Third. I would say goodbye to my life as a royal, and help my nanny escape.

It was as stupid as a forbidden couple's elopement, but it didn't sound too bad. I was powerless even as a princess. I know that now. No matter how much I study and no matter how strong I become, I will always be just a tempress, even in the eyes of the law. And in the eyes of the men who rule the land, I am nothing.

So, just as I have done when I was thirteen, and just as Miss Hestia has done to become an adventurer, I have to pretend to be a boy and live as one.

That just seems to be the only option I had. I can try to escape as a girl, and even try to live in the central plains, but I'll always be discriminated against.

But maybe, as a man, I can make a difference...

My only problem now was how I can help my nanny escape. I knew she was still being held captive inside the palace dungeons, but I had little time to contact her once the results of the trial reach her. I have to move now before I lose the chance to tell her of my plans.

Ignoring the pain and fatigue in my body, I forced myself to stand up from the bed and sneak away into the dungeons. Thankfully, the dungeons were found just below the infirmary, and I easily slipped through the guards' rotations after knowing there was a pattern. For just barely half a minute, there was a time when the corridor had no guards once the previous one disappeared to alert the next one to switch with him. I used that time to run as fast and as silently as I can, all the while strengthening my body with notes.

I arrived by the entrance of the dank dungeons, and I saw two guards on duty. Fortunately, I easily saw my nanny's figure inside one of the cells. They still hadn't been alerted by the results of the trial. If I don't speak to her now, I won't be able to ever again.

I gathered up my courage and walked steadily into the dungeon, my steps echoing in the tight space.

"Who goes there?" a guard called out.

"Princess Eleftheria of House Saule," I replied as majestically as I can. "It would do you good to treat me with respect."

The guards probably had no time to register that their opponent was a six year old, but they quickly bowed and apologized. I seized the momentum.

"I order you to release this lady from the cell," I told them confidently. "The royal court has released the results and she has been proven innocent by all claims against her. Hurry and open the doors."

The guards hesitated, probably already realizing that I didn't exactly have the power to order them around.

"Well?!" I screamed hastily. "Do you dare commit treason by ignoring my orders?"

And, because I knew I didn't have anything more to lose, I shouted, "Do you not know how my great father, King Thrace of House Saule, dotes on me the most? Do you want your heads gone from your necks by the next morn?!"

That got them moving. They made panicked bows and apologies while they fumbled around with their ring of keys.

And just for the heck of it, I shouted out, "Quickly!"

When the door of metal bars was finally open, I found my nanny looking at me curiously, but smartly saying nothing.

"Lady Hestia, come into my quarters," I told her with a plain face, and turned towards the guards. "Both of you go towards the East Wing and tend to the cleaning of the stables. There's been a lack of worker boys as of late."

One of them looked dubious. After all, why should palace guards do the menial work of the lowest class? But, I only glared at them again and they obediently moved out.

I sighed in relief.

"Come on, Miss Hestia, we have to leave," I finally whispered when we were alone.

She wordlessly picked me up and looked me in the face. "What has happened? What are you planning, Lady Elle?"

"Everything is complicated, Miss Hestia," I told her quickly. "Before long, guards will appear to force you out of this palace and never to return. I won't ever see you again."

The gentle arch of her brows furrowed as she thought. "... Do you plan to escape?"

My eyes grew wide at her wild guess, but nonetheless nodded. "I plan to escape from the palace and live as a boy."

We stared at each other for a long moment, and I grew more anxious as the seconds ticked on.

She finally relented. "That does seem to be the only choice..."

I grew happier as I saw her agree to my words. But then, she continued, "But, your plan is still flawed. I shall stay here instead and let myself be dragged out."

I was about to complain but she hushed me with her fingers.

"Elle, I need you to trust me. I know you speak nothing but the truth. However, we still need to prepare for the worst. If they find me gone from my cells, they'll search for me endlessly, thinking I was a criminal after all. But, if I get released normally, I can wait for you to escape on your own."

I realized the logic in her words. "Alright. When and where should I meet you then?"

"... Escape in three nights. I will be waiting for you in Harken's Inn. It's a wooden buildi-"

"I know where that is," I told her, making her freeze up in shock. After all, she didn't know I had years of memories of exploring the royal city capital from my past life. "Trust me, Miss Hestia. I know where it is."

She nodded her head slowly. "Then, I'll meet you there at midnight, when the temple bell's start ringing. I'll be there wearing an orange robe."

I nodded in understanding.

"Bring as much valuable things you can carry. But, don't carry too much. We have to be as inconspicuous as we can."

"Understood, Miss Hestia," I said.

Then, realizing I had little more to say, I only found myself staring at her. "I-I'm sorry for being suspicious of you, Miss Hestia. You see, I learned something bad about Miss Quisling, and... and..."

My nanny smiled at me gently. "You don't have to be sad about feeling that way. Even I would feel betrayed after seeing my own nanny obviously lying to me..."

"It's just..." I muttered. "It's just so unfair. Why do you have to be harmed like this... Your body..."

Miss Hestia's eyes shook, and I knew she was still pained by what had happened to her as well. I, more than anyone, knew how suffocating it was to be used like an object. Like a play toy ready to be discarded when the owner got tired of it.

I slowly held her hands, willing warmth into them. Unknowingly, I had guided some notes into her body. Her almond eyes grew wide. "Healing magic!"

I was shocked at that, but I knew we didn't have much time. I held her hands tightly. "I'm sorry for everything, Miss Hestia. But, all of this will be over soon. I'll meet you again in three days, and we'll finally live freely."

My nanny's eyes teared up as she smiled at me. "And then, let's adventure around the world, Lady Elle."

"Please, Miss Hestia," I grinned at her before getting up to leave. "Call me Elle."

The faraway sounds of approaching men sounded from across the corridor, and I knew I had to leave.

"I'll definitely escape and come find you, Miss Hestia," I assured her just as I had arrived by the dungeon entrance.

"I know," she said, locking herself back into her cell. She grinned at me. "Now, go on up. See you soon, Elle."

I smiled as I ran back into the corridors, sneaked past the patrolling guards, and back into the infirmary, behaving as though I had never left at all.

Hua_Li_An Hua_Li_An

Hi guys! Double chapters today! ^_^

The story is really nearing the end of Volume 1. I'm really excited to go on to the next arcs, but there's still a few more chapters until then.

Will Elle really escape and live freely as a boy? Will she have a chance to become a family with her nanny from outside the palace walls? Find out in the next chapters!

Thanks for reading! Once again, I hope you guys leave a comment, review, or a vote if you want. I appreciate any feedback I can get. :D


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