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Chapter 4: Evolution

/ Status /

HP- 100/100

MP- 300/300

Souls- 1/5 (get 5 souls for evolution)

Race- Devil Baby

Strength- 20

Agility- 30

Intelligence- 60

Dexterity- 20

Defense- 10

Skills- Sprint (active), Slash (active), Tail Whip (active), Devil Eyes (active), Soul adsorption (passive), Devils guide (passive).

As soon as Jacob saw that his MP is full, he cautiously walks towards the exit of the cave only to find himself flabbergasted at the sight before him.

He found himself on the edge of a cliff looking down at a forest. but this forest wasn't normal as its tree were made from the blackest bark he's ever seen and their leaves were all blood red not like the reddish orange in the usual fall. However, what was most surprising and confusing was the color of the sky. What looked like hazy red cloud hovering above everything for as long as the eyes could see. This mist was pierced in several places by what looked to be pointing rock formations.

"Holy shit! Hell is a fucking cave?!" exclaimed Jacob, though as usual only screeches came out. In his mind, if one had to imagine hell, it'll be another dimension with black skies or something. Then he paused as maybe they really were in another dimension and if so then he can't rely on his common sense from Earth.

As he was about to back away from his cave to contemplate how to get down, he tripped and fell hard on his tail, causing him to squeal out loud.

"Fuck! This feel like I've been kicked in the nuts!" he exclaimed as he gently rubbed his tail.

"Wait..." He thought as he slowly looked down before jumping back as if to get away from his reality. His little buddy was nowhere to be seen. After he's calmed down a bit he realized that he doesn't have any "reproductive organs" at all.

"Gender will be given after first evolution." the now seemingly angelic monotonous voice reassured.

After he calmed down, he looked for the reason he tripped only to see that his claws have dug into the ground due to his surprise at being hundreds of meters high. What surprised him was how easily his claws cut the hard ground without him even noticing. As he was amazed at his new deadly assets, an idea suddenly popped into his head.

He walked back towards the exit and dug his claws into the side of the cliff to the right of the cave. His claws easily pierced into the cliff. As he gathered his courage, he jumped and dug his other claw into it and clung as tightly as he could. Instinctively, he dug his back claws into the cliff as well.

After he calmed down a bit, he started slowly descending the cliff. As he was halfway down the cliff, an ear-piercing screech echoed across the sides of the cliff causing him to immediately stop. As he was looking around, he noticed that although he has some spikes across his back, they didn't hinder his neck at all unless he tried to stand up straight.

He shook off all useless thoughts when he saw a giant vulture like demon beast coming at him. Only its general shape is like a vulture from Earth with its neck drooping in the middle and bald head,etc. However that's where there similarities end. For one thing, it had rows of sharp teeth in its beak and if one looked closely, they could see some spinning rows of teeth going down its throat as if to shred the already shredded meat it eats. It's feather were a mixture of pitch black and blood red and it legs looked somewhat scaly with talons that looking like they could cut through butter as good as a light saber from star wars. There was also the fact that it was five times the size of an Earth vulture and ten times the size of himself.

As Jacob looked at this monstrously huge bird, he realized with a start that it was circling around looking at him cautiously. He didn't really get it but was happy. If all demon beasts were to only cautiously observe him then his chances at survival would increase greatly. As he was also observing the vulture, it suddenly screeched at the top of its lungs causing the sound to echo across the cliff before diving towards Jacob.

As Jacob saw this, he felt surprisingly calm. He had noticed that some things about him has changed ever since the thoughts like "lowly demon" and the such came to him in his previous fight. He also noticed that only when he's out of battle that his emotions and thoughts stayed somewhat human. However at the moment, he was about to engage in combat of life and death.

As the demon beast closed in, Jacob jumped towards the right and let himself fall a few meters before digging his claws back into the cliff, sliding down before stopping as the vulture crashed into his previous spot. As it jumped off, it glared angrily at him before diving yet again. As it was about to crash into him, Jacob used his <Tail Whip> to launch off the cliff and land on the vultures back.

The vulture arches it back and screeched in rage before launching itself into the air with it's powerful wings, trying to blow the annoying pest off its back.

After using <Tail Whip>, Jacob's body felt extremely heavy as his MP drains. As he dug his claws into the demons beast's back, it screeched in pain before changing direction and flew towards a big cave in the cliff. As it was flying towards it, Jacob had had enough of this stupid bird, so he planned to finish it off in one move.

"Die motherfucker!!" He thought as he screeched and used <Slash> to pierce the demon's skull. It's body turned rigid for a few seconds before started to plummet towards the cave, only half gliding as Jacob held its wings to reduce the fall damage.

As they crashed into the cave, the body of the bird landed with a big "BOOM!" while Jacob flew off its back and crashed into the wall at the end of the cave. The toll of the climb and the skills he used cost him a lot of energy as the crash at the end finally made him give in to sleep.

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