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Chapter 2: Chapter Two

Night falls much earlier than expected. I look up from going through my closet to peek at the clock on my nightstand. It's way too early in the evening for it to be this dark out. The mundane non-users around town must be confused, they might even write it off as just some natural oddity or unexpected eclipse or something stupid like that. But, I know Magic in the air when I sense it, specifically Moon, and it's making my skin crawl. I wonder if this is what James was warning me about before we left school. I'm not sure what to expect tonight, but James and his visions are not to be taken lightly.

So, naturally, I'm taking half an hour to decide what to wear.

Clothes are scattered across my bed, along with my large assortment of pillows. I sigh loudly as I flop into the pile, one circular pillow bounces from my force and falls to the carpet. It wasn't like I cared about looking good for him, I just make a point not to go anywhere without looking my best. And he's already seen me in what I'm wearing now. After declaring that I hate everything in my wardrobe, I finally settle on something perfect for fighting against the chill evening that didn't make it look like I'd been agonizing over it. A black and gold jacket, faded jeans, sneakers and a Sun pendant, a gold chain with a spiral sun charm, tucked under the jacket for luck. It might look like a normal necklace to the mundane, but it buzzes with Magic energy that makes it perpetually warm to the touch and glow faintly.

With that taken care of, I still need to leave the house without momma getting too curious. I slip out of my room. My name adorns the door in curly gold lettering to make sure it stands out in the otherwise bland hallway. I pass by Darius's, who has his door cracked open, expecting to hear him muttering homework answers to himself. However, while I do catch him reading at his desk, it doesn't seem to be any of our school textbooks. I consider telling him I'm leaving, but he looks very focused on whatever he's reading, and I don't have much more time to waste.

Finally, I move past momma's room, and make my way downstairs to the living room. I head towards the front door without stopping, too afraid of getting caught to even properly check my surroundings. I just consider myself lucky she wasn't sitting on the couch as I leave. However, once I open the door, I realize why I hadn't seen her. She was standing out on the porch, watching the sky. I curse my luck, and consider walking back inside, but then she speaks, still staring at the stars that shouldn't be showing yet.

"Where are you going, Caleb?" she asks.

I curse under my breath. "Hi momma," I say, trying not to sound guilty. "Just going to meet a friend on the beach." My voice is steady only due to the fact I'm not lying.

She turns to look at me now, her worry clear in her eyes. They stand out even more now, like fireflies against the unnatural darkness. "It's dangerous for you to be alone tonight. Don't you feel the Magic in the air? There has to be something powerful causing this if it's affecting the sky."

"I'll be careful," I plead. "I'll be safe, I promise. Please, I won't be by myself."

"Then, who are you going with?"

"I'm going on a date." The words leave my mouth because I can think of a better lie. It's not a hard one to believe, with my history of dating. "I didn't want to say anything, but I can't afford to miss it."

She still looks reluctant to let me go, maybe moreso now that she thinks I'm leaving with some stranger I won't even tell her about. But, she knows 'that Mason boy'. Worse, she knows he's a Moon. She might assume the worst, and think he has something to do with this.

"Another one?" she asks, warily. "It isn't that girl who tried to break into a teacher's car, is it?"

"No, momma, Anna's still on probation. Though it has been a while since I've called her." I tack on the end with a smirk, as a way to lighten the mood and keep her from asking questions about tonight, as she glares at me.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last long before concern shadows her face again. "I just worry about you sometimes. You don't have the best track record with relationships." Wow, thanks, ma.

"I promise, this one's very nice."

"I know you haven't been the same since Julian--"

"I really need to go now." I cut her off, and make a note to brace for the consequences later.

"Well... Okay. As long as you're sure. I trust you, I do. And I love you."

She holds her arms out to embrace me, and I wrap her in my own. "I know. I love you too. And I've got my phone on me, fully charged and everything. Darius knows I'm headed out too."

Momma nods, but still looks a bit worried about me as I get in the car to leave.

I start it up, and back out of the driveway before she can change her mind about letting me go. The Magic in the air is more obvious as I drive down road after road. I feel myself getting weaker as I get closer to the beach. It's like the Magic is concentrated on the area. Whatever is going on down there is the reason for the sky. By the time I arrive, I'm already starting to feel light-headed.

I park the car in as discreet of a location as I can, and make my way onto the sand. My suspicions are validated as I see a circle of figures in the center of the beach cloaked in unnatural shadow. It's hard to make out anything about any of them. Whatever Moon Magic they're using to camouflage themselves in plain sight makes them look like pitch black humanoids. I keep my distance and hope they don't notice me as I scan the area for James.

I spot him near the rocks in the corner of the beach and he frantically waves me over. I move as quickly as possible towards him without being noticed. My heart is racing when I get to him. The effect their Magic is having on me is making my spirit as tired as my body.

"What's going on?" I ask him, terrified and without the energy to try to hide it. I grip my chest where the pendant is hanging as if I can call forth the Magic within it to fuel myself like a battery.

James is unaffected. Of course he is, he's literally in his element. In fact, his normally dark brown irises are glowing blue in response to the Magic. I almost envy him.

"I don't know," he says distractedly as he watches the group. "My vision only showed me this much. They were already here when I arrived."

I try to focus on them as well. If they're up to something malicious, I have to find out as much as possible. But, my thoughts are so blurry. The sand and the ocean and the shadows and the sky start to blend together and I feel nauseous and...


I hear my name being called, and I feel something pull me away from my spot, dragging me further away from the circle of figures. I feel someone holding me up and, despite him being the only possible answer as to who, it takes me a second to realize it's James. I focus on his face, and I believe he looks scared, but that's impossible. What does he have to be afraid of? I'm the one who can barely stand.

"Stay with me," James pleads. "Is there any way I can help?" I can't think of any way he can, so I say nothing. "I shouldn't have told you to come. If I had known it would be like this, I would have..." He trails off, because he can't think of anything to say either.

I push away from him. "I'm...fine. Get me closer to them. To see if we can overhear anything."

"You didn't look well just now," he says, firmly. "I'm not letting you near them."

I ignore him and carefully move back towards them. They still haven't paid us any attention, probably deeply in conversation, though I can't hear them over the waves crashing down and my heart beating in my chest against my pendent. Both seem to be working overtime just to keep me conscious.

"Caleb, if they sense you, you could get hurt." James warns. But, I never was the cautious type.

I keep moving and try to will my powers forward in an attempt to give myself the strength to keep going. But, my abilities feel so weakened because of the conflicting Magic that I'm temporarily afraid I'll lose them forever if I keep this up. My glowing gold eyes fade to a dull brown as my Magic ebbs out of me. Despite it all, I remain lucid enough to keep to the rocks, stay out of sight, and move in just close enough to hear bits and pieces of the group's discussion.

A medley of voices speak, making it hard to differentiate one from another. "Soon, we'll be strong enough...recruit the young ones to assist...reclaim this town... Silence!"

The last word is a barked order from the tallest figure. No matter how close I am, their Magic still conceals their identities.

"I sense a disturbance. A pest of an outsider interrupting our energy."

I feel myself tense involuntarily at the sound of the rough voice and footsteps getting closer. Terror fills me and I'm almost relieved my Aura is beaten down into nothing, or I'm sure they would sense it. I don't have the energy to run if they try to capture me. I can't fight back if they attack. I can't do anything but feel vulnerable and scared. I...

"Forgive me. I seem to have let one slip by."

James is standing over me, not bothering to hide or even look at me. He stares forward at the group with a reserved coolness. The group stills as they eye him warily. I assume. I can't see their eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?" One of them asks. "Why is there a non-user in the middle of our meeting?"

A non-user? Is my Magic so drained that even this close they can't sense it at all anymore? I can't decide whether to be relieved or even more worried.

"I tried to stop him, but I must've been distracted watching your ritual. I so rarely get to experience such strong feats of Magic from fellow Moon Keepers." The bs falls so easily from him it's like he's practiced.

To my surprise, the other Keepers are eating it up. Even without seeing their features, I can tell they're straightening with pride and swollen egos. The one who called me out is the only one who doesn't seem flattered.

"You shouldn't be here at all, boy."

James falters. His confidence disappears as fast as my Magic, and he doesn't bother to try to muster it. His gaze falls to the sand.

"I know. But, I wanted to see for myself what was causing all of this rejuvenating Magic to fill the air. I'll be taking my leave." He looks down at me with a cold, disgusted glare that makes me feel lower than dirt. "And I'll be taking him somewhere far away."

He makes a show of reaching to grab my arm, but his grip is gentle. I sell it anyway, wincing as I stagger towards him. Neither of us is prepared when I accidentally bump into his chest and for a second I'm pressed against him. Then, the second passes, and I use my flustered face to my advantage to play the scared innocent.

The Moon Keeper makes a disgruntled noise, then gives a dismissive nod, before turning his attention back to the others. We take the opportunity to escape, both of us hurrying to leave. As soon as we're a safe distance away, James leads us to his car.

I don't know much about cars, but his sleek blue ride looks expensive. I don't admit it, but as I slide in, the seat feels like heaven against my tired body. Even my Magic seems to be returning now that I'm not so close to the circle of Keepers. But, instead of sharing my gratitude to him for helping me escape, I find complaining the easier way to cope with my feelings.

"I drove myself here, I can drive myself back."

I expect a biting reply, but instead James looks...shaken up. Like he barely registers what I said. His hands clutch the steering wheel tightly, though he hasn't even started the car. He seems as exhausted and stressed as I was.

"I saw how weak you were back there," he says, his tone completely serious. He shifts his gaze from blankly staring straight ahead to looking right through me. "You still aren't fully recovered and you won't be until I get you somewhere safe. I'm not letting you drive like that."

I cross my arms stubbornly as I roll my eyes at him. I don't need to be babyed, least of all by him. "I don't remember asking for your opinion. I feel..."

Then he gives me a look that begs me not to argue with him and for once I'm inclined to listen. It's the most desperate and vulnerable I've ever seen him. I'm used to the mythos that surrounds him at school, painting him as the perfect scholar, the perfect young gentleman, the one everyone compares every other student to. He never seemed capable of being shaken by anything. But, right now he was, and it wasn't out of fear for himself, but for me.

I can't help but feel the urge to reassure him. Tell him that he doesn't have anything to be afraid of, that I'm safe because of him. That something about him makes me feel...

" with you," I finish softly, my voice lowering to a murmur.

He seems just as surprised as I am to hear the words leave my mouth. I don't know why I say it. I don't even know him that well. But, I know it's true. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have agreed to meet him here. James musters a reassuring smile at me. More than that, it makes me smile too.

"Thank you," he says. "It's nice to know someone trusts me."

His smile fades as he stares ahead again. His hands start shaking, as if he's trying to hold his emotions back. He squeezes his eyes shut, and I can tell he's trying hard not to come undone. It's times like this that I'm grateful for my ability, but I also wonder if it's right to take away someone's pain, even temporarily, if that's what helps them grow. I quickly shake the thought away. Right now, it's not a question of growth. I can't stand seeing him like this, and I know he won't get anything out of breaking down in his car.

I radiate my Aura towards him, and focus on positive thoughts. Things that make me happy, calm, at peace when things aren't going well. The feeling of his chest against me... What? No. Something else. Anything else.

But, now it's all my mind can think about. It was barely two seconds, but he was so warm and it was so unexpected. He thought fast to protect us. Protect me.

I don't even notice in making an effort to push my Magic anymore, as I get lost in my emotions. Eventually, James loosens his grip on the steering wheel. I see his eyes glow blue briefly, and I don't think it worked. Of course it wouldn't, my Magic isn't strong enough to work on--

But, then I feel it. The tenseness leaving him. The pain, the guilt, the self-consciousness. Just for a few moments, it all fades. And for the first time, I get to see him relax his body with contentment. I can't help but stare. Before it turns into bewilderment.

"Caleb, did you...use your Aura on me?" he asks.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask first," I apologize, realizing how rude it was to influence his emotions without warning. I have to start putting more thought into using my Magic, even for a good cause. "I just didn't like seeing you like that." I try to lighten the mood with a smirk. "Being vulnerable like any healthy person has never been your thing."

He looks at me curiously, as if to see if I'm being sincere or just messing with him. His lips tilt up in a sort of barely restrained smile. Then, he surprises me by laughing. Not just a chuckle, or a snide snicker. He throws his head back against the seat's headrest and laughs, and it's heart-felt and lively and the cutest thing I've ever--


"I hate to admit it, but it actually felt good," James says as his laughter tapers off. "Like all my weight had been lifted from my shoulders for a minute. All the responsibilities kind of wear on me, you know?" Then, his expression turns somber again. "All the expectations."

As weak as my Magic is, especially with the Moon Keepers draining me, it couldn't keep his anxieties away for long. He finally starts the car and we drive in silence until we're back in town. I focus on the streetlights and buildings as they rush by, albeit at a moderate pace. Even when we're fleeing the scene with nearly no other cars on the road, James has to match the speed limit exactly and stop or slow down at every sign and walkway. It's only when we reach my neighborhood that I get the courage to ask.

"...Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"About what?" James replies.

"About what's making you so stressed."

"Nothing in particular is bothering me. I've just been overworking myself."

"Then, you wanna tell me how you knew one of those Moon Keepers?"

"What?" His brow twitches in annoyance. "No, I don't."

"Okay, so, that's a blatant lie." I roll my eyes. "It's not like I'd judge you for it, I know you're not like them. But, if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay."

"Good," he snaps. "Because I don't. Not about that. Moon Keepers already have a bad enough reputation as it is. I don't want to be associated with the people who did harm to you." I smile, clearly amused, and when he catches the expression, he looks bashful and backtracks. "And the town."

My smile only widens. "I understand."

I signal him to stop when we pull up to my home. I'm suddenly self-conscious about the bland brown house, the lawn that hasn't been mowed in a while, the trash bags haphazardly stacked in the too small bin, and the little steps leading up to the front door, both badly needing to be repainted. Everything about it seemed so small, even when I knew it was bigger on the inside. I usually never pay attention to how things are, even when I bring someone over. But, here in an undoubtedly expensive car, next to a guy in an outfit that altogether must be in the thousands, who probably lives in a damn mansion... I feel slightly insecure.

But, all I say is, "This is my place. Thanks for the ride."

James nods. "It's no problem, especially considering I made you go through...everything that happened. I wasn't thinking about what being so close to them would do to you."

I smile and wave his words away. "Despite everything, it was interesting. Risky. Borderline terrifying. In other words..." I lean over to whisper in his ear. "The most exciting night I've had in weeks."

I open the door and step out of the car just as he starts to stammer a reply. Though I can tell from his flustered expression - and maybe a bit of a smirk - that he thinks the same.

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