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Chapter 3: Transformers - Crystal City

Running into Ho Oh was another surprise but thankfully they were able to prevent the Legendary bird's capture. Poor Jessie, James and Meowth took most of the burnt for it, although none of the dark faction's grunts recognized them. Ash had checked up on the trio who insisted they were fine before going to check up on the others. Max was already asleep with Gou and Sorrel hugging him between the two of them. Brock was with his Pokemon and Casey had decided to get the new move her Meganium learned mastered.

Ash went to his room, 'Could have been worse I suppose.'

Ash sat with his Pokemon, the Jhoto starters had finally evolved into their final forms and their training was coming along well. In fact Charizard, Venasaur and Blastoise wanted to take the three of them in as full fledged apprentices. Ash encouraged them to make their own choices of course and Meganium declared she wanted to become a full fledged Pokemon Doctor. The grass starter truly enjoyed caring for others and Ash's young Kirlia was very interested in becoming a Nurse and in helping Meganium, Ash figured he could understand why. Before he could change into night clothes Ho Oh appeared with Celebi and Ash's eye twitched.

Ash sighed, "Let me guess, I'm going back to Cybertron?"

Celebi gave a sheepish look and nodded, -We had another request. And after your previous success... Well they like you there so... -

Ash groaned but agreed, "Okay, so what is it this time?"

Ho Oh got straight to business, -They visited this planet years ago, long before most Pokemon and humans were born but right after Legendaries had chosen their territory. They left a few relics behind.-

Ash looked at the spherical box, "Do you want me to return these relics?"

Celebi nodded pushing it towards the dark haired teen, -Yes please. We have seen what the organizations are already doing with tech that are created by humans. I shudder to imagine what they will do with advanced alien tech.-

Ash shivered as well, "Alright. I can see why you are worried. I'll do it. But I better return before anyone else notices I was gone like last time. They are still upstrung due to battle with Team Rocket."

Ho Oh, -Acceptable. Be prepared. Your current team is just fine, though I request you leave someone to cover for you just in case.-

Gengar and Phantump volunteered to cover Ash's tracks while Meganium, Feraligator and Typhlosion joined Ash, Lucario and Pikachu as they entered the portal again. Kirlia pouted but Tyrantrum pointed out he would need her to talk to others if they came before Ash did and she nodded. As they came out of the portal, Ash this time stood on the ground made out of crystal glass overlooking a large city made out of crystal. He was surprised but admired the beauty and figured he was in Crystal City which was located somewhere around Praxus. He tried to recall what he read about it and it was he realized it was very little but better than nothing. As they walked along the City Ash noticed it was very quiet, strangely quiet, it unnerved him.

Ash, "Something is strange."

Lucario, -There is no one around.-

Pikachu, "Pika pika pikachu."

Ash, "Everyone except Pikachu and Lucario return and save your energy. I believe this return quest turned into a mystery quest. Pun intended!"

The three starters snorted and let themselves be returned and Ash, Lucario and Pikachu wandered around a bit. Ash hit some of the crystals creating music and their eyes twinkled in mischief. Pikachu got off from Ash's shoulder and ran ahead with his tail hitting the crystals. Ash grinned as he recognized the music note Pikachu was hitting and decided to sing along. It had been a while since he sang anyway and started to sing the start of, "Once Upon A Dream", from Sleeping Beauty.

Unknown to the three of them, they were being watched by a bunch of surprised Cybertronians who remembered them quite well. But they didn't expect to see the three of them again since organics were not exactly known for living more then a few vorns. The group looked at each other then at the screen which showed the three playing around with the crystals of the old abandoned City. True there was a new Crystal City but it didn't mean they would leave the old one without any security measures in place. The crystals were very valuable after all and it seemed their organic saviour realised it's use as well.

Jazz muttered, #I'll go get Prime.#

Soundwave, #Calling Megatron.#

Shadowsteel chirped excited, #It's him! He's back. I'm telling Cool Aid and Bee. He's back.#

Prowl, #Just wait a groon sweet spark. Let your Carrier tell the leaders first.#

Shadowsteel whined, #But Sire, it's Ash. I would recognize him.#

Jazz walked into the meeting room, #Boss, our interesting organic is back.#

Megatron, #Yes, Soundwave informed me of it. Please excuse me Prime. I have an organic to talk to.#

Optimus, #Absolutely not! You are not scaring him away.#

Megatron snarled, #Excuse me? I'm going to give him a proposal. How is that scaring him away?#

Optimus growled back, #You have watched the same videos I have about him over and over. What makes you think he will join the war front? A war that has nothing to do with him. I will not let you drag him into this mess.#

Starscream stopped them, #Does it matter? I doubt he could understand what you said anyway?#

Windblade nodded slowly, #I have to agree with Starscream, Optimus. I have watched the videos too, I highly doubt a care taker will join a battle.#

Ironhide rumbled amused, #Well Optimus, we should at least go see why he is here. I believe your little femmeling joined you at your work today so the other younglings probably have gone to meet him, right Jazz?#

Knockout grumbled, #I have a feeling he won't even stay long in Cybertron. This planet is not exactly a good place for organics.#

Jazz nodded to Ironhide, #No surprise there if it happened.#

Gold Bug grumbled, #Bee couldn't stop talking about him over and over for a vorn. Now he will start all over again.#

Skywarp cackled, #Awww! Is the little femme jelly, her youngling likes an organic more than her?#

Megatron roared irritated, #Enough with your bickering! Soundwave, where are they?#

Soundwave, #Organic location: Old Crystal City. Slowly moving towards new Crystal City.#

Optimus, #Can we request a video feed?#

Soundwave, #Request acceptable. Organic talented.#

The group turned the video connection on and watched as Ash looked slightly different because he was now wearing light blue and white clothes. The group was walking through the City unaware of being observed. Lucario and Pikachu couldn't help but mess around with the crystals that produced music and half way through Meganium, Feraligator and Typhlosion joined them. They could not resist having fun with Ash together as well, there was no emergency this time unlikely last time.

Ash picked up a crystal and observed it, "This place is beautiful."

Lucario, -Agreed.-

Pikachu cooed, "Pikapi pikachu."

Meganium, "Mega meganium."

Ash turned to them, "What do you have there?"

Typhlosion and Feraligator were simply relaxing in a circular court they had found a few minutes ago. Meganium and Pikachu had come across a few light green coloured crystals and used some of Meganium's vines to make a crown. Lucario chuckled as they placed the crown on Ash and claimed he was the ruler of Crystal City making everyone giggle and laugh. The group were pretty much enjoying themselves, and Ash hoped nothing went wrong with this visit.

Jazz who was watching them paused, #A sparkling. They are no older or different than a sparkling.#

Starscream muttered, #Tell me something, I don't know.#

Skyfire, #Were you hoping to see the flyer again?#

Starscream humped, #No! I was not.#

Skywarp, #He totally was.#

Lucario looked up as he heard footsteps, -I think someone is coming.-

Ash, "Spread your aura with me. Let's see if we can recognize any of them."

The two combined their aura and let it flow out and get a read on who was approaching them so quickly. The approaching group paused on feeling their EM being poked curiously and Megatron grumbled about them being curious sparklings indeed. The large Warlord poked them back and the aura seem to wrap itself gently around the group. The younglings who had insisted on following them cooed and greeted the aura getting a delighted hug from it.

Bumblebee's antennas perked up, #It's really him. I can't wait to meet him. I have been practicing the music he taught me.#

Cool Aid, #I'm sure he would love to hear you play Bee. Let's go meet him.#

Shadowsteel, #And if you made a mistake I'm sure he would help you correct it.#

Blades nodded, #They are right Bumblebee. Anyway, I'm sure, he would enjoy listening to you. You are really good at playing the Ocarina.#

Bumblebee looked at Blades, #You think so?#

Blades' cheeks turned blue on seeing the hopeful optics, #Yes, I bet he would love it.#

Blades, 'I need to thank him too, for saving you.'

Heatwave, Blades' best friend rolled his optics, 'You are way too obvious.'

Chase smiled at Blades and Bee and muttered to Heatwave, #They are cute together.#

Heatwave muttered back, #Blades should just make it official, like us. His pining was cute in the beginning. Now it's just exhausting.#

Gold Bug grumbled behind the younglings, muttering they were too young to even be official, why were they in a hurry. Beside Gold Bug, her Conjunx Speedway chuckled, the larger femme knew how possessive the smaller femme was. They had thought of having their own sparklings but with the war over their heads there was just not enough time to prepare. When the two had met B - 127, they had thought he was an adorable sparkling and adopted him. Only for the young one to be saved by an organic and become obsessed with him making her adopted Sire envious.

Speedway, #Calm my star, you know he is ours first.#

Gold Bug whined, #He is growing up too fast.#

Optimus quietly chuckled, 'I'm just glad no one broke into a fight.'

Megatron, #There he is!#

Optimus looked at where the organic was, 'We are here... Now what?'

Hot Rod looked at the organic, #That's him?#

Ultra Magnus, #So tiny.#

Optimus, #Let's try to communicate with him, first.#

Megatron grunted and approached the young organic who watched him without fear, this pleased the Warlord for some reason, #Hello little one. My current designation is Megatron previous designation Megatronus. I have a proposition for you.#

Ash looked at Lucario who translated and he answered with a bright smile, "Oh my sweet macaroni! My favorite Warlord, tell him I'm listening."

Lucario nodded, -Alright.-

Megatron grinned at the enthusiastic response, #I would like to adopt you as one of my own while you are on Cybertron.#

Optimus was shocked, #Megatron? What?#

Megatron carried on, #I have a fearsome reputation. So anyone trying to take advantage of you would think twice about it.#

Ash gaped before smiling shyly, "He wants to adopt me? Seriously?"

Ash blinked before looking up, 'Wait a minute!!!! Is this the troupe where Og Ash adopts a whole bunch of parents? I mean aside from Delia there's Professor Oak, Brock, Jessie and James of all people, Cilan, Professor Sycamore, Professor Kukui, Professor Brunet and Professor Cerise.... Meh! I'm not complaining.'

Ash turned to Lucario, "Tell him, I accept and warn him, I'm not actually allowed to stay on Cybertron for long. It's only because of a Legendary's grace that I'm here and need to return as well."

Megatron tilted his helm, #I see, and who is this Legendary might I ask.#

Ash shrugged, "They claim to be one of your deities. I'm not sure of their name though sorry."

Optimus was shocked and bent down to talk, #Are you sure?#

Lucario nodded, -Yes.-

Megatron, #I wonder if this is Primus's way to communicate with us.#

Optimus looked at Megatron contemplatively, #I don't think he would know. Megatron, have you always wanted a sparkling?#

Megatron, #I don't know any Cybertronian worth their energon who wouldn't want one.#

Bumblebee approached Ash while they were talking, #You are back. We missed you.#

Ash looked at the almost adult Cybertronian before recognizing him, "Oh! You are the little one we saved last time."

Bumblebee took out the Ocarina Ash had given him, #I have been practicing, would you like to listen?#

Ash smiled gently at him, "I would love to. In fact I'll join you."

Ash took out the flute he had received from Kirlia's previous caretaker and had practiced quite a bit on it. Ash nodded at Bumblebee who started the tune and Ash's eyes lit up as he listened and joined Bumblebee. The two of them played music together and at the end of it got an applause from the others. The other younglings circled around Ash chirping and clicking at him making him smile at them as he tried to figure out what they were trying to say to him. Lucario figured they want to know about the song he was singing earlier.

Ash snorted, "Of course, there would be cameras here. They would not leave this place without any precautions."

Lucario, -Are we going to teach them?-

Ash hummed, "Just let me take out the spherical box we had been given."

Ash took out his capsule from his bag and took out the large sphere that broke into three more spheres. The two leaders looked back at the spheres that materialised infront of them and their followers became wary. Ash looked between the leaders then the spheres before pushing one towards Megatron and another towards Optimus, at least he thought was Optimus, based on his colouring. The two leaders grabbed the spheres and were surprised by what they were reading.

Optimus was shocked, #These belonged to the thirteen Primes. How?#

Megatron laughed, #I have chosen a fine heir indeed.#

Ash looked at the Cybertronian with red flames and asked Lucario to ask his name which turned out to be Hot Rod. Ash was just following his aura instincts at this point and passed the last sphere to him. Hot Rod looked at the sphere and Ash then back again before deciding to open it. Ash watched quitely as the sphere opened and what looked like the movie version of the matrix appeared.

Windblade, #Impossible! The matrix the original thirteen was gifted.#

Soundwave looked back at Ash, #Organic capable.#

Windblade, #Understatement. Just who are you little one?#

Ash had no idea what they were saying and simply shrugged turning his eyes back to Hot Rod who touched the matrix and was given a new look. Optimus laughed and welcomed him as a new Prime to which Hot Rod, now Rodimus Prime didn't know how to react. It was going too fast and too soon, Megatron on seeing what happened proceeded to open his own sphere and started to laugh taking out the item.

Megatron held the item up, #A fine sword indeed. Behold the Star Saber has been returned. Prime, are you going to open your gift or not?#

Optimus nodded and opened his sphere giving a gasp, #The Skyboom Shield! I thought these items were lost.#

Megatron opened his servos as he bent down infront of the young organic who looked at him, #Little one, I insist you accept my offer. I will gladly take you on as my own sparkling. None shall harm you.#

[A. N.: I'm gonna admit I was watching the anime Transformers Armada while writing this. And I always loved the concept of the Star Saber and Skyboom shield.

Pity they were not revisited again in the later series. I personally believe that the items by themselves were pretty awesome concepts. We did see the Star Saber in Transformers Prime but not the shield sadly. It was not even on screen for long.

But then again the Transformer Armada anime was pretty much rushed so there's that, I guess.

I have such complicated feelings about it. :')]

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