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Chapter 1: Little Girl

Alyth's P.O.V

2 months old

If monsters were a thing, what else was there? Spirits, beasts, vampires, werewolves, witches, wizards, holy creatures, demons, angels - that covers most of them. Who knew what else was there? If that didn't make it dangerous enough, how about telling you that I live right beside a ravine that had a waterfall flowing into it and a lake at the bottom?

Oh, and a valley between several mountains that had numerous forests in it with a jungle right around the corner. Yeah, that's exactly where I live. In this weird, fantasy world. I have no idea where exactly, but there is one question lying around in my head. Out of all the places in the universe, why was I reborn in THIS world where death is the easiest thing to do?! Anyway, I live in a cabin that my dad built. Apparently, my mom died right after she gave birth to me.

ME is actually a 25-year-old woman! I died in the WORST way possible! I was on a ship for fun and a thunderstorm HAD to appear right when I was, and a lightning bolt had struck my head and I died.

And my father here is so good looking, even though he's in his 30's. Oh right. I am 2 months old. Yeah, all this writing, and I am only a newborn baby. But with the mind of a 25-year-old. Yay.

3 months old

My dad is honestly so good looking. He looks exactly like Matsuoka Rin* (from Free!), but with green eyes. Wow… I don't think I've ever seen a guy like him.

Anyway, I was wondering what I looked like. Then I found out that we weren't really rich, and mirrors were very expensive since silver is used in making them. Also, I realized that being a baby is way harder than it sounds. You have to deal with someone changing your diapers, seeing your private places, and basically stripping you completely. That doesn't even include my baths and having to drink milk as your EVERYDAY food. Sometimes I purposely throw up on my dad because I am an awesome daughter. Hehe.

"You know Alyth, I wonder how you'll turn out when you grow up, with this lousy behavior." What'd you say? FATHER! I am a beautiful and fully educated daughter! How could you say that? "Hahahahaha! That look on your face!" I pout. He picks me up. "Let's go for a walk." Where for a walk? Ah, you mean a walk in the ravine? Yeah of course. Not like we'll die or anything.

Wait… what is he doing? Is he actually jumping into the ravine? OH MY GAWD NO!!!! If you want to commit suicide, do it alone!! "Wahhh!!" I start crying. It really is hard not to cry when you're a baby. "Are you scared? No worries, your dad is strong," was all he said before jumping into the ravine with a 3 MONTHS OLD BABY in his arms and surprisingly, I didn't die. Neither did daddy. He landed on some grass in a really cool way, even though the ravine was really deep. I looked at daddy. "See? You didn't die." Yeah, I can see that. But it's truly beautiful here. The lake and the waterfall…

Can we live here instead of up there? Cause I can't come down here alone, I need you, daddy. "Alright, we're going back." That fast?! Let's stay some more! "Monsters will come if we stay too long. They'll smell us and come eat us. Then we'll really die." I totally agree, we should definitely leave! I died 3 months ago and now I might die again? I am not taking any risks! He jumped back up while holding me.

I am hungry now. FEED ME!!! Ugh, he will never hear me. I CAN'T TALK!!!


"Oh, you're hungry? Ok, wait here. I'll get some milk ready." I sort of feel bad. Daddy works in the village which is pretty far away and he has to walk there. I have no idea what he works, but he does. He always says that when he leaves me here. Yeah, he leaves a 3-month-old baby here. But that's not all. He goes to work in the early morning and comes back every hour to check on me (to feed me and change my diapers, and to make sure no monsters are near me) until the late evening.

All the money he earns is wasted on diapers (diapers were pieces of clothing and cotton) and milk, which is fairly expensive. But at least he makes me toys by himself. He somehow makes them out of wood. Oh right, he gets wood by himself from the forests filled with wild animals and monsters, and he barely even eats at that! When I grow up a little, I am going to make him some actual food! All he eats is bread! But I mean, if the bread is that expensive, then what does that make vegetables and spices?!

I am also going to work as a seamstress. That's the easiest work women can do.

It's also a basic need to train and have a weapon of some sort, seeing how this world is full of dangers. Also, monsters and beasts sometimes attack the village, and someone has to fight them. That person is the guard. They don't call him a guard, but he is someone who gets a ton of respect. I also heard that there is only one doctor in the whole village. There's a bakery, a butcher, a stable, a brewery, a potion market, a blacksmith, a carpenter, the place that sells fish, a library, a cobbler, a wainwright, a pawnshop, a food market, a herbalist, and a few farms.

There's also this one shop that I forgot the name of. It's a shop where people sell random things such as rope, pencils, ink, papers, and stuff like that. So the village is full of places to work. But as the safest job, I want to work as a seamstress. Maybe start as an apprentice too.

Right, there's a shop where you buy poison, traps, weapons, and the like. Mainly because there are monsters and stuff in this world. I heard all of this from my dad, but he thinks that I don't understand. Muahahahahaha! Because of your ignorance, I will rule over this world! Just kidding. That's way too dangerous.

I talked so much in such a short time. My dad comes back from the little kitchen we have in the corner and picks me up, then feeds me with the milk bottle. I never liked milk even in my last life, so I wonder why I love it so much here.

After I finished, he held me against his shoulders and patted my back. He's such a caring dad. And so handsome. Hehe.

5 Months Old

I am 5 months old now. It feels so long, yet my dad thinks I grew up so fast. Maybe it's cause I have the mind of a 25-year-old? Yeah, because normal kids don't remember themselves growing up. "Alyth, I am going now. Your bottle is right there, so you can grab it, and I just changed your diaper. Be careful." Why does he talk to me like I understand him? I mean, I do, but in their eyes, I shouldn't.

I made sure to act like a baby, throwing my food around and all. I giggle. He waves and leaves. As soon as he leaves, I drink some of my milk. I need energy. I have one hour until he comes back. In the meantime, I have to practice crawling. I need to start now, so as soon as I am 2 years old or something, I can start real training. I should also know how to use magic.

But that will get unnecessary attention since not everyone can use magic. I know my dad can use magic, and a few others, so I am hoping his genes work on me. I can try to talk right now. Let's try. "I cwan thalk, buth I ham pive mowntheth owd (I can talk, but I am 5 months old)." I heard the door creak a bit and I quickly turned my head over, thinking it was a monster. But it was my dad, staring at me with a shocked look. "Alyth… Did you just…?" Shoot! Did he hear me? "You're crawling!" Oh, thank the heavens! I thought he heard me! But why'd-

"I came back to take you to the village. It'll be good if you get used to the village from this age." Why is it that he can read my mind? What if he really has a power of some sort? He picks me up with my hands over his shoulder.

I wonder what the village looks like. What if I find a mirror in the village somewhere? Will I be able to find out what I truly look like? Can't I just ask daddy… Wait. What if I act as if I am slowly able to talk? My dad doesn't seem like the type to read about babies, so if I act like it, maybe I'll slowly be able to talk (I can already) and one day, I'll ask him what I look like! That's a great plan! Daddy, your daughter is a genius. That aside, he's already walked a great distance. I still can see our house, but I also can see something else. Is that the village? I think it is!

After a bit, we got to the village. It's so crowded! "Angyar! Good morning!" Angyar? Is that daddy's name? "Yo!" Everyone's looking at me! It's so embarrassing… "Is that your daughter? The one you always talk about?" Oh daddy~ You talk to your friends about me? Now that's just cute. "Yeah, this is Alyth. The one who's such a pain in the butt."

Excuse me? And here I thought you were being nice for once! He just laughs at my expression. Rude. "Anyway, I thought getting her used to the village would be better as she grows. I also found out that she can crawl." "She can? How old is she? She looks young."

Oh no. "She's 5 months old. I thought it was strange, but I didn't want to question it. She might be a genius." Oooh, a genius? I like it. I would be so famous. But no, I might get kidnapped by a witch or a wizard. Maybe some sort of crazy scientist.

"5 months? Seriously?" Daddy nodded. "Anyway, where's Vindra and the others?" Oooh, a group huh? I can't help but feel excited! "They're in the bakery. We should go there too." Daddy and his friend both walked through the village.

I can feel my eyes lighting up at the sight of this warm village. Daddy and the dude both entered a place I am guessing is the bakery the dude was talking about. There were a few people in there talking. "Angyar, Moltis!" A woman called.

So the dude's name is Moltis. "Is this your daughter? She's so cute!" The woman smiles at me. "Alyth, these are my friends. That's Vindra, she's a librarian. That dumb-looking guy over there is Halvort, he's a blacksmith." "Hey!" "And that's Jin, who I've never seen smile. He works as a potion brewer. That's Ben, he's a carpenter. Lastly, he's Mallo, and he's a weird nerd scientist guy." "Does she even understand what you're saying?" Asks Halvort. Um, yeah I can! "Don't underestimate her, she's my daughter you know." That sounded sorta cool.

"But she's so young… I feel bad…" Vindra's probably referring to my mom. "So, what were you guys talking about?" Asks Moltis. "Jin said that he saw an Abander last night near the village." Said Ben. What's an Abander? A type of monster? "Are you sure? It might attack the village at night." It? I look at daddy as if questioning it.

"Oh, an Abander is a humanoid looking monster. They have white eyes and they're completely black. Not much is known about them, except that they move at night." A humanoid looking monster? I don't think I can sleep peacefully at night anymore. "What do we do? Do we tell Aver?" Vindra asks with a very concerned look. Who's Aver?

"He already has to deal with the other monsters. Let's protect the village today." Suggests Mallo. Everyone else nods in agreement. "What about Alyth? Where'll you leave her?" Asks Halvort. "Right… She's here too."

Did he just… forget about my existence? AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY DAD!!! Oh yeah, I am guessing this Aver is the village protector. "I don't really know… Maybe we can leave her with Aver if we're going to protect the village instead." That's a pretty good suggestion coming from you, daddy. "Okay. What time do we meet then?" Asks Jin.

Well, he didn't have an asking tone in his voice. It was more like a statement, a demand maybe? I don't know. But now that I focus, I think every single person here looks good. Oh yeah, you don't know how everyone looks.

Angyar (daddy) has red hair and green eyes. He's in his 30's, but he looks like he's 18.

Halvort has blonde hair and blue eyes. He seems to be very young but he could be daddy's age for all I know.

Moltis has brown hair and brown eyes. Plain, but very handsome.

Mallo has blonde hair and light purple eyes. He also wears glasses.

Jin has black hair and black eyes. He's a bit taller than the others.

Ben has orange hair and yellow eyes. He and daddy stand out more than the others.

Vindra has short blonde curly hair and pink eyes. She is honestly a beauty. For some reason, I dislike her. I don't know why. Although she is absolutely very kind, I still didn't like her.

"Right before evening. It wouldn't attack in the morning." Wouldn't? How is daddy so sure? It just bothers me how he said it 'wouldn't'. So it could? Well, if it does attack, he'll be in trouble. I am not a part of this.


This whole time, daddy was working somewhere with Ben while I stayed with Vindra in her shop. I did however take a liking to this village. I wonder what its name is… "Vindra, we're back!" I am pretty sure Halvort yelled that. After he came in, the others did, including daddy.

"Hey, Alyth! Did you miss me?" Asks daddy while taking me from Vindra. I shake my head vigorously. "Hahahahahaha!! She doesn't care about you, Angyar!!" Halvort kept on laughing until Vindra punched him on the head. Daddy sure looks pissed~ Ok fine∼ I held onto his cheeks with my little hands and kissed his cheek. Everyone was staring. I smile very widely. Angyar looked so worried.

"I think… I think Alyth is sick!" Excuse me? That's what I get for giving you my blessings? Sigh. You don't deserve it. I smacked his face, followed by an evil grin. "You little…" I laugh my signature evil laugh.

"Yeah, that evil laugh suits you more than an angelic smile." Yeah Yeah, whatever Tomato head. "Hey, I think your daughter fell for you." Said Halvort while daddy sweatdropped with a dumb look on his face as if he was saying 'I am surrounded by idiots' although he's the biggest one from here. While in daddy's arms, I reached for Halvort. Daddy got me closer to him and Halvort picked me up with a puzzled look. Until…

I smacked his face, just like I did with daddy. He sure looks pissed. That was for you, dad! "Your kid is such a brat!" He yelled with an Anime vein. "Hahaha! Serves you right! Good job Alyth!" He pointed his palm towards me and I high fived him, while laughing along with him.

"Leaving all this chit chat behind, the evening is only half an hour away. We better get ready." Stated Jin. And you're gonna leave me behind with a man I don't know anything about. Yep, seems just about right to me. "Mallo, will you take her to Aver?" Asks daddy. Mallo nods. Daddy hands me to him, with my little feet dangling in the air. "We should go get ready." Everyone nodded and… disappeared?

Mallo and I also disappeared. What the hell is going on? Right, if I wanna survive in this world of cruelty, I shouldn't be surprised by something like this. "Sigh. You are doing a terrible job of pretending to be a baby." Who is he talking to? There's only us… oh no. "I am talking to you, brat." My eyes popped out of their sockets. "How did… how did you know?! Not even daddy does." "You little brat. Just who do you think I am? I am the Tiger's apprentice." "Tiger? Who's that?" I ask. Well, it is convenient to have someone to talk to. "It's a long story, kid. We'll arrive at Aver's place in a bit, so I'll tell you next time." I nod slowly. I am still not sure if I should trust him. But if he's daddy's friend, I guess I can… "Hey Mr. Mallo, will you keep this a secret between us?" He looks at me (I am being held in his arms) "What, you don't trust me?" What gave him that idea?! "No, it's not that. I do but…" "You shouldn't actually trust me, you just met me." He's so annoying! "So are you gonna keep it a secret or not?" He nods. I felt my expression relax.

Oh right! I found someone I can talk to, so maybe I can ask him how I look! "Hey, Mr. Mallo! I've never seen my face in a mirror so I don't know how I look. Will you tell me?" "You'll find out when you find a mirror. And there's no need for the mister." It's not gonna hurt you to tell me! But it seems that he doesn't like formality.

After walking through the village, we arrived at a normal looking house. Mallo knocked on the door, and a black-haired man opened it. "Aver, will you look after this little thing? Angyar and the others decided to protect the village in your stead." The man's mouth dropped. "Are you serious?! And, who's kid is that?!" If he can't tell whose daughter I am, that means I don't look like my dad. "Angyar's daughter. She's weird and can crawl apparently. She might cause trouble, but please take care of her until tomorrow. One of us will come to stop by from time to time." Until tomorrow?! You never said anything about that! I can't stay with someone I don't know for a whole day! I can only stay with daddy!

Mallo gave me a stern look, which probably meant that if I keep that look on my face, he won't be the only one who knows about my true self. So I shut my mouth up. "...Alright. Please give everyone my thanks and tell them to be careful." Mallo nodded and handed me over to Aver. My baby instinct is making me hold onto Mallo. Let go goddammit you baby instinct!!

"Alyth, you'll be fine. Aver is your father's close friend." I instantly let go, which I am sure got Aver's suspicions up. "She understood what you said?" He asked. Mallo flinched. "I told you she's weird. We figured she might be a genius." Pretty good excuse. But will he believe it? I am guessing a genius is uncommon here.

Moltis said that my mom was also a genius. Who knows. My mom died so what would I know? "I see." He still has that dubious look. Why is it so hard to believe that I am a genius? I give him a happy baby look, but he's still suspicious. Is he smart or am I bad at acting? "See you later. Alyth, behave." I giggle.

Aver goes back inside with me in his hands. He puts me down on the bed. My eyesight is still bad since my body is that of a baby's, but I can see the basic design of his house. It's pretty crowded, with everything put in one room.

But wait, where is the bathroom? I've never really seen the bathroom even in my house since I poop in my diaper. Anyway, once he put me down, he went back to whatever he was doing before Mallo came here. Is he testing out a spell of some sort? There's a lot of stuff on his table and he's saying weird things. Oh right, I am supposed to be the weird one here. Sigh.

I am very worried for daddy and the others. What would I do if something happened to daddy? No no, daddy is strong. But something might still happen to him. But what's distracting me is this Aver dude is going back and forth around this tiny room getting books, containers, and weird stuff I've never seen before. I also feel very warm, since there is a furnace in this place.

Yes, an actual furnace or oven, whatever. Oh my god, he keeps distracting me. I am literally trying my hardest to focus my mind on one thought but my eyes are hurting cause I keep looking at this dude going back and forth. Seriously, what's happening with daddy and the others?


___End Of Chapter 1___

Ahin_Apelle Ahin_Apelle

That was terrible. I know. Anyway, please keep up with me because this is one of the first stories I've ever written. I am also very bad at writing action scenes so please don't kill me because I have to finish this thing.

Angyar looks EXACTLY like Matsuoka Rin from Free! The body, the hair, the eye shape (except Angyar has green eyes, and he's 30 years old), the entire face, hairstyle, and even the voice. When Angyar was a kid, he looked and acted EXACTLY like Rin when he was a kid. So, both are exactly the same, except their personalities as grown-ups, and Angyar has green hair and he's 30.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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