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Chapter 3: TWO


Jeongguk blinked open his eyes, blinded by the light pouring through his red Iron Man curtains that Namjoon had found last year.

He could faintly smell breakfast being cooked and laughter coming from downstairs, Jeongguk in the end deciding that he should go investigate.

Jeongguk pushed his covers away and sprinted out of his room and down the staircase, making sure to bring his stuffed bunny with him as his socked feet echoed throughout the house.

Namjoon and the mysterious man were in the kitchen cooking breakfast. The two were laughing about something that Jeongguk didn't quite understand.

Namjoon then noticed Jeongguk standing at the kitchen door, confusion was written on his face. Namjoon smiled in delight, "Jeongguk! I want you to meet Seokjin!" Namjoon introduced. The man turned away from the stove and walked to Jungkook. The man held his hand out and had a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hello Jeongguk, it's nice to meet you," The man spoke, his tone of speech quite formal. "My name is Seokjin." Jeongguk was in awe, the man was very handsome, he had a bright smile and really wide shoulders. Namjoon poked Jeongguk because he was still awestruck.

"It's n-nice to meet you!" Jeongguk replied, already feeling comfortable around the man, the other had such a warm presence. Seokjin pulled Jeongguk into a hug before placing the boy against his hip.

"How old are you Jeongguk?" Seokjin asked, finding the little one absolutely adorable as Jeongguk held out his hand showing all of his five fingers.

"I'm f-five!" Jeongguk exclaimed. Seokjin gasped in surprise, sitting Jeongguk at the breakfast bar.

"That's so cool! Taehyung is five too," Seokjin replied, Jeongguk turned to Namjoon who was at the stove, removing the banana pancakes from the stove and onto a plate.

"He's okay right?" Jeongguk asked curiously, he was worried for the blond-haired boy even though he has never met the prince before. Seokjin hummed in response.

"Yup, he's resting in the guest bedroom right now," Namjoon explained. Jeongguk squealed in excitement, clapping his hands together as Namjoon placed a plate of pancakes in front of Jeongguk, making sure to add extra syrup.

"Pancakes!" Jeongguk cheered.

Jeongguk pushed his plate away when he finished, "Do you think Seokjin will let me see him?" Jeongguk had asked right afterward. Namjoon took Jeongguk's empty plate, setting it in the sink to clean later that morning. Seokjin was already in Taehyung's room, checking up on him to make sure he was alright.

"I'm sure he will, Jeongguk," Namjoon answered, watching as Jeongguk slid off of the breakfast stool he was previously seated upon and made his way upstairs.

The guest bedroom door was cracked open slightly, Jeongguk peeking through it. Seokjin was sitting beside the bed in a chair he probably took from the dining room, a book in his grasp. This was the first time Jeongguk was able to actually meet Taehyung.

The other was laid upon the bed, large and thick blankets covering him to his neck. He had a thick bandage around his head, his blonde hair ruffled and pulled from underneath the bandages. That's when Jeongguk noticed that Seokjin was reading to Taehyung, the other still not noticing his presence.

"Why're y-you reading?" Jeongguk asked. Seokjin jumped in surprise as he looked up from the children's book, pausing mid-sentence.

"It's to keep his brain active, so he doesn't go brain dead," Seokjin explained. Jeongguk nodded slowly, pretending that he understood the man although he had no clue what the other was explaining. Seokjin closed the book he was reading and turned to Jeongguk. "Do you want to read to him?" Seokjin suggested.

At that moment, Jungkook made a promise to himself to read to Taehyung every day until he woke up, then Jungkook would show Taehyung the entire world.

*4 Days Later*

Jeongguk has been reading to Taehyung every day, reading all of his favorite books (which was his entire bookshelf). There would also be days where Jeongguk would talk to Taehyung, babbling about his day and what he learned in Kindergarten.

Taehyung has been slowly getting better each day, especially ever since he freaked out Namjoon a couple of days ago. Namjoon was changing Taehyung's bandages when Taehyung suddenly levitated off the bed. It gave Namjoon quite a scare.

"You'll like this book, who doesn't like Transformers?" Jeongguk spoke to Taehyung, more so himself. Jeongguk would read the page then show the pictures, copying his kindergarten teacher. "Autobots! Roll out!" Jeongguk cried, waving his arms in the air wildly.

A giggle rang throughout the room, Jeongguk dropped his arms in confusion staring at his book. "Did you just giggle?" Jeongguk asked the book, flipping through the pages to find where the sound had come from. Another giggle rang throughout the room and Jeongguk stared at the sleeping boy.

Brown eyes then met bright blue eyes.

Taehyung was finally awake, wide eyes staring right back at him. Jeongguk was speechless at the sight. He's been thinking about things to talk about to the boy, but now that was thrown out the window. The prince was silent, curiously staring at Jeongguk.

"H-hi, I'm Jeongguk," He spoke softly.

The prince opened his mouth to speak but instead broke into a fit of aching coughs. Jeongguk immediately panicked and reached for the small glass of water sitting on the bedside table and held it to Taehyung's mouth.

The prince was probably too weak to hold anything so Jeongguk slowly tilted the glass back carefully, afraid he might spill it all over Taehyung. Jeongguk sat the glass back on the table as Taehyung coughs quietened as the water quenched his parched throat.

"T-taehyung," the prince whispered. Jeongguk smiled at the other's response.

"We're going to be good friends," Jeongguk concluded, "best of friends." Taehyung rasped before bringing his hands to his chest, another fit of coughs racking through him.

Jeongguk instantly began to worry, reaching back for the glass of water before the door suddenly opened, revealing Seokjin who held a plate of sandwiches. "Your dad made sandwiches for you Jeongguk," Seokjin spoke, not realizing that Taehyung was awake yet.

"Thank you Jinnie! Look! Taehyung is awake!" Jeongguk exclaimed. Seokjin paused, trying to process what the boy had just said before his eyes widened. Seokjin quickly sat the sandwiches down on the bedside table, checking the young boy with worry.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you need anything?" Seokjin rambled. Jeongguk noticed how Taehyung's eyes widened while Seokjin spoke a thousand words per second. Jeongguk softly gripped onto Seokjin's sleeve and tugged on it. Seokjin continued rambling.

"S-seokjin..." Jeongguk whispered, tugging harder on his sleeve than before.

"Yes, Jeongguk?" Seokjin responded, turning to the young boy.

"I think y-you're scaring him." Taehyung eyes were wide, almost on the verge of tears, feeling very overwhelmed. Seokjin realized his mistake and pulled Taehyung into a gentle hug, careful not to move him too much.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin whispered, running his fingers through Taehyung's hair. The boy's hair was matted from the accident and needed to be washed badly. But Seokjin didn't care at the moment.

"W-who are you?"

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