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Chapter 40: The Overlooked

Stiles, Scott, and I hide in the shadows of Derek's loft. We just finished telling him that our teacher, Jennifer Blake, is the Darach. Not even a minute later the steel door slides open and Ms. Blake calls out, "Derek? Derek, where are you?"

Derek steps out of the dark, "Right here."

She spins around so she can properly face him, "Thank God." She runs over, wrapping the Alpha in a tight hug. "Something happened at the recital. At the school. I need to tell you before you hear it- before you hear any of it from them."

"From who?" Derek asks.

"Scarlett, Scott, Stiles- they're going to tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me."

"What is it?"

"Promise you'll listen to me."

"I promise." Ms. Blake presses her lips to Derek's right after the words leave his mouth. When he doesn't kiss back she pulls away.

"They're already here, aren't they?" The three of us step out of our hiding spot. Ms. Blake backs away, like she's afraid of us. "So they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?"

"We told him you're the one killing people." Scott corrects.

"Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices. Cutting their throats? I probably do it during my lunch hour. That way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense."

"Where's my dad?" Stiles shakily asks.

"How would I know? Derek, tell me you don't believe this."

"Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?" Derek questions.

"No. I have no idea."

"Well, how about why you almost killed Lydia?" I ask, my glare hardening.

"Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that."

"What do you know?" Derek snaps.

"I know these three teenagers, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. One they can't prove, by the way."

"What if we could?" Scott asks, stopping Ms. Blake from continuing her rant.

She looks away from Derek and back over to Scott, finally noticing the vial in his hand. "What is that?"

"Mistletoe. My boss told me it's a poison and a cure. Which means you can use it, but it can also be used against you." Scott throws the mistletoe at Ms. Blake. She raises her hands but we can all still see how her face changes to show the slashed face of the Darach.

Derek flinches like he was punched then as soon as the dust settles he rushes towards Ms. Blake, grabbing her by her throat. "No, Derek wait- wait, just wait. You need me."

"What are you?" Derek asks through gritted teeth.

"The only person who can save your sister." Derek freezes, "Call Peter. Call him."

Once Derek is off the phone with Peter he starts squeezing Jennifer's throat harder. "Derek? What are you doing?" Scott questions.

Jennifer chokes out, "Her life- it's in my hands."

"Stop. Derek, stop." Stiles calls out.

"Stilinski-you'll never find him."

"Derek, enough!" I yell at the Alpha, hoping he'll listen to me.

Finally he releases his grip, "That's right. You need me. All of you."


In Stiles' jeep, we follow Derek's car to the hospital. "We're going to find your Dad." Scott says.

"Alive." I add.

Stiles sighs, "How do we know he's not already..."

"He's not. We're going to find him." Scott reassures.

"Something feels wrong about this. We proved it to Derek, but she had this look like it didn't matter. Like it was all still going according to plan. You saw it, didn't you?"

Scott reluctantly nods as I answer, "Yeah, and I have a feeling."

"You have a feeling?"

"I have a feeling." I confirm.

"Danger sense?" Scott asks.

"It- it's not the danger sense. More like a pre- danger sense. I know something bad is going to happen but it doesn't feel like someone's going to die."

"Well, that could be a good thing."

I shrug, "It could be."


Once at the hospital Stiles parks the jeep beside Derek's car. The hospital is in a frenzy due to people evacuating because of the storm. Stiles pulls a wooden baseball bat out of his car, causing Scott and I to pause. "You got claws. I got a bat."

We enter the hospital through a side door, stopping when we hear our mom call, "Scarlett, Scott?" We turn to look at her as she continues, "What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating."

"We're here for Cora." Scott answers.

"All of you? And why does Stiles have a bat?"

"Mom, trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now."

She looks past Scott and I to see Derek holding on to Jennifer, "The building is supposed to be clear in thirty minutes. We've got two more ambulances coming back. One is ten minute's out. The other's twenty. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."

"Got it, be safe." I say, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"You too." She whispers, watching us walk away.

In the elevator we all keep a close eye on Jennifer. "You don't need to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help." We all stay silent, Derek still tightly gripping her upper arm.

One we step out of the elevator Derek lets go of Jennifer to look for his sister. Instead of seeing Cora and Peter we see an empty bed and black throw up on the floor. "Derek." Scott calls, gesturing in the direction of the black drops.

We carefully walk towards the double doors, but before we can push them open a body soars through them. Groaning, Peter looks up, "We got a problem." He turns his attention back towards who attacked him, "Big problem." Through the doors are the twins in their combined Alpha form.


Derek, Scott, and I all quickly switch to our werewolf forms. I try and attack but am quickly overpowered. The twins throw me into the wall, "Ethan, Aiden-stop. You don't know what you're doing." Scott says.

"All we want is her." The twins say, gesturing towards Jennifer, who is slipping back into the elevator.

"That bitch." I grunt out as I shove myself off the floor. We all quickly run away from the twins. We run behind Stiles, Peter, and an unconscious Cora, who is being carried in Peter's arms.

Stiles, trying to be helpful, decides to try and take the twins by surprise. He hides next to the door and once the twins walk through he swings the bat at their face. The bat breaks as it comes in contact with their cheek.

The twins turn towards Stiles, who now has a look of pure horror on his face, and roars. Stiles begins to take steps back to put as much distance between himself and the twins as possible.

I hear Scott say to Derek, "Give me a lift." Then a few seconds later Scott is flying through the air, ripping out the light fixture, and sending it to land on the twins head.

I quickly grab a hold of Stiles, getting him to run with me away from the twins.


Peter and Stiles rush into an operating room. Derek, Scott and I are right behind them. "Where's the big guy?" Peter asks once he puts Cora down.

"Close." Derek states.

"What about Ms. Blake?" Stiles questions.

Scott and I shake our heads, "The last I saw her she was getting into the elevator." I answer.

"What? Like she's gone?" Stiles asks.

"Quiet." Derek scolds.

"Me by quiet? You're telling me what to do? When your psychotic mass murdering girlfriend- the second one you've dated by the way- has my dad tied up somewhere waiting to be ritually sacrificed?"

I walk over to Stiles and gently grab his face, "Hey, hey. He's going to be alright. I promise. Just breath, okay?"

"You can't promise that, Scar."

"I just did. And I don't break my promises." Stiles swallows and nods.

From behind me, Scott asks Peter, "Is she really dying?"

"She's definitely not getting any better." Peter answers, looking down at his niece. As Peter answers, I finally let go of Stiles' face so we can both properly listen in to the conversation.

"There has to be something we can do. We have to help her."

"You can't." We all turn to the new voice. Jennifer is back, standing on the opposite side of the room, "Only I can. I can save her and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there's a pack of Alpha's in this hospital who want me dead. I'll help you only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."

Derek instantly tries to attack her but Scott stops him. "Derek, wait-"

"She was trying to get out."

"I was trying to keep from getting killed. You can't blame me for that." Jennifer argues.

"You want to show us you're one of the good guys?" Stiles asks, he then points to Cora, "Heal her."

"Not until I'm safe."

"That doesn't seem fair. We need two things from you yet you only need one from us. How do we know that the minute we get you to safety you won't just take off?" I ask.

Jennifer shakes her head, "I've never met a Zeta before but if they're anything like you I really hope I don't meet anymore."

"Yeah, well this Zeta isn't particularly fond of you either."

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion." Peter pipes up, "How about we torture her?"

"Works for me." Derek replies.

At the same time I say, "Sounds like a plan."

Before we get the chance to act on our threat, the PA system crackles to life. "Um... Can I have your attention."

"Mom?" I whisper.

"Mr. Deucalion- excuse me, just Deucalion- requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. Do this and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

"He's not going to hurt her." Jennifer says the second the PA clicks off.

"Shut up." Derek snaps.

"He won't. Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true."

"What does she mean?"

"Scott?" I ask, looking at my twin.

"You're not the only one he wants in his pack." Jennifer continues. "Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of Alphas to his ranks."

"A True Alpha." Peter says, a look of awe on his face.

"What's that?" Stiles asks.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal the power from another. The kind that can rise by their own force of will. Our little Scott."

"It doesn't matter." Scott says, he nods to Jennifer, "We still have to get her out of here."

Jennifer smirks, "You don't realize that it's not just you he wants."

"What's that supposed to mean? Why would he want-" I pause, cutting myself off. "He wants me?"

Jennifer nods, "Took you long enough to figure it out. You may not be an Alpha, but Zeta's are incredibly powerful. And if he can find an Alpha for you to kill, maybe even sacrificing one of his own, you'll be even stronger."

There's a brief pause, Scott finally breaks it, "We need a plan to get her out of here."

"But your mom-" Stiles tries to argue.

"My mom said there was one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes. I don't think we've been here that long. If we could get down to the garage, we could get that last ambulance and get out of here."

"The twins aren't going to just let us walk out the door." Peter states.

"I'll distract them."

"You mean fight them." Derek says.

"Whatever I have to do."

"I'll help."

"Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek." Ms. Blake interrupts.

"I'll do it. But I'd prefer going out there with an advantage." Peter says.

"What's that mean? Like a weapon?" Stiles asks.

"Something better than a baseball bat, yes." We quickly start looking around the room trying to find something that Peter could use to aid him in the fight against the twins.

Stiles raises a set of defibrillator paddles, "Do you even know how to use those?" Derek asks.

"No." Stiles replies.

"Then put them down."

"Epinephrine?" Scott asks, holding up a syringe with a clear liquid inside.

"That would just make them stronger," I answer, not looking up from my search.

I only stop looking around when I hear Peter ask, "How strong?"


Stiles and I lead Jennifer and Derek, with a still unconscious Cora, through the garage. "It's still here." Stiles states when he sees the ambulance parked.

Derek places his sister down on the gurney then walks over to Jennifer who just called his name. Stiles and I then hear Kali calling for Ms. Blake, though she calls her Julia, the name that Jennifer used to go by.

I quickly push Stiles into the back of the ambulance then hop in behind him, shutting the doors. I put a finger to my lips telling him to stay quiet.

When I know that Kali, Derek, and Jennifer are gone I look at Stiles, "Lock the doors behind me."

"Scarlett, what are you-" I don't let him finish the question though because I am already out of the door and moving heading back into the hospital.

Rushing inside, I strain my ears to hear anyone that is on my side. I tilt my head, listening to some people talking. I quickly realize that it's Isaac, Allison, and Mr. Argent and make my way to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I walk about behind them.

Argent turns around quickly, his gun aimed at my head. "Woah, just me." I state, raising my hands in surrender.

Argent lowers the gun. "Don't sneak up on us next time."

"Noted. But seriously why are you here? The hospital is supposed to be evacuated and it's really not safe here with the Alpha pack on a rampage."

Allison opens her mouth to explain but before she can we hear Scott, "Allison?"

All together now Scott explains to us that Jennifer and Derek are stuck in the elevator. "So they're essentially trapped?" Argent asks.

Scott nods. "There's no way to get them out without turning the power back on?" Isaac questions.

"Wait, when the power's back on, they'll hear the elevator moving, right?" Mom asks.

"And they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops. we can't get into a fight with them."

"We need a distraction." I say.

"You've got us now." Argent replies.

"It's too much of a risk. They want her dead. And if she dies, there's nothing we can do about Stiles' dad or Cora."

"What if she's lying though? She could be just saying we need her so that we help her." Everyone looks at me with looks of wonder, "What? It's what I would do."

"I am so happy you're not the bad guy. You would be like an evil genius." Allison says, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips.

"I don't even think I know which teacher this is." Argent states.

"She's got brown hair, kind of hot." Isaac starts. We all throw him looks that pretty much say 'what the hell', "Just an observation."

"I've got an idea." Allison says.


Scott and I rush to meet Derek and Jennifer at the open elevator doors. But we stop in shock when we see an unconscious Derek. "Mom." We both whisper together, eyes widening at the realization that Jennifer was in fact lying to us.

"Go!" I scream at Scott. He rushes up to the roof to try and stop Jennifer from taking our mom while I rush to Derek trying to get him to wake up.

"Scott! Scott, wait!" I hear Stiles yell from behind me.

"Why are you here? I thought you were with Cora?" I ask as Stiles makes his way to me.

"They're getting out of here, we need to stop Scott."

"What? Stiles-" I yell after him, but he doesn't listen as he chases Scott up the stairs.

I shake my head but turn away, trying to wake Derek up once more.

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