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Chapter 4: Company

———24th August 12:03p.m.———

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Ughhh...What the hell is that sound?"

Accelerator woke up to find Misaka resting on his chest. It was an unusual scene for him since he had been living alone ever since he came into Academy City.

"Tch, fuck off."

He lightly brushes her off his chest as he reached for the source of the sound; his handphone.

He looks at his nightstand and sees that his phone had finally finished charging. He takes it, knowing who the caller is and answers.

"What do ya want, Yoshikawa?"

"I see you've finally picked up my call."

"Huh? What do ya mean?"

"...Nothing. For now, I'm here to deliver the good news and bad news. Good news is, the higher ups have no need for the Railgun anymore, so you can dispose of her."


Accelerator shouted through the phone as loud as he possibly could, but she didn't stop to hear him out.

"Bad news is that the experiment has officially stopped."

Accelerator couldn't believe his ears.

"As sad as you may be, the other researchers are also pretty mad about this decision. They're begging the head of the Board of Directors to rethink his decision. But...what do you think?"

Accelerator didn't say anything.

His dream was to achieve the title of 'Invincible'.

He was at the point where no one could reach him.

What is he supposed to do now?

"Hello, Accelerator? You're there, right? Don't ignore me like last time."

He hung up the phone as he sat up on his sofa.

He brushed his hair back and forth as he tried to collate his thoughts together. He was in a mess.

"(FUCK!! It's all because of that damn boy's fault! If he hadn't interrupted, none of this shit would've happened!!)"

Suddenly, he felt a light pat on his head and he turned up.

"Papa, are you okay?"


He brushed her hand off his head as he clicked his tongue.

"I'm fine. Worry about yourself first."

Accelerator looked at the Tokiwadai clothes which he previously left on the floor and sighed.

"Let's go."

-------23rd August 6:00 p.m.-------

The flaming sword hung below Accelerator's chest as the other flaming sword hung beside his face. It was a two pronged attack.

However, he was prepared for it this time. He pressed his left hand on the sword below him and then prepared to dodge the sword that was going to swing horizontally across his body.

A window could be heard shattering and both Stiyl and Kanzaki froze in place.

However, that did not stop Accelerator from continuing his assault.

"Why do ya look so surprised?! After eating your weak ass fire, I can recalculate it!! What's so surprising about that, huh?!"

He clenched his right fist and then slammed it into the red haired priest's face. Stiyl was sent flying ten meters back as he landed with a hard thud.

Kanzaki tightly held the handle of her two-meter long nodachi as she prepared to unleash her nanasen.


"That's enough of that-"

Accelerator casually threw his left hand out, expecting his left hand to redirect the steel wires approaching him.

However, that didn't happen.

His left hand was practically placed in a shredder.

His left hand was torn apart, it was a miracle that his hand was still intact with his wrist. Accelerator immediately jumped back, but Kanzaki roared again.


The steel wires surrounded him in an instant, but his redirection pushed them all away.

"It works now?!"

The person shouting in shock wasn't Kanzaki, but it was Accelerator instead.

"Fuck! I'm outta here!"

Accelerator knew he had to back off because he didn't know why his redirection was malfunctioning.

"You're not getting away!!"

Kanzaki got herself prepared to jump. It was like she was an athlete preparing to sprint all the way to the finish line.

She pushed her feet off the ground and went in front of Accelerator in an instant.



Accelerator's body was hit by an unseen force which sent him flying further out in the alleyway. He quickly pressed the sole of his feet onto a wall and pushed himself diagonally out of the alleyway and immediately jumped out of the vicinity.

"What the fuck is that bitch made out of?! And what the hell is happenin' to my redirection?!"

Meanwhile, Kanzaki stood in the alleyway with Stiyl still on his back.

Everything happened so quickly that she needed time to process what was going on.

"That hand..."

Kanzaki turned to look at Stiyl who was slowly getting up from the ground. Blood flowed down from the priest's nose as he leaned against the wall and took out a cigarette.

A small flame appeared at his fingertip and he used it to light up his cigarette.

"I'm shocked as well, Kanzaki."

Black smoke came out from his mouth before he continued speaking.

"It was the St. George's Dragon."

------24th August 2:26p.m.------

"Papa, where are we going?"


"Are you sure? I want to go home and change my clothes. These clothes stink!"

Accelerator and Misaka were walking down an empty pavement next to the road. Accelerator had Misaka change her clothes back into her Tokiwadai uniform because he was about to send her back to where she belonged.

He looked at the GPS in his phone to make sure he was going to the right place. There were two dormitories for the prestigious Tokiwadai Middle School.

One being outside the School Garden, and one being inside the School Garden. Guys aren't allowed inside the School Garden, that includes Anti-Skill officers as well.

So if Accelerator were to somehow get into the one at School Garden, Anti-Skill would definitely be out looking for him.

"(So, it's basically straight...ahead with another...oof!!)"

Accelerator bumped into something, or someone actually. The person was definitely much tougher than he was, but he wasn't about to back down.

A shadow towered over him as he prepared to strike them.

He hadn't looked in front of him since he had his eyes glued to his phone. So he couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy.

But from this person's voice, he could tell it was from a girl.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need any help?"

"Tch, watch where you're goin', you blind fuck!"

When he looked up, a girl with long black hair, wearing the Tokiwadai uniform with a fan in her left hand extended her right hand out in front of him. Her fringes were neatly set aside at each side of her forehead, and her figure was well-endowed for a middle schooler.

Accelerator stood back up on his own two feet as he brushed the dust off his clothes.

"Oh my! How rude of you to speak to me in such a manner! Do you not know who I am?"

She waved around the green fan which had quite a lot of peculiar patterns and animals on it and settled the end of it on her nose.

"I am Kongou Mitsuko! And I demand an apology, right now!!"

However, Misaka ignored her and looked at Accelerator.

"Papa, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, let's just ignore this loudmouthed dog and get on with our lives."

Both of them casually walked past Kongou as a vein popped in her head.

"How dare you ignore me!! Do you know what my level is? I am a Level 4, and I demand to be respected!!"

But they continued walking.

"HEY!! I said I'm Level 4!!"

Accelerator turned his head back and nodded.

"Uh huh, and then?"

"Oh? Is this jealousy that I feel? Come on, don't need to be so shy. Tell me what your Level is. Level 4? Level 3? Or maybe Level 2? Or could it be Level 1? Oh! Don't need to be shy, is it Level 0?"

"Papa...this woman is hurting my ears..."

"Just ignore her..."

Kongou was just looking at a map of District 7 that was displayed on a machine the size of an advertisement banner. Feeling angered, she accidentally swiped her left hand on the side of the machine and activated her power.

Aero hand.

The machine propelled towards Misaka's back, and she did not have enough time to look back and see her short life flash before her.

Accelerator pulled his right arm back and used his elbow to redirect the machine back. However, because the ejection point was just opposite to him, the two opposing forces crushed the machine like a pancake and it dropped to the floor like scrap metal.

"Fuck off. You're gettin' on my nerves now."

Accelerator didn't look at her, but she could sense the malicious intent emanating from him.

"U-Uh...I'm sorry..."

Kongou had her head down as the two continued walking.

"Wah...papa...that was scary..."


Kongou finally looked up to properly observe Misaka and that was when she realized something.

"W-Wait!! You're from Tokiwadai too, aren't you?!"


Misaka turned her head back as a familiar term went inside her ears.

"Toki...wadai? that you mention it..."

Misaka looked at her dirty clothes and pulled the light brown vest forward to see the left side of it which had the emblem of Tokiwadai Middle School.

"Oh right! I was studying at Tokiwadai!!"

"Huh? How can you forget which school you've studied in?"

"Oh, that's because..."

Misaka was about to give her reasoning, but Accelerator stopped her.

"It's none of your business."

"But it is! You see, I'm looking for the way to the Tokiwadai dormitory located in School Garden!"

Then she paused for a while as her cheeks flushed red.

"I-It's not like I don't know the way there! I-It's just that I happen to have a lot of free time and wanted to see what this district had to offer! Yes! That's exactly what this is!"


Both Accelerator and Misaka gave her a moment of silence.

The whole atmosphere went quiet and Kongou had to find a way to break the silence.

"A-Anyway! That girl has been calling you 'papa' for a while now..."

Then she went closer to him to inspect his features.

"But you don't look very old, especially when you're not that big compared to us middle schoolers, and with your white hair, your face doesn't match it. You look too fresh..."

When she came to a conclusion, she pulled back immediately.

"C-Could it be... she's paying for a sugar daddy?!"


Accelerator shouted at the top of his lungs which scared the both of them.

"B-But if you say it like's like I'm almost right. Or perhaps, you had sex in your forties... but that wouldn't explain why she doesn't look like you..."

As Kongou stood there thinking about what their relationship were, Accelerator and Misaka continued on their way to the dorms.

"What a weirdo..." Misaka whispers to Accelerator as she hugged his right arm.

It made him jump a little because it was the first time anyone had been this close to him.

"Oi, can't ya find someone else to hug?"

"Hm? Am I not allowed to do this? Is this supposed to be a bad gesture?"

"...Not really."

By the time Kongou recollected her thoughts, they were already far ahead of her.

"H-Hey!! Wait!"


Meanwhile, at Judgement 177 Branch Office, Uiharu was looking through the camera footage for clues of Misaka's whereabouts.

"Onee-sama... where are you?" Kuroko ponders as she laid back on the couch in the office.

"Shirai-san, once I find Misaka-san, please focus on retrieving her. If the enemy was strong enough to capture her, we must be on high alert."

"I know that..."

"And we have to go to the Academic Reach Assembly right after for the Preliminary Inspection."

"Ugh...but I can't focus when Onee-sama isn't safe..."

Uiharu didn't say anything because she was closely examining her findings.

"Shirai-san, you might want to have a look at this."

Instead of walking the short distance of 10 meters, Kuroko teleported all the way to Uiharu and placed her arm over her shoulder.

"What have you found?"

"Shirai-san, you came here from Tokiwadai, right?"

"Ugh...don't make me remember a certain annoying, pampered girl there."

"You might want to look at this."


"Misaka-san is right there with two other people..."


"For fuck sake!! Stop bothering me!"

"Hmph! You should feel honoured that someone of my caliber is even accompanying you. Let alone talking to you!"

"You don't have many friends, do you?"


Kongou backed off for a moment as her face flushed red, but she quickly retaliated.

"Y-You don't look like you have many friends either! How can you say that I don't have any friends?!"

"Heh, look who has someone around them and who doesn't. It's clear to see who has a friend here."

Kongou took a moment to look around them and that was when she realized Misaka was the variable factor here.

"T-That's not fair! You paid her to be by your side, didn't you?!"

"That's not true!! I chose to be by papa's side!"

Misaka hugged his arm even tighter and it startled him a little. That amount of contact was too excessive for him to handle. It was like a baby trying to run without learning how to walk.

That progression was just too fast for him.

No matter how hard he tried to pull his arm away, Misaka got even closer.

"H-How could you be so shameless in public?! D-Don't you feel at least a tint of shame as a student of Tokiwadai?!"

"How can I? I love papa very much!"

"B-But still... i-it just doesn't work like that!"

"You're just jealous that I get papa all to myself! Bleh!"

Misaka taunted Kongou by sticking her tongue out at her.

And obviously, that infuriated Kongou's pride.

"And I thought that pipsqueak earlier was annoying...seems like you're the same..."

Kongou continued following them, but she tiptoed even closer to the other side of Misaka where there was one free arm.

"I-If that's all it takes to make a friend... Hmph, be grateful that someone of my stature is even locking arms with you."

"No...I'd rather be ungrateful." Accelerator said in a clear voice as he looked at Kongou in her eyes.

"Now, now, don't need to be shy! We can all be friends!"

Although Kongou appeared calm, her face was burning with embarrassment as she shakily placed her arms around his left arm.

"Fuck off, you bitch!"

"Yeah, that's right...bitch!!"

"W-Why are you using such profanities despite being a student of Tokiwadai!? In the first place, what have you been teaching her?!"

"Fuck you, bitch!!"

However, instead of Accelerator cursing at her, this time Misaka had the honours to do it.

"O-Oi, ya shouldn't be saying that."

"Why not, papa? I hear you say those words all the time."

"I can say it because I'm old enough to."

"But there doesn't seem to be any restrictions to what I can and cannot say..."

"...Each time you say those words, my life decreases by 10 years."

Kongou held back her laughter as she placed her other hand on her mouth, but Accelerator elbowed her in the mid-section and all the air puffed out of her mouth.

"Is that so? I didn't think anything bad would happen! I'm so sorry, papa!"

"As long as you know..."

When they arrived, a three-storey building was surrounded by other concrete buildings. However, this one stood taller than the rest. There wasn't any garden or lawn outside the dormitory, but students still hung their wet clothes from the windows. A double door was in front of them, but it didn't seem to be any kind of normal door.

Both doors had a doorknob, but below it where the keyhole is supposedly located, there were sensors that were made to detect one's fingerprints. A number of mailboxes were lined up next to the door, and surprisingly, they weren't so big that it could fit a whole package of goods. It was only meant for letters.

Accelerator moved his right arm forward, tugging Misaka off his arm which made her look at the number of mailboxes.

"Misaka Mikoto. Look for your room, and stay there."

"B-But papa...where are you going?"


Accelerator turned his back on her as a dull smile appeared on his face.

"Work. I'm gonna work, so I can't look after you. That's why I'm leavin' you here."

"B-But how can you say that when..."

Then she points to the bigger woman beside him.

"When that girl is right there beside you?!"

That's when he turned to Kongou and his calm smile changed into a more sinister one.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

Then he goes up to her ear, his cold breath blowing on her ears.

She felt a chill run down her spine as he went ever closer to her.

"Play along with me. Seems like I might need to use your ability after all." Accelerator whispered into her ears. But for some reason, Kongou felt frightened even though he hadn't thrown any threats towards her.

Kongou froze in place for a while, but after a single tug from him, she came back to her senses.

"A-Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yes, now hurry up and do it!!"

"Hold tight..."

The weird part about that was that Accelerator was the one being held onto.

She placed her hand on his back while still holding on to his arms and they were sent flying immediately.

The both of them flew through the air as if they were birds, and anyone who looked up in District 7 right now could see them.

Kongou wanted the both of them to have a safe landing so she didn't deactivate her power, if she did, both of them would be falling to their deaths.

In the first place, why did she even do that?

But there were other things to worry about besides that.

Especially for Kongou Mitsuko.

"Gyah?! M-My skirt!!"

Kongou tried using her hands to push down her fluttering skirt and even though Accelerator wasn't wearing a skirt, he felt the effects of her actions.

"Tch, stop fidgeting!!"

Her arms almost unlocked themselves from his, which almost made her slip out of his grasp. He didn't want to be found guilty of murdering a student from a prestigious school so he had to do something to calm her down. Or rather, he had to land quickly. But with her constant budging, he couldn't focus on what he wanted to land on.

He had to take drastic measures.

He pulled his arm out of her grasps, which didn't really bother her for a few seconds as she was distracted with her skirt. But the moment she realized it, she simply blinked twice before assessing what he had just done.


She screamed as she covered her eyes with both of her hands. She didn't want to see the ground below her as she dropped to her death.

It was like a roller-coaster drop.

Your heart just stops before the drop, and once you drop, the adrenaline gets to you.

"I-I don't want to die!! I don't want to die aloneeeeeee!!"

Suddenly, she felt a heavy force on her stomach and it slowly swept her up into the embrace of a certain white haired boy.

"What the fuck are you talking about? As much as the pressure is blockin' a lot of the sounds around us, why the fuck can I still hear you clearly?!"

Kongou removed her hands covering her eyes as she looked up at him with teary eyes.

"H-How...?" Kongou mumbled, but even though she was a few inches away from his face, he still couldn't hear her.

Her heart was still racing even though the nightmare was finally over. Her head was slowly starting to spin due to the lack of oxygen at that pressure.

However, that meant Accelerator could finally stop to think about how he was going to drop her.

He landed on the side of a building and started converting Kongou's ability into his own power.

"Seriously, wind is so hard to control."

He lowered his centre of gravity and prepared to jump to his destination using the wind that he converted.

The windows below him quietly cracked as his feet was about to push him forward.

Kongou looked straight ahead through the slits of her eyes and could vaguely see the features of that boy.

His white hair was swaying around as he grinned at whatever was in front of his red eyes.

"(That's right...he never told me his level or name...)"

After that, she rested her head on his lithe chest.

"Tch, don't just sleep when you're hundreds of feet up in the air!!"

He pushed himself off the building like a rocket towards his destination.

His left hand holding her back whilst his right hand held her skirt that she was so worried about. Even though his right hand was at a place where no men should touch without consent from the lady.

He didn't have his eyes set on 'home'. Instead, he had it set on a different place.

A place for the fancy, rich girls in Academy City.

"She better be awake when I drop her off."

Accelerator landed outside the School Garden gates. These gates needed the student ID's of those who attends school in the School Garden. Of course Accelerator wasn't one of them. He was indeed a top student, and a model student by Academy City's standards.

But he wasn't part of any school.

He had private tuition that required him to remember all sorts of equations from various subjects like Mathematics and Physics.

Of course, there was biology, but that was unnecessary for his powers. But it was good to learn about the human body.

When he landed, everyone around him looked at him and the girl in his arms.

Gasps could be heard all around him but he ignored them.

"Oi, wake up."

Accelerator shook her back and forth to try and wake her up, however it was no use.

She was already passed out.

"(I can't keep bringing people back home, especially if they were from Tokiwadai. If news of their disappearance were to be spread around, I would be the first suspect.)"

Accelerator laid her down as he let out an exasperated sigh.


"Onee-sama! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Shortly after Accelerator left the Tokiwadai dormitory located outside the School Garden, Kuroko had teleported all the way there with the intention of only saving Misaka. Kuroko had the special powers of a teleporter, but that only placed her at Level 4 as she still had her limits.

She placed her hand on Misaka and teleported about 100 metres away from the position they were at.



Kuroko looked down at her Onee-sama who was sitting on the ground to notice tears in her eyes.

"Onee-sama!! What happened? Are you okay?"

Misaka let down a stream of tears as she backed away from Kuroko.

"Onee-sama? Why are you backing away?"

Misaka didn't reply her, instead she continued moving back.

Kuroko narrowed her eyebrows as she pressed the communicative device beside her ear. It immediately connected her to Uiharu Kazari.

"Uiharu, can you help me survey the area outside the dorms of Tokiwadai?"

"Sure thing."

In less than 5 seconds, Uiharu replied her.

"Shirai-san, there's no one around your vicinity, you're in the clear. It doesn't look like an ambush. I recommend securing Misaka-san and return quickly."

Kuroko released her finger from the device beside her ear as she looked at the still-frightened Misaka Mikoto.

"Papa! Help me!"

"('Papa'? I'd expected Onee-sama to call her father something like 'father', but why 'papa'?)"

Kuroko pushed it to the back of her mind as she placed the palm of her hand on Misaka's shoulder and slowly teleported her all the way to the 177th Judgement Branch Office.

dontouchme dontouchme

Planning to bring this all the way to New Testament before crossing over.What do you guys think?Since Aleister is technically a magic god,don’t you think Accelerator killing a few gods will attract the other gods’ attention?Plus sorry if some chapters are boring.I have to give a bit of context as well,so sorry.

I will also kill off a few characters from the magic side and improvise from there.I know New Testament requires three protagonists but I’m planning to make it a one man army Accel

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