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Chapter 3: Ch. 2

Shego was old. One of the oldest beings that still dwelled on Earthland. He had seen the birth and death of Gods, the rise and fall of various civilizations, the extermination of species, but the brat who he'd taken an interest a year ago topped the cake.

The boy had been a normal human with no Magical Power in his body. Edwin had been dying when he found him, and he didn't plan on helping him, but Shego had felt an energy that he was familiar with sprung within the boy. He didn't think that it was possible, but it had happened in front of his eyes.

For the next year, Edwin lived with him, and Shego had witnessed the boy grow in strength. His physique improved by leaps and bounds, and his Magical Power grew unnaturally. It was fascinating to Shego how the human boy improved so much. He wasn't even sure if he was actually a human.

Edwin had been lying on the ground, beaten and exhausted from their fight when he suddenly sprang on his feet with happiness radiating off him. Shego felt the boy's Magical Power grow unnaturally once more as it did from time to time. Edwin had stared as if he was looking at something only he could see, something he did quite often when his expression suddenly turned sour.

The boy had then started cursing every God known to men before rushing at a nearby tree and starting to punch and kick it with all his might. Shego wondered what had the poor tree done to Edwin to deserve this treatment.

Shogo shook his head at the boy's antics. Edwin was an enigma even to someone as old as him. That wasn't easy to achieve, considering he was millions of years old.

The reason for Edwin's aggression on the poor tree was simple. He had tried selecting Water God Slaying Magic in memory of Matron Nera when another window popped up denying him, and saying he needs to have 50 Spirit to chose it. He then tried selecting Earth God Slaying Magic, and the same thing happened.

Edwin was livid! '50 Spirit? 50 Spirit? How the hell am I supposed to get 50 Spirit!? That's 40.5 more than I have!'

His dream was offered to him on a silver platter, no, a gold platter, or even a diamond platter, but then someone took that platter and threw it away. He didn't even think about it, he just stood up and started beating the nearest tree he found. He needed to take his anger on something.

Edwin didn't know how long he kept punching the tree, but at some point, he calmed down. He took a few deep breaths before looking at his status. He didn't try selecting the Mage Class since he was only going to get angered again, and he had just calmed down. Instead, he picked the only other Class that was available to him, Hunter.

'No matter. I will continue leveling other Classes until I can pick a Magic from the Mage one.' He thought to himself and hoped something else would show itself after maxing out the Hunter Class.

Edwin's days continued as they before until he encountered his first problem. With a frown, he stared at his status.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 12

Class: Hunter 0/5 (150/150 XP)

Martial Artist 5/5

Warrior 5/5


Strenght: 12.2

Dexterity: 11.9

Spirit: 9.5


Shooting 0/5

Martial Arts 6/10]

Gaining XP was easy for him due to the XP farm called Shego. The problem was that despite having the necessary XP to level up, his Shooting Skill hadn't improved the slightest. But there was nothing much he could do about it since he didn't have a way to improve it.

Edwin would need some kind of ranged weapon for increase Shooting. Sadly, Shego had absolutely no other possession than his one-room cottage and bed. So, that left only two options for him.

One, he could try and create some kind of bow for himself. That would be his go-to if he actually knew how to do it. He didn't even bother asking Shego if he knew since the man didn't even know how to cook.

Edwin's second option was to go and search for a village or a city, and procure a weapon from there. The problem with that was that he had no money or possession to barter for it. Well, he had the clothes on his body that looked like rags at this point and his knife that he used to skin the animals he hunted. And calling his 'weapon' a knife would be like calling a stick a sword since it was nothing more than a sharp stone he had found.

'I'm doomed. If I can't get a ranged weapon, I would never be able to become a Mage, I would never be able to have my revenge.' Edwin thought. He wanted to cry and wallow in his misery, but no tears came of out his eyes.

'No! I can't quit now! I will find a way! If I don't have anything to trade with, I will get it! The question is, what can I get my hands on?'

Edwin started thinking about what valuable thing he could obtain in the forest. However, there wasn't much of value there. The fruit there was something easily obtainable, the animals were nothing special except for the bear in the nearby cave.

'The bear! I've read in stories that pelt of the bear is used as a trophy.' Edwin had almost forgotten about the bear after learning how good of an XP farm was Shego. There hadn't been a need for him to bother the animal.

'But I don't know how to skin it. Every time I've skinned the animals I hunted, I ruined the pelts since my 'knife' isn't really meant for skinning animals.'

Edwin thought about it before deciding to somehow kill the bear without damaging its fur too much and then drag it to the nearest village or town. That shouldn't be too hard since he was far stronger than a year ago. His Strength was 12 times what it was back then. So now he had to find the nearest village/town.

"Hey, dirt face," Edwin called out to Shego.

"Whatcha' want, brat?"

"Do you know where's the nearest village or town to here?"

"Hmmm?" Shego looked at him questioningly before raising his hand and spinning in place. He stopped with his hand pointing North-East. "Thataway!"

Edwin narrowed his eyes and asked. "And how far is it?"

"Hmmm... a bit over ten thousand steps," Shego answered and looked at his smaller stature. "It might take you a bit over eleven thousand, shorty."

"Can't you use normal measures or something?" Edwin asked, irritate by Shego's answer.

"What's more normal than counting how many steps it takes you to go somewhere?" Shego asked as if there was some other way.

"Do you count how many steps it takes you everywhere you go?" Edwin asked him back.

"Don't you?" Shego asked if that wasn't obvious.

"Uhg, whatever. I will be gone for a few days. I need to buy... some new clothes," Edwin said and pointed at what he was currently wearing. "Those already look like rags, and I've already outgrown them."

"Hmmm? They look fine to me, but do whatever you want brat," Shego replied and said before Edwin left. "Try not to die a gruesome death."

"What?" Edwin turned around.

"Try. Not. To. Die. A. Gruesome. Death," Shego repeated.

"I heard you the first time," Edwin replied in irritation.

"Then why did you react like that. Smh."

"I'm not going to die before I kill Farion and its creator!" Edwin declared with conviction.

"Mhm, whatever you say, brat. Just got for a heroic death. That sounds like a more fun way to go. Make sure you don't accidentally die, that's the worst way to go. Now that I think about it..."

Edwin left without bothering to listen to the delirious man. He would've left a long time ago if Shego wasn't such a good XP farm, which is why he planned on returning after he gets a ranged weapon.

The bear's cave was the opposite direction of the nearest settlement, South-West, and it didn't take him long to reach there. Edwin stood outside of it for a moment, deciding on what to do.

Entering inside means he would have to fight against the bear in its territory. As confident as he was after progressing so much in the past month, he wasn't confident enough to think he would beat the bear Scott-Free inside its home.

Finding a way to get it out seemed the better option. For that matter, he wasn't even sure if the bear was at home or out hunting. There was a stream nearby that Edwin had seen it frequently at, so he figured he would check there first.

The bear wasn't there, meaning he had to figure out a way to get it out of its cave. Fish, since it loved feasting on the, was his first choice, but catching them would be a problem. Edwin never had success with that, and he had tried more than once. The fish were too slippery in the water, and he didn't have a weapon like a spear or a net to catch them.

In the end, he decided to catch something else for the bear to use as bait. A squirrel was the first animal he spotted. It wasn't hard for Edwin to catch it since he had experience with the tricky rodent. Plus, he was faster than the squirrel, so the moment he spotted it was the moment he caught it pretty much.

With the dead squirrel in hand, he returned to the cave entrance. Using his 'trusty' knife, he cut the head of the rodent and dropped it there. He threw a few stones inside the cave before walking back and waiting for the cave.

Edwin considered even making a trap, but he had no idea how. Even though he had the Hunter Class, he had Trapping Skill. That could've been a lot more helpful than Shooting, but it was what it was. He would play with the cards that he was dealt with and use them as best as he could.

A roar came from inside the cave, followed by the large brown-furred animal. The bear was as tall as Edwin even when on all four, but he wasn't scared of it. The beast was nothing compared to the Demon that destroyed Nevios. Farion roar shook the earth, his beams disintegrated everything they touched, and it was as tall as a hill. The bear looked cute compared to the Demon.

The beast let out another roar before running towards Edwin. He was calm and focused, thinking on how to best kill the bear without damaging its fur too much. There didn't seem to possible, but he danced pass the swipe of the beast, his Martial Arts skill guiding on the best way to dodge.

The game of cat and mouse continued for a few minutes, but Edwin couldn't formulate a plan to kill it without damaging the fur. Deciding to just go for it, he slammed the bear in the face after dodging another swipe.

The beast staggered back and got stunned from the strength behind his attack. Before the bear could recover, Edwin followed up with his trusty 'knife' by stabbing with an underhand strike in the neck. Quickly, he pulled it out, so the beast could bleed out.

From there, Edwin continued punching the bear in the face and stunning it for a bit, until it fell on the ground. He walked towards it, but he didn't drop his guard. He'd seen animals faking their deaths multiple times when hunting them.

That was indeed the case as the bear tried swiping him when Edwin neared it. He dodged with ease and slammed his fist in its face. The bear fell down once more, but Edwin waited for a dozen minutes, making sure that it was dead this time.

With the beast taken care of, now he had to haul it to the nearest settlement. Edwin thought it shouldn't be too hard. Eleven thousand steps sounded a lot, but it just sounded like that. Right?

1dope4 1dope4

Whoever thought I was gonna give em something op like God Slayer Magic so early got scammed. Honestly, 50 Spirit might even be to little for something as op as that, but I think its fine. If you think otherwise, let me know.

Now, I think I need to mention that he won't be given any Quests by the System/Gamer. I really don't like them, especially the ones that have penalties like: death or losing his ability. They make it look as if the MC is a slave to the system and has no freedom of choice. As a reader you know that there is no way he would fail a Quest since dying/losing his ability would be the endo of the story.

Quests are there to force the MC to do something just because of plot. I'd rather Edwin have his freedom to chose what he wants. Instead, there would be limitations by his ability like the one witht he God Slayer Magic. Again, I'm not sure if 50 Spirit is too little, so let me know what you think in the comments.

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