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Chapter 3: Don’t tempt me with a good time

"L-Look, man. I found him like this. I'm just his Uber." The teen stuttered over his words, grunting as he moved his hands to Noah's chest and pushed him towards Hayes. "I didn't sign up for this," and, after throwing a duffle bag at Hayes, he took off running and if his arms weren't full of a mewling Noah, Hayes would have followed the prick.

"Goddamn idiot," he cursed as he wrapped an arm around Noah and hauled him up a little more, to get better footing himself. Kicking the door shut, Hayes spun around and drugged Noah towards the living room. "What the fuck did you take?" Lincoln was going to kill him.

Noah stared at a spot on the floor, trying and failing to stall the convulsions and get a grip on himself. He looked up at Hayes, blinking slowly. Now that he was in such close proximity, his manly scent wrapped around Noah, sending him into a sudden dizzy spell. He hated this. Hated that he was in Hayes' arms and felt so intoxicated by him after the asshole had kicked him out, but he could barely focus on that fact as he continued to itch and burn inside throughout.

His breathing was getting deeper and a sweet scent was radiating from the hybrid boy. That was one small feature of a hybrid's heat. The musky sweet scent they exuded to attract males for mating. He tried clearing his throat a little before he spoke. "I-it tingles" he finally mewled.

Noah's tail wrapped around Hayes as he looked up at him pleadingly. He needed /something/, /anything/. He could no longer hold himself back from rutting against Hayes shamelessly, so he gave into it, mewls not subsiding for all the effort.

Mistaking his mortification for guilt when he quickly realized what was going on with Noah when that sickeningly sweet flower scent reached his nose, Hayes tried prying the boy off of him but he wouldn't budge. The tail wrapped around his torso only further constricted with each tiny movement, the kittens claws digging into Hayes' chest as he rutted against the man's bare thigh. "Noah," Hayes squeaked, discomfort radiating off of him like heat off a fire. Ten minutes ago they couldn't stand to be in the same room as each other, and while that may still be the case for Hayes, it was obviously the complete opposite for Noah.

Even as he struggled to still Noah's body for even a moment so he could finish the three foot walk to the living room, Hayes couldn't exhale the scent clinging to his nostrils, forcing the boys scent into his lungs with each breath he took, and he couldn't make himself hate it. Normally, kitten's heats didn't affect him. He'd grown up around them, around the scent his entire neighborhood stunk of every month due to all the kittens and their families residing there. He'd grown used to it, immune even, yet here he was, feeling as with each drag of the boy's cloth covered crotch down his thigh, pushed him further over the edge; closer to the point of no return.

"Noah," he repeated, but now his voice was steadier, hands moving to the kittens hips to drag him in more, encourage his movements, instead of push him away. Nobody could predict what was about to happen, but with Noah wrapping around Hayes like a vine, creeping closer and closer until their bodies were almost merged and his legs were nearly wrapped around the taller man's waist, Hayes had a fairly good idea what he was signing up for as Noah bared his fangs and drug them down Hayes' neck. Oh fuck.

"P-please," he stammered uncharacteristically, whimpering and looking into Hayes' eyes in a desperate plea. "I, I need..." he hissed, biting down on his lips and screwing his eyes shut. "Neeed-" the boy let out a pained gasp, grinding up against Hayes with a reinforced vigor. He grabbed ahold of Hayes' hand and backed him up against the wall. Shirtless Hayes. Tattoos. Lavender and mint spritzed with the natural earthy scent of spices. Noah's head fell back, eyes remaining closed as he breathed deeply in and out through his mouth, to steady himself. With a startle, he trailed wet kisses up Hayes' neck and all along his jaw. Noah's hands roamed all over the older male's torso, filing away every little detail. "Please, j- something," he begged, letting his head fall against the wall, body melting in Hayes' hand in a limp sag.

Hayes didn't know what to do. Whether to push Noah off and lock him in the guest room, letting him ride out the waves of heat on his own and deal with it however he usually dealt with it, but the strong urging sensation in his gut was telling him to stay put, to give in with little fight and take the boy without a second thought. A pull in his blood awakened him as it began to thrum wildly through his veins. Surging forward, Hayes did as he felt was right and let his mind shut off, letting himself forget who the kitten was and what possible hatred he may hold for him. His lips connected with Noah's in a sloppy kiss, silencing the pitiful mewls as he reversed them and pushed Noah against the wall.

Fingers ghosted down the boy's side before he grasped the hem of his shirt and yanked it up and over his head, disconnecting them momentarily. He nuzzled the boys neck, unknowingly scenting him which would only rile the kitten up further. "If I do this," Hayes said, favoring the break with a few spaced kisses trailing up the boy's collarbone, across his neck and ending at the curve of his ear, "I expect you to forget it ever happened by tomorrow." And to further clarify what he meant by this, he nipped at the lobe of Noah's ears, positively thrilled when the boy gasped and jerked against him.

Red flags went off in Noah's mind, presenting their case of how this was the worst idea, but he felt like his entire body was working to defeat his mind. He wanted Hayes right now. Plain and simple. Consequences be damned, common sense be damned. He all but climbed the man, wrapping his legs around him. With a half-hearted nod in response, he nuzzled his face into the crook of Hayes' neck, inhaling deeply. The smell was soothing him.

Even if it was the smallest comfort, he'd take it, in that moment. Anxiety bled through him at the thought that he was about to let Hayes take him. A man that he despised; and for good reason. But alongside the anxiety was a burning need for Hayes to be in him. He wanted to be filled with no give. Noah wanted to be ruined. He was a mess of different emotions, if the tears of dread streaming down his face coupled with the desperate pleas for Hayes to fuck him were anything to go by.

He hissed in satisfaction when Hayes began to shower his body with the attention he so desperately begged for. His hole was clenching on nothing and Noah couldn't handle the carnal fire that was uncoiling in his lower parts. His claws rode down the wallpaper rabidly before he turned a menacing glare towards Hayes. "If you don't fuck me now, you're next," he warned flatly, surprising himself with the steadiness he managed to voice that with.

The rest of him however, was anything but steady. He brought a shaky hand down to squeeze at his groin, squinting his eyes and breathing out sharply.

Anything else Hayes had to say, any further argument or unsureness he felt, was squashed flat. Fire and ice rained down on his body, want twisting around his spinal cord and jerking his body into action. With a simple tug at the towel around his waist, it was falling to a pool of white at his feet which he quickly kicked away. Flesh on flesh as their chests collided made his body hyper aware of what was still blocking them from being completely aligned, from connecting them and without a second thought Hayes was ripping the waistband of Noah's sweatpants and they too fell to the floor in a pitiful lump, beyond repair as the worn material frayed at the edge had torn.

He was pleasantly surprised to find there were no boxers or even panties hiding beneath the kittens pants, leaving nothing in the way, no excuse or reason for hesitation. "Don't tempt me with a good time," Hayes uttered a few moments too late, desperate to say anything to try and rid his body of this sudden animalistic need he felt to take and claim, to make Noah beg and plead and scream his name. He wanted to make this last, to ride the waves of pleasure and sick satisfaction he got from being partly to blame for Noah coming so undone, but in the same breath he just wanted to fuck him.

Taking hold of his rapidly hardening cock, Hayes gave it a few hard tugs to bring it to full length before he was setting Noah on the floor and spinning him around, the actual thought of them being face to face in the act bringing a naked intimacy Hayes didn't want to explore or feel. He pressed himself flat against Noah's back, chin digging into his shoulder as he whispered, "Stay silent," in his ear before he lined himself up against Noah's pre-lubricated hole- an obvious plus to a kitten's heat- and pushed forward. His head slipped in with ease, the warm heat constricting around him nearly enough to make him just stay put and relish in the feeling, but just wanting to get down and dirty as quickly as possible, he finished pushing the rest of the way in, bottoming out in seconds as his breath stuttered in his lungs.

Noah's jaw hung open, strong waves of lust washing over him in furious tides. He leaned up against Hayes. Just the weight and warmth of him pressing down against his own smaller body was seconds away from sending Noah into a familiar bottomless pit of subspace. He fought to stay present and conscious, focusing his gaze on a deformity on the wall ahead of him. With a hot pool of arousal burning up his skin and making him pant like a bitch in heat, Noah didn't know which way was up. But with the impossibly attractive man draped over him, that was hardly a concern. He could figure out which way was up later, Noah thought hazily. His concern right now was to 'stay silent', apparently. Hayes was kidding only himself here.

Noah screwed his eyes shut as he felt Hayes enter him. He gritted down, stomach dipping and face shoving against the ground in prostration. He let out a muffled gasp, torn between pulling away or pushing back against Hayes' girth. He couldn't help the moans and mewls that spilled out of him as Hayes continued forth, bottoming out. Noah's eyes shuttered, his pupils disappearing behind his half-open eyelids. With the fullness ringing through his small body, Noah let out a loud moan. When his hands shot out to find purchase and came up with nothing, he clawed at the floorboards, begging Hayes to move.

The moans and whimpers pushed Hayes further, fueled him to do what he was intended to do and he'd decided that was to help the boy through the first wave of his heat, nothing more and nothing less. He was simply allowing Noah to use him in his time of need, and he wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself of that, or if he truly believed it. Heats were, to his knowledge, unbearable without a mate. "Fucking hell. Could you be any louder?" He growled, retreating into his usual asshole shell to hide the moans he so desperately needed to release, too, the ones clawing up his throat and leaving burning embers on his tongue. Noah didn't need to know that he was affected, that the curve of his arse was one Hayes wanted to trace, that his tongue wanted to slick a path up his spine before he marred the skin at the top of his shoulder, at the curve where it met his neck, with hickies and bites.

Grunting, Hayes abandoned his futile attempts at staying in control and clear headed and left them alone, along with his common sense. Leaning forward, he clasped Noah's wrists and jerked the boy up and back, chest against back, completely changing the angle and pushing his cock deeper, head teasing the bundle of nerves with enough pressure to drive anyone crazy. Clumsily lacing their fingers together with his right hand, Hayes dropped Noah's left and instead grabbed a fistful of fleshy meat that enclosed the kittens hips. The hold was nearly bruising, hard and fingernails sharp in the flesh as he drew his hips back and thrust forward.

It was a sloppy speed they began with, but several thrusts in and Hayes found his footing, found his speed and he stayed with it. It was relentless as he pounded into the kitten, the squelching sound as his cock pulled from the wet heat the only thing to be heard beside the constant smack of flesh on flesh and the guttural moans Noah was emitting. The hardwood floor was rough on his knees, rubbing them raw as his toes curled down and into the wood to help keep them from sliding all over.

With the muscles deep in his stomach pulling and spazzing, moving rhythmically against the boys back, he felt a moan begin to escape his lips, but with a sudden and sharp turn of his hips, making his dick slam straight into Noah's prostate, he was easily able to mask it with a loud groan.

Noah let out a guttural moan, face scrunching in a cross between pain and pleasure. The pleasure was the most intense he'd ever felt, he couldn't see straight, he was being fucked out of visual focus for fuck's sake. And in that moment, he had no regrets. He knew the regrets he wasn't feeling right now would come back to eat him alive when he woke up to the knowledge that he'd lost his virginity to Hayes Mathew's... but for now, he was in a whole new realm of torrid pleasure. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before and he never wanted it to end. His hands reached backwards, above his head to lace through Hayes' hair and tugged at the strands. "Hayes," he whined in daze, eyes screwing shut again and jaw hanging slack as his body slammed against Hayes' in rapid intervals. The sound of it was the only thing anchoring him to his surroundings.

Noah was losing himself in a tranquil mind space where all he knew was the hot pleasure he was feeling. His scalded hands and knees, screaming their displeasure was lost on him. So was the fact that he was lying in a pool of his own sweat and slick. All that mattered was Hayes being in him, on him, wrapped around him, shrouding him in a world of sex that should only justifiably be in lusty romance novels. With a suddenly high pitched moan, Noah's body convulsed violently and he was cumming hard like never before.

He lay still as he came down from his high, feeling sated finally. He'd had heats before but he'd never managed to satisfy his cravings like this ever before. He felt so... complete. With the very little stamina left in him, he turned around, and smiled up at the other male dopily. "Thank you," he breathed, raising his hand up to brush away the strands of hair that had matted Hayes' sweaty forehead.

Noah was still floating, very much in the subspace bubble that he had fought so hard not to sink into. His eyes kept falling shut of their own accord, and it was evident the boy was struggling to stay awake. He eventually gave in, falling asleep just like that beneath his former nemesis. Former because now, in the kitten's muddled mind, Hayes was /his/. And /his/ chosen human being couldn't very well be his nemesis now, could he? Soft snores left the boy as his body lay limp on the hardwood floor.

This was going to be an interesting couple of days.

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